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Fandom Divergent: Faction Before Blood // plot & chat

Free-for-all or simulation duels for tomorrow's training?

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I also have Randi, Fable, Thorn, Bloom, Vex, and Shay are all open for plots with Angel! _boopityBoop _boopityBoop

Randi -
Randi is a total firecracker almost all of the time. She is energetic, enthusiastic, and has no issues breaking what others might consider social rules and speaking her mind. Some might consider her to be a bit crazy as she has always had a great love for fire and all things hot and has been labeled a pyromaniac because of this. She jokes that she could make a fire out of anything and often times she is proven right. Along with not being afraid to speak her mind, she is also not afraid to challenge others and stand up for herself and her friends. If she catches onto anyone treating her friends wrongly she will not hesitate to roast them alive verbally and would likely make an effort to do so physically as well. Like many Dauntless, Randi seems to be fearless and in fact, it often seems as though she has no fear at all which comes off as recklessness in the eyes of others. In Randi's mind it isn't so much that she is reckless or fearless, she simply just sees no issue with dancing with death with full knowledge that one day death will take the lead. It isn't that she is suicidal or depressed, Randi loves life, but she has no plans on growing old, she doesn't want to get weak or tired, she doesn't want to end up powerless, so she takes the risk of living on the edge with the subtle hope in the back of her mind that one day the edge with crumble. It should also be known that Randi is a huge flirt who is very confident in herself and will hit on just about anyone no matter their age or gender. She is also very funny and isn't afraid to laugh at her own jokes which sometimes leads to her just laughing to herself without ever having uttered a word. Overall this spicy bean is a fiercely loyal, energetic, impulsive, and often times reckless pyromaniac who has no plans to apologize for one second of her crazy life.

Fable -
From a young age it was pretty clear that Fable did not belong within her birth faction. The young girl always had the urge to show up and stand out in her own ways rather than be apart of the lifeless herd she felt her family and their faction to be. She was always rebellious in her own ways, her mother even telling her that the way she looked with her hair and eyes felt like a rebellion despite the fact that Fable couldn't control how genetics made her look. She has a lot of heart and can be very sweet and forgiving towards those who wronged her but that doesn't mean she won't learn from those events and come back stronger the next time around. She is willing to fight and wants to earn her place in her new faction which can be hard at times since she still has the selflessness of Abnegation ingrained in her memory after sixteen years spent being told to give up everything for others. She knows that the dauntless do not operate in that way and so, while it is hard at times, she is learning to be selfish and take what she wants. She doesn't want to be rude or make enemies but she refuses to be pushed around because of her birth faction. If someone tries to take what is hers she will fight them for it but if you ask nicely she will still be willing to give freely and without complaint. Fable still believes in two absolute truths, the first being that "A kindness is never wasted", the second being that "kindness should never be mistaken for weakness". If you choose to challenge her or belittle her you can be certain that she will do everything she can to prove you wrong. Go right ahead and tell her she isn't good enough and tell her she isn't strong enough because that will just give her the drive she needs to prove you and everyone who ever doubted her wrong.

Thorn -
Thorn is not what one might expect from most dauntless born initiates. He is very calm, happy, and peaceful which causes those around him to think less of him as a member of dauntless since he isn't eager to jump into the fight like others are. He prefers to talk things out, listen, meditate, and come to peace rather than violence and he doesn't care if that makes him look weak. He almost always has a smile on his face even if he is having the worst day of his life or is going through some serious depression, which happens a lot. He doesn't like bothering others with his personal issues and often leaves them bottled up and tries to ignore how it tears him up inside. He looks for any reason he can find to be happy and when he can't find a ray of sunshine he is the sort of person who will look for stars in the darkness. Just because he prefers peace doesn't mean he isn't capable of war, he is perfectly capable of defending himself in a fight as well as protecting others but he will make every attempt for peace before reaching that point. He has the heart and mind of an artist and finds great joy in his hobbies of metalworking and blacksmithing. He has his own forge where he makes custom metal figurines, weapons, jewelry, and much more as a method of meditation and self-expression. He enjoys working with his hands, making things for others, and just spending time bringing to life metal creatures and weapons that appear in his mind. He is also extremely patient and takes his time with things that matter as well as when helping others with who he is working. He is very good at taking a moment to take a step back and just breathe and remember what really matters to him. He has remained in dauntless out of fear and isn't proud of the cowardly act that has locked him to a faction he feels lost within but he was too afraid of letting certain people down that he was willing to give up on his dreams to quell their rage.

