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Fantasy Dragons in the West

"Then I wish you well in your endeavours, my Lord. I've heard that the Admiral is a sparkling conversationalist. Perhaps you can alter her course toward the impending union by extolling the virtues of allying with the Realm.", the monk responded, offering another bow to the Air-aspected Dynast, "Meanwhile, I must seek out Sister Tomiko. Farewell."

So saying, the young monk parted from the noble, making a nondescript beeline to his superior.
Palaya preens at the praise in jest, her enthusiasm practically overflowing as she sees an opportunity to relate her latest victory, "Did you not hear? I freed some pour soul from the grips of a moon-touched Anathema when it drove him to attempt to assassinate Satrap Orithus in Serrat. May his next reincarnation strive to cleanse his soul."

Juriah clears his throat, pointedly, "As I recall, you were only there because I discovered the imminent attack, and we were assisted by many Immaculate Monks."

"None of that changes the fact that I caved its skull in with a two ton piece of Jade," she replies with a dismissive wave of her hand. She turns to Vinh Yi, appraisingly, "So what great deeds have you accomplished?"

Juriah rolls his eyes, "Besides roughing up river rats in the Scavenger Lands, my esteemed cousin's greatest accomplishment to date has been offending our venerable progenitor by having the temerity to exist."
The young lad gave the monk a nod. He did consider perhaps turning his wits and grace to that endeavor... then again, it was likely what every Imperial Dragon on the island was trying to do, and she might be quite fed up with it by now. Perhaps he should refer instead to a different to do list and see if he can't make love to the admiral on the prow of her flag ship. That list wasn't exactly approved by the Tepet family, but rumors were the longest range weapon in social combat, and it was one of the things he specialized in. One did not start rumors with the whisper of something tame and mundane.
The gala is turning out to be the social event of the year. The food is excellent, the wine flows freely, the music makes even the most fumble-footed person light on their heels, and the conversation is enlightening. A handful of people seem to be not enjoying themselves as much as everyone else is; Cathak Aang follows behind Xandra a polite distance, but taking his duties very seriously. A few members of the local armed forces are also in full military gear; several of them are at the side of King Roland, watching very carefully any person that heads over to see the ailing ruler.

Tai Phong is looking quite lovely in her uniform, with several lower ranking officers at her side wherever she goes in the room. Of all the attendees, she spends most of her time in quiet conversation with Prince Duncan, the King's brother. For his part, Duncan is acting the part of a social butterfly, making time to see everyone that has come out to attend the party with a personal greeting. He seems to at least know of everyone in the room enough to engage in idle conversation with everyone he meets.

Prince Rupert and Xandra are spending the evening together, trying to get to know one another a little before being thrown into the middle of a marriage with one another. They are not left alone, however. Tomiko and Brother Long are both acting the part of chaperones, making sure that there is nothing inappropriate going on.

Everyone, please give me a Per + Awareness roll.
Prospero skated through the gala, like a dancer in an empty studio or like surfer weaving through familiar waves to wait for the best one. He was light enough on his feet that he could dance through what ever crowd he needed to, as he slowly mingled through the mortal and terrestrial partygoers with a goal not shown by his motion or expression. His ears were in tune with ever conversation, with every dancing couple, with every circle of old/new friends bragging, catching up, and trying to assess the others' romantic desires. Perhaps he wasn't following the conversations, but every group was one instrument in a social opera, and he was about to grab one of the female secondary characters for a dance. Oh the note played here would impact the whole score. It would change the tone of the whole production and affect every local opera from here on out.

Rolled three successes, assuming a two dice stunt. Continuing to discretely move toward Tai Phong until such time he can 'bump into' her, or something interrupts him.

Mnemon Vinh Yi

"True, she was rather cheesed off with me. That's a little saying they have out in the Scavenger Lands, it means just what you think. With such an impediment against me, it's amazing that I managed to, oh, graduate at all, don't you think?"
Vinh says with a sweet smile. She feels a little bad about the jibe, but hey, he started it.

