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Fantasy (CS) Lichenlock Academy for Supernatural Youngsters



Am I dreaming?
(Optional if picture included)


Name: Nereus Krill (Rey to friends)
Gender: Male
Age: 78 (Appears/acts like a teenager)
Species: Merperson. Nereus' legs fuse into a sterling silver tail upon knee-deep contact with water. He has some control over liquid substances and can communicate with marine life.
Appearance: With a height of 6'2" and a weight of 190 lbs, Nereus tends to tower over his peers. Paired with his shiny grey skin, shark-like teeth, and freckling of silver scales, he is certainly a unique sight to behold. Although his eyes are equally as colorless as the rest of his body, they hold a certain warmth that invites conversation.
Nereus was orphaned along with his older brother at a young age. For many years they avoided human contact, wandering the ocean with only each other as company. However, Nereus eventually discovered his ability to manifest human legs and, being curious, entered the vast world of dry land. After some years of deliberation, he has managed to assimilate into the society and has even taken up secondary schooling.
Personality: Although Nereus favors the quiet life, his age-old curiosity in mundane things keeps him invested in the social realm. He is relatively stoic yet benevolent in nature and enjoys a good laugh when he can find one. From an acquaintance's perspective, Nereus may be described as calm but passionate. However, he has some serious prejudices that can make him seem incredibly insensitive.
Popularity: 7
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Name: Chester Falker
Age: 16 (?)
Grade: Junior
Species: Ghost
Background: Despite being a supernatural, Chester has lived in a home full of normal people for most of his existence. When he was 16 he suddenly and fairly unexpectedly drowned in a local lake while he was out on a walk. While foul play was suspected in his untimely death, they never caught anyone and Chester never saw a face. When he returned from his unpleasant time at the lake, Chester decided to haunt his old home, and stayed there when his family chose to move away and strangers moved in. As his haunts slowly became more and more mean spirited, he attracted attention from other supernaturals and was scolded for drawing attention to himself. Now aware of the existence of a supernatural world, Chester chose to attend Nightworld High to finish his education and do something with his after life.

Personality: Chester is a mischievous individual, never hesitant about using his abilities as a ghost for pure fun. While he is by no means the bravest, and has trouble considering the consequences of his actions, he is excellent at thinking on his feet and worming his way out of situations that he's trapped himself in.
Grade: Junior
Popularity: 3/10
Hibiki Seishuku
Forever 15
Guardian Angel
Guardian angels are typically people who've had their lives cut short in one way or another, but still were good enough in life to deserve to go to Heaven. They, however, instead chose to use their eternity to help and take care of others. Their powers typically include the ability to heal, flight, light manipulation, and being able to turn themselves invisible to human eyes (however not to other supernaturals). Their ability to use these powers depends on how much practice they've had. Hibiki has only recently become a Guardian Angel however, and therefore has no idea what he's doing.


Hibiki used to be a normal Japanese school boy with a very hard-working family. Though, it's important to specify his nationality as in Japan children were expected to work incredibly hard in schools, and well, Hibiki was never really the brightest bulb. Even with the pressure he had, he still tried his hardest and managed to do very well. Though he was never really allowed to pursue his passion, he didn't mind as it made his family happy. His passion was always performing, it didn't matter in what format so long as he was in front of a crowd. It was his way of making people understand his feelings.
One day, on the television he saw an ad for the local talent agency and became inspired. This could be his chance to break out of the life he'd been kept in. His chance to become more then the average person he was fated to become. As he filled out all the formed with passion, he promised himself he'd do everything he could to make this work. He'd be the best him he could be. His fans would have a shimmering light to look up to- and he could become that light!
As he ran outside to deliver his application-
There went his tiny little body, killed by the mail truck he was trying to beat. When he'd gotten into Heaven he was destroyed, but took the opportunity to help another soul. Maybe through his misfortune, he could give another greater fortune. With that hope, he moved away from the light to shine in a different way. Though his heart still ached with his dream, he couldn't reach it any longer.
He's come to this school for one purpose- Someone else in attending is in need of a guardian and he's there to fulfill that role!
(Currently guardian to Sarah Heart.)
Hibiki is a very kind and gentle soul. He's somewhat timid, though when he gets talking he really doesn't stop. He gets incredibly passionate about a lot of things, but has learned to keep those opinions to himself throughout his life because he had always disappointed others with them. He's truly a people pleaser and will do all he can to make others happy, to the point where he doesn't have his own boundaries making him an incredibly easy target to take advantage of. He's incredibly selfless and will sacrifice nearly an arm before he stops trying to help someone. He always tries to stay optimistic, despite the situation and can easily be seen as somewhat childish because of this. He's a born performer and can act incredibly well becoming his character with ease.
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Name: Rebecca Long

