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Fantasy Dragon Song [Character Thread]


The Black Knight

One Thousand Club


Approved Dragonkin

Ashe - Thunder Dragonkin/Dragon Arm: Sword - Deadwood Deer Deadwood Deer
Aynniole - Ice Dragonkin/Dragon Arm: Fan - Dovinique Dovinique
Nicholas - Fire Dragonkin/Dragon Arm: Battleaxe - Tetro Tetro
Blayenok - Sky Dragonkin/Dragon Arm: Double-Sided Spear - Heterological Heterological
Milia Esther Valktuna - Solar Dragon/Dragon Arm: Bow - Mineczka Mineczka
Sir Ladon - Nightmare Dragon/Dragon Arm: -- - The Black Knight The Black Knight

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    Character Name: Ashe
    Nickname(s)/Alias: N/A TBA
    Age: 23
    Race: Dragonkin
    Height: 5'11, the horns reach to 6'1 at their highest.
    Weight: 168.4 lbs
    Hair Color: Pale Blonde/Ash colored
    Eye Color: Red
    Complexion: Caucasian

    Dragon Type: Thunder
    General Description: Ashe is a bit on the willowy side, not particularly muscular herself. She wears her pale blonde hair in a braid, which reaches down to the middle of her back, and when un-braided her hair instead reaches down to just above mid-thigh length. Growing from just above her temples and curling backwards, then slightly up, she has a pair of horns a few shades lighter than her hair, which at the very tip add a couple inches to her height. Her eyes are a shade of red, suggesting a lack of pigmentation as though she were an albino, but that is not the case. Her right hand is similar to a dragon's claw, with scales up to the middle of her forearm like a glove, the talons of said claw are the same color as her horns, and she trims them down as much as she can without cutting into the quick.
    She dresses for the varying weather of her homeland. Her cloak has a deep hood, which she uses to hide her horns, usually telling people that she was burned in an accident as a child so no one questions it, as well as a pair of gloves to hide her hand. Her shirt and pants are thick enough to keep her warm when the weather turns cold and to not be torn to shreds when she moves through the brush, and she wears leather boots for the same reason. She carries with her a satchel where she carries her supplies and tools, and belt pouches around her waist where she keeps other assorted items she feels she may need. As she’s not much of a combatant, her only weapon, if you can call it that, is the knife she uses to cut and prepare plants, and maybe a good strong stick if it’s lying around within arm’s reach.

    Dragon Arm: Rakurai - Rakurai is a two-handed longsword with a 40' blade, the guard of which appears to be made of gold and extends as a kind of secondary backing to the blade. Stamped into the first twelve inches of the blade's flat is imagery of a dragon weaving in and out of a thunderstorm, and instead of a pommel there is a cord where a tiny dragon head dangles a few inches off of the end of the grip. Rakurai can transform into another form, a pair of twin shortswords with twenty inch blades, that lack the guard backing of the original sword as well as the stamped imagery, but are otherwise identical to the original blade.

    • Medicine/Herbology - Ashe was raised by an aging pair of healers that taught her their craft. She can find and produce medicines and treat injuries, and find the herbs and materials necessary to accomplish such.
    • Cooking - Ashe knows how to cook, and she's pretty good at it.
    • Fixing/Making Clothing - Sometimes Ashe needs to cut someone out of their clothes, and when she gets the chance she either repairs or replaces the destroyed item.
    • Analysis - Ashe can take the information available to her and figure out what it means. Usually this is used to figure out exactly what ails a patient, but can be applied in other situations.

    Fighting Style: Ashe is not actually a fighter, although when she begins to learn how to fight she will be very defensive and precise, using her knowledge as a healer to land more critical strikes.