"Much as it wounds my pride to admit it, I can't claim to have personally killed an Anathema," she says, "but I did take part in one Wyld Hunt during my travels, with a few Lookshyan lads and lasses. There were two of the Anethema there, one Silver and one Black... the Lunar escaped us, I'm sad to say, but it was quite a battle nonetheless. Yushoto Drayvus and I double-teamed the Deathknight, while a couple others fought off the nemissaries and beastmen, and our mortal troops put down the zombies. The demon tried to follow its partner in flight, but Drayvus landed a perfect arrow right through its spine... that man really knew how to use his hands. In more ways than one, as I found out later," she concludes with a waggle of eyebrows and a shameless grin.

"Other than that, there's at least three villages and two trade caravans worth of people who are alive now that would not be were I not there to aid them. I do not consider that a waste of my talents. My friend Spark kept a child, sickened with chills, alive until we could get him to a proper healer through rainstorm and wolf-pack. I swayed a petty harvest god to end a famine, delivered a Scale of bandits to justice, and shattered a Yozi cult; a blood-ape and its half-demon spawn died on my blade." She raises her right arm, showing a thin line of scar from the demon's claws on the inside of her bicep. "He was a fast one, but I was faster."

While matching boast for boast, she occasionally glances around the room, keeping half an eye on the handsome Air Aspect moving through the crowd, as well as surreptitiously watching out for anything unusual.


2 successes
Mnemon Juriah

Juriah scowls at Vinh Yi, his skin rapidly changing from dull grey to a mottled rose granite. He opens and closes his mouth several times as if to retort, but finding nothing he turns and storms off in the middle of her self aggrandising monologue. Palaya merely shrugs, clearly puzzled by his sudden departure but vastly more engaged by stories of heroism and battles with dark Anathema than whatever precipitated Juriah's tantrum. She grins fiercely as Vinh Yi continues, both believing she's found a kindred spirit and thoroughly enjoying her favourite passtime: competitive boasting.

"Not bad, but you've got nothing on what my 'Strider Fang faced on our last training expedition up North," she replies, crossing her arms and settling in for a good story, "It was almost fifteen years ago, near Calibration, and it was bitterly cold. We received a courier claiming orders from the Empress herself - we had to divert a thousand kilometres north across the White Sea to intercept a new Behemoth from the Jet Court heading south. If we didn't divert or destroy it, the Empress was going to unleash the Grid. So there we were, three chartered ice ships in the middle of the White Sea, me in Eternal Pursuit of Justice out front - she can walk on water, so I suited up when the ice became treacherous to test the way - when it reared its ugly head. Thirty metres tall, a long body all made of whirling vortices of teeth formed from razor sharp ice shards and frozen lightning and great curtains of light for fins, like the aurora. It nearly dashed me against the ice before anyone else could sortie, but I dove into the water and came up swinging. Got it in the weird viscous bubble that passed for its eye and bought everyone some time. Took all of us half an hour to find the core and smash it - then we realized that wasn't the head, it was just one of its limbs," she reveals with dramatic relish, laughing uproariously.

Juriah carefully observed all the relevant political and social niceties as he circulated amongst the crowd, offering or accepting dances where it was expected, making small talk with everyone who mattered, but always slightly distracted. His eyes swept every late entrant and all the major points of entrance and exit - no matter how unlikely - continually keeping Xandra in view whenever possible. He would not miss an opportunity to better the name of his House by reacting to a threat before the honour guard - cousin Yi's sharp reminder only strengthened his resolve. He knew how precarious his position was, and how disastrous it would be if he lost the favour of his patron. He had just barely clawed his way out of being labelled a permanent embarrassment to the House, and he wasn't about to falter now. He may be unarmed, but a shouted warning and an interposed body might be all it took to win glory in the eyes of the assembled guests. He could feel his essence moving languidly but surely towards the surface, prickling his skin, eager to augment his senses in the pursuit of his duty, but he carefully restrained himself. It would not do. He would succeed with only his excellent breeding and professional training, his honour depended on it.

