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Fantasy Dragons in the West

Under the watchful eyes of many guards, the party arrives at the palace. There is a crowd of people there waiting for you, including Prince Rupert and his uncle, Duncan. The older man takes the lead and steps forward to greet everyone as you climb out of the carriages. "Greetings and be welcome here! Cathak Wen, it is good to see you once more." He takes the woman by the hand and gives her a kiss on the back of the wrist. "You are looking more beautiful than ever. And I see you have even more guests for us to meet. Is one of these lovely ladies our princess, Nellens Xandra?"

"Indeed. Allow me to introduce you to everyone." After everyone has had a chance to say hello and be greeted, Wen goes on. "How is the king? Is there any change in his condition?"

Duncan shakes his head. "There is not much that the healers can do for him, other than make his last days more comfortable. He is anxious to meet everyone, and wants everyone to know it is due to his illness that he is not here to greet everyone."

With a dismissive wave of her hand, Wen says, "Of course. We take no offense at all."

"Excellent. Let us go inside. We have a brief ceremony planned to introduce Xandra to the people."
Lù Zhèng Yì Lóng

The Most Resplendent Embassy of the Scarlet Empire--->Royal Palace

With the introductions and pleasantries out of the way, Brother Lù Zhèng joined the procession from the Embassy to the palace. His position in the procession was two-fold, to be present as a member of the Scarlet Empire and to protect the Lady Xandra. The discussion in the embassy had swiftly turned to the events that happened prior to the fleet's arrival and the threat of the Deathknight toward the life of the young Nellens bride. Brother Lù Zhèng had decided in no uncertain terms that he would not allow such a fate to befall a fellow Terrestrial Exalt.

He walked alongside the carriage, his senses alert to any threat and, once they arrived at the palace, he blended into the background, both to observe the principals as they talked and to continue his vigil against any threats.
Nellens Zanaiya

The greeting of the monk startles Zanaiya from her it's-too-early reverie and she smiles, preparing a greeting for the monk before she gets a good look at his face. To those perceptive enough, her face freezes for a moment and she bows, quickly rearranging her expression into something pleasantly neutral. "Ah, Brother Lù Zhèng. A pleasure to see you again as well. I see your studies have brought you far." She makes almost frantic small-talk, being sure to keep the conversation light and as far out of the past as possible while they all get acquainted.

Once the transportation has arrived, she hurriedly accompanies her sister into the carriage, breathing a quiet sigh of relief as she sits. During the trip she is characteristically quiet, watching her sister react to the crowds with a small smile, still slightly off balance from seeing the familiar monk. When they arrive at the palace, she bows courteously to Duncan and offers a polite smile, focusing on his reaction to her sister after the initial introductions have been made.
Invitations are being sent out to all the members of high society on the island chain to attend a grand ball in honor of the bride-to-be's arrival. Any Dragon Blooded on the islands are naturally added to the list of the invited, and it would almost be the social faux pas if you don't attend. Dress is formal, but the rules on what is allowed for the Dragon Blooded are bit more flexible; if you see your suit of heavy jade armor as your fine attire, the mortals of the ball will not object.

I will need to know exactly what you are wearing and what weapons (if any) you are packing during this party.
Juriah surveys his assembled Fanglords, Talonlord Boefi, and Specialist Palaya, in what currently passes for the field headquarters of Pasiap's Warding Coil - the back room of a quiet inn in the vicinity of the bride's lodgings. The room was lit by a lively hearth, the furniture an eclectic mix of carved driftwood piled with imported Southern cushions in bright, busy patterns. The seafood was excellent, and the beds comfortable - if strange - which was all they really cared about.