Age: 14

Species: Lich (Was a necromancer witch in life)

Background: Rebecca's father is a wizard, so magic is as natural to her as the sun and the sky. But when she was twelve, she got a diagnosis that would turn her life upside down: Leukemia.

Neither medicine nor magic could do anything to stem the tide, and she grew desperate. Eventually, she put her soul in a crystal and placed said crystal in her corpse to reanimate herself. Her father, furious that she turned to black magic, threw her out of the house. That was only a few days ago. She has since put in paperwork to stay at the school year-round, but gods alone know how that will turn out.

Personality: Kind and generous to a fault, Rebecca is everything the stereotypical necromancer isn't. She wants to help other people, and is considering starting a Dark Arts club to show everyone that black magic isn't necessarily evil. She's also a huge nerd and loves to read.

Grade: Freshman

Popularity: 2 out of 10


she was a shooting star, her smile so bright and rare, that by the time that you had blinked, there was no sign it had been there.

Name: Shimniagi, Utsukushī — is typically called by her last name, with the exception of nicknames.

Nicknames: Suki, Utsuku — may develop over RP

Age: Six-hundred and sixty-six years old; will forever resemble the embodiment of a twelve year old, though is a junior in high school, and older than many of her peers, thus her feeble attempt to blend in.

Height: 4’11; 149.86 cm
Weight: Seventy-nine pounds;
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: Deep Brown

Species: Half-demon humanoid
The properties as the spawn of human and demon differ, and are something one should not take lightly. Shimniagi possess the the horns of her mother, the ashen complexion of her father, and abilities much similar to the average demon of the underworld. Such as the ability to levitate, which is prefers much to walking, the ability to possess (which happens on the rare occasion), and is often feared for her fierce canines and serpent tongue.

Background: Born to a demon mother and human father in the year of 1352, a time when very little technology was used and where many people fell ill quickly. A happy and smiling child was she, laughing and loving the oddly wonderful life she had, but when the plague struck her father when she was only seven years of age, it left her with no one to look to when she was in need. The light in her drained, leaving her the husk of what she would never become. She had lived on the streets for quite a time, and it changed her, until she was taken in by a woman, by the name of Quano, whom seemed to have quite the knowledge on demons, as she was immersed in the world of voodoo. At age 14, with horns now pruning her skull, it was then determined that Shimniagi wasn’t like the others. That she was different. And with this, Quano trained the girl in the craft of demons, and since being passed from foster family to foster family over the years, her powers have grown.

Once meeting her newest foster family, a group of happy-go-lucky nut jobs, with no knowledge to her powers, she was thrown into the school for her lack of enthusiasm and excitement for new things, also because they believed it a normal school, which fueled her to extreme measures to ignore the entire family altogether. They say she’s so troubled that she might just need a person to watch over her. Someone that is more pure than she’ll ever be.

Personality: Shimniagi appears very bland and tasteless to her peers and foster family, though she can’t be blamed. Her experiences have been far too harsh to fully understand, unless you get her to talk. The lack of excitement, the one thing that she’d been craving in her life, has brought her to a stand still. With little personality, Shimniagi is very gloomy and moody, and will occasionally snap at someone when visibly upset. She is quiet and let’s others talk without even opening her mouth to question what they’re saying. Nevertheless of her melancholy ways, she is loyal and earnest to those close to her, and would put themselves before her any day.

Grade: Junior; Third

Popularity: 4/10 — not the most popular amongst students, but respectable, though is often teased behind her back, for her appearance, such as her large horns and oddly colored eyes.

we | have our | demons
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Name: Akira Echevalier

Nicknames:The Ice Queen

Age: 17

Grade: Sophomore




Complexion: Very pale

Background: Coming from a long line of powerful witches and wizards she was brought up with the finer things in life.From a young age her endearing parents had pressured her into doing well forcing her into training at a young age and to study at any given moment.This has lead to her being extremely powerful at the cost of her social life.It's lonely at the top.

