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Fantasy Deadman S.W.A.T OOC

Right. I’ve seen several variants. Their FX marking ammo line comes in white, red, orange, yellow, green, and blue.
Yeah I was looking around on their site and I saw that as well, we can use it for AAO, it would be plausible since I'm sure none of the S.W.A.T teams participating would wanna lose any of their operators/officers to real world powder charged ammunition that can kill an operator. These training rounds pretty much allow for realistic training without the downside of potential death since these rounds don't penetrate into the kevlar armor set.
They don’t use lethal rounds in AAO for anything but sharpshooter competitions. Now for the real question: do they allow shields in the assault event? EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy
So my trip got cut short, so I guess I'm available to play now!

EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy How would you like me to bring Rafi in? Waiting at the airstrip for someone to fetch her and bring her to the team? Or walking into the mess hall on her own looking for them?
I uh, probably should have read the whole rp thread before asking that question...

I know how I'm bringing her in...^33^
Yeah unfortunately she is the type to haze, plus she doesn’t like new people on a problematic mission so she is unfortunately gonna speak her mind lol

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