    Dragon Arts:
    • Heart of Lightning - Electricity is to Ashe as magic is to a mage. She can sense, manipulate, and generate electricity around her. Electricity can be sensed in all forms (Static, nervous system, batteries, building storms), manipulated in most forms (Static, plasma, and other forms not contained in a living being, ie, nervous electric impulses), conductive materials are like beacons telling her there’s something there.
    • Stormcaller - Ashe can sense and accurately predict the weather in the area around her, and later could manipulate it.
    • Like Lightning - Ashe can manipulate the electricity in her body to make her muscles move much faster and more efficiently, allowing her to move very quickly if she chooses. As she gets a better handle on her abilities, she could take this further and turn into a bolt of lightning to move even faster.
    • Electromagnetic Defenses - Ashe can turn her body into an electromagnet, and depending on how it’s charged, can attract or repel ferromagnetic materials (Like iron age+ metal weaponry)

    Background: Ashe’s egg, or rather what was thought to be a large pretty-looking stone, was found by and aging couple, the town’s hermit healers. The old man and woman hadn’t been able to have children of their own, so when Ashe hatched out of the egg, it was an odd, but welcome surprise. Maybe they would be able to be parents, for once?
    As they cleaned the rock baby up and discussed what to do about it, however, the aging couple began to notice some… oddities. The baby had tiny horns and a clawed hand. Clearly she wasn’t entirely human. But can you really expect a baby born out of a rock to be normal? Oh well, it’s better to have a slightly strange child than to have no child, at least as far as these two were concerned with their “gift from the gods”.
    The couple named the child Ashe, due to her hair, and raised her, teaching her how to create and use medicine. Whenever they had to go into town, Dalry, Ashe was made to hide her horns and scales in a deep hood and gloves, telling people that she was badly burned when she was little. Somehow no one questioned that.
    As time went on and Ashe came to learn more about the world around her, to the extent she could understand as a child, she came to learn just what exactly those strange people that came to town and gave her the heeby jeebies were. The Visitors. She didn’t know why they came and occasionally took people, but something about them was… off. They didn’t feel like people, the way everyone else did. She didn’t know how to explain it, that was just what it was. Ashe stopped going into Dalry when the visitors were there.
    Eventually, old age called Ashe’s parents to the next life, leaving her on her own.

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    Character Name: Sir Ladon (Although, he would say his title as a knight was possibly revoked.)
    Nickname(s): (when younger) Little Nightmare; (older) Lad, Don, or Laddie.
    Alias: Sir Ladon of The Black Forest; Troll Slayer; and The Traitor.
    Age: 25
    Race: Dragonkin
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 215 lbs.
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Amber
    Complexion: Pale-white

    Dragon Type: Nightmare Dragon
    General Description: Ladon does not have too many unusual features. Most beings compliment his honey-hued eyes and think nothing of them but a type of hazel. Ladon’s features are recessive, and his draconic features can be drawn out in his dragon arts. His hair is short, black and feathery; and his skin a white brighter than milk. His body is lean and muscular. His every muscle is accustomed to fighting, bearing the weight of his knight’s armor. In a platoon of knights and soldiers, Ladon doesn’t stand out. He wears the same armor so that none could discern him from the rest of the group. The armor he wears is a steel-gray with a black cloak that hangs from his shoulder pauldrons like a cape. His body has some scarring from old combat injuries.

    Dragon Arm: Rigor Mortis - A black crossbow with four limbs that spread into a horizontal "X" shape when firing up to four bolts. The cables are the same color, and the bolts are produced by Ladon. The bolts are capable of planting fear into the core of those they hit. Like an infection, the fear will continue to grow causing the victim to lose their grasp of reality as their own mind begins descending into hysterical madness. Only a being with an indomitable will can resist the fear, but like holding one’s breath, the indomitable one will have to breathe some time. The crossbow is large with a length of four-feet, and he can fire arrows up to 457 m. Ladon can use normal bolts with his Dragon Arm to inflict damage for the black arrows do not inflict physical damage on the enemy.

