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Fandom Dragon Age; The Revolution

Manjano had his horse at a leisurely trot, figuring that his best plan of action would be to head back to the road for now. He soon heard something rapidly approaching him and turned around to see a siren chasing after him. Eyes widening, Manjano quickly spurred his horse on, causing it to swiftly change from a trot to a gallop. Looking behind himself at the pursuing siren, Manjano swiftly used his primal magic to bring up an earthy wall in the siren's way. It would be just tall enough to block the siren's view, though Manjano had no idea if it could easily transverse a wall or not. He hoped it would at least block it long enough for him to get back on the road.
Arinito had expected a hit back, it surprised him more it was only a hit to the nose, rolling his eyes. He finally nodded, the ghost of a smile on his face, "Fine, let's go, *sshat" As he spoke, his body erupted into a light and a large, corrupted spider appeared, with one leg, it pointed at it's back, hinting for him to get on his back as it's leg tapped impatiently. With a click, it wrote, using the blood in the dirt, to write into the ground, 'Get on and hang on'

The siren halted in front of the wall, summoning a bit of energy, it flew through the wall, letting readying for a scream, because the horse and elf had heightened hearing, it should drive them insane. With a grin, she opened her mouth and let out an earth rattling scream, a few animals surrounding her, a fox, squirrel and rabbit, let out screeches, the squirrel, being so small, died, the rabbit collapsed, dying slowly, the fox's eyes grew huge and it started snarling, ripping through the forest with an aggression that held no amount of sanity. A second siren was following the siren, they weaved back and forth, above the horse and elf.
"We need to be there now you F-ard." He said as he stood next to the giant spider. He then raised his staff and slammed it on the ground. They were both enveloped in vines and after a few moments the vines withered away. "We are just ahead of them." Izayah said to the giant ace spider. He had to cover his ears when he heard a piercing shriek. "There are two of those acuresed things...right!?" He shouted over the noise.
Clicking furiously at the man, which was no doubt curse words, he scurried down the path, climbing up a tree and onto a branch, he shifted back into human form, awaiting them. Just in time for the scream, covering his ears, he nearly fell out of the tree. "YEAH!" He shouted back, as the scream stopped, he leaped from the tree. "We have to get close enough for them to hear me" His ears rang and he ended up half shouting that.
Manjano's horse suddenly bucked at the shriek, terrified and surprised by it. Manjano and the hunter went flying as they then promptly crashed into some nearby vegetation. Grumbling as he clambered to his feet, Manjano turned around and dismissed his horse before it completely freaked out and trampled him. Seeing the approaching sirens, Manjano took a chance and summoned a drake at his side. It instantly regarded him with what appeared to be hatred, but Manjano was already instructing it to attack the sirens before anything happened. The drake instantly let out a roar before it sprinted forward and head butted one of the sirens before lunging for its throat.
Arinito ran down the path, his staff in hand, just as he opened his mouth to shout dismissed, one of the sirens flew over to him, grabbing him by his waist, covering his mouth with her claws before flying above the one siren, fighting, struggling, the Siren raised him higher, till he was death's drop above the ground. Oh. He thought to himself as the siren spun around, watching from above.

The first siren clawed at the drake, her claws scrapped across one eye before letting out another screech, she dodged the drake's second attack and, with anger, she flew towards Manjano. A few seconds before she reached him, a curved dagger shot through the trees, hitting the siren in the side of the head, instantly the body crumpled, falling to the side. An elf covered in blood, nimbly grabbed the blade before turning towards the struggling mage with the siren. Holding onto the blade, the siren opened her mouth for another screech, just as she did, the elf threw the weapon. The blade barely missed Arinito and dove into the siren's forehead. With speed, he slid across the path and underneath the falling man, ready to catch him.

(I decided Manjon's knight in shining armor would come quicker <3)
(D'aww, I can see the love blooming through the bloody and grey mess already <3)

Manjano's mouth dropped as an elf seemingly appeared out of nowhere and decimated the siren attacking his drake with ease. As the elf took care of the other siren and went to catch the mage, Manjano sent his injured drake to the elf's side, using its body as a cushion for the mage when he landed.