Personality: Despite her pompous upbringing she is really down to earth but a bit blunt and ignorant sometimes even impulsive.She is also really talkative and would talk for ages.

Relationship Status:Single
Popularity: 5/10​
Name: Tomoki Fuji
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Species: Demon (Looks exactly like a human)
Appearance: Screenshot_20181221-141710_Google.jpg
Background: When Tomoki was young, his family was viciously murdered by a demon and the demon put a mark on Tomoki's neck because he saw something in Tomoki. The mark he gave Tomoki was a demon mark and gave Tomoki the power of fire manipulation it also gave him a curse, the more angry he gets, the more powerful and uncontrollable he is.
Personality: Tomoki was a very popular boy in middle school because of his looks and talent. He is a strong student, as well as being good at sports, and although he was very popular, he didn't let it go to his head. On the contrary he seems to think the whole popularity-thing is rather troublesome. Most of the time, he's carefree, reckless, protective, and straightforward.
Grade: Junior
Popularity: 10/10​



Artist: zacchan

Faelu Saef




She is about 5'6. The lower half of her body is that of a goat, with dark brown fur and hooves. She has a tail, but it is short like a goat's. Her ears are pierced very basically and she has a septum piercing as well.

She grew up deep in the forests with her family. Her 'family' consisted of a group of fauns that found one another and had a nomadic village of sorts. They couldn't stay in one place for too long because, although they were deep in the forest, they were always nervous about being found out by those who saw them as folklore. For the most part, her childhood was tragedy-less and "normal". Because of growing up deep in the forests, she has a deep connection with plants and animals. Once they found out about the academy, Faelu's family decided it would be a good idea to send her off to school.

Faelu is quiet, but she's usually very friendly. She enjoys the company of others, but tends to be more of a listener than a talker. She is humble and compassionate, but very firm in who she is. She cares deeply about people, but won't compromise herself for other's wishes. She is extremely anti-confrontational and wants to be friendly with everyone she can.



code by Ri.a

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Saoirse stands at 5'2" with a lithe, slender build. Red, wavy, thick hair falls past her shoulders and radiates a seemingly unnatural glow. Her eyes are wide and a forest green and light freckles dot her face and torso. Although almost entirely human-passing Saoirse's ears are slightly pointed and she has a small pair of malformed fey-like wings, barely half-an-arm's length, sprouting from her back which she keeps hidden beneath her clothing- they do not allow for flight. She is dainty and fragile-looking, though graceful in her movements.

The product of an illcit love affair between a Seelie Queen and a male human, Saoirse was born into a Seelie court in the wilderness of the west of Ireland. Slightly larger than the average fey and lacking in wings large enough to fly, Saoirse struggled to ever assimilate fully to the court; she aged at the same rate as any human. Therefore, her mother- as much as it pained her- decided to make contact with the Arcane Republic (Seelie tend to keep to themselves as they have their own means of concealing themselves from humans) and admit her daughter to a specialised boarding school. Although Saoirse looks relatively human, her mother feared that her ethereal appearance and natural allure would prevent her from integrating fully into human society. From her mother's side, Saoirse has inherited only passive magical abilities: minor illusory magic that manifests circumstantially, such as muffling her voice when she wishes to not be heard by others; a natural allure that may serve to charm humans and non-humans alike; an affinity to the natural world.

Naturally charismatic, soft-spoken Saoirse attempts to downplay her hereditary charm by remaining somewhat reserved. As someone with good intentions, although generally with a somewhat chaotic streak, she comes across as compassionate and empathetic, but sometimes reckless and disrespectful to those establishing themselves as authority figures. Although Saoirse enjoys the company of others, her moods are flighty and quick to change; she may go from talkative to seeking solace within the span of a few moments, as is typical of fey. She enjoys jokes and harmless pranks, though not at great expense of others. She also has a strong yearning for acceptance, though she may be unaware of it.




