Episode 3: School of Hard Knocks


Allen McNabb//Lazarus

Mood: Class... ing. Classy?

Location: EC Classroom


"Well, we are here to learn!" Allen smiled underneath his little yellow origami hat.

"So! Emotional Composure." He turned to the board. "What are... emotions?"

He sketched the seven small images he had practiced for a few days: :D   :(   >:(   :o   :$   o.O   :x

"Emotions are... err, these." he pointed the faces in order. "Happiness, sadness, anger, fear-and-surprise, 'embrassment', confusion, and love!" He nodded and beamed. "Can anyone think of any other emotions?"

Hunter Red Ward

Location: Facility 108

Nearby: Sam ( @Lioness075 )

Disposition: We're going to be here awhile...

Red hadn't even bothered to brace for the punch that was delivered to the face. It would be hard to tell from Sam's point of view his reaction to the punch. Though the layer of metal in Red's skull that Sam hit directly might be more of an attention-grabber.

"See, I was hoping that when I see someone that looks like the beanpole factory reject of a Gremlin, that they would at least know how to throw a proper punch." he grunted, reaching up and latching his hand onto her arm. He always came true with his promises.

In one swift motion, Sam was off the ground and thrown across the room and right onto the wall behind Red with a resounding thud.

"If I was the enemy, your little punch would get you killed. Try Again."


Jordan Short-Tempered Brahn

Location: Emotional Composure Class.

Nearby: Allen McNabb ( @Bag o Fruit )

Cecilia ( @Necessity4Fun )


Did this freak really spend five minutes making hearts over a goddamn whiteboard emoticon?

Part of Jordan wanted to just sit back, studying the subject's mannerisms in silent. Unfortunately, that line of thought was in the minority, two to five, to be precise. Three to five wanted nothing more than to badger McNabb so goddamn much they were screaming inside Jordan's head to make it so. Well...Yay Democracy....

"How's about Annoyed? Bemused? Dumbfounded? Skeptical? ENRAGED?" Jordan began listing off other emotions, all of which may or may not have been the choice ones he was going through simultaneously. Five minds in one sucked sometimes. It really, really does.
Minah Saotome
Location:Political Powers Classroom

Mood: Inquisitive

Tags: @Captain Hesperus @too much idea

Minah had been quite shocked when their teacher up and left just like that. As far as she knew, teachers shouldn't do that, but surely Mr. Denzil had his reasons. His tone seemed concerned for someone on the other end of the phone. He confirmed it later to be an emergency concerning a loved one. She didn't think much of it, it could happen to everyone, after all. Now the class was left to handle its own discourse, though not for long. Just a few moments later, too soon for any of them to begin discussing, another man barged in impolitely, a man that contrasted sharply to Mr. Denzil's refined and courteous demeanor. If looks accounted for anything, he was about her age and possessed more than enough brash to share with a crowd of edgy teenagers. With the way he took over the whole scene, Minah could only deduce that this man....was their substitute teacher.

A conversation grew between him and the girl sitting close to her (never really got her name), but the result of it didn't make sense to her. More precisely, Minah thought he was only stating the most obvious of facts. Was this a chance to get some of that sweet, sweet extra credit and make her father proud? Was such a thing even possible? Yes, it was. She immediately rose her hand to begin expressing her opinion.

"Excuse me, sir, but I think you are being...what's the term? Admiral Obvious Man," she said. Don't speak like that, people don't like it, a thought whispered. She elected to ignore it. "You used the words 'freak'.  That implies a dissenter of the common norm; surely that included someone who would willingly and intentionally disrupt the peace. Removing freaks from the scene of the event would make the event a...not event. Like history that not would be, it would not happen in the first place. You state the obvious. Admiral Obvious Man." Even though her face remained neutral, she was smiling brightly inside. She was helping the class, contributing with her words. Bapak would be so proud. There was no way her logic could undermine the discourse in the first place. Impossible.

It feels good, man.

Cecilia Rizzo Pellegrini


Location: AEGIS Facility 108 - Emotional Composure Classroom
People Around: Mr. McNabb and Jordan
 @Zahzi, @Bag o Fruit

Okay, this seems like a good start!

Relieved and grateful that the class had finally started, Cecilia grabbed a notebook and an automatic pencil from her backpack, putting the objects above the desk. She might not even come to use them, but it was always better to have those ready in case they proved needed, than to have to grab them as the need revealed itself. 
She listened attentively to Mr. Allen's speech. At first, the Italian just blinked at the question. This had been, uhh, slow progressing? Of course it was an introduction, so it was expected to be slow. But, it seemed unusually flat and short, even for a first class on a subject...

Still admiring the cute emoticons, confused about the lesson so far, the girl listened to Jordan's addition to the class. At least he was participating, though, these all sounded like different kinds of anger and confusion... Or were they not? Perhaps she was wrong, and these counted as their own thing... Emotions are complex! Following the white haired boy's cue, the girl added her own examples. She was curious as to where this would lead the discussion to:

"I'm going to add: disgust, pride, hope and uhhh...Can trust considered be an emotion?", Cecil asked, directing the question at no one in particular, "I tried going for very different ones from the few in the board, but, then I started confusing myself...", she completed with an awkward smile.

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Danny Travis

Location: Political Powers classroom

Mood: Getting down to business.


Danny half-scowled at the seated girl, unsure if she was being 'adorably dim' or 'a fucking sarcastic bitch'. He decided to roll with it, either way. If she was stupid, he could use her to further piss off the other prissy bitch, if she was sarcastic he'd give her a burn so bad, they'd have to use her dental records to identify her.

