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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex nodded. "Okay, great." He was more than willing to learn how to perform the Heimlich. Alex watched as Nate took his spoon and then stood behind Alex. He was glad that Nate couldn't see him because he was blushing hard when Nate proceeded to show him how to do it. He felt the two pokes indicating where not to put his arms, and then he watched Nate's hands show how to do it. He felt the gentle example and nodded. "Okay, it makes sense. I just hope I never have to do it" Alex said. "But if you decide to choke again, I can help you out." He said.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate lingered behind for a while, arms content to stay there. But he had a purpose! A job. He moved to the other side of Alex, facing away from him. “Yeah, yeah, in theory. Show me.” He patted his stomach, face looking vaguely to the side. “Now is the time to practice before I choke on beans for real, and then you’re learning in the moment.” He wiggled his arms that he moved from himself. “I can help guide you. Best way to know is to do.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex noticed that Nate had lingered behind him before he moved. Okay, his turn to show that he knew what he was doing. "Okay, got it" Alex took a deep breath and stepped up behind Nate. He gently put his arms around Nate, just below the ribs and above the belly button. He fisted one hand, and placed the other over it. He gently pulled back and up in the same demonstration that Nate gave. After he did that, he relaxed his arms, but didn't really move. "Like that?" He asked.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Thought he was mostly all business, it wasn’t until they were part of the way through this demonstration that he realized he could use this to his advantage. Was he about to use his powers for evil?

But also, how could he be a good medic if he didn’t show a little bit better way?

“That was good, but let’s try it again. We can do better.” Which was accurate. Everyone could always do everything better. He placed his hands around Alex’s. “When you pull back, go a little more up like you’re trying to pop something out.” Choosing not to be gentle since they were using him as a practice dummy and he was okay with this, he pushed with a whole lot more force than the gentle demonstration he originally gave. “If you break my rib, that’s better than me choking and dying, so don’t hold back if the beans are my enemy.” He leaned back a little, turning his head to the side as he spoke. “Okay, wanna try again?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex heard that he'd done a good job and smiled. "Oh? Okay" He said, not sure how it could be better. He did it the way Nate did, or so he thought. He blushed when Nate placed his hands around Alex's and listened to him. He didn't expect for Nate to repeat the demonstration with his own hands on Alex's, and he used a lot more force than Alex had. He didn't want to hurt Nate. "Are you sure?" He looked at Nate who'd leaned back and turned his head. "Okay.." He said, moving his hands back into place and repeated the motion, but did it like when Nate had showed him, with a lot of force.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate was pretty sure this was a good idea. This was what they did all the time. They used to all practice all sorts of things on each other. That was how you got good at things. This was how you kept your skills up. Of course, the big difference between what he did with the boys and the Fireflies and the soldiers and all that was that none of them had ever been Alex, and he had never used practice as an excuse to be close to someone. And since he was the one who knew bodies so well, it only made sense that if he was going to use something that could potentially go wrong with evil intent, then he better be the one it’s done to.

He let out a little gasp, and his medical minded brain took over. He clapped. “Good! I probably just couched up the beans!” He turned around, still in this tight embrace, and clasped Alex’s arms. “You are a fast learner!” He smiled brightly at his student, who was admittedly very a lot close, but now he was kind of trapped and also didn’t want to move and also he was forgetting how to breathe and that had nothing to do with the Heimlich and now his brain was rambling great. He could feel the heat crash across his cheeks. There was no hiding that when they were so very close.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex wasn't sure if he'd done it right, and almost felt like he'd messed up at the gasp from Nate. Then he heard the clap and smiled. "Oh good, I thought I'd messed up there at first" Alex said with a small laugh. He felt Nate turn around in Alex's arms and looked at him, clasping Alex's arms. "Thanks.." He said softly. He didn't realize how close they were, but once he saw how close they were, he was finding himself getting lost looking at Nate's face, seeing the redness on his face and smiled. "I had a pretty great teacher" Alex added, looking at Nate, not wanting to move.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate stood there, a little bit lost, a little bit frazzled, smiling as he looking into the eyes of his companion. He had such beautiful eyes. Deep, full of life, brown that shone as they stood there. It’s not like they had never been that close before. They were frequently that close. They shared so many hugs, slept right by each other, and were always right in front to ground the other. Taking hands. Touching arms. As Nate found himself drowning, he tried to speak, but his voice got twisted on his mouth like his tongue forgot how to work. His thoughts were muddled, and it took all of him to finally realized that he had probably been standing there doing not much of anything for a while.

