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The mind is a fearsome thing, don't tread on it.
Ace Cream Ace Cream Ian Temero Ian Temero WARWOLF01 WARWOLF01 Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian FentasticFen FentasticFen Sybil Sybil Goonfire Goonfire Pepsionne Pepsionne LibbyM098 LibbyM098

The base was busy as usual. Of course it was a military base, owned by the government and set on a fenced-in government owned plot of land. This land is about 70 acres worth of land, nestled somewhere in the midwest of the United States. This land was very well utilized in order to make sure that the Deadman S.W.A.T team could train and be ready to go out at any moment in time. It had its own Airfield, bunker that held many military vehicles, housing for each member of the team and plenty of area for training. It had a mess hall to accommodate the soldiers who were there on the weekdays and even a Tech Lab.

The Airfield and landing strip was at the northernmost end of the base. It is also home to the bunker for the military vehicles. Just west of that was the tech lab that held some of the best supercomputers the US government could have and the research and development team, whose main job was to keep tabs on the team of Clear Mind Deadman that call this place home. Next to that is the mess hall and the separate housing units for the live in team. Behind two of these living quarters is a large, heated metal barn filled with many Saguaro Cactus'.

The rest of the base to the South is completely dedicated to him the training area. Entering it you immediately go into the firing range, fully equipped with targets from 30 feet to 260 yards out. Wrapped around the entire training area is a track for endurance and speed training. Inside the track is a tactical training area. The area has four seprate environments. The first being a modeled after a small rural neighborhood. The next is a couple big city buildings. The largest area was filled with trees and plant life. It is left completely uncared for to make it as rough as possible. It even has a natural wetland. The last area is an adjustable concrete building used to train for infiltration training.

The entire perimeter of the base is fenced in with a 20 ft tall chain link fence, topped with barbed wire and a privacy fence on the outside. The only way in is through the northern gate. It was built as the ultimate facility for the US Deadman S.W.A.T team.

Vehicles moved, helicopters fly in and soldiers did their drills. This was a military base, but all those soldiers knew this base was for the Deadman S.W.A.T team. In this world, they were the superstars. With their powers, what they did for a job and the Afterlife Athlete Organization, they were like celebrities. They trained almost daily, competed worldwide and were the face of what people loved.

It was lunch time on a Saturday. The military troops where scattered in the mess hall, eating quickly cause they knew it was not long before they had to get back to work. However, in the corner was the rowdy Deadmen. Unlike the soldiers, they kind of just did as they pleased. They showed intense military precision during Athletic events and missions, but other than that they acted like it was just a day at home. Outside of training, it was just home to them.

The team was sitting at their normal round table in the corner. All of them just eating and talking like friends or family. Jason was sitting next to Ai and braiding her hair. He watched her playing the game and sighed, resting his cheek in his hand "Seriously Buggy, you need a new hobby. You spend all day behind a screen. The only time you do anything away from a screen is when we are working on the cacti or their fruit."

He turned his faded and dead looking eyes towards the group "
Be honest guys, when do you see Buggy away from a screen?" Jason and Ai had a recognisable friendship among the group. They grew the cacti together, harvested their fruits to make snacks and drinks. They were usually together. He made sure she was not working to hard and she taught him how to play games. Even now as she was playing on her portable game and he was asking the rest of the group a question, he was still fixing braids in her hair.

The team was in full training mode. In about a week there was going to be an AAO event set up. It would be the standard 3 teams. In this case them, the Russia and French teams. They, the U.S. team, were without a doubt the most well funded Deadman team on earth. That being said, Russia's team was the largest numbers wise and the French team have a very strict strategy team. It was a very anticipated even coming up. Needless to say it was sold out and fans expected great events.

Jason took the time to look at his team. Each one was something different to him. Firstly, the little hacker Ai. His absolute best friend. A bit of an odd ball, but a genius in every sense of the word.

Sitting next her was Robert, Jason's older brother figure in the group and quite possibly the most genuinely positive guy he had ever met. Or at least the most positive Deadman. Not to metion he had a cute cat.

After that there was Owens. The enigmatic leader of the team who never showed his face at all. Despite his mystery, no one could deny that he was the kindest of souls. They didn't really have any sort of friendship. They kind of left it at a profesional relationship.

And next to him was Cora. Another quirky member of the team who, combined with Jason, make up the sort of comedic relief of the party. Always making sure that the team never got too serious about anything.

Then there was Cherry. A very owardly docile guy, but acted quite normally in comparison to his very calm demeanor. Jason and him had a brotherly love type relationship. He trusted Cherry and knew that he would always have his back.

Next to him was the one Deadman that looked closest to a zombie. Rustie was an.....interesting individual. Tough as nail and the relationship between her and Jason was weirdly like actual brothers. The fought a bit and busted each others chops. That being said, if one was in trouble, the other was always the first to step up to help.

And then there was Orson. The weirdly father type figure of the group. Not to mention they guy with the absolute worst gambling luck. But he was the brave and outgoing type, so the opposite of Jason. That being said he was a good guy and the best for hand-to-hand combat.

And finally there was Dakota, Jason's older sister for all intents and purposes. The one most invested in his own mental health and his most supportive teammate. She wasalways there and made in her life goal to be there when he finally breaks.

That was his team. The people he laid his life down for and the ones he trusted more than anyone else. In this strange second life as Clear Mind Deadman, trained to be the best Deadman S.W.A.T team around. This second chance at life they were granted was amazing, but Jason felt so unworthy of it. All these people around him were so amazing. He didn't deserve their friendship. He was no where near their level.

As Jason finished one braid in Ai's hair he moved on to start another one. He leaned back, which meant he was leaning on Dakota, his sort of big sister in the group. Despite this he was still focused on the braids he was giving to Ai. After a moment he finally spoke up "I think in this up coming event I will be taking part it the single infantry course, single brawls and small group infantry. Of course I will be in the full team events, but those are kind of mandatory." He glanced towards the rest of the team. Still leaning on Dakota and somehow still doing very good braids in Ai's hair. "How about you guys?"
Satellite ID: Alpha-November-Sierra-2-9-0
Satellite Grid Position: Delta-Echo-Alpha-Delta-2-1-2-1-1-0-9-8-4-1-Charlie-Hotel
Satellite Grid Passover Date & Time: Saturday, July 15th At 1200 Hours + 1 Hour Transmission Scan
Location: JCOMC - Joint Combined Operations Military Center Codename: "Angelic Guardian", [Data Expunged] United States of America
Current time: 1200 Zulu Local time

In a [Data Expunged] Satellite Monitoring & Operations Center
"They are still doing well, after all this time, you wouldn't think it, but that team that we're seeing right now. They are probably the most close-knit and serious Deadmen team, Well, all except for their leader, One Erick "Owens" Wolf in the close knit department that is....he prefers to keep it professional, which in my personal opinion is a bad idea. I can and probably never will understand why he chooses to keep his relationship on the team in a professional capacity. In all my time with the Deadmen program, I've never once heard of Owens speak in a manner that would indicate that he has a personal relationship or attachment to someone, outside of his career." Says a man with a dark suit and a white long-sleeved t-shirt as well as black slacks and dark glasses that hide his eyes from the rest of the world. This man is standing in front of a screen, which is running a live feed, a feed of a group of individuals, a group of closely-knit team members, those who would lay down their lives for each other and the people they are here to protect.