(Sorry for the short post, but I kinda need a response before I can continue past this.)
Izayah feeling a bit left out shot a blast at a tree. The tree sprang to life and caught Arinito before the elf could catch him. "Sorry I had to do something." He said with a smirk. He then snapped his and the tree placed Arinito on the ground. "I regret nothing."
Arinito was quiet for a moment, before groaning, "What am I? A f*cking princess? God damn. All of you trying to catch me" His eyes rolled before he noticed the elf, "Cyrrel?" He questioned and the elf nodded, "Ah, you probably can't recognize me with all this on me" He gestured to his blood and Arinito shot him a grin, "It was the hair, only you could have that hairstyle" The elf shook his head at the slightly taller human. "Seems like I'm saving you a lot" Instantly, Arinito shook his head, "What about at the Hanged Man? Where I saved you?" Cyrrel rolled his eyes, "You mean where you drunkenly tried to help me and ended up falling over a table and I had to save your *ss?" He questioned and Arinito hesitated, "What about that time in High Town? When those guys thought you were a mage?" Cyrrel snorted with laughter, "And you came to my rescue by shooting a fireball at them, got them all chasing after you because you're a mage and again, I had to save you?" He questioned, a smirk on his face. "Whatever, I know I have one time" He grumbled before the elf wiped the blood above human's eye, "Man, you look like shit" Arinito groaned, "And I feel it. What happened to get... That On you?" The human questioned and Cyrrel glanced down at himself before wiping some blood off his face, "Oh, uh, a group of guys thought I was a mage" He said with a grin before turning to the others, "Hello, I am Cyrrel" He nodded to both of the other men before Arinito leaned against Cyrrel, "This guy works for the same person that I do most of my jobs from" The elf nodded, waving slightly before turning, and retrieving his curved blade from the dead Siren.
"Whatever, ok princess I want two sovereigns." Izayah said as he extended his hand. "Actually two sovereigns and twenty silver. Even though you didn't drink the last potion you still spilt it." He said seriously before he let out a small groan of realization. "Wait..... you said your bag was torn so you probably don't have any damn money on you. F*ck! Next time I'm making sure they have coin before I help" He muttered to himself.
Manjano raised an eyebrow at Cyrrel before his gaze shifted to his injured drake. It glared at him and Manjano quickly dismissed it, not wanting to have to deal with its wrath anytime soon. He then shifted his attention to Cyrrel before shifting awkwardly in place. He didn't want to admit it, but he was already attracted to the elf and he didn't know anything about him other than his name. Great. Manjano put one his hands on the back of his head before saying softly, "My name's Manjano." Hearing Izayah's complaints brought a small smile to Manjano's face. For someone so selfish, Izayah still seemed to exhibit plenty of care for other's safety. Perhaps the guy wasn't as selfish as he acted out to be.
Cyrrel examined the man asking for money with obvious suspicion, before turning to Manjano, "Nice to meet you! Been a while since I've seen another elf!" He said, with a smile as he rubbed the blood off his throwing knives onto his shirt, which was already covered in blood. Once clean, he sheathed it and started to rub the blood off as he listened to to Arinito.

Arinito snorted, "Listen here, cupcake, if you want money, then let me ask, how the f*ck was that twenty silver?" He growled, taking a step towards him, "If you want any damn money, then you'll have to go with us back to the city-" He froze before reaching into his pocket and groaning, "No" He growled at the remains of the ingredients he was requested to bring. "Damn it" He threw the blood ritual ingredients onto the ground,
Izayah took a step forward as well obviously ticked. "Well Princess that was a health poultice those things aren't F-ing cheap." He said as he adjusted his bag again. "And I was already heading to that swill of a city to restock, and what did you lose? Who knows I may have it in stock." He said with a grin his tone suddenly changing to one of business.
Arinito let out a growl pointing a finger at Izayah, "Don't you even start, I already owe you enough" He growled, he let out a string of curses as he imagined the money he would have gotten. "Damn it" He sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Let's just head back to the city" He held his head as he talked. Maybe he could get a healing mage to fix his eye.
Izayah let out a sigh before grinning and swinging an arm around Arinito shoulder. "Don't be like that. I see that your eye is badly hurt. I know, you would have never guessed if it weren't for my observation skills. Anyway princess you are in luck I have plenty of potions that can heal something like that. Though of course they aren't free. Also have I mentioned the interest you have to pay?" He said before backing off slightly.
Manjano rolled his eyes at Izayah's game, leaving him and the mage to sort things out. Looking back at Cyrrel, Manjano said softly, "Seems like you lead an interesting life, Cyrrel." He wondered what it was like to travel without care and explore this vast world. Manjano had been so confined and being a mage, he'd tried to avoid the cities and such for as long as he could, but now his supplies were dwindling and he needed to get more. Though, he was most certainly not asking Izayah for such help. He didn't like the sound of interest or any swindling deals he may make.
Arinito nodded, "Uh huh, how about I go to the city, talk to a healing mage, pay maybe ten sovereigns and leave?" He questioned as he rubbed his colorless eye again, he shook his head, the world with a mixture of black and white and color was a strange world indeed. "Plus, you sound like every con dealer in Low Town" He added with a smirk.