"As you're all well aware, we're now officially outside the Satrapies and our jurisdiction. Any overt attempt to bolster the security of the fete tonight would be a diplomatic incident I'm not keen to bring down on myself, which leaves the covert option; what we do best. Palaya and I will, of course, be taking upon ourselves that most perilous and arduous of duties: attending the party," Juriah pronounces, gravely. "Ren, Ichiro, your fangs will be stationed outside the estate under Boefi's command. We'll be leaving our weapons with you. You're not to enter the grounds under any but the most dire of circumstances, but feel free to quietly detain anyone suspicious in the vicinity, and should someone try to pull something and escape the estate perimeter, track them by whatever means necessary. Matthi's fang will be on Justice-sitting duty, Jiri and Talith's fangs are on leave," he finishes, to a mixed chorus of groans and cheers. He raises his hand, palm out, for silence, "I want to remind you this isn't a vacation. While you're out sampling Wavecrest's cheapest dives I want you paying attention to local sentiment and getting to know the lay of the city. We may be here for a while, and we need to know what we're up against. I'll be cycling the fangs through leave until we have some official duties so you can properly earn your keeps," he explains, grinning. "Alright, soar to it. I have to get dressed or I'll be late to this blasted thing."

When Juriah departs two hours later he wears an understated but well tailored formal robe in white with grey trim. The sleeves hang quite low, as is the fashion amongst bureaucrats at the moment, and he wears a small Green Jade brooch to signify his station in the Thousand Scales. On his wrists are heavy black onyx bracelets set with rubies, his singular concession to the fashion of wearing decorative objects no mortal courtier could stand for more than an hour at a stretch. He wears no armour and carries no weapons. Much as he's loathe to reduce his ability to defend Nellens Xandra, he is officially here only to socialize and await further instructions, and carrying Unyielding in the Face of Calamity would send the wrong sort of message. Should he need it, it will likely be too late, but he can easily fetch it from his officers outside the grounds.
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Hmmm... on the one hand, it's always best to be prepared for anything, and Dragons know she's learned that trouble can pop up at any time. On the other hand, Mnemon Vinh Yi is pretty tough as it is, she's already kind of on the outs, and another social slip up could make her life soooo much harder than it needs to be.

On the third hand... she hasn't packed this fancy dress around half the Threshold for nothing!

Said dress has been put on, a slinky little number of red and white silk that covers her from neck to knees, while leaving her arms bare, and hugging her hard-bodied curves. Her hair is left to flow freely down her back, and a ceremonial-but-functional knife hangs from her belt, a thin chain made of loops of jade. A couple more knives strapped to the inside of her thighs, hidden from casual view (again, you never know!) and the ensemble is almost finished. Vinh stands in front of her hotel suite's biggest mirror, putting on the finishing touches, with some help from her closest confidante.

"Which do you think, Spark, the ruby earrings or diamond?"


"Yeah, the rubies do go better with my hair. Amethyst or onyx for the bracelets?"

"Mrrr... mow!"

"One of each? Daring, I like it! Okay, and I think... the garnet necklace that Uncle Iasu gave me for graduation, and we... are... good! Alright, see you later Sparky, I'll bring you back some..."


"Please don't give me the sad-kitty eyes, Spark, come on..."


"Oh... alright, you can come. Just promise not to claw anybody else's clothes, no matter how much of a butt they are, okay?"


"Shedding will be determined on a case by case basis, by magnitude of butt-ness."

"Meow!" The familiar jumps into his Exalt's arms, and they are off to the ball.
The grand ballroom is a massive, beautiful building left over from the First Age. It is large enough to easily hold a thousand people in comfort, but tonight the crowd is expected to be a bit smaller and more intimate; only several hundred are due to attend. Attached to the palace, there are many guards on hand to protect the royal family, and rumor has it that the king will be attending this celebration to publicly give his son his best wishes.

At the Imperial Embassy, Aang tells you that there is a old safety feature in the palace that you need to know about. "There are holographic sensors about the place that display an icon over the head of any Exalt that has a Charm active. If you read Old Realm, the icons give you details on exactly what Charm is being used, and it works on Dragon Bloods, Lunars and Solars. We have never seen any icons displayed over the Ambassador from Skullstone, so there is a chance that the Exalts of the Underworld do not show up. Be warned when dealing with him. Speaking of security, we will have a full talon of twenty five soldiers as an honor guard in attendance, and I will be armed for battle. As the head of security for the Imperial Embassy, it won't be seen as unusual."