Perception (3) + Awareness (5) + Valor Channel (4) + Stunt (2) = 14


If applicable, adding Perimeter Breaches specialty:

Lù Zhèng Yì Lòng

The Royal Palace

Teamed up with Sister Tomiko, Brother Lù Zhèng learned that his duty was to escort the betrothed couple, both as chaperone and bodyguard. It made sense, Immaculate monks were excellent choices as guardians of both moral rectitude and physical safety. As they walked, Lù Zhèng's eyes cast around the room, equally observing for any potential threats as well as taking in the grandeur of the ball. Everywhere his eyes settled, he saw people watching the young couple of soon-to-be newlyweds, some openly others more covertly, hiding their gaze behind fans or the bodies of other people. As to the young prince and Princess, they seemed to be getting on well enough, considering this was the first time they had met in an 'informally formal' setting. They chatted about a breadth of subjects; where they had studied, where they had travelled, who their favourite poets were and even what their favourite animals were.

Lù Zhèng had to admit, he was impressed with the turnout of Dragon-blooded at the gala. Everywhere he looked he could spot the small nuances that marked a person as one of the Exalted. Pieces of jade, either as armor, weapons or trinkets, elemental markings and even the odd few who wore their House's mon on their attire. The memory of the young Lord Tepet's desire to confront the mysterious pirate Anathema stirred in his memory. Surely with such a force of the Terrestrial Host, not even one of the dread Deathknights would dare any affront to the innocent Lady Xandra. But still, the arrogance of the mad creatures of death was not to be underestimated. He had attacked a ship of the Scarlet Empire, flying under full colors, fully intent on simply walking aboard and spilling the maiden's blood on the deck. Lù Zhèng also wished he'd been present at that time, for Scythe of the Unrighteous would not have laid idle and would surely have arced out in pursuit of the beast's neck. Still, there was wisdom in his admonishment of the headstrong Dynast. The less danger that confronted the upcoming wedding, the better.

As the young betrothed halted at a low bench to sit and rest, Lù Zhèng turned his attention back to the room. Dancers swirled and capered around the centre of the floor, their finery twirling and sparkling in the light of the hundreds of candles that lit the ballroom. Elsewhere, old noblemen sat ensconced in armchairs, brandishing large glasses of brandy and cognac and discussing matters of history and honor. Young knights in fine attire stood aside, eyes intent on the fair maidens who captured their attention through carefully rehearsed flirtations.

Perception (3) + Awareness (3)


With Sudden Noises Specialty


With 1-die stunt


Or with 2-dice stunt

Nellens Zanaiya

The Royal Palace

When they entered, her first attention was towards her sister, trying to strike a balance between being the intrusive older sister and the appropriate aloofness of a diplomat. After she was certain that her sister was going to be able to handle herself adequately, the elder Nellens began assessing the crowed, internally begging the Dragons to help her sister hold her temper and avoid insulting the young mortal through unwise words. Her focus directed at not showing how dazzling the fellow members of the Host are in their finery. Given both her family and her history, Dragon-blooded events were rare for her to be invited to, especially ones amongst other families.

She was distracted at the sight of Brother Long with Tomiko. Knowing the brother would be more preoccupied with watching her sister and the prince with Sister Tomiko definitely didn't do much to still the feeling she had, true or not, of him watching her. It was embarrassing for him to see her here, and that was putting it mildly. Seeing him the other day had shaken her, now her balance was off and she really needed to get herself together if she was going to use this night for what it really was: a chance to meet people and sound out who would best benefit her family.

Standing off to the side, she took a moment to gather herself before stepping forward, genuine smile bright and apparent for all to see. Her gaze landed on Vinh Yi and Zanaiya began making her way in their direction.

[dice]5757[/dice]Post Completer

Perceiving things is harder than it looks, apparently.
With the slow shifting of the crowds, Prospero is able to work his way over until he is next to Tai Phong and her small entourage. At this point, you can either literally bump into her or engage in conversation some other way; its your choice.