“I, uh, wouldn’t say that. I just- um? Just told you what to do, and you. You. You followed, like uh. Um. Like a pro.” He pulled his gaze away, trying to remember how to be a person again. That wasn’t so much going to work was it? Great. “We should, um…” He made the mistake of looking back at him, at his eyes and soft cheeks. Cheeks he couldn’t help but touch every time he got distracted. “We should probably get moving.” He barely managed to say that. “Don’t want the hunters to uh. Um. Catch up.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

He was busy looking at every part of Nate's face, losing himself in his eyes and the closeness. They'd been getting progressively more comfortable being close if the hand holding, arm touching, sharing hugs and sleeping blankets was any indication. Alex had no idea what had changed, when it changed but he was happy enough with it. He didn't want to break this peaceful silence they were in. When Nate finally spoke, he seemed to trip over his words? Alex found it cute himself. He watched as Nate looked away for a moment before turning back. "Yeah, yeah. That would be a smart thing to do." Alex said, reluctantly moving away from Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate had to bite down his tongue as Alex pulled away. Get it together, Nate, he repeated to himself for the millionth time since their travels began. They did not have time for him to become the simpering fool. In fact, whatever was happening right now should probably stop before it got worse. Even if he liked what was happening. Even if he really wanted to stay that close. Even if it made his heart hurt when Alex pulled away.

Together. He was pulling it together. He let Alex go, feeling the loss in his bones, and then too moved away, putting the pack back together, rolling up the second blanket and attaching it to the bag. “Okay. You ready to go?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex did not want to admit to himself just how hard it was to pull away from that. He always found it difficult to move when he and Nate were close, but it seems like its getting harder to do each time. Alex sighed as he grabbed his stuff, packing it up and tossed his pack over his shoulder. "Yep. Let's go" Alex said, walking forward and beginning the half days walk to the South Dakota border. Even with them taking a little longer to get going, they should still make it by noon.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate followed after him, watching the way Alex moved. Like a creep. He was being that guy. The whole point was to not be that guy, and here he was totally being that guy. He would have groaned at himself if that would not have brought attention to it and therefore begun a conversation where he would have to attempt to explain why he was disappointed in himself. This meant that he needed to figure out something to distract himself while he walked.

“So,” he began, moving right up next to Alex. “Gambling man. We never got to have that conversation. What kind of gambles are we talking? Because you already took the bet on finding not canned beans. What else are you willing to give up for something you might get in return?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex looked beside him as Nate moved up next to him. He raised an eyebrow at him, listening to him bringing back up the gambling thing. "Well, let's see. I only try to take gambles that make sense or would be practical. So in this case, it would practical to find something other than canned beans. I don't usually lose my bets, so I don't usually give up anything, but if I do, I give up non-essential supplies, things I can live without. Like canned beans" He said with a laugh.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate was intrigued. “Okay, so you’re a gambling man but only with guaranteed wins. I see the logic and can get behind that.” He swayed back and forth as he walked for fun and whimsy. “Does that make you the reasonable one and me the wild one? Because I have made some crazy bets in my time. You know, like deciding all will be well wandering off with some random guy after having known him for a whole like five minutes max.” He smiled widely to show just how much he was glad to have taken that gamble.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex nodded, glancing over at Nate. "Exactly. I don't see a reason in taking a bet that makes no sense" He said with a grin, noticing Nate swaying back and forth as he walked. "It would make the most sense that way wouldn't it?" Alex chuckled. "Hey, I would think this gamble was the best one you've done" He added, nudging Nate's side. "And I'm not some random guy anymore" Alex said playfully, seeing the smile on Nate's face.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate made the mistake of really looking over at Alex as he considered both of their words. Making the gamble to follow that random guy who looked like he’d been through some things just because he could read a map and also because his aim with that bow was perfection? Absolutely the best decision he had ever made. Alex was so much more than just some random guy now, even if they were only on day…. Actually he couldn’t remember anymore. that probably meant that he was over this counting how very small amount of time it was. He nodded, making a goofy face. “Oh yeah? And who are you now if not just some random guy I follow around?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