As posted, any Charm use inside the ballroom will display a 3d icon in Old Realm describing the name of the Charm. Permanent Charms like Ox-Body don't show up, but spending so much as a mote of Essence on a Charm will make a visual display above your head.
Lù Zhèng Yì Lóng

Immaculate Temple ---> Royal Palace

Brother Lù Zhèng completed his devotions before the great altar of the Five Dragons as the evening bell for the hours of Daana'd tolled to call the other monks to prayer. Normally he would also be making his way here from washing away the dust and dirt of whatever task he had been set to share in the Meditations Upon Water, but Venerable Sister Tomiko had insisted he attend the official function. After all, as she had said, the vartabed of the temple had placed him entirely at her disposal. Thus it was he was now attired in his formal garb, a linen gi cinched with a blue linen belt over which he wore a long robe with broad sleeves trimmed with more blue linen. Beneath the robe, he wore his breastplate, Duty Immemorial, and hung from his belt was his Infinite Jade Chakram, Scythe of the Unrighteous, while his hearthstone bracers, Icestorm Vambraces, were worn within his robe's sleeves. After all, a monk must be armed and armored against the depredations of the heretic and be ready to protect the faithful against all deviants. He rose from his kneeling position and bowed once again to the simple black-painted altar before turning and leaving the prayer room through the ranks of his brethren as they filed in, the only sound there being the peaceful susurration of the assembly's breathing, the movement of their robes and their bare feet upon the swept tiles of the floor.

As he stepped out into the evening air, he turned to see his brethren settled into the simple shrine room, legs crossed in the lotus position and heads balanced squarely on their shoulders as they controlled their breathing to attain the inner peace and tranquillity required to reflect on the world and the nature of their existence. He fleetingly wished he could join them, rather than attending what would inevitably be something attempting to approach the debauches of Realm society parties. Independent Threshold kingdoms who hosted Dragon-blooded of the Scarlet Empire usually tried to emulate the 'sophisticated' events they had heard in rumor from people who claimed to have been invited to a Sesus masked ball or even a Cynis orgy. Such parties inevitably devolved into an entirely unsophisticated mess of inebriated, amorous and uninhibited people trying to rut with one another in the most shocking manner possible. The monk sincerely hoped that, for King Roland and Prince Rupert's sakes, this would not be such an event.

Once outside the Temple and away from its ordered environs, Lù Zhèng Yì Lóng attuned his anima to the freshening wind that blew in from the bay and leaped away, covering huge distances with each athletic jump as an anima-charged breeze carried him at speed along the deserted road toward the town. He would not normally use such a method of travel, but the recent disturbing events marking the arrival of the Nellens bride made it such that it would be imprudent to wander the highways afoot and the temple did not possess the fleet-footed steeds his family's stables had. It would also be interesting to meet with Nellens Zanaiya again and reminisce more about the past they shared, however brief. As he bounded powerfully along, he wondered on the manner of the Deathknight who had had the audacity to attack two Realm ships under their own colors. How had he known that the bride's ship would be travelling that route? Indeed, how had a renegade such as he even gotten wind of the Nellens bridal party's passage? Was this not simply a chance encounter? No! By all accounts, he had specifically indicated the he wanted Nellens Xandra for some nefarious purpose. So was he motivated by his own whims or was there a greater player behind him, pulling on his strings? Was Prince Duncan involved? He had previously been very verbal on the matter of his opposing the union of Wavecrest and the Realm. And what of the local Deathlord, The Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Water? The monk's brows crinkled as he considered the many strands of this puzzling knot of intrigue. There was still so much that was not known, it would not do to make assumptions at this point. Better to attend the party, observe and draw more conclusions.