    • Swordsman - Ladon has been trained as a knight and has combat experience wielding a long sword, but no other kind of sword.
    • Marksmanship - Ladon can hit a 457 m mark with his bolts. He has such a keen eye that he can shoot the wings off a butterfly and silently take out sentry units from afar.
    • Whittling - Ladon can create bolts, arrows, wooden jewelry, coins, animals, and other statues from wood. It was a hobby he got into when his unit would post in a location for a lengthy period.
    • Equestrian - Not exactly a horse. Ladon rides a drake named Owan. The dragon is quadrupedal and moves just as swift as a horse. Owan can climb hills, mountains, and vertical surfaces like a lizard using his sharp claws. This allows Ladon to find a good sniper position. Ladon encountered Owan after he fled the Carolinian kingdom.

    Fighting Style: Having been trained as a knight, Ladon knows his way around a long sword and shield. He implements both techniques in close-quarters combat and will even switch to ranged combat mid-battle. Ladon can fire multiple bolts simultaneously, rain bolts on his enemies, and charge a bolt for a devastating fear attack. Ladon exploits the fear in his enemies, coaxing the emotion until his enemies are weakened by it. He fills their minds with illusions and takes advantage of their inability to discern reality from the assumptions and fears they create in their own minds. Ladon often fights in his human guise and rarely utilizes Dragon Art 4. He likes a challenge and will only switch to Art 4 if pressured to by an enemy.

    Dragon Arts:
    • Dragon Art #1: Deception: Ladon can impersonate the appearance and voice of those who he has struck with his black bolts. No matter what creature, he can shape-shift into it, and assume their form until discovered. Once it becomes apparent to the minds of those around him that he isn’t what he appears, his disguise automatically falls against his will.
    • Dragon Art #2: Seeds of Fear: Ladon can create black spheres of fear that he can manipulate. He will often stretch the seeds into bolts and fire them at enemies, implanting them to sprout and grow within one’s soul. For beings with low will or who are afflicted with drugs, disease, or sleeplessness, the seeds are very effective. For one with a strong fortitude, the fear affects can be slowed and even overcome by the strong-willed’s determination.
    • Dragon Art #3: Dream Eater: Ladon can plant a Seed of Fear within the head of a sleeping victim. The seed will feed off of the victim’s dreams, sprouting into a nightmare that even after the host awakens, they have a difficult time discerning reality from illusion. They become trapped in a nightmare, and the madness will lead them to their death either by accident or suicide. Ladon will collect the black fruit left behind and consume it to add to his strength. Only strong-willed or those who become aware of the illusions can overcome their afflictions.
    • Dragon Art #4: Nightmare Dragon: Ladon can impale himself with a fear seed and awaken his dragonkin traits. Before this technique, Ladon’s physical prowess is that of an ordinary human. After Dragon Art 4, Ladon reveals two curved horns that protrude from the side of his head, reptilian yellow eyes, jagged teeth, and rigid scales outlining the muscles of his torso and running down the spine of his back. If an enemy had a difficult time fighting him as a human, they would have an even greater difficult time fighting him as a dragonkin. Eventually, Dragon Art 4 will evolve into his true dragon transformation

    Background: Sir Rodrick the Strong served under the Human Kingdom of Caroline. In a conquest against a clan of trolls—who were secretly Visitor hosts—Rodrick and his unit were sleeping when he awoke in a start from a nightmare. Rodrick had dreamt of seeing a terrifying dragon, and his psychology was never the same since. The other knights noticed a change in Rodrick’s behavior. He would not only kill trolls, but he would happily mutilate their bodies. He would howl in excitement as he charged them, slaying trolls until they started to fear him. His own unit started fearing him, reporting to their superiors that Sir Rodrick was unhinged, but the command only rewarded Sir Rodrick for his feats. Over time, the knights started to notice a change in the shape of Rodrick’s head. His skull was growing, and his hair was receding. He became known as Sir Rodrick the Egghead among the soldiers. Sir Rodrick’s friend, Sir Ligart the Dragonheart, became concerned for him but Sir Rodrick’s mind was so gone that he could only wish for him to fall in battle. Ligart got his wish.