"Ehm....Well the data shows in all aspects that despite your opinions sir, Erick Wolf, was and is still one of the most capable team leaders for Deadmen S.W.A.T, out of all applicants and choices, Wolf was the best choice for the leadership position. His record speaks for itself, so I guess, his record makes up for his lack of a personal relationship. I think that makes him aloof, but also kind, I mean, speaking frankly sir. Owens is still a kind soul, he never seems to treat his team like they are lower than him or that he doesn't respect their abilities because he does. Anyways, regardless of the facts, he is here we have him, the team likes him, so let's not speculate on the Deadmen S.W.A.T's mysterious and kind leader right now, we still have Operation "Warfighter II" coming up for our military and we need them to be ready, so we should probably switch to the Alpha-Echo Satellite now, we've seen they are doing just fine." A woman in US AIR FORCE Dress Blues says as she looks at the man in black and hands him a Manilla folder marked with the black stamped words "Operation Warfighter II" and underneath that "Top Secret".

Joint Combined Operations Military Center "Angelic Guardian"
Erick was sitting with his team, as was usual for him on a Saturday afternoon during lunch time. In front of him was his normal lunch, a bacon cheeseburger, with extra bacon and cheese, he also had some large fries in front of him. Despite his face covering that obscured his full face, he was still able to eat like a normal person, or rather as close to a normal person that a Deadmen could get anyways. He was wearing his usual attire today, like he did every day, he had on a plain black t-shirt and a pair of battle dress camouflage military issue pants, the camouflage pattern he was wearing today happened to be an urban digital pattern. As he heard his team talking, he listened to the conversation, not daring to speak unless he really needed to. After all, he was a professional and liked to keep it that way. It was better for him in the long run anyways, no one for him to get hurt over and certainly no one to get hurt over him if something happened to him. When he heard Jason speak about the upcoming AAO, he remembered a conversation he had had with the event organizer about how this year's events were gonna be just as hard, if not harder than the last time that the event had been organized. After a bit of staying silent, he decided to speak up "I think I will take part in the free the hostage, infantry course and the assault course." He said simply and then returned to his usual self. This was the first time, he would have ever spoken about the events he was participating in, he usually just surprised them with the events he was participating in, he was never one to give away what he was planning to do unless it was for an operation or something else that needed him to reveal what he was going to do at that time. He continued eating and just waited to hear what the rest of the team was gonna be participating in.
Orson couldn’t help flashing a nonchalant grin as Jason called out Ai in front of the other Deadmen. “Aw, don’t break up Buggy’s meaningful relationship with her tech,” Orson pleaded facetiously. A gleam in his eye gave short warning of what was to come. “You know I wanna see the Ai-Robot wedding.” He then beamed at his own dad joke, quite proud of it.

Jason soon reminded the captain of the upcoming AAO tournaments. Erick was planning aloud which events had his participation; at first, Orson thought nothing of it, but then he did a double-take, raising his head and his thick eyebrows. Hoping to not draw much more attention than that, he continued the conversation. “I’ll do the brawl and the assault, for sure. I’ll always compete in the brawl, no matter what.” He patted his firm abdomen before another idea crossed is mind. “Maybe even ‘free the hostage’. I’d like to do more than my usual two.”

EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Ace Cream Ace Cream WARWOLF01 WARWOLF01
Robert Strauss, The Vice-Commander

Strauss sat at the round table, quietly. Enjoying a book about one of his favorite hobbies, lock-picking. He had just returned from running one of his usual training gauntlets, so he was still wearing his B.D.U although his signature mask was pulled down around his throat and his helmet plus goggles were placed on the table. Robert was focused on the book but still listened to his subordinates who had become a sort of pseudo-family to him, occasionally chiming in on their conversations. The man ran a gloved hand through his well-kept beard when he reached an interesting part in the book but otherwise remained silent.

Then Jason, the Major and perhaps one of the younger members of the Deadmen Swat Team, asked the group a question. Whether they had seen 'Buggy', also known as Ai, not looking at a computer screen."Only on missions." Robert replied without even lifting his head from the book, half-serious half-jokingly. Jason was something of a little brother to Robert, the brother he thinks he never had when he was alive. The kid's got a good head on him but too hard on himself, that self-sacrifice obsession that he has simultaneously worries and irritates Robert. One day, he hopes Jason will realize that he doesn't need to kill himself just to prove that he is worthy of respect.

Ai is a different story, she unnerves Strauss slightly. Her blind obedience ensures that she'll remain loyal but it also makes her incredibly easy to mislead although Rob hopes deeply that it never comes to that. Another hope is that she finally breaks that emotionless streak and start acting like a normal 24 year old. Even if she unnerves him, he acts the same with her like he acts with everyone else.

Next on the table was Erick "Owens" Wolf, the commander of the team and Robert's superior in the chain of command. Owens in stark contrast to the others is remarkably professional, something that Strauss greatly respects and appreciates. Not much to say about their relationship, they're great co-workers and there's no one that Robert would rather have in a foxhole than Owens.

Next was Cora Everett, another comedian on the team. She can crack all the jokes, push all the buttons, throw all the pies but she'll never manage to make him mad. Her sniping skills are the best on the team and she takes her job serious enough which is all that Rob asks of her.

Cherry... Wears too much red.

Then there's Rustie. Robert sees a lot of Jason in Rustie, she constantly takes on a lot of work in an effort to prove herself which to Robert is completely unnecessary. She's also a tad too prideful, one day she'll get her wings burned but Rob hopes that there will be a mattress to break her fall. Off the record but he thinks she would fit right in with those 2000s goths and metal-heads.

If you ask Robert who will he take if he had to fight a guerilla war against an overwhelming force then his choice would be Orson. His supportive yet stern attitude is enough to inspire a thousand men to fight. He remarks that Orson had that warrior-poet aspect to him, he understands what he fights for and why he does which makes him all the more motivated to complete the mission, utterly and totally. Although if they ever went to Paradise, Las Vegas then Robert will put Orson on a short leash.

Dakota is a reliable woman, great to have your back. Her cheekiness rubs him the wrong way and he suspects that if she finds out it irritates him then she'll likely up the ante.

The AAO were coming up and Jason was the first to mention which events he'd partake in, standard things. Then uncharacteristically Erick spoke up about the events that he'll do which made Robert look up from his book to throw a stealth glance at Erick. Orson was next and well, Robert guesses it's his turn.

"Infantry Combat Courses, Cross-Country Sharpshooting, CTFs, and the medium version of Free The Hostage." Rob closed his book and placed it on the table."Regardless of what we pick, it will be a good competition regardless."
Last edited:
Dakota Rains ate her pumpernickel bread with butter almost in complete silence.
She had an elegance about her as she ate and that elegance also followed her on the front line. Something about wielding two katana swords and the way she moved with them was almost like she was in a dance with death himself.