He clapped his hands condescendingly, "Well, well. There's a good insight, see? And the term is 'Captain Obvious', puddin'. But our quaint observer has it down pat. If freaks, or Supers, or whatever the fuck you want to call us, were locked away from the normals, then all the trouble would be dealt with. Yes, disasters would still happen, earthquakes, floods, meteors falling from outer space, but the disaster relief would be met by normals, not some freaks who fly or have metal skin or who can shoot lasers from their eyes. People are scared of what they don't understand, they fear and despise what they can't explain. Yeah, we can say 'our powers come from the mutation of a gene in our bodies', but seriously, if you were a normal on the train or in your car, going to work and some dude up and bench-presses a metro bus right in front of you, wouldn't that freak you the fuck out? Wouldn't your thoughts, inevitably, turn to 'fuck, I hope I never piss someone like that off'. Down the line, Mister Bus-lifter might go off the rails, might go power-mad. After all, he's got the strength of ten thousand men, who the fuck's gonna stop him doing anything he wants?"

He stood up and went to the whiteboard, circling the word 'Zoo' in a series of messy circles.

"Now the zoo situation is a good example of 'if Supers weren't there, nothing would have happened'. It was the fucking Ostrich Whisperer who staged a mass break-out of the birds. If he'd been locked away from the first time he exhibited his powers, nothing would have happened, no-one would have been hurt, no-one would have...", he paused, the crumpled remains of Lucas laid on blood-streaked snow flashing across his vision, "...died."

He gritted his teeth for a moment, staring at the board. Suddenly, this wasn't so much fun.

He spun around to face the girls again, his face serious.

"The zoo incident was started by a Super, and it was made worse by other Supers. Untrained kids blowing their loads all over the everything, being mismanaged by two so-called adults. Adults who were supposed to be teaching us to be responsible. Instead, one of them started going all 'Hong Kong Fooey' all over the birds she could reach and the other was wandering around in a daze it seemed like. As for the other junior freaks, they were doing a whole bunch of fuck all. Some were trying to catch birds and only succeeding in maiming and killing them, some were trying to get their hands on the freak responsible and some were actually trying to preserve life by getting people safely away."

He remembered the image of the angelic figures plucking people off the ground and spiriting them away to safety.

"All in all, it was a shitstorm. And I'm surprised that the body count was not higher. With the Titanic Teen all buck-naked and stomping all over the place and a pair of fuckboys riding around on ostriches like a pair of assholes, we were fucking lucky that when the emergency services actually arrived they weren't carting more corpses away."

He paused for effect.

"Like they had to do at Owen Mills."

He stabbed the point of the marker underneath the word 'Mall'.
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Sam Casan

Location: How Not To Kill Classroom

Tag(s): @Zahzi

Mood: Shit, pain.

When Sam struck Hunter, the last thing she'd imagined happening was breaking bones in her hand with a sickening crack. Christ, is this guy made of metal, too?

Before giving the question much thought, and not entirely hearing what Hunter said next, Sam let out a startled scream with wide eyes, as the pain finally settled in from her hand that was likely not going to be able to deliver another punch for a long time.

Before she could even bring her arm in to her body to protect her hurt hand, Hunter grabbed her arm and Sam let out a strangled yelp before she was thrown into a wall, her side crashing into it before she collapsed onto the ground. Landing on all fours normally was the best way for Sam to break one of her falls, except she had broken bones in her hand, or so it felt, and thus, she landed with another pained cry before collapsing heroically onto her face.

Hugging her injured hand to her chest now, Sam slowly stood up on her remaining three limbs intact, four if one counted the prehensile tail.

Hearing Hunter saying her punch was all but useless and she would've died in a real fight, Sam scowled and stood up on her hind legs before wiping away the tears from her face. Her head was throbbing with the pain resonating from her hand and now her likely-to-be bruised side. What kind of class is this?

Taking a moment to look around the room for a different approach, Sam got an idea and hoped her powers would keep obeying her for the time being.

Dashing to the side of the room and reverting to being on her hind legs and one good arm, Sam bounded to Hunter's far right before she turned towards him and briefly vanished from sight. When she reappeared, Sam was in the air to Hunter's right side, mid-flip with her dagger-like end of her tail whipping down at Hunter's shoulder and neck with plenty of speed to back up her attack.
Minah Saotome
Location: Political Powers Classroom

Mood: Sympathetic

Tags: @Captain Hesperus @too much idea

Now, he didn't give much of a first impression, but Minah was increasingly enjoying their new substitute teacher. The way he delivered what he knew was crass and perhaps unprofessional (she wasn't a professional, so she can't judge), but she respected that. It was the way she had been taught to act all those years ago by the Aceh insurgents and though she had thoroughly hated those times and still do, she saw in hindsight how effective it was. Whatever amount the facility was paying him, she'd daresay it wasn't enough.

And in a way, she pitied him. He was so far showing an unreasonable amount of hatred for Supers (so that was what he meant by freaks...). Implying that by being here, he would most likely be a Super himself, Minah deduced that something in his past caused this. Trauma, if you will. This man was in pain, just like she was. In another reality, she could very well be like him. Be like this. She felt for him, deeply. Which also felt strange since she was a student and he was a teacher. Lowkey treading on forbidden ground here. She reminded herself to keep it professional, and offered her rebuttal.

"Sir, I understand completely. Not everyone gifted with powers has the patience and sense of responsibility to become the heroes people expect us to be. That's why places like this exist, I assume. But don't fault others for trying their best. Hopelessness is a horrible thing to feel. I've been intimate with it once upon a time....and I must again assume that you have too." There is a notable change of tone in her voice as she continued. Intentional or not, she coated each word with emotion. "In the face of it, we want to fight it. Do everything we can to feel like we are in control of the situation. Such natural instincts leads to bad things, often, but it is what we do. With or without powers, we are only human. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, we don't act like we're supposed to. You've felt something like that before, right?" Minah coughed out a figurative frog in her throat and resumed.