    Sir Rodrick was stabbing the corpse of a troll when he felt a severe pain in his skull. Sir Ligart watched Rodrick fall to his knees grasping his head before it split before his eyes, revealing a steaming black egg. The Dragonheart was disturbed by the scene, but he recognized the black object to be an egg. He took the egg and hid it away within a sack. Sir Ligart reported that Sir Rodrick had fallen in battle, his head divided in two by an ax. The knight returned to his home after the war. He left the egg within the care of his maid, telling her it was a drake egg. One evening, Ligart returned to his home from a night of drinking in the town and encountered his maid fleeing the property exclaiming that there was a monster. Drawing his sword, Ligart stormed his home and found a naked boy with thick, black hair, chewing on a mouse. Ligart found the cracked shell of the egg and was stunned to learn that the child may have come from it.

    The boy was wild, vicious, and a pain in Ligart’s side. Ligart, having never had any children of his own, had to learn how to take care of the child. He kept the boy on a leash to keep him from running away, and allowed him to keep eating mice for it kept the pest problem down. He would spank the boy’s bottom red when he would make a mess of his place and fight him when he tried to put clothes on him. When his unit started preparations to deploy to another troll-infected territory, Ligart left the boy in the care of a new maid. When Ligart mounted his steed to leave, the unexpected happened. The boy had followed after him and appeared concerned. It had been the first time that the boy had actually shown love for Ligart and seemed to fear him leaving. Ligart dismounted and patted the boy on the head, telling him he would return. The knight left and was absent for months.

    The boy who the maid named Ladon waited for Ligart’s return every day. The maid, Rosalie, who had only shown him kindness even through his rebellious fits was able to teach Ladon common tongue. By the time Ligart returned from battle, the knight hadn’t recognized him. Rosalie had cut Ladon’s hair, bought him nice clothes, and the boy was talking! Ladon helped with the hunting, cooking, farming, and cleaning. He was no longer the wild creature Ligart last remembered. Ligart gifted Ladon a wooden sword (a sword he has to this day) and taught the boy how to use it. When Ladon became older, Ligart had him squire for him. As a squire, Ladon learned more about how vast the world was outside the house he had grown up in.

    Ladon excelled as a squire and eventually joined Ligart as a knight. His first battle was in The Black Forest. During this battle, Ladon learned about his inhumanity when he started to sense The Visitors that lived inside the trolls. Sensing The Visitors awakened a power in him that he didn’t know he had and allowed him to draw forth his dragon arm. Ladon was able to help the Carolinian knights to take back The Black Forest but that wasn’t the end of The Visitors. Surviving knights recovered from their injuries, but their minds were long lost to The Visitors. The spreading of the parasite seemed to continue as the days went on. Ladon detected the infestation, but he was alone on his suspicions. None of the humans suspected anything was wrong. Ladon sought out Ligart to warn him and was horrified to discover that Ligart was no longer Ligart. Under the cover of darkness, Ladon fled the kingdom and was dubbed a defector. He became known as a traitor, and his poster spread throughout the land. The Visitors had never wounded Ladon until they had taken his father-figure from him. In a vengeful fury, Ladon swore to rid the world of them, and unfortunately, did not believe he had the strength to free Ligart. Ironically, it was his worst nightmare.

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    Character Name: Blayenok
    Nickname(s): Blake
    Blair Pendragon
    Age: 24
    Race: Dragonkin
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 152.8 Ibs
    Hair Color: White
    Eye Color: Sky Blue
    Complexion: Porcelain

    Dragon Type: Sky
    General Description: Blake isn't very outstanding in his appearance. His white hair hangs down to his neck and frequently gets in his eyes. This is intentional since it hides his reptilian slitted pupils. A series of small white ridges on his spine pokes out of his skin from his neck to his lower back. These ridges aren't particularly sharp but are still effective in combat. The front of Blake's neck and his chest is covered in thick scales that are a few shades lighter than his skin, and his upper arm and forearms have some thinner scales that take on a tint of blue as they go down his arms. His tongue is forked, and while it isn't as wide as a human tongue, it isn't narrow by any means and is slightly longer. His tongue is very much like a snake's tongue.