That day she just so happened to be completely out of uniform. She was wearing a light blue summer dress that showed off all her features and she liked to match it with a matching, light blue blindfold.
As the dress was more low cut then the uniform it showed that the tattoos on the right side of her neck ran down her collarbone and then appeared to keep going, but they were covered with the dress. She also had some down her left leg and made their way down to her left food.
She was wearing a pair of cute light blue sandles to go with her dress.
It was clear that the woman had some sense of fashion, but she wasn't sure where she got it from.

She watched all her comrades from under her blindfold. She could see through it clearly, but it gave her eyes some sort of protection from over stimulating.

She sat there silently as she listened to the conversations around the table and observed each of her family.

Ai worried her. She was such a quiet one and didn't show any emotion. Kota had always tried to bring out something in her, buy giving her gifts, chocolates, and just talking to her, but everything she did just proved in vain. Ai remained in her state of no emotion.

Cora was much like a little sister to Kota. She loved how she always could put a smile on anyone face.

Robert.... she knew that she always stuffed up when talking to him. It was like she lost all control of her vocabulary when the two of them are alone. Personally the man intimated her, but she didn't know why.

Cherry on the other hand didn't intimidate her in the slightest. He seemed to always have a calmness to him and even tho sometimes it got under her skin, she'd never made it vocal.

Rustie she didn't feel like she was close to, but she did like the girl. She had a deep darkness to her and Kota hoped that one day she would be able to help her out of it.

Orson was somewhat like a father figure to her. For some reason she found comfort in his jokes and is a man she knows would always make the right call.

Owen's the teams Commander she had respect for. Although something never sat right in her stomach about him, she knew he always had the teams best interest at heart.

Then there was Jason. He was already apart of the Deadman S.W.A.T. when she arrived. She was unable to see due to her eyes bleeding the black blood they produced when being over used. She was frightened and didn't know who she was or where she was.
Jason had been the first to calm her down and the first she had any contact with.
He was like a very close brother to her and she would gladly take a bullet for him.
He was a constant worry for her tho. She knew pretty much everything there was to know about the guy and she knew he was always standing on the edge of complet brakeage.
She knew she could only be there to catch the broken pieces and put him back together when he did.

Her train of thought was derailed when she felt a familiar body lean up against her.
She gently supported his wait and put her arm around Ai's chair to not only support Jason, but to give some kind of comfort to Ai.
She listened to what the others had to say before speaking up.

"I was actually thinking of sitting this competition out this time."
She had her reasons for this, but she wasn't going to tell the others what they were.

Having video game on her left hand, sphagetti on her right hand and someone else braids her hair. If newcomers were to barge in to the hall and glanced at her now they might mistook Ai for a bossy spoiled type of person, which unfortunately already happened a few times. However, her teammates would know that she's anything but that. Ai only glanced away from the screen for a few seconds as she addressed Jason.

"Your statement is statistically wrong, Jason." Ai replied in her usual robotic flat tone, but there's a very subtle increase in her voice for her next lines, like a professor who got a bit too excited while talking about their research. "Yesterday I only spent 13 hours, 24 minutes and 11 seconds in front of a screen. The previous day I spent 13 hours 25 minutes 22 seconds and the day before I spent 13 hours 25 minutes 57 seconds. The notion that I spent all my day behind a screen is simply incorrect."

She then quietly continue with her lunch and didn't even react at Orson's dad joke, probably it went pass her like wind. Only until the conversation shifted to the upcoming AAO that she showed interest.

"I will only join the mandatory ones." Ai stated her answer. She was never the kind of person to join big events like this. Moreover since her ability requires external aid and proper preparation to be useful a lot of competition's rules ended up very limiting for her. "I also still disappointed at the chairman for refusing my proposal to include Esport in the AAO. I'm confident that I can win a Tetris 99 competition, if there's any."
"Perhaps, only while getting another screen," Seated betwixt his conversing teammates, Kiichirou — colloquially bearing the sobriquet of Cherry, on regard of his vibrantly colored hair — jested, an unphased ease to his comment whilst leaning forth onto the common table. It's yet routine made anew: casual conversation, a scheduled break from arduous training to spend some... bonding time amongst those he'd come to account as family. Or the closest he'd known. Though a scarce phenomenom, Cherry withheld fair share of comments throughout their meal, only in observation's sake. "Then again, between us and those screens, she's ought to have he — " A pause. Did he, was that a shameless dad joke yet, once more, shot at the air? And he hates, he absolutely loathes the unwarranted snort it earned. "Jesus Christ," It's definite, fond as he was of this group, there's ought to be some intervention on that (Dad-Joke Anonymous, if there's a department for that). Anywho, disappointment aside, the redhead turned his heed once more to the overall subject.

Of the array, Kiichirou, too, held certain interest on the upcoming events. Granted, he's none bestowed of incredible physical prowess, and yet doesn't fail to excel on alternative methods. But, still, he paid mind to participate on institutional-level activities. For him was, perhaps, matter of pride: demonstrate there is a place for him despite his unique set of supernatural skills. But, oh well. Nevermind residual anxieties, the thrill they bare is undeniable. "Sharpshooting. And, uh, maybe all that Capture the Flag and Rescue the Hostage, if I can." Would he win all? No, probably not. Were it a wide poker game or — well, any game involving luck, it'd be all his (before getting banned, that is. Like it's to happen in several Las Vegas casinos). "Thought I'd make some self-rewards if I do well. You know, extra incentive to go on forward. Dunno what, if I'm honest, but something grand." Which, in simpler terms, meant nothing grand. For his expectations weren't great. What's a glorified four-leaf clover to expect? Besides, with powerhouses such as his teammates, Cherry knew it'd end up being brief amusement, rather than a thrilling match to behold.

And still... "Maybe spice it up with the brawl thing. See how many hits it takes to really knock me out." He joked, chuckling lightly. His reputation wasn't one to actively seek one-on-one combat, or start up conflict all together. A partial support of sorts (for, when it comes to neutrality, it's only limited to his team or duties. Otherwise, let the circus play). Oh, the dream; to be fully self-sufficient in the ring — he's adequate, of course. Otherwise he'd be kept way further back on actual missions —. "Yeah — no. Purple isn't really my color. Not on my face, at least."
Rustie, The Zombie Amongst the Undead

She was enjoying her time between working out and eating honestly, a time honored tradition of the few hours a day where she does not seem to do something with herself. It was the time she got to exist around the others, keeping the bond she felt right enough to rely on. Did she feel extremely close? To a few. To most? She was a bit of an ass when not restraining herself.

Jason was one of the few she had gotten close to, despite their difference of over half a decade in training, mostly due to his ability to talk shit and take a hit. The girl had a mouth on her and she knew it, so she was easier to get along with when Jason could do the same. It made him sometimes the translator when she was pissed and made no sense.