"Speaking of wrong places and wrong times, I think that's precisely what happened. A terrible event occurred and the people there were neither equipped nor prepared to handle it. For example, had I been on the scene at the zoo, I could've handled the birds as my powers happen to revolve around them. Here, just watch!" Holding up her hand, Minah beckoned a mass of crows to her and soon enough, gathered in the windows, grimly blotting out the evening sun. While it may have looked scary, she just smiled at the sight.

"See? I'm a Bird Whispererer myself. If I was there, my powers could pacify them. But life rarely makes it easy. Instead, I had to be at the mall, nearly crushed by rubble." She lowered her hand and the flocks began to disperse until nary a crow was in sight. "These things happen, but life goes on. We learn from what we did wrong and don't do it again. That's what we need to do now. That's what we should be discussing now."

Morgan Neverlin

Location: Political Powers Classroom

Mood: Mildly Stressed


Late, as usual. And on her first day, no less. She rehearsed what she'd say to the teacher as she walked in and hurriedly took the closest seat she could find, 

'Sorry, I'm new. Couldn't find the classroom. I'm Morgan by the way.'

She slung up her satchel around her shoulders and stepped softly through the halls. Well, as softly as she could in her bound-leather, lace-up combat boots. Political Powers. That was the name of the class she was attending. The single class. She was in luck, at least, that it was something she found even remotely interesting. Hopefully, the more volatile students, because, c'mon, of course they had those, had elected to take classes with edgier-sounding names, like 'How Not to Kill', or, 'How to Be a Complete Douche Lord 101' came to  mind. She arrived at the door to her classroom after what felt like ages (Aegis) and with only a split second's hesitation, turned the knob (or activated whatever sort of apparatus was in place for the opening of said door) and entered. She was moderately surprised by what she saw.

"Sorry, I'm new here, um... Yeah." Fuck. There was something else she wanted to say. Her script! She'd forgotten her script! 

She hung her head, so as to not make any eye contact, and sunk into the nearest desk she could find before un-slinging her bag and setting it on the desktop. All of them must have been staring at her. She knew she would, if she were in their position. Then, she looked up, saw the flock of little black birbs cawing at the window and thought to herself, 'Shit. That's a lot of birbs.' She hazarded a glance around the room, at the faces of her new classmates. They seemed nice, but they could all be ass-hats. Only time will tell.

"So... Are we working on, like, an assignment? Or... something?" Surely the teacher had some kind of lesson plan, a few lecture topics, and other teacherly shit. Then again... none of the present individuals seemed even old enough to be a teacher. Then again, the one who was standing in front of the board, next to the word 'Zoo', circled a billion times.

'Ah, figures.'  It figures they'd be talking about the events at the Mall. It was a catastrophic fuck-up, one that could potentially set relations with the humans back decades. Of course, they'd be talking about the fallout of an event like that, probably in every class, but most of all in a class titled 'Political Powers', which, Morgan could only imagine revolved around that very relation which now teetered on the brink of total collapse. 'This should be good.'

Mitch Castle
Location:Political Powers Classroom

Mood: ?

Tags:  @Lazy Rocktime   @Captain Hesperus @Elenion Aura

The new girl suddenly rose from her seat and joined the conversation-- discussion, speaking with such enthusiasm all the while calling the boy in front of them as "Admiral Obvious Man " that sounded more like an Internet username and a funny twist for 'Captain Obvious'.  Surprisingly, the boy is not offended whatsoever and gave a serious- thoughtful reply that is full of-- filled with many, uh, unique choice of words. Unfiltered ones. He told his experience at the Zoo with such anger, sounded almost dramatic at times, but then he said "No one would have died". Someone died in Zoo. There's only one death and he's a super, overshadowed by the horrible accident at Owen Mills where many humans died. Lucas, wasn't it? The boy who died, the boy who somehow find a way to enter the Political Powers classroom and landed behind the teacher desk stark naked.  'If Supers weren't there, nothing would have happened', huh? But Owen Wills would still happen, people would still die-- executed by those lunatics and used as a bait.  The new girl replied with words taken out of a Disney movie, full of idealism and sounded almost naive she envied her a bit. 

She talked about how, if she were in the Zoo, she could resolve the problem in a short amount of time, then demonstrates her power. Bird Whisperer she said, while Mitch was tempted to call her Snow White for some reason. If she was in the mall, or in the commonwealth building, she could've done something to help too. Maybe the number of casualties won't be as much as it is right now, but instead she is stuck inside the school attending a class and getting wet from the sprinkler system.

Then, the door to the classroom swung open.

The girl she saw this morning. What was her name again... Morgan? Yes, Morgan greeted them-- she sounded very nervous for some reason.  "So... Are we working on, like, an assignment? Or... something?"

"Not an assignment, a group of discussion... About the events that has happen like Owen Mills and the Zoo." Mitch explained the best she can. "You are welcome to join us."


Location: Mental Discipline Classroom

Mood: Curious

Kyle shifted his focus onto the clock and he watched the hand stir ever so slowly, mainly just nodding blankly at Mr T whilst half-semi listening to whatever he was saying. Was no one else actually going to arrive to class.....ugh, was this going to be like a tutor session...but a thousand times more awkward as a result of the slightly ungodly rave music that he began to play in the background. Mr T certainly had a very weird taste in music, looked more like the type of guy who was more in classical stuff over hardcore, seizure-dance inducing techno. Everyone was weird in this school, especially the teachers. Now he was going to be forced to listen to this music because all of the other students had died or something....

Actually, no.

That's a terrible thing to think. 

What If they were actually dead? 

Why would you think of something like that, Mr Brain?

Especially after everything that happened with the mall...