    He always tries to hide his draconic characteristics, so Blake has a black capelet that covers his mouth, his neck, and his right shoulder. Besides that, he has a grey coat that covers his arms enough that it isn't too noticeable. Loose clothing and a gray cloak are used to hide the ridges on his back. He prefers white or light blue clothing in general, along with a pair of steel-tipped boots.

    Dragon Arm: Tropos - Tropos is a double-sided spear. The shaft of the spear is 3 feet tall, with each blade being 1.5 feet tall. The blades are white, with small bronze crossguards on each side. The handle has the small welded pattern of a dragon curling around it. The center of the handle has a single jewel, and the blades themselves also have jewels. When activated, the gems glow white, and the spear can create gusts of wind behind it. If Blake stabs the activated spear towards an enemy, then he can choose to create a harsh blast of wind that hits his opponent. The wind isn't strong enough to throw someone away but is enough to knock someone off balance and disrupt their actions.
    • Tracking - Blake is able to track a person or group of people quite easily, finding footsteps, campfire sites, and other clues to find his bounties.
    • Hearing - He has long since mastered the art of listening to something without seeming like he is listening. He can also differentiate different sounds quite easily.
    • Coordination - While he isn't necessarily good at running, Blake's hands are very fast and precise, doing exactly what he wants them to do and when.
    • Language - He knows some basic words from every language and can talk very simply in most, even if he isn't fluent by any means.

    Fighting Style: Blake uses swift and precise marks when fighting. He prefers his spear because it gives him better reach, but he is capable of fighting with just his fists and feet. When fighting, he gives quick hand strikes, fast but brutal kicks, and, when he can, slamming his back into his opponent, which can bruise them a lot. Blake's scales give him some amount of armor, so he blocks fists or small knives with his arms, keeping his chest scales as a sort of armor. He uses his mind when fighting, finding weaknesses in his opponents to defeat them quickly.

    Dragon Arts:
    • Altitude Boosts - When he is higher in the atmosphere, Blake gets stronger, faster, and more nimble.
    • Sonic Blast - He can release blasts of wind from his hands, feet, or mouth, launching anything too close to it backward. This can be held for about a minute before he has to recover. The winds are very fast and loud, possibly causing temporary hearing loss to anyone close by. These blasts can also propel his hands or feet back from the force of the winds.
    • Tornado Tower - With this, he can create a very narrow tornado that can pick up anything smaller than a shield and propel them to incredible speeds. If a person gets close, they may get lifted off their feet and will get battered by dust, sand, small rocks, and pebbles, etc. Blake can have three of these at a time in motion and can control the movement for each tornado, although they can't move very fast.
    • Tempest - Blake can summon a miniature tempest that is about eight feet in diameter and hangs 5 feet above his head. The miniature tempest doesn't affect him in any way, but opponents who want to fight him will have to deal with battering winds, furious rain, and some occasional low voltage electric bolts.

    Background: Blake's egg was found in an eagle's nest on the cliff overlooking the town of Blayen, by four travelers who had been looking for something to eat. These travelers were wealthy but still loved to explore the world, and decided to keep the pure white egg as a souvenir. They were surprised when the egg hatched a week later, revealing a baby boy with snow-white hair and some reptilian characteristics.

    This traveling group consisted of two couples, one of which had a baby girl, and the other without any children. The woman had made herself infertile before she had fallen in love, and the couple decided to take the boy as their own, keeping the shell of the egg as one of their prized possessions. Blayenok was named after the town where he had been found, and as he grew up the name was shortened into Blake.