As Juriah is standing alone for a brief moment, your eyes slowly scan the crowd. Thanks to the holographic display that would betray any use of Charms, no one wants to be the one to break the unwritten rule and be the first to kick in some Essence to activate some effect and get caught trying to manipulate the crowds. However, with your keen eye, you spot a flicker of movement out of the edge of your perception range. Turning to get a better look, you can see at one of the windows high above the dance floor is a dark figure, completely dressed in all black, with a longbow in hand. The figure is raising up the bow with an knocked arrow, ready to loose a deadly strike. From your angle, you are not sure who is the target; it could be someone standing with Nellens Xandra and Prince Rupert, or the King and his brother. Both groups are in the apparent line of fire.
Prospero thought for a moment, approach was crucial. The wrong line, the wrong expression, and he would register as an enemy combatant on the social stage in the mind of this warrior. He needed to be disarming without triggering the instinctive fear of being disarmed. Terrestials came with such fun instincts. Every one was some combination of bear trap, bomb, bear, and princess.

He smiled casually, like greeting an old friend, slipping a drink into her hand. "If you don't mind me asking, how often in the past week has someone from the Blessed Island attempted to change your opinion on the marriage and/or treaty?" He asked simply, a knowing smirk on his face as he took a sip of his own drink.
Mnemon Juriah

Juriah has been wound tight in anticipation the entire evening, his cousin's barb wedged firmly in his intestines between the crushing forces of shame and self-doubt. All of this uncoils instantly as danger presents itself, his essence grounding his senses in the Earth, reaching out to track the assassin and instantly spread word of his position and intentions to the capable looking Immaculate Monk who has been warding Xandra and the most competent looking of the King's bodyguards. He leaps into motion, hurtling himself towards the line of fire between the assassin and Xandra's party - his orders are clear, and the King is not a priority - his voice the deep resounding rumble of an earthquake as he cries, "Assassin! Palaya, above!" His eyes never waver from the assassin, his pointing hand steady as the Imperial Mountain despite his haste, and should the assailant let fly towards Xandra, he will make his best effort to hurl himself forward to interpose himself in the path of the shot.

All-Encompassing Earth Sense, 6m. I and two others cannot be Surprised for the scene.
Mnemon Vinh Yi

Vinh's eyes shine as she drinks in every word of Palaya's story. She can practically see the battle with the Wyld horror, and wishes she were there... if only she hadn't been wearing diapers at the time. "Wow. Uh. I mean... yeah, wow. I uh, I can't top that. I mean, I'm sure I will someday," she says a bit hurriedly, "but that's... that's just awesome. Literally, I am in awe."

Sadly, she's rather too busy fangirling over her new role model to notice the assassin before Juriah's yell. "Where?!" She looks around eagerly, the spell broken, and knife flying into her hand. She looks up, and prepares to hurl flame at the intruder on sight...

Can everyone see him after the yell, or only after he attacks? Should we roll JB?
Lù Zhèng Yì Lòng

The Royal Palace

Lady Xandra had just started another story about life in the youngest Great House of the Realm, this time about how isolated and how scattered their holdings were around The Blessed Isle, when Lù Zhèng felt tendrils of Essence rising up through the soles of his feet. It had a solid, heavy texture to it, like ancient bedrock, tinged with old fire. Something like granite or basalt. And with that Essence, came a new awareness. He was suddenly aware of everyone in the room. He could feel them moving, their feet playing a complicated tattoo on the floor. He could feel the dancers' light steps as they wheeled across the ballroom, the impatient foot jiggle of one of the elder men and the fact that two people were concealed behind a curtain, though there were only three feet on the ground. But the impression of most concern was the pair of feet that were some forty feet above the rest. The ballroom had no upper floor, the better to exercise the splendour of the environs, not even a balcony restricted the view to the vaulted ceiling.

Lù Zhèng turned and focused on that one anomaly to the exclusion of all others and saw the archer. At that same moment, a man's forceful, but orderly tone bellowed out over the tumult of music, laughter and conversation, "Assassin! Palaya, above!"