Bloom -
To smile is a gift, to be able to do so after true tragedy...well that's what some might call strength and others a coping mechanism. Bloom is someone who views it as both. To be able to smile freely was a luxury she once enjoyed but the heavy blows of a hard life have made it more and more difficult. She certainly tries to take advantage of the beautiful moments, the times that count the most, she stores those memories away for the worst days when she needs to smile and remember that life can still be good. This is a lesson she tries to pass on to others in her own subtle way. She wants those around her to be able to remember the good times, to remember how to have a bit of happiness stored away for a rainy day. She is not all sunshine and rainbows, she is very realistic and knows how the world works, but she also knows that hope can be a very powerful thing, happiness or the promise of it can drive people to do the unimaginable. The world isn't kind but people can choose to be. People always have a choice even when they don't believe they do and Bloom is one who makes each choice carefully because she knows even the smallest action can have an impact. Most would think of her as soft but she has proven herself to be anything but. When it comes down to it Bloom is nowhere near as delicate as her name, she is strong, determined, and ready to accept the consequences of every action she takes. She does not easily back down from a fight and if she does it is because she is understanding the bigger picture. She is loyal and looks out for those to who she has formed an attachment to. It is usually only when aiming to protect those she cares for that Bloom runs the risk of being more reckless than anything because she never wants to lose someone she cares about ever again. She is known for being very strategic and calculating on the battlefield which made her certainly stand out during her initiation. As an instructor, she is very patient with the initiates but also very blunt and will tell them their strengths but also their weaknesses even if they don't want to hear it. She is always open to provide private lessons if an initiate asks because doing so shows her that they have initiative and truly want the end goal they are all working towards. Her loyalty can not be bought but can be earned. If she trusts you she will follow you through thick and thin but if you break that trust you had better bet that you will likely never get it back and will live on her watch list for the rest of your days if she even lets you get that far.

Vex -
Vex is what one might call a victim of circumstance. She was born in erudite but showed at a young age that she was clearly destined for dauntless. Because of this those who craved power and control in Erudite took the chance to transform young Vex into a weapon only they could control and who answered to them alone. Because of this Vex has become cold and calculating though she can put on a pretty smile and play any part the men upstairs tell her to. She is cunning, manipulative, a true master of the craft of seduction and bending people to her will. She seldom shows fear but what's more important is that she shows no mercy. She was taught that mercy, compassion, empathy, were all weaknesses that she could not afford to have. She takes pleasure in the pain of others and will kiss you on the lips while gutting you alive. She was not born this way but was conditioned to be so over the years and knows no other path for herself. She is loyal to erudite and no one else though she does not show it because it might blow her cover in Dauntless. In her free time, she is the kind of person who fantasizes about new ways to torture and maim people for fun or simply to get information. She is an expert at using her body as a weapon both physically and in appearance. She is not here to make friends or find herself a new home, she is here to do the job the higher-ups in Erudite gave her, and if it means she needs to manipulate and hurt people to do that she has no problem with it.

Shayla -
It's hard to live a full life when you know you could keel over dead any minute. This is a threat that looms over the heads of all who live but for Shay it is different. She knows that she is basically a ticking time bomb and that she at most has a few good years left in her but could easily pass at any moment. Because of this Shay has a hard time forming relationships with others because the last thing she wants to do is cause them pain. Before she found out about her condition she used to be quite the social butterfly, a friendly young girl who brought smiles to almost everyone she met. Now Shay would rather leave a life cut off from the ones she loves in order to save them from the pain that will come when she does fade away. In her mind, it is better for them to feel like she is already gone so that when she truly is, they won't have to miss her. It might not make sense but it is one of the few ways she can deal with the fact that she likely won't make it to her 20th birthday. Because of this Shay often tries to come across as cold and uncaring towards those around her since she is afraid to grow close to people. Deep down though she is very warm and loving with the patience of a saint. If she had more time she would give in to her desire for companionship but she is so afraid of the pain she will feel when it is ripped away as well as the pain she would cause others though like any Dauntless she would never admit to that fear. If pressed enough or under the right circumstances she will let others in despite her better judgment. She is a loyal friend who would jump in front of a moving bus or run into a flaming building for the people she cares about. She also has a wonderful creative side and spends much of her free time drawing or working on becoming a tattoo artist. Art is calming for her and when she starts to have killer headaches it is one of the few things that keeps her from wanting to bash her head in. Shay is very understanding and patient with others which some might find surprising. In her mind, she has no right to judge anyone for their mistakes since she has made plenty of her own. She also hates judging people because she knows that others have probably judged her for the ways she has chosen to act and deal with her situation though no one but her father and she know of her brain tumor. Most people just think she is an ice-cold bitch who chose to cut everyone out of her life for no reason.
Again, Randi/the pyromaniac is catching my attention alot. Something about her character, it feels like her and angel would really connect. Or atleast angel would really connect to her. So Randi is the one I'm think about having interactions with the most.

I feel like angel would be a bit suspicious of both fable and thorn because they get a bit paranoid. I think angel would feel like their is some type of artifical quality to those two, something they can't exactly describe but leads them to avoid their company. Why Randi doesn't feel artificial? No idea-

Bloom, vex, and shayla would intrigue angel alot in different ways that would definitely be fun to explore. Especially shayla.
Again, Randi/the pyromaniac is catching my attention alot. Something about her character, it feels like her and angel would really connect. Or atleast angel would really connect to her. So Randi is the one I'm think about having interactions with the most.