He vaulted over a farmer's cart that was filled with drowsy workers and crops gleaned from a day's labor and descended toward the town. Once at the gates, he dismissed his elemental power and walked through on foot, intent on wending his way through the bustling night traffic to the palace to present himself to Sister Tomiko. Alas though, as the elemental energies subsided, he became aware of another stood near the gate. Elegantly dressed as only a noble of the Realm could be, he wore the marks of his elemental excellence plainly. He also wore an expression of frank amusement at the manner of Lù Zhèng's arrival.
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Nellens Zanaiya

Zanaiya has opts for a combination of elegance and power. She is wearing her jade breastplate over sea-green robes that cascade to the floor and flare out at the wrists, and a sleeveless blue jacket clasped by a white jade brooch at her throat. The sleeves of the under-robe part to show off her bracers and the Hearthstone embedded within. Her black hair is loosely woven in a long braid with blue, green and white ribbons. Her lance is not in her hands, but has been entrusted to An-toan in case of emergency, something which was not out of the realm of possibility given the trouble on the way here.

She takes Aang's words into careful consideration, bracing herself for the inevitable confrontation with the terrible Exalt, even if it was only for greetings. It was worrisome that he would be able to possibly use his powers without their knowledge while she would have no such refuge in subtlety. She takes a moment to straighten her garb and do a last appraisal of her entourage before smiling at Aang. "You do your duty well, Cathak Aang. I appreciate the measures you are taking to keep my sister safe."
Mnemon Vinh Yi

Vinh pipes up, covering her nervousness at the impending party and politics with her usual verve. "No Essence... well, that's kind of a downer, isn't it? I hope it at least puts people at ease a little more. And I have a question, sir Cathak Aang... sorry if I'm being dense, but do we actually know for sure that the ambassador's a Black Anathema? I've heard like, a dozen different rumors about him since I got here."
Aang shakes his head. "We have never seen him in combat or using visible Charms to be able to identify if he is a Nemissary or ghost of some kind, or a Abyssal Exalt. I personally believe that he is one of the Dark Exalts, and I act accordingly around him. Use your judgement, but just be careful"
Tepet Prospero

Dance hall --> Domicile --> Royal Palace

A yawn originates from the back of a dancing hall. There a a few bangs and a crack, before a lad stumbled out of a broom cupboard, exposing to light the two still sleeping girls in disarray with in it. He had arrived at the dance hall after hearing the Princess and her sister were there, only to find they had already left. But a Prince of the Earth does not allow minor set backs to get in the way of making situations favor him.

With a thought, he clad himself in a traveler's cloak and slips out of the back of the club, walking toward the domicile that House Tepet provided for him so that he might observe and influence the wedding to further the holdings of the name Tepet. He had decided to arrive before the wedding party to get a good feel of the nation's populace, and he felt like he had succeeded.

At his door was a message runner looking nervous. He greeted the courier, wondering if her schedule would permit him a chance to get to know the athletic young thing better. After cracking the seal and reading the message, it would seem it was his schedule that got in the way. Slipping into his domicile he quickly set about grooming for the Ball. Bathe, comb, polish his regalia, and get his transformative armor looking just right for the occasion.

He didn't like balls too often. They tended to either be stuffy affairs or the coordinators would try too hard at frivolity and end up with something that was forced and beneath the guests. Both could be disastrous in this situation. Luckily he'd be there, and no party could go wrong as long as he was there.

The lad walked to the gate casually. People didn't approach if he didn't want it, as his station of birth was obvious to even the most oblivious. The air around him smelled of ozone, his light blue hair shoulder length hair produced it's own wind to waft in, always away from his face and winning smile. His skin was like porcilin and ice, a blending of light shades that it seemed even a mote of sun light should burn it, but such would never occur. And his eyes... eyes of the storm really. Every where but the pupils were seemingly shifting blue and white like a blizzard, with glints like lightning when he was excited.