He was the worst person ever. 

Ugh, let's just stop thinking about that depressing incident and move on to something else. Mr T had mentioned something about asking questions about stuff. So he could certainly shift his attention away from two weeks ago and back into the lesson that was about to happen...if anyone else chose to arrive, at any rate. 

"So uh...What do you have in store for today's lesson exactly?" 

God, he hoped It didn't involve how long one could concentrate before giving in to his questionable music or something like that. 

Maybe It would be something fun and easy.

But...knowing how things are done at the facility...............

Danny Travis

Location: Political Powers classroom

Mood: Waiting for the fun stuff to start.


The door opened and another girl came in. She was late and apologetic, but Danny was too busy listening to the others to really pay her much mind. For the moment.

"Maybe if you had gone to the zoo, you'd have quelled the birds. OR,", he said, raising his voice ever so slightly over the girl who'd until recently been holding the marker pen as she spoke to the newcomer, "There'd be a whole new shitstorm as two people with equivalent powers went head to head. Him riling the birds up, you trying to calm them down. We can't predict what might have been, only what happened. And, as for the Mall, if there'd been no Supers there, perhaps that would have been different to."

He walked away from the board and sat on the teacher's desk.

"Let's talk theoretical scenarios using the stuff we heard on the news. These Raggy Knight motherfuckers are like the Supers KKK, a bunch of crazy fucks who think some shitbag Grand Poobah assfucker in a funny hat is the new messiah and his followers need to kill Supers to bring his vision to life. Basically the same shit that happened in the Rapture. That girl they killed, Feedback..." Portia Clemmond "...she wasn't a random victim they happened to find. I mean, seriously? I heard reports that said the mall cops got wiped out when their radio earpieces suddenly went haywire and nearly deafened them. And the parking lot bombs. They were set off simultaneously. They targeted her. She was gonna be their victim, no matter what. She was dead either way. But what if Psycho Ward and Eve-ill hadn't jumped in like Rambo and Wonder Woman? Could the cops have negotiated with the crazy fuck-sticks long enough to get more normals out of harm's way? Could they have gotten some snipers to cap the shits there and then?", Danny paused to look at the three girls, "We'll never know, because Captain 'Red Mist' Ward decided to make the six o'clock news with yet another multi-casualty event. If Supers were out of public circulation, then Feedback wouldn't have been a target for the pig-fucking hillbilly Klansmen in power armor and hundreds of people would have had just an ordinary January sales day at Owen Mills Mall. Supers. Are. The. Root. Cause. Of. Humanity's. Problems."
Mitch Castle
Location:Political Powers Classroom

Mood: Annoyed

Tags:  @Lazy Rocktime   @Captain Hesperus @Elenion Aura

"--Supers. Are. The. Root. Cause. Of. Humanity's. Problems."

"I don't think that is correct." Mitch finally spoke, joining the debate instead of standing there and only listen. "Terrorists has always been around. Even without us or our power, lunatics like Raguel will do something like what happen in Owen Mills. I mean, killing people just because they are slightly different. Even if there is no supers in Owen Mills, Raguel would probably still kill. Using the citizens as a bait and try to lure us supers to try to save the citizens. Have you seen their armored suit? That is some Hollywood-level stuff, it'll take hours before a proper force could be gathered and for the police or military to break in. Even if they are able to take control of the situation, there will be casualties. Those people attacked knowing that they are probably going to be killed, either by the police or supers."

"I think we need to stop talking about possibilities of what might happen if  i was there, or of what would happen if  i do this or that instead. The dead are buried, we should talk about what happen after instead. Raguel are still targeting us, flamed by the sudden hatred for supers after the event. If they are crazy enough to attack the Commonwealth building, i'm not going to be surprised if they try to attack a Training Facility next. Kill them while they are still young and inexperienced, like in any war."
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Danny Travis

Location: Political Powers classroom

Mood: Warming up.

"Maybe the Knights of I'm uncultureduel might have still attacked, maybe they'd have tried to entice Supers in, maybe they would have killed people even if there weren't any Supers around. But then, they'd just be terrorists, killing innocents. As it is, the only people hurt and killed at the Mall were victims of the actions of Supers. That's a fact.", Danny retorted, "But, yeah, let's look at what comes next, shall we. I don't think they're gonna attack here any time soon. Why should they? Right now, freaks aren't the flavor of the month, unless you didn't see the writing on the walls when you came here today. Even getting high-profile Vigilantes," he almost spat that last word out, "isn't going to improve public relations right now. I'd not be surprised if there's people lobbying their government Representatives to have a whole new level of control over us. You think your limiters are bothersome now? What about if in addition to it, we get hit with a curfew? Restrictions of free movement?"

He slapped the limiter secured around his own wrist, "These are bull's eyes for everyone who hates and fears us. And right now, that hate and fear extends beyond just us. What happened to Doctor Frankenstein when his creation was discovered by the townspeople? Ever thought about how vulnerable your families are? How many of you got a lift here from family members? How many of them got recorded by the press cameras outside the gates? Your families are as at risk as you are, just because of what you are. And they don't have powers to protect themselves. If I were one of these anti-Super Knights, I'd be compiling a list of family members of students here. Why assault the school when you can have the students deliver themselves to the slaughterhouse to protect the ones they love?"
Morgan Neverlin

Location: Political Powers Classroom

@Lazy Rocktime@Captain Hesperus@too much idea

Mood: Feeling her SJW instincts beginning to tingle

"...Supers. Are. The. Root. Cause. Of. Humanity's. Problems."

'Excuse me. What?' 