Brother Lù Zhèng's response was automatic. He stepped directly in line between archer and Lady Xandra, his left hand darting out to snatch her by the wrist and pull her to her feet, pressing her against his back, even as he turned to face the threat. His right hand snapped to his belt and Scythe was in his hand. He could feel it's Essence, light yet deadly, like a lightning bolt.

"Sister Tomiko, beware of other threats!", he growled, even as he prepared himself for fight or flight. Essence flared around him, even as a pale blue representation of Mela's draconic form reared over him. There was the odd addition of three sets of Old Realm pictograms spelling out the names of the Charms he fuelled with his innate energies.

Activating Air Dragon Sight (probably should have had that activated from the start of the scene, I've not played this character is SOOOO long. Derp), Moment of Daana'd and Pasiap's Humility as a Combo-like effect for 9m, 1WP.

Combat Data Join Battle: N/A Speed: 4 (Infinite Jade Chakram)

Charms Active:

All-Encompassing Earth Sense (Scene) Air Dragon's Sight (Scene)

Moment of Daana'd (Scene) Pasiap's Humility (Scene)


Personal: 2/11

Peripheral: 15/26

Anima Flux: N/A

Health Levels:

0 [ ] -1 [ ] -1 [ ] -1 [ ] -2 [ ] -2 [ ] -2 [ ] -4 [ ] INC [ ] DY [ ] DY [ ] DY [ ]
The sudden shouts of warning from Juriah and Brother Long make the crowds scatter; some diving for cover, some panicking and running, while a few seem oblivious to what is going on and stand there, wondering what the hell is going on?

The archer glares down at Juriah, and even through the face mask that the assassin is wearing, you get a feel of poisonous hate for spoiling the perfect shot. Then the arrow flies out; a killing shot aimed at Xandra's heart. With the All Encompassing Earth Sense now active, Long now senses that there is a second hidden figure, this one stalking up behind the King! At this point, you don't believe that anyone else is aware of the presence of the second figure stalking the ailing monarch.

At this time, Tomiko pulls out her Infinite Jade Chakram and hurls it towards the incoming arrow, and manages to shave off just enough of the deadly shot to deflect it away from the lethal blow that it would have been, but Xandra does get hit in the shoulder. Prince Rupert immediately grabs his fiance and bodily throws her to the ground and dives on top of her as a second arrow from the assassin in the window shatters on the tile floor mere inches from causing another injury in the princess.

Join Battle rolls, please.
A battle suddenly breaking out was not something Prospero wasn't expecting at this very moment, although no like this. The lad was more thinking that there was a non-zero chance that he would be stabbed or slapped by the admiral, rather then someone making a play for the wedding party... Someone with a black powerbow, he thought. A grin came upon his face. It was time to show that monk I can easily substantiate my earlier boasts, and take on the anathema pirate.

Assuming a 2 dice stunt... failing that, the last two dice didn't succeed anyway, spending a willpower.[dice]5764[/dice]
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Lù Zhèng Yì Lòng

The Royal Palace

Brother Lù Zhèng gritted his teeth as he heard the solid sound of an arrow striking flesh followed by a yelp of pain from the young Nellens bride. To his credit, valiant Prince Rupert acted instantly, hauling his injured betrothed down and covering her body with his own, despite the fact that she was far hardier than he. But, even as that occurred, Lù Zhèng sensed something else, another assailant... Closing in on the King! He half-turned to point in the direction of the second lurking assassin and bellowed, "GUARDS! DEFEND THE KING!"

He then turned back and said, "We must get His Highness and Lady Xandra to safety, swiftly!"