He arrived at the gate, properly ready for the party. He was wearing a soft white leather long coat, with silk embroidery so fine the stitching could only be made out from a few inches away. The silk showed an interweaving of two flags on the back. One the local royal banner of Wave while the second was that of house Nellens. The sleeves of the coat disappeared under a gleaming pair of blue jade bracers, and the silk shirt and fine cotton pants under the coat only accented the item's finery. A pendant of blue and black jade, with moonsilver filigree and chain hung from his neck, a gem set in the center. The lad's shoes with crocodile leather, and made for dancing.

Spotting the bounding, leaping monk on approach, he chuckled, and decided to reprimand him. "Decorum man, decorum. It does you no good to be on time if it looked like you hurried to get here. Arrive late and be casual about it if need be, but hurry will besmirch you." He said to Lù Zhèng Yì Lóng, casually, as if there was no difference in rank, age, or station, and they were old friends. This was the essence of why Prospero didn't bother traveling with friends or retainers. He felt it would insolate him from the ones he could make on the journey. He followed the monk, wondering how he'd respond.
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The Immaculate hauled up, straightening his robe with a sweep of his hands.

"Perhaps for you, my lord, tardiness is a matter of fashion. However, in my case, a degree of alacrity is most necessary. I am not attending this evening's celebration as a guest, but as an assistant to Venerable Sister Tomiko and as protector to the Lady Nellens Xandra.", the monk said peaceably, before offering a bow, "I am Brother Lù Zhèng Yì Lóng of the local temple, The Crashing Wave Overcoming the Sunset, at your service."
The young lad smirked, walking with the monk. "Tepet Prospero, whose titles are too numerous and fictitious to list without aid of a scribe and a cowrie-dreadful author, releasing you from any bond of service." He responded with a playful casualness, returning the bow as the pair of them walked from the gate toward the Ball...

"Tell me Brother. If you are a protector of the Lady Nellens Xandra, then you must believe she is worthy of such protection and should not be allowed to come to harm... So what will harm her more; One of member of her protection being a few minutes late during an event where everyone must at least pretend to be overjoyed she's here or the rumor that members of her protection are disorganized and late?"
The young air aspect asked, leading the monk to a conclusion. "Which one will continue to be actively damaging tomorrow, next week, during the wedding ceremony?" The lad asked casually, although the meaning clear. The monk's job didn't only mean to protect her, he had to project the image that she was protected.
"I think you misunderstand the reason for my method of travel, my lord. The Temple of The Crashing Wave Overcoming the Sunset is a long distance from the city and, while I was given leave to miss meditation for the Hours of Water so I could attend this party by my vartabed, I still wished to make devotions. The temple only has a single mule and she is already spent from a day's work in the temple's fields.", Lù Zhèng replied, "Thus, if I were to do my duty to Sister Tomiko and Lady Xandra after properly making devotions to Daana'd, I needed to travel at a greater rate of speed to be at the city with time enough to present myself to Sister Tomiko. At this current juncture, I am still on time."

He smiled a moment then continued, "I have also been contemplating upon the most disturbing events that have befallen the bridal party prior to their arrival here on Abalone and I find it easiest to seek Mela's inspiration while surrounded by my element. Have you never found that to be the case?"

The young monk sidestepped a knot of sailors as they staggered out of a bar, gruffly singing a bawdy shanty regarding a sailor and three jealous sirens. He assumed a blank expression as the men reeled past him and into another establishment, one that had a blue lantern hung from the door lintel. With them gone, he continued alongside his fellow Exalt.

"I might also add that the Lady Nellens Xandra is not my primary concern. She has an entourage large enough and prepared enough about her to fend off the majority of threats that might present, as has already been evidenced. My presence alongside Sister Tomiko is merely the Immaculate Order's explicit declaration that the wrath of the Dragons themselves shall fall upon those who would dare to threaten the life and liberty of a Princess of the Earth."
The lad shrugged. "Perhaps it is a difference between our training brother, but I have yet to feel anything of Mela or the others while experience their elements. I have been struck by lightning, but not inspiration beyond that of my own mind." He said casually, ears tweaked, hearing the song... did they add a new verse? He mused. "I do love the air, mind, and have found there is no better place to think then falling through the air miles above the ground."