As for Ai... if she was honest then Rustie would admit the kid’s lack of emotions spooked her. Made her antsy as she would phrase it, unable to understand the detachment. She never hit the girl, far from it, but sometimes she felt like it just to see if she could catch a glimpse of emotion.

And they call me the zombie.

Owens was... overly nice. To the point that Rustie would tell him off time to time for getting too helpful on something she was doing. She didn’t hate him, far from it since she knew after being with them for so long he was genuine, but she is always one to want to do things on her own. But the Wolf was a good guy so she usually would apologize a hour to a week later if she ever got really nasty.

Cora... was, in Rustie’s eyes, a waste of a cold-seeming exterior. The way she acted, always talking and digging, made Rustie irritable on several occasions. Seeing how she was also a sniper she also rarely got the opportunity to slam her in the ring to take out those frustrations with her flashy almost boxing style attacks, so she usually resulted in a stern look. She preferred her on missions where she would focus, the switch bringing a much needed calmness to the girl.

Cherry was definitely the most colorful, but his personality clashed. Rustie loved the passiveness and invisibility he showed when she wanted to focus, but when all together it pissed her off slightly. Maybe it was her perceiving it as weakness, but she at least was mindful enough to not kick the hornets nest on something that was mostly a non-issue.

Orson was one person she got along with, but not exceedingly so with their personalities. They didn’t clash persay, but the reason she favored him a lot to be around was he was the exact opponent she wanted. Strong and trained in close quarters. She would always want to spar if they both were in the gym, disappointed if ever rejected but able to take the no. It was a respectful allegiance almost she had for him despite his weird jokes like just now, as a fellow strength-based Fighter, but his kind personality helped in case she ever lost any fights, which has happened but to Rustie’s credit it was never too often.

Dakota was another one capable of close combat, but her skill and abilities made it feel a bit tiring. The girl herself was fine and loyalty worked well with Rustie over the years, but Damn if the sword skills were not archaic yet deadly. Intimidating in all honesty to Rustie, but she found them useful in missions so she never complains. Just hopes she never has to see whether her skin can take a real slice from the blades she carried.

Strauss was one she got along with, despite being so much higher in rankings. Probably it was his focus, something they both shared but not on the same things. It was nice to understand their mindset, but it probably did help they were easy to be around. Made the idea of spending time with higher ranks not a nightmare.

But all of that was minor thoughts in a large pool of her brain as she listened, ears perked about the upcoming games. Sure they limited her ability, but then again she always relished a way to train. It was like a test, but one she liked to take.

She did take a mental note as Cherry spoke up more than any others, mostly due to the mention of brawls, but soon began to speak herself mostly at statements rather than a group discussion.
As long as I don’t have to do assault too often it will be fine. Count me with Orson, give me some Brawls as usual, small groups of capture the flag too. You know what I excel at, I just hope I can get it.

She relaxed into her seat once more, the loose cargo pants and tank top giving the look a bit of an uncharacteristically lazy look to the girl. Of course the necklace with the cross was still on, but thathas been so synonymous with Rustie that if it wasn’t there then that would’ve been weird.
Cora Everett| Sergeant

As her teammates continued on with normal lunchtime banter between themselves, Cora’s main focus and attention was sucked out into the mess hall. She leaned one elbow on the table, drinking flippantly from a small lemonade carton in her hand. The end of the clear straw bore impressed teeth marks from her occasional, absentminded chewing.

Cora was dressed in full black compression gear, having just come from stealth training. Her sea blue eyes were analytical as she scanned the soldiers milling to and from their tables, eating and talking with a slight sense of urgency underlining their general movements.

She slumped back into her chair and let out an exaggerated sigh. It was such a shame that most of her training was restricted to just the members on her team. What she really wanted was to mingle and train with the other soldiers. Who knows, maybe one of them would end up being her soulmate. With all of their sleek muscles, cut jaws, and serious attitudes, she sure hoped one of them would be. Cora’s eyes held a pining gleam as they continued to pan off in the distance.

Her attention was stolen from her shameless ogling of military men by the sudden discussion of upcoming AAO competition events. The responses from each of her teammates seemed fitting, given her understanding of each of their personalities.

Dakota’s response caught Cora slightly off guard, given that she had chosen to sit out of the competition. She looked discreetly at the others sitting around the table, yet none seemed to have made any notion of sharing a similar reaction. Maybe she should bring it up with Dakota later.

With a finalizing sip of her lemonade, Cora crushed the cardboard carton in her hand and set it on the table. “I’ll probably join the usual. Sharpshooting, stealth. What I’m good at.”

Her gaze turned mischievously towards Owens as she leaned towards the table once more, resting her elbow on the cold surface and her chin in her hand. “And who knows, maybe I’ll add my own challenge to see if I can get under the Commander’s mask and figure out if whatever’s under there is worth looking at.” She shot him a sly wink.

(mentions LibbyM098 LibbyM098 Dakota, WARWOLF01 WARWOLF01 Owens)
Owens finished his part of the meal in peace, while listening to the others and just did what he normally did, when he was done, he got as serious as he normally did and took his BDU combat shirt, which had the patches associated with Deadmen S.W.A.T on it as well as a patch identifying the base they were all assigned to from his duffel bag that he almost always carried around with him. He slipped on the shirt since it fit easily over his black shirt. This was a thing he did normally, so the team would have been used to it by now. On the front of his combat shirt, it had a white outline transparent police badge with the police force they were a part of as well as the division and their individual badge numbers. He got his trash and pushed himself back from his seat and got up, throwing away the trash he had accumulated while eating and threw it away. He then just sat back down in his chair and reached into his open duffel bag and pulled out the police radio that he listened to whenever there was nothing better for him to do and during his training. He knew he had the competition to train for, but he also knew that as the team's commander, he had to be on top of any and all incidents that might require them to respond as soon as possible. He had a responsibility to his team and hooked in the ear listening device and then hooked the radio into the back pocket of his BDU pants and turned up the radio to the '5' tick mark, he would still be able to hear any questions his team asked him, while still be able to monitor the statewide police dispatch channel, which was on frequency '129.01'. He then just let the radio calls that he had missed flow through the earpiece as he listened to it for any codes that were the signal for them to have to go and respond. They were on call 24/7, 364 days of the year, they needed to stay on top of the call traffic. He constantly urged his vice commander as well as the major and the other members of the team to constantly keep tabs on the radio frequency at all times just in case they got something that they needed to handle. He also waved his hand to his vice commander to go ahead and turn his radio back on if he hadn't already and also noticed the sly wink from Sergeant Cora, but didn't respond to her sly wink. As far as he was concerned, if he were to have a relationship, he wasn't sure how he were to feel about the female members of his team, not yet, anyways. Despite having spent more time with the whole team, than most girls he had ever encountered in his time, he had never really once thought about having some kind of relationship that went beyond a professional.

