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Fantasy Cursed Island

Shuffle nodded as she took the cheese. "Alright. Thank you." She munched on the cheese for a few moments. "Mm... This place is dangerous. I know that much. Why have so many people come here?"
Jerry leaned back on his hands as he thought of how to answer. "This place is old. Ancient. It was probably here before the King was born, and that man's older than dirt," he said with a chuckle. "Some are just explorers, there's no maps of this place and no one lives here, at least not that anyone knows. The King hear rumors of monsters, and decided that maybe if he hired adventurers and soldiers to clear it out, it could be explored. Didn't work. Me, I'm a treasure hunter. Old as this place is, there's gotta be a metric shit-ton of loot in here, and guess who gets to claim it if I find it?" Jerry jerked his thumb at himself. "Even if there isn't any loot from the ruins themselves, so many adventurers have come through here that, the way I figure, at least one of them had to have stuff on them worth a lot if they thought they could tackle this place. I'm just here for money, mostly."
Shuffle ate her cheese as she listened to his explanation, nodding as he finished. "I see. Well, I'll do my best to help you then. If nothing else, I can help you stay alive."
"You don't have to do that, I promise. You've saved me, I've saved you, we're even. I'm still trying to figure out what you are, I'm not really sure what to do with you. Never met a venomous beastfolk with horns and a reptilian lower half."
"Well, I don't know much about myself either. I'm hoping going further in will give me some answers, so I may as well help you along the way, too."
"Might as well," Jerry agreed. Leaving Shuffle to finish eating and sleep, Jerry picked up the lantern and went to the balcony, keeping an eye on the room below. The moon didn't seem to move at all during the time. Jerry wondered if time was different here, he'd heard of magic that did that.
Shuffle quietly finished off her cheese before heading over to the bedroll on all fours. She sniffed at it before settling down on top of it. She stretched out before closing her eyes to drift off to sleep.
Jerry busied himself with marking down on paper a map of what he'd seen so far. The dock, the entryway, the first room, the second, the stairways, the chamber he'd found Shuffle. Once he ran out of things to map, he pulled out a little journal he'd used in the past to record specific details he needed to remember, and started writing, making notes of the types of creatures he'd encountered so far and their weaknesses. When he came down to describing Shuffle, there were a lot of blanks. He tried to make an accurate drawing of her, but he knew very little about her beyond that she was venomous and did not seem to be a single creature, but pieces of creatures. A few hours passed in what Jerry could estimate to be long enough to be a half a night, before he woke up Shuffle so she could take watch and he could get some rest.
When Jerry woke up, he checked to make sure Shuffle hadn't gone through his things. She didn't seem to have hostile intentions towards him, but she did have potent venom and a lot of this place made no sense. Satisfied that everything was well, Jerry shouldered his bag and moved his trunk down to the base of the stairs to take shuffle back to the room at the beginning where he'd fought the first poison hound. The bodies didn't seem to have moved, that was good. Undead were a bad thing. "Okay, Shuffle, these are all dead people, but they've been dead for a while, they ain't gonna complain. If you find anything you want, take it, I'll show you how to use it." He started rooting through the bones for useful stuff. Before, he was after loot, but now Jerry had Shuffle to take care of, so hopefully he could find something to help keep her protected.
Shuffle yawned as he woke up before getting up to keep watch. She chose to crouch on the stone railing at the edge of the balcony, like a gargoyle. She stayed there for the whole time Jerry was asleep, probably trying to remember anything new.

As he woke up, she looked over and followed after him. Back with the bodies, she started looking around. A lot of it was metal armor, which was too heavy for her tastes, or robes, which seemed too long and would get in the way. Eventually, she did manage to find a sleeveless leather cuirass. After getting the bones out of it, she held it up to look it over. It was light compared to the other armor, though heavier than the shirt she had, but it was sturdy enough to offer protection from any blows she couldn't dodge.
Jerry picked up a belt from a particularly short looking person, the buckle broke off as he picked it up but the leather was still serviceable. "This might work. Whatcha got there? Oh, nice, leather. Light and durable. I don't recommend just putting it on, though, armor chafes." He positioned himself close to Shuffle. "Don't bite me, now, trying to make sure you don't trip," he said as he tried to guage about where on the leather strap he needed to tie a knot. "Alright," after a little humming, he'd tied the leather strap around Shuffle's waist as a kind of belt, forcing the shirt to fit better on the girl, so that below the waist it was more like a skirt than just a loose hanging shirt. "There we go! Shouldn't snag on anything now."