For a moment Morgan thought she was being punked, that this was somehow all an elaborate, practical joke. This guy, this kid, couldn't seriously be suggesting that innocent people were suddenly automatically guilty just by virtue of their genetic makeup? Another girl spoke up before Morgan got a chance to. Good thing, too. This gave her a chance to dial back her incredulity at the callousness of this boy toward the plight of people who were, literally, just like him. 

"Can I say something?" She asked out loud, but more so for the purposes of announcing her intention to speak, and focus all of their attention, or at least most of it, on her. Addressing the boy at the front of the class, she spoke, maintaining eye contact. All the eye contact. "I'd just like to start by saying that... I don't think your rhetoric here is conducive to a civil debate. And I think you know that." In any debate, if both parties can't come to some sort of understanding, then that debate is doomed from the start. However, if one or both parties' intentions were never to cultivate a civil debate, built on mutual respect, in the first place, then it quickly devolves into all the logical fallacies. A parade of logical fallacies. "So... Just to quickly address the crux of your," Air quotes. "Argument," End air quotes, "Suggesting that, somehow, people with superhuman abilities are automatically to blame for all of humanity's problems, I say that you're wrong."

'But you already knew that.' 

"While, sure, 'supers' aren't just another marginalized group. And, yes, there are those who abuse and misuse their powers..." Morgan paused, gathering her thoughts. She had so much to say but she was blanking on literally everything. Shit. She should've written some of this down. Exhale, and speak. "To blame an entire group of people for everything is not only extremely damaging, but incredibly dangerous. I know, I mean, I hope, you're just trying to prove a point, or something, but... Some people actually believe that as the truth. Like, the Knights of Raguel." She felt herself rambling, but couldn't bring herself to stop. It was word vomit of the highest order. She only hoped she was making sense. "They are a perfect example of how dangerous rhetoric like that is, of how dangerous it is to make one marginalized group or another the scapegoat for all of society's problems, like... This isn't a new thing for humans. If it's not this minority group's fault for everything, then it's this one's. I mean..." She trailed off. She had lost her point in there, somehow, but, for better or for worse, it was time to bring it all home.

"The answer to this kind of hateful rhetoric isn't to give in to it. We all have an obligation to tear down the walls that are built up around poisonous ideologies that... That seek to lay blame at the feet of the minority." She took a breath and wondered if people were still even listening. So much for her plan to just sit quietly. "And the way we do that isn't violence. It's all about unity, built on... Y'know, mutual understanding and respect. Sure, that's not easy, I mean, especially when groups like the Knights are actively working to turn public opinion of us toward all the old stereotypes, and appeals to fear that we're all familiar with, I mean... Just open a history text book." She sat back in her seat and tried to analyze the crowd, tried to gauge their reaction. Did she do the good thing?

Danny Travis

Location: Political Powers classroom

Mood: Warm up complete. Now to go for the burn.


"Right, and of course you were here to listen to the start of my argument.", Danny responded to the newcomer, "But, of course, you weren't because you were late. So you are talking shit to me, based on listening to half my argument. Typical."

He then waved a hand dismissively in her direction.

"But, despite your shit-talking, I'll at least justify you with a response. I hope you've been aware of the news of the past couple of weeks. Yeah, these shitbags in the armor suits are targeting freaks, but in saying that, the actions of Psycho Ward at the Mall kinda make their point for them. Lemme remind you that it was Supers who initiated the fighting. Up until then, it'd been some dudes in tricked out suits blazing off ammo in a Mall and taking hostages. It was Vigilante teachers of this facility that started the violence."

He kept eye contact with her as he spoke, daring her to look aside.

"Yeah, it's easy and fun to pick on the minority groups, especially if you have beef with them for whatever reason. Happens all over the world, all through history. But, in this instance, Supers have been causes of violence, death and destruction. These Knight assbandits are just a step beyond the thoughts and feelings of a population in fear. It's like people are living in a minefield, except the mines look almost exactly like they do, they're mobile and they have any one of a thousand different triggers. How'd you feel in that situation?"
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Mitch Castle
Location:Political Powers Classroom

Mood: Still annoyed... And scared

Tags:  @Lazy Rocktime   @Captain Hesperus @Elenion Aura

"Ever thought about how vulnerable your families are?"  The boy asked. Very, Mitch thought. Especially her mom, and her youngest sister. "Your families are as at risk as you are, just because of what you are. And they don't have powers to protect themselves. If I were one of these anti-Super Knights, I'd be compiling a list of family members of students here. Why assault the school when you can have the students deliver themselves to the slaughterhouse to protect the ones they love?"

The boy is speaking nonsense, spreading fear like the Anti-Supers politicians out there, like any Pro-Humans blog out there. He's no different than them, she thought. But she cannot deny that what he said is true. Her family. If they were the ones held capture inside Owen Mills, she would've lost her mind and blindly march into their trap.  She would beg for help and ask for support, as she is useless without someone to cover for her. Pathetic, Mitch thought. She could fight a super fight, but she is useless in a normal one. The thought of being able to fight super villains but being unable to save her family from the clutch of heavily armed evil Anti-Super terrorist is added to her list of paranoia and nightmare fuel. Thank you, Mysterious Boy.

"Our teacher... Tried to protect everyone. From the terrorists, from harm. But the terrorist are better prepared, they might as well planned for all this to happen. The public backlash, the pressure we are getting." Mitch spoke. "Our teacher tried to show them that supers are good, that we are not as demonic and destructive as they painted us to be. They always taught us to be so. To be good, to be helpful. We are not freaks, boy- mister- whatever you want us to call you. We are just different."