Deadmen Statewide 'Hot Shots' police dispatch frequency Freq 129.01

"Unit Calling in on 129.12, identify and repeat you are 10-44 (un-readable) at this time"
"2 Echo 24 to control, requesting status on 10-21 (prisoner transport) for a 10-61(Mugging) suspect at Florence Avenue cross of Jantine Street."
"2-E-24, 10-21 is currently just a couple of blocks from your location for your 10-61"
"3 Echo 19 to control."
"3 E 19 go for control"
"3 Echo 19, show me off that Domestic, Call number 2-5-5-1, warning issued, alert units in the area we may have a further 10-88 (Domestic Assault with injuries), requesting an additional '66(additional unit) down here and 2 times 10-59s(Paramedics requested) to my location. Alert the on-duty supervisor as well if possible."
" 3 E 19, confirm, we have 10-31'd(Logged) your request and we'll get some units down to you, be advised 3 November 20 has been alerted and is currently on the way to your position."
" 3 Uniform 19 to control, code 13(stakeout) at 2661 Mulberry street, sector 2-0-1, sub-sector-32, request all 10-44's(Marked and uniformed patrol units) stay away from the area, possible weapons deal going down at 1233 Zulu. Switching to Uniform Tac 3 at 1234 zulu"

At this last transmission, Erick got up and walked over to the vice commander and tapped the vice commander on the shoulder while whispering in his ear quietly "Strauss, tune your radio to Uniform Tac 3, possible code-13 for a weapons deal going down at 12:33 zulu, this might be the MAG (Masked Assault Group) that hit the embassy last week, we may have to jump on this one." Erick then went and sat back down at his seat and tuned his radio up to the 7 tick mark for the volume and continued to listen in on the call since he had switched his radio to the channel that he had told Strauss to tune to and listen in. He figured he should inform the Major, but he didn't think there was enough info to justify disturbing the team's banter at the moment. Besides, himself and the vice commander were supposed to keep up with the comms traffic anyways, so it wasn't like he was doing anything different from his normal team responsibility anyways.

The Masked Assault Group that Erick had referred to when he whispered to Strauss, was a group of underground criminals that seemed to appear on and off the grid every so often, but whenever they did, they always seemed to cause a good amount of destruction, as well as casualties to whomever was inside of whatever they seemed to attack. Last week, a MAG had popped up and hit the Deadmen embassy, attacking it and managing to kill most of the security as well as military personnel that were at the embassy at the time, as well as a good amount of government and civilian workers and visitors to the embassy. They had been disorganized in the past and had never attempted anything like the embassy attack before, but that day they attacked, they had stepped up their game and now seemed to have cohesion, resolve and unity, something that they didn't have before. They also seemed to attack in greater numbers this time around and Erick had been professional on the outside the whole time when he heard the incident had happened, but deep down, he was angry and upset that he had been forced to take the day off when the attack had happened, which had happened to be the Deadmen SWAT Team's one day off. He still couldn't get over how his team had not been able to be there to save the people when they needed them the most as well as the military.

Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
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Robert Strauss, The Vice-Commander

Strauss listened to everyone's little chats, not wishing to disturb their conversations. His brown eyes lazily moving over each of them. Then Owens began to slip into his B.D.U shirt with all its' patches. Really wished he stopped doing that but alas. Robert knew that whenever he does this that it means he is getting serious. Rob pulled up his mask and quickly slipped on his combat goggles and helmet. He also switched on his radio since he knew that's what Owens would ask of him. Robert's foot began to slowly tap the rock hard floor beneath the table, a little habit that he picked up before getting ready for missions. The Deadmen SWAT knew no peace, no rest when it comes to missions and Robert prefers it that way.

Robert's wandering eyes focused on his superior whilst listening in on the various radio transmissions. Then Owens waved at him and Jason to switch on their radios to which Strauss signaled with his right hand that it's already active. Then the last transmission passed, a stakeout on a possible weapons deal. This prompted Erick to get up and go over to Strauss to inform him to switch his radio over to Uniform Tac Three. Strauss simply nodded to his request and quickly changed the frequency to the requested one in one motion.

Despite Owens' professionalism, Robert knew or at least could guess how he felt when MAG attacked the Deadmen embassy. That day, it was their one and only day off in the entire year so it probably amplified the pain and anger. Completely understandable in Robert's eyes, he was angry too but like his commander didn't show it. Although, he does have his suspicions on why they choose that particular day. The Deadmen as mentioned have one day off in the entire year, there is virtually no way that MAG randomly decided that day to attack the embassy which means there is a mole in the group but where? Rob hopes that it isn't in the team but he is opened to the possibility even if it means having to detain family.

Ace Cream Ace Cream Ian Temero Ian Temero WARWOLF01 WARWOLF01 Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian FentasticFen FentasticFen Sybil Sybil Goonfire Goonfire Pepsionne Pepsionne LibbyM098 LibbyM098


Jason listened to his team and found all their answers very on brand. They all had their own ways to go about things, but after all this time he'd gotten pretty used to it. Of course Buggy was being way too specific. He was not shocked that she had this computer like answer, but he really wished she would drop it. It wasn't exactly healthy in a social sense.

Jason was about to say something, until the entire base stopped. The intercom came on and said only a few words "Deadman Alert: Potency Level 3, New York City."

The base went silent. The potency level was the way they distinguished how big of a job the team was going to have to take. Basically it was a power rating system. Much like tornado classifications, the larger the number the more powerful The Deadman that the team would be fighting was. Also just like the tornado system, the rating is based off of destruction and death it has the ability to cause. On a scale of 5, a Level 3 was pretty dangerous. Not the worst, but definitely worth noting.

The mess hall was silent and their soldiers eyes landed on the U.S. Deadman S.W.A.T team. They were usually pretty fast. They were technically the USA team, but due to the rarity of Clear Mind Deadmen, they were also the team for Canada and the northern half of Central America.

Jason stood up. As the Major in the group, it was his job to move the team fast so the Commander and Vice-Commander can focus on information given for strategy "Get to hanger three, grab your gear and get on Sky Whale. Main base info will be transferred to Mother Board."

In aimple terms, hanger 3 was where their team ships are stored.The Sky Whale is a C-5M Super Galaxy transport plane. It was large enough to carry all the gear the team needed, a tank and another five military transport Jeeps. Another addition to this plane was Mother Board. This Edition was specifically for Ai, Vice-Commander Strauss and Commander Owens. It was a supercomputer specifically designed for strategic ability. Put in a location and it would give you a 3D map of said location and it would automatically apply all the information the military and government had supplied to the team. It was the ultimate way to strategize on the go. It was the most accurate simulation computer available today.

Jason knew that the lockers on the plane were already fully stocked with their supplies. They had a set up list from the beginning that fully covered what they needed including guns, bullets, gear and anyhting they needed.

Leaving the mess hall the team would run into the prep team. These guys specifically responsible for preping them before they take off. They had jeeps to run them to the hangar. A soldier walked up to both Strauss and Owens. This was a file with all information they had so far. The files read as follows;

'Deadman estimated reanimation time: 5 hours ago

Classification: Subject 5D-3327-C

Potency Level: 3

Ability Type: Unknown

Ability Description: It is fully unknown what this ability is. However, the results seem to be explosive in nature.