Returning to his rummaging, he picked up a satchel. Much like the belt, much of the buckles and metal on the satchel had rotted away, but it was still serviceable with some MacGyvering. "Think this'll work for you?", he asked Shuffle, holding up the satchel. "I can strap it to my trunk if it's not."
Shuffle looked at him as he tied the belt around her waist. Once that was done, she started getting the armor on, pausing her and there to adjust the straps. Once it was on, she moved about experimentally to make sure it wasn't restrictive before looking at Jerry again. She eyed the satchel for a moment nodding. "Ah, yeah. I can carry stuff with it."
"Great," Jerry tossed it to Shuffle once she'd armored herself. Rooting through the bodies once more, he picked up some projectile weapons and a bandolier. Mostly knives and darts, but considering how many things in this ruins wanted to get real close, and that didn't match his style of fighting. "Okay, I got what I need here," Jerry said, standing up, "Whenever you're ready, we'll continue."
Shuffle slung the satchel over her shoulder, taking a moment to tighten the strap so it would be a little more snug. Once she was done, she looked to him again and nodded. "Ready." She looked about like an adventurer now, with her armor and satchel. She sort of felt like one, too.
"Great!" Jerry picked up the handles of his trunk, "Let's go, there's only one door I haven't been through so far in this part." Newly armored patchwork companion and his refreshed weapons, Kai led Shuffle back down the stairs and into the one door he hadn't been through yet. The door the largest lizard had been sleeping in front of before.
Shuffle nodded and followed after him.

This door was a double door, sitting at the bottom of a short set of stairs. Beyond was a hallway, lit by a few torches along the walls. It went on straight a ways before curving to the left, though it turned back right shortly after. It brought them to an even larger room. Well, actually, it was more of a courtyard. There was no ceiling and most of it was dirt with grass, trees, and other smaller plants growing. They looked surprisingly normal for plants growing in moonlight. Upon entering, Jerry and Shuffle would be on an upper balcony, though it was big enough that someone could've put a full set of furniture up there and still had room. Off to the side, sticking to the wall, was a flight of stairs leading down to where the plants were growing. It was in pretty bad shape though, as much a dirt slope as a flight of stairs.
Humming, Jerry picked up a stone and crouched by one of the plants for cover, motioning for Shuffle to join him. "Let's find out if there's something down there," he said before chucking the stone over the balcony to clatter down below.
The stone spooked a bird, causing it to fly off, but nothing else moved down there. In fact, the whole area seemed oddly peaceful, compared to the rest of the place.

As he was doing that, Shuffle looked around further. Across from them was a similar raised stone structure to what they were standing on. She could see two doors, one at the top and one built into the base. There was also another door to the right side of the courtyard.
"Huh," Jerry muttered, "Alright, let's go down, quietly, and make sure we're clear." Standing up, he made his way down the steps and took a closer look at the courtyard for danger, checking for traps.
Shuffle nodded and headed down after him, sniffing at the air. "It doesn't smell like anything else comes here often..."

Down on the ground level, it was still pretty calm. Around one the trees, there seemed to be some herbs growing.
"It's weird," Jerry said, looking at the plants, "Trees don't grow in the dark, they need the sun, but this place is always night." Cautiously, he approached the herbs, taking a look. "Someone tends these. Half of these plants can't survive without the sun, let alone growing out of cracks in stone." Taking out his knife, he cut off a piece of the treebark to see if the inside of the tree was as unusual as its existence.
Sure enough, the tree appeared normal throughout. Shuffle looked around as well. "Maybe it's the magic in this place. Everything else here is changed somehow. Maybe all it did here was let them grow in moonlight." She leaned down to one of the herbs, sniffing at it.
"Maybe," Jerry cut up one of the herbs and sniffed it, trying to determine what it was. "That doesn't change that these herbs can't- hang on, how do you know what the moon is if you've never been anywhere but the table?"
Shuffle tilted her head. "I'm not sure. There are things that I know, but I don't remember learning them. Like how I knew about the lizards." She plucked a leaf from one of the plants. "And...I know these plants have healing properties."
Jerry looked at the leaf Shuffle held. How did she know this stuff? How much of her story actually matched up with what she said? For all Jerry knew, she might be a part of some elaborate trap by whoever was still alive in this place. "Do you know how they're supposed to be used?", he asked, "There's no point in taking any if we can't use them."
"Well, I don't know how to process it, but just eating it might help a little." She stood back up. "It's weird. It's like I have pieces of someone else's memories, but they're all broken and scattered."

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