He looked over at Nate, a smirk on his face. "Well, I'm the guide, the navigator, the light, the monkey man.. should I continue?" He asked, laughing. He had no idea when he'd agreed to help Nate just what would happen. Why he'd decided to help some stranger just because he seemed lost. It was a mystery to him and yet, he wouldn't change one thing about it. Alex was happy for the first time in almost eight years. One he'd begun his training, he never really felt happy more stuck and maybe even a little angry at it all. "And besides, I took a gamble too, helping this strange man who seemed to get lost in an empty room." He said.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex was not wrong. He really had proven to be so many things for Nate without it being that long. He could continue that liste for him. His warmth. His pillow. His grounding force. His constant. His- His. Because that’s how it felt, and that’s how Alex wanted to keep him. Unabashedly his. And that was both a terrifying and beautiful thing to have. It felt almost like he laid claim on him as if there was some sort of competition out there, and Nate won. No, you can’t have my Alex, because I got him first. No need to share.

Nate threw up a mock offended hand that he clutched to his chest, going back to silly to pull himself away from thoughts like that. “How dare you! I don’t get lost in empty rooms. Empty halls maybe? But not rooms. Rooms with one door are a whole lot easier to navigate!” He shrugged. “But you’re not wrong. I could have been lying to you to lore you into some sort of horrible trap or scheme.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

He laughed, looking at him and his mock offended look. "Okay, but what about rooms with two or more doors? All leading to empty hallways with doors lining them?" He said with a grin. "And you're right, you could've been luring me into a trap or whatever, but you didn't. So who are you now? This random guy that I've decided to trust." Alex was curious as to just what his answer would be.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate’s eyes went wide like he was hearing about the worst kind of horror. “You want me to be trapped forever?!” Because he probably was not as bad as they joked, but if there were really that many doors, he would definitely not be able to keep up the ones that he had already entered or exited. He would most definitely be lost very quickly, especially if they stopped at any point and distracted him from the goal of navigating this fake maze. He would be stuck there for the rest of his days.

Who was he? Who was Nate now that they were no longer strangers? What was he to Alex? Mm, that was his question so often. What did Alex get out of this deal? “The medic. The mission. The Macguffin- my mother said that was some sort of thing that is arbitrary most of the time but leads you to the next plot point in books and stuff. I don’t know- she knew a lot about the outside world. Wait where was I? Oh! Your optimism!”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex glanced over to see Nate's eyes get wide. "No, I'd come get you eventually" Alex said with a small laugh. "Eventually" He wouldn't leave Nate alone, not ever. That was a weird concept to Alex, why exactly did he not want to leave Nate? He listened to Nate list off who he was now. He wasn't wrong, but Alex could think of much more. He was the wit, the funny, the one who finds positives in anything, he was Alex's grounder, Nate was well, Alex's. Or that's what Alex wanted anyway. "Those are all accurate, and I definitely need my optimism." Alex laughed, his eyes would go from Nate, their surroundings, then check the sun. It still had a bit before it was over head, so they still had a few hours before they'd reach South Dakota. He hoped they'd find a town soon, he wanted to search for anything but canned beans and prove he could find such a thing.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate laughed. And he smiled. And he smiled so wide that he was sure that his face would get stuck just like that for the rest of his days. He would be happy to live the rest of his days maybe even just like this. Okay maybe not exactly like this. He would be happier with other things too. Like that happily ever after they dreamed of having. He would absolutely love to live a dream with his Alex. Maybe hand in hand? Was there a good enough reason to do that? His eyes flicked to Alex’s dangling hand and wondered. Maybe.