Timeline: Subject 5D-3327-C first spotted in Queens. Subject made its way through Queens, killing 5 and injuring 35. Over the next 30 minutes the Subject made it to Wall Street, destroying over 30 buildings. Subject entered and cleared 120 Wall Street Building. Subject killed 145 civilians and injuring 433. Now Subject is still in a room on the top floor, stationary and unresponsive.'

The prep team spoke to tell the team that all supplies were ready. All guns, bullet and gear were ready and Mother Board was being given all the information. They also explained that Sky Whale was only carrying a single Humvee, two ATV's and a small hovering chopper to place the long range teammates where they needed to be. The team was put in the jeeps and driven down to hanger 3.
Dakota frowned deeply when the level 3 call out ran through the speaker system.
She quickly put down what she was eating and jumped to her feet.
So much for that relaxing day she was going to try and finish.

She knew she could get changed in the plane into her combat uniform in a matter of a minute. That was including weapons being strapped on.

She, like the rest of her team knew the protocol for these things. Get in, eliminate the target, cause minimal damage, get out.
A level 3 wasn't going to be a stroll in the park, but it wasn't going to be as hard as it could be... not unless the government agents got the level of the Deadman wrong.

She glance over at Jason and gave him a slight nod before exiting the building and climbing into the back of one of the jeeps that would take them to hanger 3.

Whatever was about to happen she had to be prepared for every scenario that could happen to her team members. Protect at all costs, was something she thought of when she thought of her team... her family.
Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire

Deadmen. Level 3. The gym rat growled to herself as she pulled herself up from the slouch, making a jog to the gear room as she knew that speed was key. Didn’t matter how much she wanted to rest her burning muscles, this was what she was here for and no excuse would change that.

Upon exiting she would run into the prep team as usual, taking her briefing and continuing forward as she chewed on the information on the jeep ride over to the Sky Whale.
Once able, she would gear up with her preloaded bandolier belt covered in 12 gauge shotgun shells, her shirt and then light body armor, her rather large three shot-revolver and it’s holster, a backpack used for storage and easy retrieval of ammo for the last item the M329 Light machine Gun which she strapped on over the shoulder. With all that she was one of the first all geared up on the ship, sitting promptly in a seat and setting her weapon properly as she sat to ride in the jeep. The song and dance was happening once more and she knew they were late already in the eyes of the current victims.

The heavier geared man, the shield bearing bruiser that Orson was, would get a smirk and a tease. “Come on princess, your tiara and dress can’t be that cumbersome to get on.”
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Cora shrugged at the Commander’s lack of response to her jest. It was a typical response from him; a placid, unacknowledging silence. Regardless of any retort or lack thereof, he still was an easy target for Cora to aim her teasing remarks, being one of the more serious members on the team. Her playful demeanor began to tighten up at the sight of the three upper command members' sudden austere attitudes.

The heightened awareness of the team was soon answered by the crackling voice of the intercom, informing the base of a Deadman Alert. The low rumble of conversation that had enveloped the mess hall quickly dropped to an eerie silence.

“Potency level 3 huh?” Cora thought to herself. Level three was a manageable level, especially for her team, but it was nothing to sneer at either. She would have to bring a decent level of focus to play her part accurately. If any of her team slipped up, she’d have to be the one to provide cover fire or simply clip the target before they could gain an upper hand.

"Get to hanger three, grab your gear and get on Sky Whale. Main base info will be transferred to Mother Board.” Jason’s tone was stern and rushed.

Cora clasped her hands together and lifted her arms above her head in a stretch. Well, looks like rest time was over. For today at least. She pushed back the cold steel chair, its metallic legs grumbling against the friction of the floor. Her eyes followed Dakota’s stiffened figure walk out of the mess hall and decided to follow her.

As she walked out of the building, the sudden change in light from the dampened fluorescent to the beaming natural light of the sun failed to affect her. Cora glanced up at the circular pinpoint of light in the sky, her eyes wide and unflinching. Her resurrection into a clear mind deadman not only gave her the ability to manipulate light, but as she soon found out, a lack of sensitivity to bright light and clear vision in the dark as well.

Upon approaching the Jeep that Dakota had seated herself in, Cora could sense the mounting graveness to her superior’s demeanor. She climbed up into the jeep and sat beside her, glancing over at Dakota’s light blue summer dress. This was probably the last way she had planned to spend her day.

Cora slouched down into the seat comfortably, waiting for the driver to begin carrying them to Hangar 3. She looked sideways at Dakota. “Lucky me, getting on the Commander’s bad side right before a mission.” She laughed lightly, hoping to loosen up her teammates' tightened aura. “I do tend to have the most immaculate timing sometimes.”

(mentions LibbyM098 LibbyM098 Dakota)
The others discussing their competition plans made Orson feel all warm and giddy inside, especially when Rustie—the resident ‘zombie’ and berserker—announced her entry into the brawls. He never turned down a sparring match with her, as he seldom met someone who was on completely equal footing aside from one or two of his French and Russian rivals. Their respect was mutual, their interactions fun, their cooperation on missions... excellent.

While many on the team thought Ai was creepy, Orson saw a brilliant mind and an unyieldingly efficient operative with some great ideas. “Buggy has a point,” he added. “If Chicago colleges can hold cyber security tournaments, then so should we. Imagine AAO drone piloting or even hacking.“ It wasn’t the Tetris 99 she wanted, but he knew these would showcase her more practical skills.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. When given the alert, the captain did as usual and hurried towards the front of the group. Huddling into one of the Jeeps, he looked to Cora. His favorite jokester had a way with words... and with an anti-materiel rifle. “Your timing is fine,” Orson assured her. “A stone wall protects a warm and soft interior, surely.”

Working on donning the rest of his heavy gear, he looked more and more like a walking tank. His plate carrier was loaded with thick steel plates made to defeat some of the heaviest rifle rounds out there. His signature shield awaited him aboard the Sky Whale, but in the meantime, his partner in crime teased him about his slightly longer prep time. “You’re ready faster than the minutemen of old. I need to look my best if we’re going to meet our prince charming.”

Prince... sure, if the prince’s name was Vlad.

LibbyM098 LibbyM098 Sybil Sybil Pepsionne Pepsionne Ace Cream Ace Cream
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Interactions: Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian Ace Cream Ace Cream
"Alright people, quit lying about, let's go, we have a call. Strauss, Ai, let's go." He said swiftly as he got up and closed his gear bag and slipped it over his shoulder. The MAG would have to wait, this was the more important thing right now. He dashed with Strauss with Ai to the C-5M and got aboard in the command section, reading through the file as he did and then stored it in his bag, once he was aboard and in the command section, he started to review all available data for the level 3 person that they had. "Ai, go ahead and see if you can get me any amount of information on this person that we can use to help bring this to a halt before anymore are killed or we have to go lethal." He told Ai as he looked to Strauss "For now, MAG is not the priority, I want to make sure we can still get in there and save as many people as we can and still be able to get this threat either in custody or if we really have to go that far, to eliminate the threat. I want lethal to be a last resort, we must maintain the peace, but not at the detriment of others." He said as he looked at all the available information that was in the motherboard and that was being given to the team.

