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Dice DKS Dice Rolls

Aaaaa, I kinda do wanna go in but I also feel like it's an awful idea... I'm gonna do it, she can always sprint out of the tomb if needed.... oooh, I hope I don't regret this lol.

Edit: can I roll for perception to see if there's any traps/anything nearby?

A one... yikes.
Oh nooo, don't "Yikes" with me! (Also, RPnation briefly went down just as I was about to post this comment, and if that's not an omen, I don't know what is...)

TIME TO PLUNGE... cautiously. I'm going to use Divine Sense again: that gives me three more after this.
Using your Divine Sense, you can detect no Undead within this room. Whoever may lay in those coffins, they are resting quite peacefully.
O-Okay... dex check. Is that enough, or should I burn my inspiration? (Am I allowed to ask that?)

Dex: 16
I always seem to check for traps where there's nothing and wander right into the places where there are traps. OOh, it's getting real intense...

Ok, so I'm not exactly sure how this works. If I wanted to cast Protection from Evil and Good, could I do that now? Would I still be able to talk and do other interactions while the spell is active? Would I need to wait until attacked?
Yeah, if you want to go ahead and cast it now that would be fine. You'd still be do everything like normal for the 10-minute duration that the spell is up. Only thing is, since it's a concentration spell, if you take damage while you have it up you'll have to make a Constitution saving throw and succeed or the spell will drop.
Oh, and in case you want to persuade, or intimidate, or just talk to him or whatever, you can do so as a Free Action! Monologue away!

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