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Fandom Divergent: Faction Before Blood // plot & chat

Free-for-all or simulation duels for tomorrow's training?

  • Free-for-all!

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • Simulation duels!

    Votes: 2 28.6%

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  • Poll closed .
_boopityBoop _boopityBoop No worries! Feel free to start out by making a character. The apps thread is right here with links to all the other existing characters as well. Upload your form to the link below whenever you finish or post a work in progress as you go.

I wanna do something with Bloom and archery because she LOVES archery and is an amazing shot! Anyone wanna plot an outing for another time in the rp for Bloom to do archery with them?
For sure! I was thinking about how angel likes knife throwing and thinks archery would be easy... and it's not for them-
_boopityBoop _boopityBoop To give you a better recap of where we're currently at in the RP, all of the initiates are going head-to-head in their fear landscapes, so that they enter a combined simulation of both of their fears and the winner is the one who solves the problem or ends the danger, and consequently wakes up first. Randi and Rhys were competing against each other in their fear sims, during which one of Rhys's multiple personalities (Rain) emerged unexpectedly and caused him to lose the contest. Now that training has concluded the two of them are going to hang out together, whilst Randi deals with some recent and unpleasant revelations about her family and her past. Vex won her fear sim against Chris, who has a growing crush on her. He asked her to meet him sometime later in the day, to which Vex answered noncommittally, because she's secretly a spy for Erudite and her first loyalty is to her master, Dr. Munro, whom Chris is also beginning to serve. Partially out of a feeling of indebtedness to him for easing Chris's unhealthy mood swings and drug habits, and partially to please Vex. She and Ghost are currently bantering, as Ghost is aware that something about Vex is... off, but he's unsure what. Until he figures it out, she's piqued his interest and become a puzzle for him to solve. Phillip and Ghost had made bets on which initiates will win their contests, but Ghost was unable to pay him back the amount that he owed, so Phillip is looking forward to a rendezvous with him tomorrow to get his money... among other things. Currently, Phillip is helping Bloom conclude training, as Phillip has just been hired on as the newest instructor. Bloom and Phillip have a mutual attraction, but so far nothing other than flirtation has transpired. Both instructors were bemused to find that Aya and Thorn tied in their competition, which has never happened before, and Phillip encouraged Bloom to bury the records so that neither initiate would come under suspicion of being Divergent from Dauntless leadership. Aya is now planning to go the compound rooftop--her usual hangout spot--with Griffon, who lost his fear simulation against Briony. Cassidy and Fable also competed, with Fable winning when Cassidy had a panic attack partially induced by some drugs that she had taken given to her by nefarious associates prior to testing. Cassidy emerged from the test screaming and still panicking so that Ghost had to come console her. Lastly, Aubrey and Shayla competed, with Aubrey winning. Right now, Shayla is nursing a nosebleed, a symptom of the brain tumor that she is concealing from everyone. She suffered a major episode during her simulation yesterday from it that caused her to be hospitalized. She and Aubrey used to be friends, and Shayla is astonished to find that she still cares deeply for Aubrey, but she doesn't want to mend their friendship only for her to die suddenly from her condition. Charlie is the initiates' medic and fears for Shayla's safety but was brushed off when she voiced her concerns... That's about it for now! Lol my apologies for the wall of text that just got thrown at you; the recap turned out to be way longer than I planned it to be, but I hope it's given you a grasp of some of the characters. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! We're a friendly bunch and will gladly respond to any ideas or plots you have for us.
That is a very unique plot, and it might take me a bit to be able to remember some of it. But I'm sure I'll be able to sort through it.

The problem I'm having is how I should fit Angel in since alot of things have already happened.
Angel is really reserved with new people especially with people of other factions. Where should I start to establish their character? With their fear simulation?
_boopityBoop _boopityBoop
Since initiation has been going for a while already (like a few weeks? A month?) Everyone is somewhat acquainted. The best thing would be to either make it that Angel did not make many/any friends during the beginning and is only branching out now due to their own reasons (maybe to help with their score or because they're lonely)
Or you can figure out who Angel might have made friends with and then can pretend that you've RPed them being friends since beginning and have a friend from the get go.

For example, Griffon would happily have friended Angel. If you want them to have been friends.
Also Cassidy is free ATM and doesn't have immediate plans so can definitely interact with Angel if you want. She is just exiting one of the rooms now. ☺️

Also Aviator Aviator calling Chris's infatuation with someone a growing crush is rather sweet but also like... Chris just kinda loves all girls especially if they give him attention 🤣
Currently he's obsessed with Blair, growing fond of Vex, having more attraction to Briony etc. 🤣🤣
The best thing would be to either make it that Angel did not make many/any friends during the beginning and is only branching out now due to their own reasons (maybe to help with their score or because they're lonely)
That's definitely what would happen. Their was talk of archery earlier, and Angel is no good at it, they would probably need help with that-
you can figure out who Angel might have made friends with and then can pretend that you've RPed them being friends since beginning and have a friend from the get go.
I'll probably look over some of the characters to see who Angel would bond with
Griffon would happily have friended Angel.
While I would love it, I looked at Griffon and if Angel thinks you came from Abnegation, they wouldn't really be a fan of talking to them. In fact they'd probably be a but nasty/rude to griffon. They aren't a fan of Abnegation or Amity.
Looking through some of them the first people that caught my eye was Cas and Randi
Something I was thinking about is Angel is with Chris, or anyone that flirts they'd love to flirt/tease back but not actually attempt anything with them.
I think I should update they're Sexuality, maybe they could be demiromantic now that I think about it
The only way they'd be interested is if they really trust you

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