Erick took his combat vest and slipped it over his head as he adjusted the straps and velcro padding on the sides of his vest padding and threaded his radio through his vest, attaching it to the front part of his vest. He then got his helmet and slipped it on as he connected himself into the cross-com network with Ai. He watched as the cross-com went through it's boot-up sequence and then let the augmented reality load up and confirm the world around them, before displaying the various HUD elements around them. He then picked up his weapon, a heckler and Koch G-36 and pushed the button and soon linked the sight of the weapon to his cross-com and did the same for his EBR and then slung both weapons over his shoulder and pulled up the motherboard reference of the area and did some moving around, assessing all options and information that was given to him.

"Garuda 101 Heavy to Guardian Tower, requesting permission to pushback and start. Deadmen S.W.A.T are confirmed and accounted for at this time, preflight is good."
"Garuda 101 Heavy, clear for pushback & start at this time, hold position for taxi & runway guidance, Guardian clear."
"Clear for pushback and start, hold position for taxi and runway guidance, Garuda 101 Heavy."
"Loadmaster is closing the hatch now, get ready."
"Switching off Aux, spinning the turbos now."
"All turbos are looking good, all stable at....100%, turbine jet engines are good to go"
"Pushback is clear on the left, clear on the right, cargo door is secure, everything is airtight. ready to pushback."
"Engaging collision and taxiway lights, switching them to flash"
"Alright, we're getting pushed back, we should be fine."
"Guardian tower, Garuda 101, urgent Deadmen mission. Request immediate taxi to runway and takeoff clearance"
"Garuda 101, clear to taxi to runway 5-1 right, cleared for immediate takeoff, wind is 221 at 35 knots out of the west, clear for quick climb on takeoff to 4000 and turn right on heading 2-8-8."
"wind is 221 at 35 knots out of the west clear to taxi to runway 5-1 right, cleared for immediate takeoff, quick climb to 4000, turn right heading 2-8-8, Garuda 101"

The C-5M super galaxy then began to follow the instruction from the base Air Traffic Control Tower. After the super galaxy got onto the runway, it spooled it's engines up to full power and took off from the runway and climbed to 4000 feet and turned right on the specified heading after leveling off, at which point the base stopped tracking them and they were now all on their way the mission zone.
Ah, show time ⁠— no, that's too casual for terminology (though, 'mission time' doesn't have the same ring, does it?). With their recess-esque period cut short, Cherry's laid-back charade crumbled. Albeit calm nonetheless ⁠— he's always calm, unnervingly so ⁠—, there's a stoic, passive facade masking otherwise amiable features. Of the soldier he's supposed to portray, devoted to their cause, unconditional. "On it," It's an accustomed affair what follows; suiting up, readying their equipment to proceed. Following protocol, to the command's imposing voice, Kiichirou hops into gear (which does not, for the record, involve copious amount of red), no questions asked ⁠— the information had been, after all, dutifully provided beforehand ⁠— .

Throughout transition, Cherry remained majorly silent, sans a few occasions requiring direct verbal answers. While not... particularly tense, there's no visible ease to his body. Class Three, an sizable risk; one easily capable of warranting further casualties, were the situation handled wrongly. Or without due diligence. During the ground-travel, Kiichirou's eyes remained closed, attention solely soaking ends of provided information regarding their target. "Explosions..." Destructive Deadmen were, of Cherry's ⁠— arguable ⁠— preference list between the lowest: unpredictable by itself, lots of potential collateral damage (of course, he's working on the, still anew, reports regarding their mission). And, yet, for his particular craft, they were ... compatible, in a crude manner of speech. The least calculated they were ⁠— with suchlike volatile capacities ⁠— , the greater is Cherry's range of supernatural-action. Many possibilities, none too absolute. Right up his alley.

After boarding the Sky Whale, following take-off, Kiichirou draws a opaque, black beanie over his hair. "Any update regarding evacuation?" The chance-user inquires to those particularly involved on delivered information ⁠— Such as their Commander, and Ai ⁠— . As the last information regarding location, following an outrageous aftermath on its wake, seemed oddly... off putting. Then, as his stance wavers for a second, the concealed red-head breathes out, "Just as I forgot my rabbit's foot. Darn it." Well ⁠— you can't get rid of all of Cherry's casual banter, much less when tension threatens to linger above them.

[Mentions: WARWOLF01 WARWOLF01 | Ace Cream Ace Cream .]
Rafi Istar

Well this had been an interesting start to her first day as a Deadman S.W.A.T. member.

It had been four month since Rafi had first woken up. She had been tested and prodded by scientists, pushed and pulled around by drill sergeant, until the government seemed satisfied with her enough to finally pull her out of deadman bootcamp and send her out into the field. None of which she had asked for of course. "We're sorry Miss Istar, but due to your tendency for panic and destruction when under pressure you have been deemed unsafe for hospital work." So they decided to put her in the military instead? What a load of bull! That was, like, the most stressful job ever! Unsafe under pressure her ass. Then again it wasn't like she had any choice in the matter since she technically didn't exist so the gov could do whatever they wanted with her. She was just luck they let her be in a medical role at all.

Anyways, she had started morning off being woken up by the drill sergeant (who was actually a really nice lady when she wasn't on duty) and was escorted to the lab. Once there she was give a uniform, gun, and the lab guys gave her a backpack shaped like wings filled with medical supplies. It was something of a joke, the lab guys always calling her an angel, and it seemed to have stuck till the end. Once she was geared up she had then been taken to the landing pad where a helicopter was waiting to take her to the base she was to be stationed at. Then what followed was the most boring three hour flight ever. At least she assumed the most boring. She didn't exactly have a lot to compare it to.

When she finally arrived she assumed someone would be there to meet her and show her around; introduce her to the team, show her where she'd be staying, and all that. Instead the moment her feet hit the pavement she had been dragged off to a hanger and crammed into a massive jet. If there had been an explanation as to why she hadn't heard a word of it. Now she was squished up against a wall as nine complete strangers started arming themselves to the teeth in front of her, not a one of them seeming to have noticed her yet. She figured it was probably a good idea to announce her presence before one of them got startled and decided to shoot her, so she took a deep breath and stepped forward. "E-excuse me? I've got a ticket for first class here. Am-am I in the right place?" She joked nervously.
@ Ace Cream Ace Cream @ Ian Temero Ian Temero @ WARWOLF01 WARWOLF01 @ Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian @ FentasticFen FentasticFen @ Sybil Sybil @ Goonfire Goonfire @ Pepsionne Pepsionne EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy
Ian Temero Ian Temero

Dakota couldn't help but smile at Cora's comment. Cora was right tho, the comander never showed his face and it seemed a little odd given that the rest of the team had seen each others faces... well the team had only seen half of her face which led her to thing that maybe the Commander had a reason for not showing his face like she did with showing her eyes.
"Cora, he should know you by now. If it rubbed him up the wrong way then that's on him."