    Blake learned to hide his draconic characteristics from others, and he became friends with Teresa, the other child in the group. When he became a teenager, they would spar, her with a wooden sword and him with a staff. They talked a lot about Visitors, who would sometimes be in the towns that they passed through. Whenever that happened they would hide in the inn and look at the Visitor from afar, like their parents wished them to do. They were both learning magic, and they were at the same level, despite her being two years his senior.

    He was twelve when he first actually encountered a Visitor, and Teresa was fourteen. She had just started her periods, and the group passed through a town, picking up supplies at the local market. The Visitor had entered the market, and within a few seconds, it had singled out Teresa as a Breeder.

    After she was gone, Blake had made it his life goal to fight against the Visitors, but he'd have to be careful. The aliens were supernatural; he'd have to wait until he was stronger. So he did become stronger, training with a double-sided spear after some consideration and sparing against others, learning to use his mobility against his opponents. Blake also trained in his magic, surpassing his companions with ease. He was seventeen when he finally left the group that he had been with for years, venturing on his own into the world. Quickly he learned how to get into inns without raising questions of his draconic characteristics: simply hide them. After he had perfected the art of hiding, he changed his name to Blair Pendragon so he could travel incognito.

    Blake became very good at fighting and worked mostly as a bounty hunter, finding bandits or raiders and killing or capturing many. He became known in his local area for his efficiency and talent at finding his target, and he works alone. While others may want to team up, Blake is adamant about keeping his magical prowess and his draconic traits hidden, so he always declines these invitations.


"Ice... yes it's fragile, but still... destructive."

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    Character Name: Aynniole
    Nickname(s): Ayn
    Alias: Crystal Guardian
    Age: 24
    Race: Dragonkin
    Height: 5'9''
    Weight: 150 lbs
    Hair Color: Pale Blue
    Eye Color: White with No Pupils
    Complexion: Pale Ivory

    Dragon Type: Ice Dragon
    General Description: Standing proud on 5'9'', Ayn bestowed with graceful slender build, a true gem among the tough ices. Hiding shyly between her hair strains, a pair of elvish ears adorn her oval face. Her eyes glow in white color with no pupil shown, while her long pale blue hair braided messily, leaving some of her hair left unattended. On top of her head, there are 4 horns to be exact, radiating domination to every passing eye. There are white ice marks decorating her skin, the origin of why she is called The Crystal Guardian. Daily, Ayn uses black-blue kimono like this.

    Dragon Arm:
    Glaceleia is a soft blue fan in the normal state, hardly can be used as a weapon. As the Dragon Arm activated, Glaceleia transforms itself into 7 flying blades that gleam in a blue hue with ancient words carved patiently on both of their sides. The blades obeyed no one but Ayn's commands.

    • Foraging
    Looking for food and provisions is easy for her, thanks to years of living in the wild. By merely touching or smelling it, she could distinguish which one is edible, which one is poisonous.​
    • Flutist
    The first time Ayn found a flute, she fell deeply in love with its musical calm sound. Since then, she has been playing flute in her spare time to communicate her unexpressed emotions.​
    • Acrobatic
    Ayn has a good sense of balance, agility, and motor coordination. Her body is also flexible and easily bend to her will.​
    • Wolf's Tongue
    Raised by a pack of wolves, Ayn naturally knows how to communicate with wolves.​

    Fighting Style: In general, Ayn fights with her bare hands, simple street combat that she learns from the wolves and life events. Akio also takes part in training her martial combat.

