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Fandom Dragon Age: Inquisition Roleplay | doubling, oc x cc


AHHH okay
Since DA:D finally got it's official title (man who woulda thought Solas would be in this game.) I would LOVE to do a Dragon Age roleplay -- specifically Inquisition but I would also be excited to do an Origins rp!!

Before I talk about "rules" or whatever, a little about me:
I go by Moe/Mo and I'm 21 years old. I've been roleplaying for like... 10 years now probably?? I'm a writer and artist and I LOOOVE Character design!! I love exploring character arcs and relationships and talking a lot about them.
I RP Semi-lit/lit and average about 400 words per character (so like an 800+ word response overall) and LOOOVE to plot/headcanon OOC. It's kind of a necessity for me because I tend to... become uninterested if I feel like I'm putting in all the effort. I love to get to know my Partner's OC's and I love when they get to know mine too!!
I don't have any writing triggers but stay away from taboos obviously.

{ enaste lavellan }
"You do not know me." The elven woman's words came out slow, precise. Every word hard in sound and firm in delivery -- though not entirely unkind.
"You do not know me!" Enaste repeated, this time louder, harder, firmer. She didn't care if he flinched from her sudden outburst because to be honest it was long overdue. He ridiculed her, turned his nose up at her people and their tradition but did he not understand just how much of their culture slipped through their fingers every passing day? Oh, how her blood boiled at his arrogance, his pride.
Was it not enough to be ripped away from her home, her clan, her mother? Was it not enough to be fated, tied, to some archaic magic that would ultimately take her life -- perhaps only an arm if she was lucky? Was it not enough to be a puppet, a doll, posed as "The Herald of Andraste" -- a Goddess in which she does not believe! -- and flaunted around like some sort of savior to people she didn't even think deserved saving? Was it not enough that in what felt like an entire world of enemies the one she thought might be willing to extend a friendly hand was the same one slapping her in the face?
"My people, your people, have to preserve crumbs. Crumbs, Solas," She took a step away from him, hands trembling at the bitter rage that nibbled at her belly. "Are we not kin? Do we not share ancestors? Do you not see the same Gods as I?" Her voice was almost pleading, a hand now clutching her chest; a gesture to enforce how much it pained her to speak to him this way. Enaste could not meet his gaze and she didn't wish to. She didn't care what lie there. At best it was pity and at worst it was pride. She felt a fool. She was a fool.
With burning eyes she turned her back fully to him, clutching herself in a hug that she decided only she was capable of giving. She couldn't long for arms that only wished to suffocate her.
Oh, but how she did.... she did.... she did long for them....
No. If she let him near she would fall into him just as she had before. She would feel the firmness of his grasp, the strength of his grip, and her skin was drop from her muscles and her muscles from bone and her bones would disintegrate until she was nothing but a spirit.

[ cullen rutherford ]
Oh Andraste above. He stood, fidgeting, in the middle of the barracks like some page contemplating asking the Earl of Redcliffe if he could maybe, possibly, perhaps go out on an expedition. Just a short one! He'd say, putting on his big, stupid puppy eyes. Perhaps such a tactic could be useful here as well...
"Oh, bullock, isn't it." Not so much asking as he was pathetically admitting, Commander Cullen covered his face with one hand. The barracks were mostly empty with the exception of a few late risers stumbling through -- and Cullen. He had been up with the sun, maybe a little bit before, but well, he was...What's a clever word for "hiding"? Nothing could really disguise his cowardice it seemed. There was a more than reasonable explanation, really, but he was struggling to come up with it. The real reason he was tottering around the barracks was because, well, a woman. Not just a woman but, well, one he was starting to take a liking too and oh Maker did she know it. He had never been great at subtly but to be fair he hadn't really had anyone worth being subtle too since... Ah, that was so long ago now wasn't it?
She made his body act like it had before he was able to grow a beard -- achy, tingly, moist -- and it was honestly embarrassing. He was the Commander of the Inquisition! The Herald, Cassandra, Leliana, Josephine, they were all relying on him to be... to be... not hiding in the barracks from a woman.
Oh it WAS ridiculous and the more he thought about it the more ridiculous it became. No, no he couldn't do this anymore. He began toward the door but quickly halted again. "Who's she to keep me in the barracks, I'm..." He swallowed, "I'm going out there." But he couldn't oh no he couldn't because what if he saw her? With her raven locks and steely eyes, her lithe frame, her scarred hands that cupped his cheek so gently when she teased him so mercilessly. Caught up in his own rose-tinted fantasy he hadn't even heard the door open, only stirred from his daze when he felt light pressure on his shoulder.
"What, can't you see I'm--" He whipped around so fast he almost knocked the nuisance over -- Oh. "--Ah-ahum, Kira!" He quickly straightened and bowed politely, refusing to stand straight and look her in the eye. "I'm sorry, I was just lost in thought,"

Okay so my general guidelines or rules or whatever when looking for a partner:

<3 18+ because I am 21 and I just prefer to not rp with minors. With or without explicit content.

<3 semi-lit/lit responses. I'm not super weird about proper grammar and mechanics but I like to know what you're saying?? also written in paragraph/lit form, no block responses please I can't process them well.

<3 Doubling, OC X CC (or oc x oc idm) with equal EFFORT in both responses. I'm not a stickler for equal lines/word amount because sometimes they'll be in different scenes and might require more or less words. Obviously anything more than a two liner.

<3 Plotting/headcanoning OORP. We all have lives outside of RP so I know that a reply might not happen everyday!! but I would love to continuing plotting and talking outside of the rp to fill some silence. I love to talk about my partners OC!! but i also like when my partner like, i don't know, cares about mine???​

Yeah Idk I don't ask for anything crazy i don't think??? NOW actual RP stuff.

Looking for a Dragon Age: Inquisition roleplay!
- taking place over the course of inquisition
- I don't care who plays inquisitor/herald (even cooler if they're two different people!!)
- my oc will be paired with SOLAS and I am willing to play anyone for you :)))

optional stuff:
au's (modern au, inquisitor + herald au, etc.)
love triangles (mine would be solas & cullen)
Dragon Age: Origins RP instead (my love interest would be Alistair, Stenn, or Leliana)

okok if you're interested please shoot me PM!! and pleeeasse say more than just "Wanna RP" idk tell me about ur oc, say who u might want me to play, introduce yourself, idk idk just something heheheh​

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