Name: Sarah Heart
Nicknames: Angel, Blondie.
Age: 15
Grade: Freshmen
Species: Angel
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'5
Complexion: Somewhat Pale
Background: A few decades ago, a angel couple left heaven to raise a child, the first angel born in a long time. Although due to a runin with a demon the pair were killed and the child ended up alone. The child was later found by an orphanage and raised for 7 years Sarah grew up in as a orphan before realizing she was an angel. She was later adopted by a human family who she currently lives with. Since then she's attended special schools for supernatural beings. She's been doing quite well due to her kindhearted nature.
Personality: Sarah is a cheerful and polite student who tends to be the object of envy for being one of the most popular girls and attractive girls at the school. Nonetheless she is very supportive of the school spirit.
Relationship Status: Single
Popularity: (Scored Out Of Ten) 9/10
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Name: Alexa Serif
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Imp
Imps, often termed Bestial-Demons, are a subspecies of demons and coexist with them, almost always in servitude of those who can afford thier help. In terms of abilities they are similar to demons with levitation, fire manipulation and possesion, albeit the latter two being significantly weaker. Nails on both the hands and feet of an imp are noticably sharper than the average demon, the ends of their tails are of a similar sharpness.
Appearance: Standing a little over 3 feet (3'5 including the horns) with a skinny frame, Alexa doesn't have much physical prescence. Despite that her red skin, sharp teeth, nails and long tail ending in a pointy arrowhead shape are rather loud in appearance, so it is hard for her to go unnoticed.


Background: Born to a big family of imps loyal to a powerful demon, Alexa lived her life within the boundaries set by her parents, and the boundaries set by their master. She was very quickly made aware of her level of authority in every situation, or rather her lack of authority. She had to behave in a certain way, speak how they wanted her to, do only what they wanted. She hated it. She had no choice, no freedom. Her parents were no help either, they told her disobeying their master was the worst sin one could commit. No matter the request, he was always right. She couldn’t disagree more. With her temper growing and patience waning with each passing day, it wasn’t until she was 14 that she was finally pushed over the edge, upon being asked to “deal with” her younger brother by her master for destroying one of the demon family’s heirlooms.

The voice inside her head telling her to escape and be free was screaming louder than ever at her in this moment. She impulsively attacked the demon, wounding him before fleeing the household. She didn’t get far however, it didn’t take long for the imp to lose her way after exiting the underworld. Stuck in a freezing tundra, alone, hungry and tired, Alexa stumbled upon a human in the tundra. The man was young and kind, offering her a place in his cabin. She promptly attacked him, she couldn’t trust him. Not anyone. She then passed out from exhaustion, with his hand deeply cut, he carried her to his cabin. Since then the two formed a strong bond, the man teaching Alexa about human customs, praising her for picking things up so quickly. For the first time Alexa felt as if she had freedom to do what she wanted, and that she was good at what she wanted to do. Really really good.

Wanting the best for his newfound friend, the man searched and searched for information on beings out there like her. Eventually finding out about a school she could enroll in...

Personality: Prideful, tempermental and selfish, Alexa isn't the nicest person in the world by a longshot. Alexa's pride is overwhelming to those unfamiliar with her, she couldn't even begin to accept any individual as her superior and certainly makes that point of view clear. As a result she has an excellent sense of determination and an iron will but is also controlling, stubborn and struggles heavily with embarrassment upon failure or helplessness. Alexa is judgemental, loud and aggressive upon any kind of confrontation. She is very lively, almost hyper, definitely preferring to talk than listen. Though she isn't friendly to many, she isn't a complete misanthrope, preferring a small group of close knit friends to a larger one. This is mostly due to her trust issues. She does care and like her few friends deeply, almost as much as she cares about and likes herself.