Join Battle roll: Wits (3) + Awareness (3)


With 1-die stunt


With 2-dice stunt


Combat Data Join Battle: 3(4/5) Speed: 4 (Infinite Jade Chakram)

Charms Active:

All-Encompassing Earth Sense (Scene) Air Dragon's Sight (Scene)

Moment of Daana'd (Scene) Pasiap's Humility (Scene)


Personal: 2/11

Peripheral: 15/26

Anima Flux: N/A

Health Levels:

0 [ ] -1 [ ] -1 [ ] -1 [ ] -2 [ ] -2 [ ] -2 [ ] -4 [ ] INC [ ] DY [ ] DY [ ] DY [ ]
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Nellens Zanaiya

The Royal Palace

The yell of assassin went up and the girl turned from her original course, whirling around to see the focus of all the room up in the window. Zanaiya was now deeply regretting her decision to leave her lance with her bodyguard, and before she had the chance to contemplate running for him, the assassin loosed his arrow.

The sound of wood hitting flesh and the sight of her sister dropping infuriated her, and she began to run back to the prince and Xandra, glancing to where the king was standing when Brother Long yells to the guards.

Wits (3) + Awareness (2)

Juriah's jaw clenches painfully as he watches the arrow strike his principal, powerless to prevent it. If only I'd been a little bit faster, or these fools had let me don my duty, he agonizes. We must assume the weapon was poisoned. This must be resolved quickly. "Cover her, all of you! Outside, go!" he commands the honour guard, hoping no one realizes he's overstepping his authority. He places himself firmly between the assassin and Xandra, addressing her without turning, "I apologize for this, Lady Xandra. You have my word I will see to it this will not happen again."

Order of Battle so far:

0 - Juriah, Prospero <====

1 -

2 - Window Archer

3 - Brother Long

4 -

5 - Zanaiya

6 - Assassin 2, Tomiko

When posting your actions, unless you post a Speed rate, I will assume it is a 5. So, if you act faster than that, please let me know.
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There are very few things able to piss off Tepet Prospero, as he is a very led-by-the-breeze sort of guy. But having his attempt to woo a beautiful woman interrupted, that will do it. The boy tossed his drink into the air, out of his dominant hand. At once his eyes, his veins, began to glow and crackle, like lightning was being discharged through them with every beating of his accelerating heart. His now free hand slips into his pocket, drawing out a sapphire blue chevron. With casual ease, as the air about him begins to writhe and crackle with lightning he focuses the bolts shooting through his veins to his palm, through the chevron, and into a dense sphere of air essence hovering above his hand.

His illuminated eyes focus on the archer, the one he's concluded to be the anathema pirate whose previous attack he missed. With a simple willful decision, he tosses the ball lightning at the deathknight, so condensed that it would damage his peripheral nerves but leave the core intact. A gift for the woman he was attempting to woo, a prisoner to interrogated.

His aim was a little high, over the shoulder of the victim, perhaps the lad was a flash in the pan, all smoke and no fire. Of course, that's not what the grin on his face says. But by the time the archery can notice that, the sphere has impacted against his back, on a return path to the young Terrestrial. The boy effortlessly catches the tossed cup in his off hand, and takes a sip from it.

In the first paragraph, I'm activating Glorious Birthright Font for 3m, drawing out my compressed Windblade to make use of the embedded Elemental Lens, and paying the full 5m to generate a Elemental Bolt Attack (Air), and paying 2 motes to activate my anima power, as getting an extra 3 DV versus ranged attacks might be useful.

This attack has an accuracy of +3, speed of 5 (was six, knocked down by hearthstone bracers), and a wooping 34L/O2 damage.

In paragraph 2, I'm choosing to impose a -1 internal penalty on my self, to 'pull the blow' so this attack will incapacitate, not kill. And spending 2 motes on a First Thrown Excellency, for an extra 3 attack dice.

In paragraph 3, I'm finishing off my stunt with a use of Loyal Weapon (1m) to pull the sphere in from his blind spot.

I'm spending two Willpower, one for an extra success, and the other to channel Conviction, because this heroic display will continue my goal this scene of bedding/impressing the Admiral.