"But you must excuse my ignorance, but I have not yet heard of any events befalling the bridal party. Of what precisely to you refer?" The exalt asked curiously... perhaps there was some reason that the princess and her sister left the dance hall before he could arrive, rather then stay till the frivolity came to it's natural end.
The Air-aspect monk nodded sagely and tucked his hands into his voluminous sleeves.

"That is to be expected, my lord, since few outside the Realm's embassy and the royal palace itself know of the happenings. The events as I heard from the Lady Nellens Zanaiya, Lady Xandra's older sister, were that their flotilla was set upon by pirates not more than two days from this very port. What's that I believe you are thinking? 'Pirate attacks are both common enough and nothing to be afeared of to the Terrestrial Exalted'? Both are true, in normal circumstances, save in this instance, the pirate was none other than the Anathema captain of the accursed vessel Bloodletter!", he spoke in low tones, raising an eyebrow as he spoke the name of the notorious pirate ship, "Further to that, that foul travesty, that unhuman fiend knew that the vessel carried the lady Xandra and he was determined to end her life. By the grace of the Dragons, she was well-defended by several fellow Dragon-blooded and the attack was fended off with little issue. But in parting, that same monster prophesied that the Lady Xandra would die before her wedding day."

He glanced around, watchful of any who might have been listening.

"This, my lord, is the reason for such concern. At the reception and indeed at the wedding, a representative of the local Deathlord shall be in attendance. Whether it intends ill against the bride, is a matter of some worry to me and others in the wedding party."
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He faltered a step. "Are you telling me that Dark Anathema attacked the the Ocean Pearl..." Perhaps this young lad was regretting his decision to attend the party, as the threat of the Dark Anathema could shiver almost anyone to the core. "and because I decided to come earlier, I wasn't there to vanquish it?" Or not.

The boy caught up in one skipping stride. "But he'll be back he said... dramatic dark prophecy and all that. Good... good..." It was clear from the small lightning sparks in the boy's eyes that he was envisioning battle with this Anathema, as if he himself could take the demon on alone.
Mnemon Vinh Yi

"Alright, I'll be... careful," she says, as if the word has a foul taste. "I won't provoke the maybe-Deathknight. Too much," she adds with a grin. "Besides him, and Lady Xandra's future in-laws, are there any other particular toes not to step on?"
WarDragon said:
Mnemon Vinh Yi
"Alright, I'll be... careful," she says, as if the word has a foul taste. "I won't provoke the maybe-Deathknight. Too much," she adds with a grin. "Besides him, and Lady Xandra's future in-laws, are there any other particular toes not to step on?"
After briefly adjusting the way is armor is sitting on his shoulders, Aang replies, "Well, there is the potential scandal of the King's brother allegedly being a Skullstone sympathizer, along with several members of the Admiralty being against the treaty with the Realm. That is dangerous territory to walk on. Other than that, you should be fine."

As the various dignitaries arrive at the celebration, the major domo announces each person with a flourish and a listing of their various titles. King Roland, his younger brother Duncan, and Prince Rupert are all there, Duncan and Rupert are mingling with the crowd while Roland is seated at the head of the room with several nursemaids in attendance at his side. Considering his illness and advanced age, the King is looking quite alert, speaking with various members of the local nobility with enthusiasm.

Xandra is looking quite stunning as she enters in a long gown as she is flanked by her sister and the Immaculate Order priestess Tomiko. The plan for the evening is for Xandra and Rupert to enjoy the first dance by themselves in the middle of the ballroom, then the rest of the attendees will be free to dance and socialize once the engaged couple have had their moment in the spotlight together.
The monk glanced aside at the young Dragon-blooded as he made his statement.

"Be wary, my Lord, and do not beggar ill fortune. Instead, offer up prayers to the Dragons that the wedding goes ahead without a hitch. That would, by far, be the best way of vanquishing this Deathknight's foul prediction. Then in time, we may encounter him and with that knowledge firmly in mind, defeating him would be that much easier."