Grade: Sophomore
Popularity: 3, infamous for her personality. Not very well liked.
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Name: Rory McNeill
Gender: Male (trans)
Age: 17
Species: Werewolf
Background: If there were a theme for Rory's life, it would be transitions. Coming from a line of werewolf folk, puberty brought two challenges; learning to control his wolf side, and then realizing his gender didn't align. After a few bumps and bruises, he's on a path to being happy and in control. He's been at the academy for a while, and already socially adjusted. Students in his year and above know about his transition, but the younger students don't, and he plans to keep that to himself.
Personality: Ever the peace keeper, with a terrible habit of biting off more than he can chew. Friendship is a deep commitment for him, and he doesn't take lying lightly. He's well liked by his classmates for his sense of calm (earned after years of turmoil) and acceptance for the unusual.
Grade: Junior
Popularity: 6
Name: Lofi Lamengstruten
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Abyssal-Possessed Sorceress
Lofi is the unfortunate result of her spell-binder parents having absolutely no idea how demon summoning rituals are supposed to work. Both wishing to earn their way into the Saelan Shift's good graces through sheer spectacle, they planned on using their first-born to house a demonic entity which would then rampage through several human towns before it could be stopped. Unfortunately, despite being leaders in the study of the arcane and alchemy and all other type of witchcraft and sorcery, the Lamengstruten couple had no earthly idea how demons specifically worked. So they simply followed popular stereotypes without conducting the proper research, missing numerous key ingredients in their ritual.

As a result, Lofi's possession didn't come out as they intended, with the newborn transforming but not into a village crushing harbinger of destruction. With random limbs and deformities appearing instead, both of the spell-binders realized far too late that their attempt at exposing the supernatural world had backfired completely. The duo began fervently trying to figure out how to change her into something more destructive, whilst caring for her to ensure their project didn't end up wasted. Despite their best attempts, Lofi grew into her twisted body with minor trouble, feasting on the rodents and insects scurrying around their hidden laboratory and adjusting to her oddity of a body easily.

But as she grew, so did her ravenous appetite, and her parents soon found their daughter a nuisance to their research. They held out for some time, but eventually caved to the realization that she needed to be somewhere else. Convinced she wouldn't survive long enough on her own for them to work out the kinks of her possession, Lofi's parents brought her to the academy claiming that her possession was completely unforeseen and that they'd been trying to cure her on their own. Lofi has been staying at the Academy long enough to fine tune some of her rougher edges, but as she nears her second year, its become more and more apparent that she's not going to be blending into human society anytime soon.

Lofi is an odd one, as she only seems to care about feeding her own voracious appetite. Most other things tend to come secondary so she's actually quite accepting of most scenarios. Over her first year, Lichenlock staff managed to get her to take her classes seriously, but even when learning she needs her stomach filled near-constantly. Her broken speech and constant wide-eyed staring is a vast improvement to her animalistic freshman days, but she's easily taken advantage of if food is offered. As such, most underestimate her due to this simple-minded visage she portrays, but she's rather naturally gifted in the arcane arts due to her parents. Then again, most have trouble distinguishing what is her fault or the fault of whatever creature is possessing her, as it doesn't seem to follow the regular characteristics of the average demonic possession.

Popularity: 8, infamous not just for being a general oddity, but also nearly eating a shapeshifter she mistook for a regular animal during her first year.
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Name: Manaha Wihtikow (Formerly Hungry Wolf)
Nicknames: Mana
Age: 16 (216)
Grade: Sophomore
(However due to the fact that she is newly awoken she takes a lot of extra classes to catch up to her actual grade)
Species: Wendigo
Skin and slight muscle over bones
Eyes: Dark Brown/ when changed by severe hunger or hunting/using powers Black as Coal
Height: 5'7
Complexion: Deep Teak
I'm a wendigo, a Native American hunger spirit who must feed on human flesh to survive.
My nightmare started before Europeans came to this continent. My tribe was starving and my mother gave me her flesh to eat - I didn't want to, of course, but when I finally did I became this ravenous creature. I'm barely getting by on the scraps I can sneak from my after school job at the mortuary. I'm so skin-and-bones thin it makes people wince to look at me, I have a hunger that can never be satisfied, and if the humans knew my secret they'd be terrified. But hey, at least I'm no longer living in the woods, hibernating between a fugue state of barely-remembered kills. I have foster parents who believe I can live in society again, so I no longer have to run and hide and hunt. They think I can make a different life for myself, and they might even be right. My abilities (growing razor teeth and long claws at will, blinding speed/strength) are mostly unused these days. But this is the best I've had it in two hundred years; I was human once, and I'm starting to remember what that felt like.
Relationship Status: Single
Popularity: (Scored Out Of Ten)
I would say she is fairly popular with the athletics teams due to her supernatural powers lending her a hand in that department however she tries to stay a loner for her lack of socializing skills especially in this new modern time.
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|| Name ||
"I mean... I don't exactly remember my name.. I'll just call myself water and a seashell."
Nero Shell

|| Alias ||
"I don't think I had one?"
The Siren Prince

|| Gender ||
"A lot of people ask me, 'wait... but you're a boy?' Honey, gay sailors and female sailors exist too."