She never going to let someone to brand her as freaks and monster. Not again.
Morgan Neverlin

Location: Political Powers Classroom

@Lazy Rocktime@Captain Hesperus@too much idea

Mood: Level-headed

Was he... Was he trying to intimidate her? Morgan nearly laughed, but held it in, kept her composure. This petulant little edge-lord wasn't going to unnerve her, no sir. Not by a long shot. Now, on to his half-baked ravings he probably considered an iron-clad counter-argument. "Well, the way I see it... The thoughts, words, and deeds of a few individuals don't necessarily represent every member of their respective group. Right? That's like, say, holding the entire human race accountable for the Knights of Raguel's bigotry." Let it sink in. Let them digest. Wait. A little longer. Alright, go. "No matter how you slice it, the Owen Mills incident was a tragedy. Could the situation have been handled better? Of course. You know, maybe you're right. Maybe the teachers turned a bad situation worse. And, yeah. I agree. I think there's a lot of fear for our kind. Some of it is legitimate, but a lot of it is misplaced. A lot of it stems from ignorance, too. Everybody's heard before that people fear what they don't understand. Well, people don't understand us. That's why it's up to us to teach them." She kept her cool at all times, but had looked away from the boy at the front. Because he wasn't the only person here. And she was more interested in convincing her peers that she was right than she was arguing with this dense brick wall of teenage angst and what appeared to be a case of late-onset puberty.

She turned to the girl at the desk nearest her, the one she'd ran into when she first arrived. "Does that, like, make sense? I mean, I'm making sense, right?" She asked, even though she was pretty sure it was a safe bet that the girl would agree with her, based on the way she'd been reacting to the kid's negativity. Which reminded her,

"By the way" She swiveled in her desk to face the front once more, if just for a moment, "and I'm just curious, but... You seem a little young to be a teacher." Young. Unprofessional. A general douche. A number of other things, he seemed to be. But teacher? Nah. Not in her book.
Klaus vos Scheiffer
Location: En route to Political Powers Classroom

Mood: Abnormally mischievous...

Tags: @Captain Hesperus @too much idea @Elenion Aura

While chilling in his office, Klaus heard the telltale sounds of a murder of crows, muffled echoes of a million caws. Must be Minah at work. He ought to check on her. And on the class, too. According to this here message sent by him 23 minutes ago, didn't Denzil have an emergency recently that required him to be away? If so, the German was obligated to cover for him, which he would soon. As he walked to the Political Powers class, he observed that the caws became less frequent and faded entirely. Which was good. The damned birds couldn't have helped much for a conducive learning environment. Klaus arrived at the doors to said classroom and entered to see a discussion already held in place.

Minah was part of this discussion. So fucking proud of her. Fatherly tears shedding in his heart.

Headed by none other than Danny Travis. What was he doing here? Was he authorized to be here? Could he have some fun with him? Though he had entered with a stoic expression, it was soon replaced by a downright disturbing smile. A serial killer would feel incomplete without such a smile on their face. 

"Forgive me for the interruption, kids," the disciplinary counselor said, returning to his usual expression somewhat. "Mr. de Klerk had some personal business to attend to and I am obligated to substitute for him. Was, anyway. I see you're doing just fine with Mr. Travis on the helm. Good show, Junge. I'd have pegged you for nothing less than a juvenile delinquent of a student, but taking up this task was great of you. " Klaus gave the boy a rough pat in the back, then moved to sit in the teacher's chair. "Now, would you mind giving me a summary of the discussion you started?" His legs crossed, his hands forming a steeple and a most icily serious expression on his face, Klaus looked like a bona fide supervillain and not a teacher.

Allen McNabb//Lazarus

Mood: Yessss teaching!!!

Location: EC Class
-Tag function is not working, nor is the enter button for some reason. D:-

"Hmm... Yes...?" Allen, in his own special way, wrote 'anoyed enraged' under the angry face, 'bemused pried hope trust' under the happy face, and 'dumbfounded sceptical discussed' under the confused face.

"All very good suggestions, students, but I think subsets of the, hrm, more base emotions I listed. Can you perhaps think of more so-called 'subset emotions'?"

Meanwhile, Lazarus ran through Allen's systems with a buzzing excitement. This. Class. Is. A. Gold. Mine.
Asher Torchinovich
The Ravemaster
Location: Mental Discipline classroom
Tags: @St Starry

"So, uh...what do you have in store for today's lesson, exactly?"

Asher started to answer, but hesitated as the thought was leaving his head. He did have a plan, but that had been assuming there would be more than one student in class. Eyeing the clock, Asher's train of thought flew through several stations without bothering to slow down before concluding at a single idea, Evel Knievel-style, complete with ramp in the tracks over Great Theories Gone Wrong Gorge.

The fact that this idea was "Improvise!" probably wouldn't have helped his case any, had he voiced this aloud.

"Well, since you're asking I suppose we should just get right into it and go from there, for now," he replied coolly in his usual fast-paced way of speaking, as though there were a live squirrel running up and down his leg and he was trying to play it cool. "Today we're going to go through some basic exercises in concentration, with particular focus on certain, to-be-determined elements that will differ from..." Asher locked eyes with his one and only student at the moment before finishing, "...person to person."

"So!" Asher exclaimed jovially with another long sip. "I'm going to have you come on up here to the front of the room. Let's get started, shall we?"

Danny Travis

Location: Political Powers classroom

Mood: Buzz kill.


Danny was really working up this little band of SJWs to the point that 'Late Girl' was almost frothing at the jowls.