    Dragon Arts:
    • Aurora Shield
    Ayn creates a small barrier force-field in her surrounding, giving temporary protection inside while freezing everything outside within its radius. More effort needed if she wanted to enlarge its scope, it will tire her faster though.​
    • Hailstorm
    Ayn forms large pieces of ice upward that fall to the ground with intimidating speed. Everything beneath the storm is physically damaged as long as they stay in it. She can also, with full concentration, move the hailstorm to any directions she wants.​
    • Queen's Kiss
    Ayn breathes chilling air that freezes anything it touches, turning them into ice statue that potentially kills them at the end of the process.​
    • Needles of Ice
    Ayn unleashes one to ten diamond-hard shards of ice as magic missiles.​

    Aynniole's egg was hidden deep in the forest that eternally snowed for a long... long years. The time finally came for the ice princess to enter the world that once exterminate her kin. A small crack appeared on the shell, revealing a small inhuman girl sleeping peacefully inside. As her small white eyes opened up, the first thing Ayn saw was a big wolf with scars across his left eyes. Knowing that the fragile girl was the descendant of the mighty dragons, the alpha wolf bowed to her, pledging his loyalty without questions nor orders. Behind him, pack of wolves following their alpha's move, bowing their dignified head in silence. That night, baby Ayn had made herself queen of the pack.

    Years later, Ayn slowly grew into a fine lady with more dragonic features growing on her. Ayn never left her forest for she already felt comfortable living among the wolves and other animals. Her life goal was as simple as keeping the forest in peace. Occasionally, she would help lost villagers, guiding them to exit the forest without revealing herself. Some might had seen her silhouette one time and another, but none had met her in person. At the age of 14, she met her first human face to face, a human male slightly older than her. He, who later called Akio, had been looking for "The Crystal Guardian" that always helped out villagers in the forest for years. Akio, of course, didn't expect The Crystal Guardian to be a beautiful half-naked lady using only wolves fur to barely hide her skin. Out of instinct, Ayn knocked out the poor man for she was in shock that someone finally saw her form. She then left him at the forest outskirt.

    However, Akio didn't give up easily. For days, even months and years, he came back again and again to the forest. Sometimes pretending to be lost just to get her help. His resilient effort was finally softened Ayn's cold heart, the ice lady showed herself upon the human. Due to the language barrier, their first meeting was awkward as hell. Seeing how uncivilized Ayn was, Akio determined to introduce Ayn to human culture. First thing first, Ayn really needed proper clothes to cover her. No matter how Ayn tried to say no in wolf language, Akio surely accepted no objections.

    For years, Akio taught Ayn about human culture while slowly befriending the wolves who almost ate him if Ayn didn't interfere. The name "Aynniole" was given by Akio, he called her "Ayn" for short. She learned a lot of things from language, martial combat, cultures, etiquette, and much more. She never for once thought that there was so much to learn from a single human. In the beginning, Akio was her only human friend. Bit by bit, Ayn started to say hi to passing villagers. In return, they also started to give Ayn a lot of things as a grateful token for her protection. Both Ayn and the villagers were living peacefully in harmony. Yet peace... no peace could linger forever, not when the truth finally exposed.

    One day, Akio came to the forest, agitated and furious. His soothing eyes now burnt in hatred, sweats flooded his back despite the cold weather. Nervously, Akio told Ayn about The Visitors who had been invading the world, slaving the human, giving the unfortunate ones a misery life. They also kidnapping females as "Breeders", but not just mere female, it was her own sister who became the victim yesterday. Along with this knowledge, Akio also disclosed about the dragons' history, about how his foolish kin drove the holy creatures to extinction. He expressed his assumption that Ayn was the dragon judging from her unique features, but somehow modified to look like a human. For the first time, he begged and plead for Ayn to save his sister.