|| Age ||
"Eh.. I look like it?"
16 (human) 320 (siren)

|| Species ||
"Yep. A siren. Don't worry. I won't kill you."
Sirens are Greek creatures of the sea who lure in sailors to their death by their songs. Their songs represent heartbreak, sadness, and loss. These songs are quite alluring to humans and sailors. They are semi-immortal, and can die in special ways such as getting turned into sea foam if one does not kill sailors. Sirens can communicate with sea creatures, can produce a hypnotic song, and have some control over water.

|| Appearance ||
"Apparently I'm.. attractive? What does that mean...?"
Nero Shell is a very handsome and tall individual who stands at 5'9. He has windswept white hair and sunkissed skin, indicating he spends a lot of time at the beach or in the sun. He has dark blue eyes that seem to be soulless. Eyes that look like the stormy, chaotic sea during a storm. Nero has a six pack, and claims that an eight pack just looks "nasty". Although he has quite an innocent face, his charm and alluring features make him irresistible.






|| Background ||
"...I don't remember."
Nero Shell was born from a laid egg, like any fish. He had two parents, the king and queen of the siren kingdom Aria. Of course, he had a normal siren childhood. However, as stated in Siren tradition, he started to lure in sailors to their dooms. Nero, however, hated the idea of murder, but he had to do it because of the pressure of being prince and the possibility of turning into seafoam. And so, he decided to do his fishly duties.

When he was 234 (in siren years, he was about 15 in human), he met a human girl at the shoreline. Keeping his identity a secret, he started to talk to her, using his hypnotic voice to make sure she "sees" legs on him. They talked and talked, and had fun. That's when Nero fell in love with the girl, and decided to protect her as if she were his life. The girl, named Emily, was his happiness.

He didn't like lying to Emily, but he had to, in fear. However, one day, he decided to tell the truth. He didn't want to lie to the girl he loved anymore. And so, he explained everything and showed her his tail. Emily called Nero many different hurtful names and profanities, before selling him out to the authorities. He escaped the land-dwellers, and swam away, heartbroken. He hated his kind. He hated the fact that he was a monster. He simply hated it.

He desired humanity.

And so, he sought out the Sea Witch, who gave him legs. But it was at a price. A price of his hypnotic voice and memories. Nero agreed, and he had received legs, his memories and voice taken away. Of course, he can still talk and sing (which is still alluring), but he cannot unleash his true siren voice, the voice with hypnotic capabilities. Although he has human legs, he will be forever a siren with semi immortality and charming looks.

He fled to Lichenlock Academy, believing it was the only safe place for him because it was a supernatural school.

|| Personality ||
"A lot of people say I get distracted easily..? But, I don't think--WOAH IS THAT A BLUE BUTTERFLY?"
Nero is a handsome siren who's also very innocent. He doesn't understand dirty jokes, but that's because fish don't exactly "do the nasty". He's a mischievous fellow who's also a troublemaker. He loves to stir up trouble. Along with being a siren, he tends to flirt around a lot. He doesn't really trust anyone besides himself, so it'll be a hassle to convince him to trust you. He's a courageous person who's clever and reckless. He's great at giving out advice, which is quite useful. He's a loyal individual who will always stick by your side when you earn his trust. The most cutest trait, however, is how he gets distracted easily. He could be talking about death and serious matters, but he gets off track when he sees a butterfly, bird, bug, light, etc.

|| Grade ||
"I mean, I am new here...?"
Although he's sixteen, he just got out of the waters, making it impossible for him to skip to grades higher than freshman.

|| Popularity ||
Because he's a siren, he attracted a lot of attention due to his species, his appearance, and personality.
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|| Name ||
"I mean... I don't exactly remember my name.. I'll just call myself water and a seashell."
Nero Shell

|| Alias ||
"I don't think I had one?"
The Siren Prince

|| Gender ||
"A lot of people ask me, 'wait... but you're a boy?' Honey, gay sailors and female sailors exist too."