"Great, we'll 'teach them not to fear us'. How? Saving kittens from trees? Putting out fires in orphanages? Who cares about that shit? There's an old saying, 'Bad news crosses the world twice while good news is still tying its shoelaces'. Historically, people have always persecuted those they fear. It doesn't matter how much civic responsibility Supers exhibit, all it takes is a single fuck up and suddenly we're all Satan Incarnate. Except now, we're entering a new phase. Before it was a 'cold war', with lobbyists pushing politicians to quietly control us. Now with well-armed and equipped militant psychos going around willing to put hundreds of lives at risk, we'll inevitably end up taking all the shit. Before long, we'll all be in internment camps, getting processed and locked away where we won't harm the normals.", he replied, his face a steely mask, "This place, this 'school' is just another holding facility. There's no bars on the windows, no armed guards in watchtowers around the walls. But there's holding cells downstairs." Danny knew this of old, "And there's cameras in places you'd never expect. You think you have human rights? Try exercising some of your rights. Like, say, the right to freedom. Take your limiters off and throw them away. See how long that goes. Face it. You, them, me, we're all prisoners. We're prisoners without a trial, without a fair defense. We've been tagged and are being tracked and controlled and none of it is with our consent. What choice were we given? 'Wear this limiter or we lock you away for your safety and the safety of others.'. It's bullshit."

He was about to continue when Himmler entered.

"Forgive me for the interruption, kids, Mr. de Klerk had some personal business to attend to and I am obligated to substitute for him. Was, anyway. I see you're doing just fine with Mr. Travis on the helm. Good show, Junge. I'd have pegged you for nothing less than a juvenile delinquent of a student, but taking up this task was great of you. "

The councillor slapped Danny on the back, the blow would have been hard enough to shunt anyone else off the desk, but for Danny it barely even registered.

"Now, would you mind giving me a summary of the discussion you started?"

The boy craned his neck to see the man sit in the chair he had recently vacated.

"Jawohl, Mein Fuhrer!", Danny barked at the top of his voice, hopping down and standing to attention, making a spirited attempt at clicking the heels of his trainers together, "I vos zpeaking vis ze frauleins about ze realitiez ov beink ein Zuper! I vos tryink to make zem zink ov ze publik opinion tovords Zupers after ze zinks zat happened two veeks ago!"

At each exclamation mark, he clicked his heels, then threw out a Hitlergruß at the end. Perhaps he could trigger Fritz here, as well.
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Aaron Mallory

Location: Behind the school, near the trap.

Nearby: Tabitha, Mary, Eve, Luci, Victoria, and Gavin Dabbs?!

Mood: Multitasking like a boss!

@s @Teh Frixz @ViAdvena@RemainingQuestions[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)], [/COLOR]@simj22[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)], [/COLOR]@Aldur[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Manic Muse[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)],[/COLOR]

Mary didn't respond right away, perhaps lost in thought trying to puzzle out what exactly had happened when he fell through her portal. Not wanting to lose class time, he busied himself while waiting for her to be ready for him. He glanced up at Tabitha's hands, taking the measure of her fingers. Obviously he couldn't be trusted to climb up and replace the cable safely, and he kicked himself for not thinking of involving her earlier. He looped the cable around itself in a circle wide enough for Tabitha to easily get between thumb and forefinger, and then crimped it together with his other hand. As he shook it to cool the weld, he turned to Mary and spoke.

Just let me know when you are ready, Mary. In the meantime, I need to get this cable attached.”

Tilting his head back, he hollered up to Tabitha, hopefully loud enough for her to hear.

Ms. Crane?! Could you do me a favor and attach this loop of cable to that pulley up there with the frayed end? It should just hook on and lock in easily. I am reluctant to climb up again...”

He held the loop as high as he could reach, and his gaze dropped to the ground, trying to chase down the feeling that he had forgotten something... Suddenly it snapped into place; the fall must have rattled the thought right out of his brain. Right before he fell, he'd seen an unfamiliar youngster on the periphery of the crowd. Where'd he get to? Aaron half turned and looked over his shoulder. There! Definitely not a student, but there was something strikingly familiar about him. The brow, the chin, the way he carried himself... And suddenly the thought struck his brain like a bomb: the young man he didn't know, but of his familial heritage there could be no doubt. He waved and called to him.

Young man, come over and join us! Would I be right in thinking your grandmother to be Dana Dabbs?”

Kyle Keysor

Location: Mental Discipline Classroom

Mood: Hesitant, curious and ever so slightly excited


Kyle raised a brow as he watched the teacher hesitate in his answer for just a second. When he did finally pull out a response, It was one that wasn't all that more preferable than his momentary silence. The way he spoke didn't help as well either, it made it seem like he was in a rush for something. Of course, as he was doing his analyzation of his teacher's profile, he found that the teacher was staring him dead in the eye. In response, Kyle reacted in the most awkward way possible that was conceivable by man. Firstly, he had tried to divert his eye's attention somewhere else, such as the clock, which was not only painfully obvious but also riddled with failure as he found his eye drifting right back to his teacher's gaze. Finally, he smiled in the most forced, weird way possible which was both painfully awkward to look at as It was to do in the first place. 

God, he just had no composure today.

No chill.

Maybe there was a super in the facility currently casting a curse upon the building that made people act weirdly and make them socially inept? 

He himself was liable to believe that, of course, he was the only one acting awkwardly in the classroom in the first place. 

To solve the mystery, the answer was that he was just incapable of properly engaging in social situations today. 


Dragging himself up from his seat, following the instruction of taking himself to the front, he hobbled up to the very front of the class and gazed at the empty room. He guessed this was going to be like a tutoring session, given the fact that the rest of his class had presumably suffered horrible fates somewhere else.

Maybe they all had the misfortune to run into the terrorist teacher and promptly got sent to a war zone in the Middle East or Africa?


Not letting his thoughts wander any longer, he went back to the task at hand...which he was still quite unsure of as of this time. He just knew that his teacher was going to do something that would probably involve him using his powers and him using painfully loud, violent rave music to distract him or something. 

"So, uh, what next?"

Urial Ursler

Location: First Aid Classroom

Mood: Excited!

Note: Sorry about the late post I've been so busy with school lately. I promise I'll be more consistent in my posting though for your sake!