Cyrrel shrugged, "Mainly work as a body guard for a noble in High Town, here and there I will get jobs for something or other. Mainly have to take him to and from cities, maybe go with his son to see his little friends, take him on 'adventures' by letting him walk down the path, or if I need to walk him to his mother's city" Again, the elf shrugged, rather amused with the conversation between the two humans, as he talked to the other elf, he continued to rub the blood, more staining his skin red.
Izayah placed a hand over his heart and mimicked a hurt expression. "Now my pride has been shattered. You claim I'm like every con man in that disgusting place? I'm no con man, my prices are reasonable." He said as he let out a sigh and placed his hands on his neck. "Please tell me you two aren't going to enter Kirkwall looking like that?" He asked with a raised brow as he looked at Arintio and Cyrrel.
Manjano nodded at what the elf said, wondering what it was like to be someone's body guard. Especially a noble. Noting the blood covering the elf, Manjano frowned and said, "Perhaps you shouldn't waste your time making that worse." He then glanced over at the mage and Izayah, wondering if they were going to be a heading to Kirkwall soon. Hearing what Izayah said, Manjano quietly pointed out, "Unless there's a nearby water source, they don't have much choice."
Cyrrel glanced up as he noticed the con artist spoke to him; "I planned on it" He glanced at himself, "I go into Kirkwall like this a lot" He added, and Arinito shrugged as well, "A lot of people walk in with blood" His eye closed as the blood dripped down, turning away, with a mutter, he used the his blood magic to create a small blood 'wall' to keep the blood from leaving the wound. Turning back, he glanced down at himself; he had a knife wound above his eye, as well as he had marks all around his nose and mouth from where he had been stabbed as a bear. As well as a still healing hole in his stomach, plus a limp and his pants and shirt were all stained with blood. With a grimace, he glanced at Cyrrel before rubbing his forehead tiredly, "Maybe we should find a river or something, Cyrrel, wash off?" He offered and the elf shrugged, "I don't really care either way, whatever you want to do" He offered, running a bloody hand through a hair.
Manjano glanced between the two friends and said softly, "It'd be a good idea at the very least. Plus, it'd help your wounds heal faster if they were cleaned." He forced himself to remain silent after saying this, not wanting to mention the fact that he found Cyrrel attractive in front of everyone. Which, knowing how flustered he'd most likely get if he were around Cyrrel alone, Manjano knew that keeping his mouth shut and avoiding such a scenario would be the best option for now.
Izayah sighed and placed his hand on a tree. "Nearest river?" He muttered to it. There was a slight breeze and he nodded. "Thanks. There's one over there it's not that far." He said as he pointed to the right of them. "Do you need some new clothes? I got plenty in stock. I even have a dress for you princess, though it may be a bit too short." He said with a smirk.
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Arinito rolled his eyes, "Shut it dwarf" He said to Izayah before Cyrrel chirped in, "We can just wash our clothes in the river" The elf pointed out, "They'll just a bit wet" He added, more towards Arinito and the man shrugged, "Let's go then" The elf nodded, "I know where the river is" He explained before leading the way, off the path and through the woods. Following, Arinito motioned for them to follow before moving through the underbrush. They reached the river in a few seconds and Arinito grinned, "Man, I haven't taken a bath in a few days, this is gonna feel soooo good" He first slipped out of his shirt, though he was not overly muscular, he did have muscles, enough to be noticed at least. "We should wash the clothes first, that way they can dry" Cyrrel mentioned, taking off his shirt as well, his body was very lean and thin. "Good call" He nodded to the elf and started to unbuckle his pants, first dropping his belt with his shoes on the bank.
Izayah blushed heavily and looked away. "I'll be over here if you need me." He muttered before walking to a nearby tree. He sat down under the shade and didn't even glance at the two as he shuffled through his bag and pulled out a book. After reading a bit he noticed that blood was dropping on his book. 'Sh*t a nosebleed. Guess that f-er got a better hit in than I thought.' He just wiped his nose and continued to read refusing to look at the men.
Cyrrel removed his pants, shoes and socks, he took a step into the water, when he was about, thigh deep, he removed his underwear and leaned across, grabbing his shirt and pants and began washing them. Instantly the water was red from the blood, he scrubbed them with his hands as the blood soaked out.

Arinito mimicked Cyrrel's actions, removing his underwear about thigh deep and washing his own clothes, though his clothes weren't as bad as Cyrrel's, they still helped mixing the river red as he washed them with his hands. "Damn, this water is nice" He was enjoying soaking as he washed his clothes.

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