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Fantasy Empty Brook OOC [Closed]

I can't stand making less than 12 full lines per post at least. If I end up with so little material to work with that I actually end up going below that, it'll be my signal to leave.
12 lines huh? Well, I can do that I'm not sure about everyone else though.
I can't stand making less than 12 full lines per post at least. If I end up with so little material to work with that I actually end up going below that, it'll be my signal to leave.
Well let me be clear I write on a tablet so what is 12 on a tablet may not be 12 on a PC I'm not sure.
I don't necessarily need other people to do these minimums Coco Adel Coco Adel , that train's already gone seeing these early posts. It's more of a personal minimum for myself.
Ezekielduds Ezekielduds to quote people you can press the “reply” button on their post, or you can in your own post tag them by using “@“ followed by their username. It’ll help the conversation by telling us who you’re actually addressing.
i do single line talking lines and single what the frick i am doing in the rp lines
Okay, so this is what I'm going to ask you to do, try to give an adequate response to the people you are interacting with, this may likely require more than single line responses.
I would say a good idea for posting is try to get at least three sentences each post outside of dialogue itself. Describing what your character is feeling and the environment around them (or at least, how they seem to see it) can really give development and establishment that boost they need.
Ezekielduds Ezekielduds Tips I would give on how to extend your response a would be to. First and foremost, react and respond to what is happening. As you said to describe your surroundings, what's happening around you, what is your character doing? What are they feeling, what are they thinking? do they hear anything do they smell anything.

Also, you may have to extend past one line during fights anyway as a single line may not help you counter what's happening.
Awesome I will work on my character after I get out of the bath, but I already have a pretty good idea of what I want so it shouldn't take long! 😀

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