|| Age ||
"Eh.. I look like it?"
16 (human) 320 (siren)

|| Species ||
"Yep. A siren. Don't worry. I won't kill you."
Sirens are Greek creatures of the sea who lure in sailors to their death by their songs. Their songs represent heartbreak, sadness, and loss. These songs are quite alluring to humans and sailors. They are semi-immortal, and can die in special ways such as getting turned into sea foam if one does not kill sailors. Sirens can communicate with sea creatures, can produce a hypnotic song, and have some control over water.

|| Appearance ||
"Apparently I'm.. attractive? What does that mean...?"
Nero Shell is a very handsome and tall individual who stands at 5'9. He has windswept white hair and sunkissed skin, indicating he spends a lot of time at the beach or in the sun. He has dark blue eyes that seem to be soulless. Eyes that look like the stormy, chaotic sea during a storm. Nero has a six pack, and claims that an eight pack just looks "nasty". Although he has quite an innocent face, his charm and alluring features make him irresistible.






|| Background ||
"...I don't remember."
Nero Shell was born from a laid egg, like any fish. He had two parents, the king and queen of the siren kingdom Aria. Of course, he had a normal siren childhood. However, as stated in Siren tradition, he started to lure in sailors to their dooms. Nero, however, hated the idea of murder, but he had to do it because of the pressure of being prince and the possibility of turning into seafoam. And so, he decided to do his fishly duties.

When he was 234 (in siren years, he was about 15 in human), he met a human girl at the shoreline. Keeping his identity a secret, he started to talk to her, using his hypnotic voice to make sure she "sees" legs on him. They talked and talked, and had fun. That's when Nero fell in love with the girl, and decided to protect her as if she were his life. The girl, named Emily, was his happiness.

He didn't like lying to Emily, but he had to, in fear. However, one day, he decided to tell the truth. He didn't want to lie to the girl he loved anymore. And so, he explained everything and showed her his tail. Emily called Nero many different hurtful names and profanities, before selling him out to the authorities. He escaped the land-dwellers, and swam away, heartbroken. He hated his kind. He hated the fact that he was a monster. He simply hated it.

He desired humanity.

And so, he sought out the Sea Witch, who gave him legs. But it was at a price. A price of his hypnotic voice and memories. Nero agreed, and he had received legs, his memories and voice taken away. Of course, he can still talk and sing (which is still alluring), but he cannot unleash his true siren voice, the voice with hypnotic capabilities. Although he has human legs, he will be forever a siren with semi immortality and charming looks.

He fled to Lichenlock Academy, believing it was the only safe place for him because it was a supernatural school.

|| Personality ||
"A lot of people say I get distracted easily..? But, I don't think--WOAH IS THAT A BLUE BUTTERFLY?"
Nero is a handsome siren who's also very innocent. He doesn't understand dirty jokes, but that's because fish don't exactly "do the nasty". He's a mischievous fellow who's also a troublemaker. He loves to stir up trouble. Along with being a siren, he tends to flirt around a lot. He doesn't really trust anyone besides himself, so it'll be a hassle to convince him to trust you. He's a courageous person who's clever and reckless. He's great at giving out advice, which is quite useful. He's a loyal individual who will always stick by your side when you earn his trust. The most cutest trait, however, is how he gets distracted easily. He could be talking about death and serious matters, but he gets off track when he sees a butterfly, bird, bug, light, etc.

|| Grade ||
"I mean, I am new here...?"
Although he's sixteen, he just got out of the waters, making it impossible for him to skip to grades higher than freshman.

|| Popularity ||
Because he's a siren, he attracted a lot of attention due to his species, his appearance, and personality.
:hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes: Can Mana Have him??? PLEEEEAAASE!!????


A few weeks old, though his knowledge says otherwise

Sentient Moth... Thing... (Familiar?)