    Ayn brushed off the ideas without hesitation, not because she didn't realize her unawakened power, but for the burden. She then decided to continue living in "ignorance". Akio, whose heart shattered in disappointment, left the forest and never came back. Weeks without Akio's news, worries started to creep her. Even the villagers knew nothing about his whereabouts, he had been gone for weeks without telling anyone. The new alpha wolf realized that it was the time for Ayn to learn about her lineage, to confirm Akio's assumption. Even so, the wolf's knowledge was deep as shallow water, Ayn had to find out about The Dragonkin herself. Knowing that she couldn't run from her fate anymore, she then set out on a journey to discover more truths while looking for Akio. The Visitors... she cared about it the less.
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  • View attachment 765838 Character Name: Nicholas
    Nickname(s): Nick, King, O Great Dragon King
    Alias: The Living Forge
    Age: 24
    Race: Dragonkin
    Height: 6'3
    Weight: 205 lbs
    Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
    Eye Color: Orange
    Complexion: Medium Beige

    Dragon Type: Fire

    General Description: Nicholas stands 6'3", sporting short blondish hair and a pair of eyes completely colored orange with black pupils. The backs of his hands and forearms have patches of scales on them, while his upper body has thicker and more fully formed scales. His lower body is more human with the exception of two sets of thick scales near his pelvic area and one scale centered on his stomach. His body is slim and toned with very defined muscular features. He commonly wears simple dwarven style attire, fit for his size, and looks no different than your average smith with the exception of his scales and eyes.

    Dragon Arm:

    Eldr is a double-sided one-handed ax in its normal state. When the dragon arm is activated, the ax grows to become a two-handed battle-ax with heated blades and greatly empowers Nicholas' dragon arts.



    Having been raised by dwarves, Nicholas is a masterfully trained smith.

    Nicholas can identify and work with most, if not all, metals naturally found in the earth

    Being around dwarves inevitably means getting your drink on, which Nicholas can do very well.

    Dwarven Tongue
    Nicholas can speak the language of dwarves fluently

    Fighting Style: Nicholas' fighting style is very straightforward and lacks flashy moves, relying on hard and direct strikes with his fists, elbows, or knees when without some type of heavy object, preferably a hammer or ax. Having been raised by dwarves, Nicholas fights like one.

    Dragon Arts:

    Fire Child
    Nicholas can conjure and manipulate his own flames

    Fire Eater
    Nicholas consumes fire or embers to revitalize himself

    King's Kiss
    Nicholas breathes flames hot enough to turn rock to lava or air warm enough to heat up leftovers

    Nicholas spews a stream of fire that ignites whatever it touches with flames that spread faster than normal

    Nicholas' egg was discovered by a dwarven miner and at first, was mistaken to be a precious metal someone hid away but was quickly recognized as an egg. The miner took the egg home quickly, getting the attention of the entire village all the while. Nicholas hatched only an hour later, in the miner's home, where the faces of most who could fit in the small house stared at the odd dragon child who lay within. Nicholas was adopted by the miner and his wife but spent his entire childhood being raised by the village as a whole, and raised like any other dwarven child.

    Growing up in the mountains and mines, Nicholas became as tough and hard-working as his adoptive community. Roughhousing was normal for him with the other children until he accidentally burned one of them during their wrestle. Since then the village smith took him under his wing as an apprentice, helping Nicholas learn how to use his fire breath to help him forge tools and weapons. He learned at a young age to cover the parts of him that had scales whenever travelers came through to purchase some of the village's crafts, and to not let others see his eyes.

    As he grew into a teen, being taller than everyone else, he was sarcastically but affectionately addressed as 'O Great Dragon King' because of his naturally dominating and aggressive personality and temperament. He proudly accepted the nickname and would play along with it whenever the children of the village would call him that. One day, while he was working, one of The Visitors came to his village and took a child. He felt anger well inside his chest that urged him to attack the 'man', but he was dissuaded by his adoptive father, who explained who and what The Visitors are.

    In time Nicholas became a great smith in the village and began attracting the attention of those in neighboring villages and even some of the cities. It also, unfortunately, got the attention of The Visitors. Word came back to the village and Nicholas decided it would be safest for his family if he left and traveled on his own before any more danger came to them. Before sunrise, on the day of his departure, Nicholas said his farewells before fleeing into the mountains.

    It is rumored that travelers who are able to make the journey can find The Living Forge in the mountains, and if they bring him the proper materials, can have him forge and create the best quality of whatever it is they desire.


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