I feel like angel would be a bit suspicious of both fable and thorn because they get a bit paranoid. I think angel would feel like their is some type of artifical quality to those two, something they can't exactly describe but leads them to avoid their company. Why Randi doesn't feel artificial? No idea-

Bloom, vex, and shayla would intrigue angel alot in different ways that would definitely be fun to explore. Especially shayla.
Cool! I would love to plot some stuff with Randi and them! Randi is a bit busy today but they can totally interact tomorrow in rp! Also, Randi could teach them some fun tricks since she is really good at knife throwing too (but is even more deadly with throwing cards).

That is really surprising to me about Fable and Thorn. Fable I understand a bit more because she is very much on a quest to find her true self and be as far away from the person she was expected to be as possible but I assure you she is still good people. Thorn on the other hand really surprises me that they would feel iffy about him since, historically, he is one of the most peaceful (ignore him putting his father in the hospital, that was a complicated matter) and well-meaning of the initiates. I am excited to see what they think of them in the rp!

I would love to explore those three with you! Shayla is a fun character that I greatly enjoy playing but she is hard to interact with due to how much she isolates herself. In the rp right now she is really struggling because of her condition so I would love to plot something with Angel and her, maybe Angel can notice she is not doing great and get Charlie? Most people don't know Shayla is dying.

I would love to plot some stuff with Randi and them! Randi is a bit busy today but they can totally interact tomorrow in rp! Also, Randi could teach them some fun tricks since she is really good at knife throwing too
Awesome! That sounds like a great start! And no worries take you time!
That is really surprising to me about Fable and Thorn.
It's not like, I think their suspicious characters, it's just because of trauma in Angel's life, they have a irrational distrust with people that are... like fable and thorn. Again, they have a certain paranoia that can be a bit hindering plus with bpd that makes it hard to keep stable relationships in general for them-
Charlie and Aubrey can get posted tomorrow. Sorry .y schedule is full 😭

_boopityBoop _boopityBoop well if you want Angel to interact with Cas that's fine by me. She would be interested in them and not care a bit about them at the same time
Quick thoughts about my charities and Angel

Charlie would care for them, as she does for all the kids

Aubrey wouldn't like them very much and wouldn't interact with them much

Chris wouldn't be attracted to them but would be fine with being friends if Angel initiated interaction

Phillip is friendly with everyone, flirty with everyone, and fun with everyone

Cas would be interested in finding out the deeper workings of Angels mind and would be low key attracted to them

Griffon would be pleasant and lovely but wouldn't try anything if Angel showed no interest in being friends.
well if you want Angel to interact with Cas that's fine by me. She would be interested in them and not care a bit about them at the same time
Absolutely, that would be lovely. And when they first meet, it'll be the exact same. Interested but not invested at all. Already so much in common lol-
Aubrey wouldn't like them very much and wouldn't interact with them much
Very entertaining for the bit of narcissism they have- but also side note, would be interesting with how Angel possibly develops and comes out of their shell and becomes more, like, stable you could say
Cas would be interested in finding out the deeper workings of Angels mind and would be low key attracted to them
Cas would definitely be a interesting interaction
He really does haha! Now if he and Bloom could stop dancing around each other so Honey can have both of them all the time for belly rubs and treats then MAYBE this rp can have one happy ending lmao!

Also welcome to the dead mom’s club Angel! Please enjoy a complementary cookie and t-shirt. And yes the cookies are store bought because no moms from the club were alive to make them from scratch!
MAYBE this rp can have one happy ending lmao!
Jesus, maybe- looking at alot of the forms so many characters have narcissistic traits man- alot more then I expected-
Also welcome to the dead mom’s club Angel! Please enjoy a complementary cookie and t-shirt. And yes the cookies are store bought because no moms from the club were alive to make them from scratch!
And yay! Wow depressing, trauma and mental unstableness!
Woo! Trauma builds character and adds spice!-
I have Aya, Briony’s, and Rhysand(Rain,Rafe) if you wanna look their forms over for any type of plotting.
Nerdy. Nerdy. what do you want Thorn and Aubrey to do? Maybe they can hangout at his forge while he works on her dagger? Or maybe they could grab food and watch a movie or something like that. Thorn is still very worried about her and won’t wanna do anything involving drinking because he doesn’t want her to get hurt.
Either of those options are great! I like the idea of Aubrey going to his. Maybe she actually falls asleep and he watches over her too?
Either of those options are great! I like the idea of Aubrey going to his. Maybe she actually falls asleep and he watches over her too?
Ooooo yay I love that idea! He would look after her for sure! Jacket over her shoulders and everything, he has a cot in his workshop he will likely put her on and make sure she is okay.

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