“Can you imagine abandoning me in some maze of room, halls, and doors forever and then being without your optimism? You would have to live in pessimistic misery for the rest of time.” He shook his head, debated, and then grabbed Alex’s hand. He swung their connected arms wide and playfully. “This is what you’d miss. No one to keep you from being Mr. Stoic Guy. Gotta keep the fun flowing inside you.” He looked out at the world around them, searching for something that wasn’t just trees. Maybe a town somewhere near. He didn’t know places, but he felt like one had to be close based on how long it had been since finding one.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex felt himself smiling as well, seeing the wide one on Nate's face. It was contagious that smile. It made Alex's heart flutter each time he saw it. He would prefer if they could stay there, just enjoying each others company. Maybe if they found the farmhouse dream they had, maybe it could be him and his Nate forever. Alex wanted to find that so badly, just stop having to worry about surviving, and just live. Be able to sleep in, in the mornings and lay around doing nothing. His attention was drawn from his thoughts when he heard Nate speaking. "That's why I said that eventually I'd come get you, I'd be missing my optimism." Alex laughed. His eyes darted down to where Nate grabbed his hand, swinging their arms wide. "I would definitely miss this, having my Funny Man beside me." He said. He knew they had to find a town soon. His eyes went up to see the sun almost at its mid point. "Border should be up ahead. If we're lucky, there'll be a town." Alex said. He could see the trees thinning out up ahead. "Okay, we're gonna start our tree climbing lessons. Last time they ambushed us, we probably would've been fine if they hadn't seen us. See that tree up ahead? I want you on the first branch, that's all, but enough so that someone can't sneak up on us" Alex said. "I'll go higher to get a layout and see what's ahead" He added. "Then we can move on from there" He finished.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Once upon a time, when Nate was a younger teen, they all had this conversation about growing up and finding some person to be with forever. It was all stupid stuff where Ben would say they had to find tough girls who could go toe to toe in battle, and Max said that someone who could who could really keep him interested in everything was the answer. What about you, Nate? Who would you choose if we had the luxury? And Nate didn’t know. He just liked people. He always liked people. He never really considered anything else. And then he didn’t think about it again.

Until now.
His funny man. Yeah, Nate could also get behind that. He loved to make Alex laugh. He loved how much it transformed his face into this bright beacon.

He looked over at the tree and sized it up with several long glances. “Climbing a tree. You know, I can do normal things probably? Probably.” He examined it. Considered. It didn’t look too hard, especially if he was only climbing to the lower branch. He wasn’t about to be able to monkey his way all the way up like some cool people, but he could do minor things. Maybe. It had been a moment though. That was probably okay. “You gonna catch me when I fall?” He asked with a half smile as they reached the tree and he stared at it appraisingly.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

He followed Nate to the tree, looking up at it. "I know you can. I also know you can do this" Alex said, looking up at the tree. The lowest branch was wide enough that it should be fine for a first try. "Okay, I'll catch you when you fall" Alex said with a smile. "Ready?" He asked. Alex didn't want to push him, but he'd feel safer if Nate was up on the branch just in case. Alex had brought up having a partner when he was fifteen, it was him, Yara and Lev after a long day, sitting near their homes talking. Yara wanted a warrior, someone strong and capable. For a while, Alex thought she'd had a crush on him which was weird to him. Lev just wanted to be a warrior, not a wife and it was hard sometimes talking with him about it because Alex felt bad being a warrior when that was what Lev wanted.

Alex just wanted someone kind, funny and could give him a mental challenge. He didn't want a warrior and he figured out about two years later when they were told they'd have to get partners soon, that he didn't want a female. He had his eyes on a male warrior but that had been stomped out by his mother the moment he brought it up. 'Alex, men do not date men, that's final.' She'd said in her stern voice. Alex had dropped it then, but he refused each woman who tried to be his partner. Now he just wanted Nate. It was as if everything was pushing him to leave his group and go east, just to go west again, this time with someone that Alex wanted to be beside his entire life.

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