Also a word of warning, you probably don't want to google image what an avulsion Is, If you're curious. Trust me on that.

The young little Ninja was quick to answer, not only with an introduction but a question as well! 

Urial certainly appreciated the curiosity and pro-activity of his students. "My Policy on inappropriate questions...well, I think any question is appropriate as long as It doesn't do any personal harm to any of your fellow classmates! You can ask whatever you want in this class as long as It's relevant to the class or supers in general. Anything else, however, may be asked and answered after the class has ended."

He also found that he had no need to answer her question on what a Neonate was either, with the young, relatively human looking student of the class called Kendrick stating the answer. Maya herself looked like she was about to start a whole rant, given the imitated deep breath she took. Of course, Urial had found that her toxicity generally ruined the atmosphere for others, and so with a swift motion, his gold prosthetic extended and found itself pressing a small button located on her side, with not a single word being uttered. He had performed the most likely appreciated task of muting her for the time being.  

Turning his attention back to his students, he did so just in time to hear the tentacle-armed girl introduce herself. "Oh, wow, Ophelia. Certainly not a name you hear every day! It's a wonderful name, I assume your parents must have had an interest in Shakespeare then. And to answer your question on how we treat holograms, I can say that they aren't the traditional sort. The holograms Maya is capable of producing are quite similar in process to say...A Light manipulation super creating a construct from light. Hard-light holograms If you will. They look, act and sound entirely real."  Once he was done with explaining the situation of the holograms, he was quick to notice that the Kendrick boy mention his forgetfulness. Why he had forgotten to introduce himself to the class he was supposed to be teaching!

"Ah, silly me, thank you for reminding me to introduce myself! Well, I am clearly your teacher, Urial Ursler but you can just call me Urial. Sir or Mr Ursler sounds ever so slightly odd to me. Officially, I am serving as a teacher here at Facility 108, but I was board certified in a variety of surgical specialties during my time as a Surgeon. As such, I'm quite qualified to teach First Aid to you, both basic and advanced medical skills that you will most certainly need in your life to not only help yourself, but those around you!"

It had been a while since he had officially done a surgery, but he certainly still had the knowledge and skill to do them! 

"Now, If we're done with introducing ourselves to each other. It would be greatly appreciated If you all put down your phones so the lesson may actually begin!"  He stated in a cheery manner, hopping off from his spinny chair as the two arms revealing themselves from his backpack were suddenly accompanied by ten more. They quickly extended themselves and flew through the room, picking up the many vacant tables and desks up from the floor and placing them away from the center of the room, stacking them neatly by the corner.

"Today you will be learning how to treat someone who has suffered from an Open wound, such as an Incision, Laceration, Abrasion and an avulsion!" 

And as If on cue, Maya's eye suddenly opened widely as a small flash was emitted. The entirety of the room changing, as If It were a green screen, into a city-like environment that had been devastated. Among the scene, there were four people, all of whom were grumbling and moaning as a result of the wounds they had sustained. The wounds were not too serious but seemed serious enough to warrant a cause for concern If It were a serious situation. 

"All of you will be treating one of these three people. I, myself, shall personally show you how to deal with an Avulsion once you have successfully treated your patient. Before we officially begin the lesson, however, you will need to obtain a med-kit from the container beside me and wait for further instructions before you start treating the injured. If you have any questions regarding the lesson, please feel free to ask them now before we begin."
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Klaus vos Scheiffer
Location: Political Powers Classroom

Mood: Shit just got real

Tags: @Captain Hesperus @too much idea @Elenion Aura 

Sitting on the teacher's seat stoically, Klaus expected to hear an actual, well-rounded statement from Travis. Evidently, he placed way too much trust in that bastard. The moment he opened his mouth and said such......filth to his face, his calm posture tensed, and it wasn't in the least subtle. And the salute just made it worse. It may have been close to a century since World War II, but while most of the world have at least forgiven them, Germany would never forget. Allusions to their god-forsaken past were forevermore treated as the gravest of insults to a German. Klaus was no exception to this sentiment. Following Danny's foolish display, he reached under the desk and took out a pink permission slip. The room was filled with a hanging silence broken by the sound of a pen writing as he filled said slip and folded it, rising from his seat and then giving it...to his daughter. Minah read the slip. "Cepat pulang," he had written on the slip, aside from the usual administrative stuff. "Give this slip to the security guard and head home as fast as you can. Tell Ibu that I had an emergency meeting and to not wait for me. Liebe dich." She looked up as if for confirmation and he nodded in kind. So that was it then, the girl too rose and headed out of the class. Of course, the father-daughter duo did share a hug first.

Right after the departure of Minah, Klaus put a hand in his pocket to set his cellphone into vibrate. He then spoke to Danny; his voice seemed calm, but the more insightful listeners will notice the steely edge in his words. "Daniel Travis, son of Sgt. Michael Travis, a great man unfortunately taken too soon in the line of duty. You've said some...interesting things just then, young man. When I entered, I assumed you were legitimately leading the class into a thought-provoking discussion that absolutely needed to be had, but now it is clear that your intentions are merely to instill anger and invoke a fiery reaction." An alien scent suddenly filled the room. Being the young'uns they were, the students will probably be unaware what that smell was exactly, but it was clearly unlike a fart or anything that usually plagues the noses of students. If anything, it smelled sweet. Stingingly so.

He let out a sigh. "Unfortunately for all of you, you've succeeded in just that," Klaus proclaimed grimly. Sinister was his tone, ripped straight from the voice bubble of a suave supervillain the likes of Lex Luthor and Ozymandias. Why would he say something in such a tone? Well, funny you should ask.

It was because if he wasn't going to kill Danny Travis with his own hands, his poison gas would do so, along with everyone else in this room.

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