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Fantasy Cursed Island

"Now try and shoot it again. Don't think about the power, think about an arrow. You're not gonna be able to pull off any tricks unless you can shoot it in the first place."
Shuffle nodded and stood ready once again. She took a breath and tried drawing an arrow, getting about the same result as the first time.
"Keep trying, you'll get it eventually," Adran gave a thumbs up. "Make sure you've got a proper grip on the bow and the 'string'."
Shuffle nodded and adjusted her grip. "Mm... I can't sink my claws into it, so it's hard to really grip it..."
Adran squatted down to check Shuffle's grip. "Oh, there's a problem, right there. Your fingers are too short to hold it properly..."

"What does that mean?", Jerry asked, also getting down to that level.

"It means she can't focus the arrow properly, it's probably why she's having so much trouble..."
Adran shook his head. "Not this exact bow... we'd have to wittle down the grip, and that might break it entirely, create a weak point and snap it in half when she tries to shoot it again." He seemed to be thinking again, before pulling out his book of secrets.

"What are you doing now?"

"Magick bows aren't my specialty, but I know a fiend that owes me a favor, he might have an idea, I just gotta remember how to summon him."
"Probably, if he can make magic items he can probably make magic weapons, but..." Adran shook his head. "He comes off as shady as hell to me, I'd rather not owe him a favor if I can avoid it..."
"Mm, alright." Shuffle sat down while she waited, looking at the bow for a moment before going to look through her maker's satchel again.
After some searching, Adran found the summons he was looking or. "ANow, what was his name? Malik? Malus, Malachai? No, he works with Wrath... Merrath, there it is!" Adran pulled out a tiny chunk of chalk and started scribbling something on the floor.

Jerry picked up the bone bow as Shuffle was rooting through the satchel. "It's weird, you wouldn't think a spine would make a good bow," she commented as she examined the thing.
"Spines are flexible though. As long as the pieces stay together, it can flex easily." She pulled up one of the blood vials again and looked at it.
"Yeah, but bows are supposed to be stiff too," Jerry stood and made like she was drawing the bow, only to get zapped by a half-formed bolt. "Ow."
Jerry shook her head and tried again. She got a little further but got the same result as before. Gritting her teeth, she tried a third time. This time the bolt survived long enough to leave the bow, flying straight for a few feet until it exploded into a shower of sparks.

At about this time, Adran said something in Infernal, and there was a small explosion from Adran's end of the group.
Shuffle watched Jerry get it right before looking towards Adran. She put away the blood vial, just so it wouldn't get broken on accident.
"Merrath!", Adran barked at the explosion, which then seemed to freeze and then solidify into a rather well-dressed demon.

"Who summoned- Oh, hey, Adran, how's it going? Still working with Asmodeus?", Merrath switched from trying to be impressive and intimidating to rather casual almost as soon as he realized who his summoner was.

"You know how it is, she's hard to please, harder to negotiate with," Adran shrugged, "Listen, I'm calling in a favor."

"When did I owe you a favor?"

"Remember that time you wanted to take Sylva on a date but she wouldn't talk to a pit fiend?"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. We're married now, thanks man."

"Nice! Anyway, I need some help with something," Adran reached for the magick bow, and showed it to the demon. "What can you tell me about the construction of these?" Merrath seemed impressed by the bow.

"Ooh, that's a nice one," he gingerly reached towards it, and Adran let the demon hold it. "Well, it's definitely entirely custom, I've never seen one like this. Interesting choice of materials, I'd have never pegged a magick archer to try and become a lich."

"She didn't, we found her dead," Adran corrected.

"Oh, that's too bad, she knew what she was doing. This is a proper mage weapon, not just an archer weapon." Merrath handed the bow back. "So what do you want to know?"

"I need to know how to make and modify these things."

"Oh, that's it? You don't want a loan or a freebie? That's what you use your favor on?"

"You know me, half the time I forget I even have people that owe me favors," Adran shrugged, "You wanna hook a warlock up?"

"Oh, easily, here," Merrath reached into his pockets and pulled out a booklet. "It's a rough guide, each bow and material is different, but that should be enough of a framework for you to jump off of," the demon tossed Adran the book, cleared his throat, and resumed business mode. "Is there anything else you want, or can I go, Mortal?"

"Nah, we're good, dismissed." Adran waved his hand, Merrath bowed, and the explosion happened in reverse as the demon vanished back into Hell.
Shuffle stayed seated as she watched the exchange. She felt a bit of pride as the bow's craftsmanship was praised, which she passed off as her maker's soul shining through a little. She couldn't help but wonder there was any consciousness there. As the demon left, she rose to her feet again.
Adran handed Shuffle back her bow as he flipped through the small book, not at all phased that he could just summon demons.

"You wanna explain what just happened?", Jerry demanded.

"What, Merrath? We're old buddies. I used to be his wingman. Might takes right in Hell, he's scary to low-level demons. Problem was, he had a thing for a succubus named Sylva, but she was too scared to even talk to him, so... " Adran shrugged. "I pulled some strings, and it sounds like they hit it off."

"And you trust his word?"

"Definitely, favors are the ultimate currency in Hell, you can't swindle your way through a favor like you can with a contract, you'll get eaten alive." Adran put the tiny book away. "Alrighty then, Shuffle, I'll see what I can do with the bow while everyone's sleeping."
Shuffle nodded. "Alright. You can use whatever materials we gathered in the holding bag, too. If you need them."
Adran smiled and nodded, patting Shuffle on the back as Jerry pushed the door open back to the rest area, within the group seemed to have largely gone to sleep or were resting.
Shuffle smiled and followed them back in.

Emil was sitting against a wall, sleeping with his lute in his lap. Erina had her legs tucked under her body with her upper body leaned against the wall, also asleep. Fia was awake, keeping an eye on a campfire. The Crafter was sitting quietly in a corner, carving a piece of wood. The chimera was still sleeping in Jerry’s sling.
Emfa was also awake, sitting near the camfire with Joanne, sharpening their axe and sword respectively, while Veo had curled up under a blanket and was asleep. Beri had curled up between Emil and Fia, asleep. As the trio came in and found their places, they got a brief look up from those that were awake, before people returned to what they were doing as they found places to be, laying down, sitting up, whatever they did.

Jerry found a vacant spot and unrolled her bedroll, laying down and laying the sleeping chimera sling on her stomach, soon falling asleep, while Adran took the magical bag and the magick bow, and found a spot far enough away from the others that he wouldn't wake anyone if he dropped things, and started fiddling.
Shuffle sat by the fire for a bit while Jerry settled down. Once she was settled, Shuffle went over and stretched out before curling up next to Jerry.

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