Attack Roll


Stunt Dice 1, 2, & 3Post Completer


My anima is currently at the 11-15 level flux state.[/spoilers]
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Mnemon Juriah

Juriah channels a burst of essence into his outstretched palm, clawing his fingers to form a swirling ball of air which he brings to his mouth as he begins rapidly issuing orders. "Assassin western facing window. Bring weapons and armour carriage. Interdict western escape," he barks, sending the gust on its way to Talonlord Boefi with a flick of his fingers as another ball is already forming in his other hand. "Emergency prep Justice. Xandra hit. Bring medical assistance," another flick, and the words are on their way to Fanglord Matthi, guarding the Eternal Pursuit of Justice in its carriage. He addresses the Prince, his gaze never wavering from the assassin, "Prince, I represent The Wise and Knowledgeable Advisers of Foreign Tributaries, do I have your permission to deploy a Warstrider and Dragon Armour in your sovereign territory?" It's always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, but formalities must be observed.


Wind-Carried Words Technique (1m) - to instruct Boefi to deploy both fangs to prevent the assassin from escaping while the carriage carrying the Most Resolute Armour of the Earth Dragon, Unyielding in the Face of Calamity, and Palaya's artefacts is to head towards the main doors.

Wind-Carried Words Technique (3m) - to instruct the carriage containing the Eternal Pursuit of Justice also be brought here under guard.

1m for the Elemental surcharge, total 5m
Prospero's Elemental Bolt goes flying out straight and true at the assassin in the window, but, before it hits, the target spins the longbow in a violent arc that knocks the blow aside, and a glimmering icon indicating Essence use appears above the head of the killer.

With several people around her, the prince pulls Xandra to her feet and half carries/half pulls her towards a curtain that undoubtably conceals a servant's entrance. Over his shoulder, he says to Juriah, "Do what you must! The assassin must not be allowed to escape!"

The archer at the window turns and leaps out into the open, and is now out of sight from those inside the ballroom.

Order of Battle so far:

0 - [Juriah], [Prospero]

1 -

2 - [Window Archer]

3 - Brother Long <====

4 -

5 - Zanaiya, Juriah, Prospero

6 - Assassin 2, Tomiko
Mnemon Vinh Yi

Cursing her decision to wear a gown instead of her armor, Vinh starts heading towards the fray. He said protect the king, I can't get up there... good thing I don't have to choose! Spark, well familiar with the surge of his mistress' heartbeat at the sound of battle, leaps from her shoulder and scurries under a table to safety. Vinh hurls a fireball at the archer assassin as she jogs towards the king's party.

Sorry about being late to the party, so to speak. Guess that fits with my JB roll... 2 successes on that, and 8 with my attack with elemental bolt. Spending 5m on the attack, for 14L damage. Flurry the attack with a Dash if possible.



Personal: 10 / 15

Peripheral: 17 / 33
Lù Zhèng Yì Lòng

The Royal Palace

With the immediate threat of the archer gone and the young couple heading to safety, Brother Lù Zhèng turned his attention to the next threat. With a swirl of his robes, he rounded on the dias upon which the aged and unwell king sat. The second assailant was still moving up, taking advantage of the chaos to close with his target unmolested. The Immaculate determined that would no longer be the case. His hand lifted Scythe and he appeared to throw the razor-edged ring of blue jade. But yet, the weapon did not leave his hand, instead sending two hissing waves of blue icy energy twirling and spinning at his chosen foe. The two ice rings seemed to dance through the air in the manner that the guests had done on the ballroom floor mere moments before, save that these dancers intended a far more deadly conclusion to their reel.

Dexterity (4) + Martial Arts (3) + Specialty: Immaculate Styles (1) = 8 dice


With 1-die stunt


With 2-dice stunt


Combat Data Join Battle: 3(4/5) Speed: 4 (Infinite Jade Chakram)

Charms Active:

All-Encompassing Earth Sense (Scene) Air Dragon's Sight (Scene)

Moment of Daana'd (Scene) Pasiap's Humility (Scene)


Personal: 2/11

Peripheral: 15/26

Anima Flux: N/A

Health Levels:

0 [ ] -1 [ ] -1 [ ] -1 [ ] -2 [ ] -2 [ ] -2 [ ] -4 [ ] INC [ ] DY [ ] DY [ ] DY [ ]
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