The palace loomed ahead of the two Terrestrials, it's outer grounds a bustle of activity as carriages arrived to deposit guests and servants worked to keep them circulating so that each dignitary was not waiting overlong to be disembarked.
Mnemon Vinh Yi

"Doesn't sound too hard. I'm sure they'll all come around soon enough," she says with a dazzling smile.

Later, she winds up somehow beside her cousin Juriah as they wait for the guests of honor to arrive and the first dance to get started. "How's it hanging, Jur? I haven't seen you since my vacation started; still got the direlance up your backside?" A smirk shows that the comment is meant... mostly without real malice.

Spark mock-sneezes, as he always does around the other Mnemon; Vinh gallantly refrains from translating the cat's comments on the smell of dog. She watches the other guests file in as she listens to his reply. "Ooh... who is that cutie with the stormy eyes?," she wonders aloud at the young man entering beside the monk.
Mnemon Juriah

Juriah observes the party, vaguely puzzled, and whispers quietly to Palaya, "I can't quite decide if it would be an insult to present ourselves first to the Bride rather than the King. I suspect it's a matter of who we insul-" He is startled to hear Cousin Yi's voice as she sidles up beside him.

"No, dearest Yi, it's a Warstrider Daiklave, these days," he replies, dryly. "I didn't notice your announcement, did they let you in through the kitchens? No, I certainly hope not, they wouldn't let that near the food." Before she can reply, he motions to the Air Aspect standing beside him. Her eyes are a brilliant ice blue, her pale skin sparkling slightly in the light from the chandeliers above, as if dusted lightly with frost. She accentuates this with a long dress composed of the layered pale blue and slightly flexible scales of a vicious Northern predator. "Have you met my associate, Ledaal Palaya?" he inquires, smugly, "She pilots the -"

He is interrupted in his boasting as Palaya leans behind Juriah to snatch a passing hors d'oeuvres and route the conversation around him, "Please tell me not all Mnemon's make as poor a showing with the blade as your cousin," she pleads, playfully.

Juriah lets out a long-suffering sigh. "Five minutes off duty and all decorum is forgotten. Truly the Realm is beset with treachery and insurrection in these dark times. Empress save us all," he intones melodramatically.
Tepet Prospero

The lad laughed. "My dear fellow, if this wedding went off without a hitch or further intervention by Deathknight, I will demand your aid in a foolish plan to storm Skullstone. For clearly Nellens Xandra has been replaced during the attack on the vessel and we'll need the real one to prove it." He said simply, with a casual confidence in the impending disaster in a manner only found in those who have used explosions, tidal waves, or avalanches to propel themselves forward.

He simply walked in. "Now I'm horribly unimportant, so I shant be introducing myself to any member of the bridal party within the first hour... I suppose perhaps Tai Phong might make interesting conversation till then." He said casually, as if he fully plans on tripping into a friendly conversation with what might be one of the persons most opposed to the wedding and realm influence in this islands leadership. Then again, it did work on the monk.

Of course, he was a go with the flow kinda guy, and might be distracted by just about anyone the God of Parties might throw in his way... He never bothered learning whom the God of Parties was, but that deity got more prayers from Tepet Prospero then Immaculate Dragons did.
Mnemon Vinh Yi

"Sparky's probably cleaner than most of the cooks, aren't you widdle buddy?," she says with a mock sniff, accompanied by the cat's genuine one. "I'm sure you were just distracted from life, as usual, by planing your next strategy meeting, or latrine pit, or whatever. It's okay, we forgive you."

She quickly scans the taller Air Aspect woman up and down, coming to a quick conclusion... and then discarding it when she grabs a snack and insults Juriah. "Not at all, my dear Palaya," Vinh says with exaggerated courtesy, and a merrily raised eyebrow at her cousin. "I'm a fair hand with a blade, if I do say so myself. I was always better at that than the campaign-planning and logistics at the House. You must be a valiant warrior yourself, to have the courage to put up with this guy."

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