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Realistic or Modern Employee Forum & Help Desk [CCC OOC]

Welcome Darth Darth ! Check the previous posts for any big information, and any questions can be directed here
I will also try to finish one today.

I've got to say, after reading up a bit on your lore, it is very interesting. I love it when lore goes deep and detailed! Makes the world feel more alive.
Hey, so I know you said no posting order, but will there at least be posting rounds? :/ Things tend to get chaotic otherwise ^^"
Hey, so I know you said no posting order, but will there at least be posting rounds? :/ Things tend to get chaotic otherwise ^^"
Oh yeah, I thought that’s what I implied. After a handful of conversations, I’ll have a lore post that will be the universe reacting (plus smaller posts in between)
I'll post after everyone else, mainly because my character is...special, so I want the full 'SURPRISE' feeling when she walks in like some chick on death row

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