As they got themselves off the jeeps and into the Sky Whale she really didn't care who was looking at her. The whole team knew she couldn't very well take on the target in what she was wearing... well actually she could, but that was beside the point.

She walked over to her black box and slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground revealing her womanly shaped curves and slender waist and legs.
She wore a matching bra and underwear set and wasn't to worried as most women wore less to the beach.
Tattoos marked her right side and ran down to her him and down the outside of her leg.
She really had no idea what the symbols ment, but it was some ancient writings.

She quickly opened the box and pulled out her black pants and slipped them on before grabbing her back matching shirt and slipped that on as well.
She closed her eyes tight as she took off her blindfold and put it with her dress.
She reached into her box and pulled out a back helmet that completely covered her face.
She slipped it on over her head and pressed a pressure valve in the back of it to release the lock so if it where forced off her head, the helmet would explode killing both her and the target.
She opened her eyes under the protection of the helmet and smiled. It felt good not to have material rubbing constantly on her face.

She then began to strap all of her weapons onto her and with that she was ready in under a minute. A new record of you asked her.
"Ready for dispatch"
She grabbed her fingerless, leather gloves and slipped them on as she walked slowly over to the others now looking more like an assassin then the princess she looked like just one minute ago.

Dakota glanced over at the new girl who she had been expecting, but didn't realise was going to be joining them on this mission.
She looked her up and down making a mental note of how timid and shy she seemed.
She smiled at her even tho Rafi would not be able to see her face from the back helmet.
"You most certainly am. You must be the new medic everyone has been talking about. Good to have you on board."
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"Almost ready to move out. Strap in!" Orson reminded the others. Despite his tone, he didn't bear a hard gaze. That was when he took notice of a girl lightly jesting about a first-class ticket. He looked her up and down; it was obvious enough that the uniform was that of his own team. "N-no way...! Did command send a rookie today, of all days?" His head whipped back and forth. The seconds were counting down quickly, so he made a spur-of-the-moment decision. "Climb aboard ASAP. We'll have to assess you on the way there." He then beckoned for her to come aboard before the door could close. "Commander? Top brass just gave us a new arrival," he finally announced.

Orson glanced to Dakota and shrugged off the fact she was changing in front of everyone. That was about as normal as things got for the Deadman SWAT team...

Ian Temero Ian Temero LibbyM098 LibbyM098 WARWOLF01 WARWOLF01
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Staff Sergeant Rustie
Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire Ian Temero Ian Temero FentasticFen FentasticFen
EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy
Fully loaded and ready the berserker relaxed slightly and listened to the rebuddle by her close quarters equal, offering a joke worthy of a hearty chuckle as the adrenaline of preparing to take off began to course through the girl’s veins. It never got old, the rush of preparing for a mission, one which only faded when they took care of business.

The comment from her companion Cherry with their colorful hair only kept with the tone, this being some of the few times Rustie was in a generally good mood. In some ways, she is a workaholic for the military. She smirked, shrugging. “I don’t know Cherry, I think enough bullets down range kind of negate luck.

And just when the adrenaline was getting to a new high as they were heading to go?

"E-excuse me? I've got a ticket for first class here. Am-am I in the right place?"

Orson’s friendly response was vastly countered by the utter stunned and then rapidly shifting to angered look on her face at this new kid. It was ridiculous.... and they even came in here breaking jokes?
Hey hey hey who the hell? I didn’t want to babysit today what the fuck! JASON WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!” Rustie has switched back to pissed, her adrenaline high dropping as she yelled out to the boy she likely would give a right strong punch when it was all over.

Unprofessional god damn bullshit! I am here to work and enjoy myself not god damn.... FUCK!

Seems her thoughts are just as toxic.
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Ai followed the others as they rushed towards the Sky Whale. Along the way she talked with the preparation team member that was assigned to handle her equipments. Ai donned combat gear, but compared to the other, she just looks like civilian with bulletproof vest. Her real preparation lies within her lockers inside the Sky Whale though.

As the commander ordered her, Ai nodded and sat in front of Mother Board. She gently swiped the screen and let her deadman ability works. The computer suddenly became very active, dozens of windows opened and closed at a rudiculous rate before it finally slow down. Displayed through the screen was a 3D-hologram of Wall Street 120.

"We have a new member I see." Ai glanced at the newcomer that just announced her presence but otherwise didn't offer much reaction.

"I will start the briefing. This is Wall Street 120. The building where our target is currently on." Ai zoomed in at the hologram, enlarging it enough so everyone can see the details. It's a 399 feet tall skyscraper with 34 floors and shaped like a wedding cake. It was surrounded by several other skyscrapers.

"Our target is in one of the room on the highest floor. As of now 151 deaths and 453 injuries had been confirmed, but no information about whether there's still survivor trapped inside the building. Subject's power is unclear, the eyewitnesses only able to testify about the explosions but the informations are too varied to draw a valid conclusion. There seems to be suspicion of pre-existing structural damage on the building, coupled with subject's explosive power, we must thread with utmost caution. That's all the information we currently have." Ai finished her briefing and glanced at commander. The information was less than sufficient, a lot of unconfirmed variables, but there's nothing they can do about it. Willing or not, they must face the deadman in an unfavorable condition.

WARWOLF01 WARWOLF01 Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Sybil Sybil Goonfire Goonfire LibbyM098 LibbyM098 Ian Temero Ian Temero FentasticFen FentasticFen Pepsionne Pepsionne
Orson held up his hands in rapid response. The left one clutched the edge of his Maska-1. "Rust, simmer down," he calmly requested of her. "We can keep her in the back for this one, if it's gonna be a problem." He also glanced back at Rafi and added considerately, "My superiors will be the judge of that. No offense to you, miss."

From there, he listened to the briefing. Upon Ai finishing, he nodded. "Hostages are the first priority. The fewer hostages on the scene, the less potential for collateral damage... but everyone knows that by now."

Sybil Sybil Ian Temero Ian Temero Ace Cream Ace Cream
Rustie, the Rude Hazer
Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire Ian Temero Ian Temero Ace Cream Ace Cream

The hazing teammate was clearly fuming, and of course Orson was the voice of reason. How could he not when she was clearly being a bit much. Everything he said was proper and in a good mindset.

Everything that Rustie ignores, but she has the decency to just be verbal and wait for the briefing of Ai to finish before belching out more vulgarity. “Fuck that Orson she needs to hop OFF. This isn’t a rookie’s first type of mission! And plus it has a hostage, so we need to keep in mind this might be an angry clear minded. That is unless the hostage is an accidental coincidence of this thing being unable to find this person and became a hostage. So once again, NOT the time for some new blood.

She returned her harsh gaze and growl creeping on her contorted face to the rookie unfortunately caught in her ire, but once again at least she was already sitting and not willing to get up.
Probably shouldn’t sit next to her though.
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