A tiny, 4 inch tall creature who has an even smaller self-esteem and confidence level. The main color of his 'fur' is a chestnut brown, while his underbelly is an off-white brown. His 'cloak' or wings reach to his feet, and, when going unused, remain relatively cloak-like. However, when he flits about (in panic, probably) the underside of his wings is revealed to be a brilliant orange yellow. Personally, he feels the color attracts too much attention for his tastes, but there isn't much he can do about it. His eyes are a dusty blue, with human-like qualities (though with no sclera to speak of). His antennae act almost like his ears, and he often expresses emotions with them like one would with ears. He has six legs and feet, all of which can stick to most surfaces and can be used as hands and arms. Though it is obvious he has a preference for using his lowest limbs for legs, and uppermost limbs for arms.

Brought to the world one day only to be thrown head-first into the wilds the next. Amnesia struck him the moment he entered the wilderness. He feels that there is something missing from his past, yet it's blank. He can recall very little, besides the fact that he was summoned by... Something, and that he has magical potential within himself. He traveled a short distance before learning of Lichenlock Academy, which was, thankfully, fairly close by. Fearing for his newly spawned life, he fled to the supposed 'safe-haven', to find sanctuary... And answers, if he is so lucky. Hopefully he will find himself while he's there, if nothing else.

Nervous, cautious, and uncertain in almost every affair, Lark is not known for his courage. In most occasions, the little creature will be worrying or ceaselessly expressing his uncertainties (of which he has no shortage of). In moments of reprieve, where he feels safest, he tends to become quiet, in thought. A moment of peace must always be appreciated after all, and for this creature, it is a rare moment indeed. Not necessarily because the world itself is always unsafe, but merely because he sees it as such. He rarely lets his guard down, but he also feels helpless to most situations that overcome him. He feels very small, both literally and metaphorically, in the grand scheme of things. He doesn't know what part he plays in the world yet, though he hopes to eventually find out. In the meantime, however, this unknown serves as a vast source of anxiety and doubt for him.

Ignoring his more visible traits of anxiety and uncertainty, Lark is actually adamantly loyal. Despite his trepidation, he will ruthlessly stay by a friend's side in a time of need. Although he may not be of much use in this situation, he refuses to allow his fear to overtake him when it counts. Another trait overshadowed by his doubt is his intellect. Lark is intuitive and knowledgeable, but his nagging doubts always make him second guess himself. This means his intellect gets buried underneath uncertainties, making him seem like an incoherent mess. In reality, he knows and can figure things out easily, but the doubts he has end up snowballing out of proportion and confusing him.

He doesn't trust himself, in other words. He has no solid identity, no concrete information to base anything around, so he remains this incoherent and scared mess. Like a child being born into the world with surprising knowledge and no way to know if it is legitimate. Lark barely even understands what he is, where he came from, or why he exists. However, even in the face of this, he still manages to be friendly and helpful where he can. He also tries his best to never be rude, apologizing profusely if he ever is. He can be a bit selfish though, always worrying about himself or the safety of the world, he can get caught up. Not intentionally, of course, and its hardly a fun experience. Its best to free him of his thoughts when possible, if he's worrying too much.

1st Year

(Some people hate him, some people pity him, and others find him endearing. He has no idea why... His wings also garner attention, among other things)​
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  • latest
    "Fuck's that t'you- eh? T-T-This is being recorded??? Th'names- ff.. the names Damion.."
    Damion Eunomia

    "I'm not my sister."

    "Old enough to drink. What do you mean you don't believe me?"
    15 (oni years)
    Nearly 300

    "Spices? What type of spice am I? What type of goddamn questionnaire are you' hostin-"

    "Back off."
    Damion, while his temper seems to sour his looks entirely, is a rather attractive and polite looking young man. His black hair is neat but particularly choppy and reaches down to midneck. If not for his horns, they'd cover over his eyes, though often times that is the case whenever he disguises himself to look less demonic to fit in better to the human world. He has markings under his eyes, necks, and a bit over his chest and arms, and his nails are long and painted. His eyes are purple, though when feeling enraged or cocky their appears to be a red hue to it. Damion claims this is just the blood getting to his head leaking into his eyes (though that is precisely not how any of blood flow works).

    TBA after I eat breakfast but in short was part of a cannibalistic cult controlled by some demon.
    Royal cocky heir to the throne
    Delusional twin sister he didn't know about beats him down in a battle
    She keeps coming back
    Catches demon trying to slaughter her
    Runs away with twin
    Seeking some sort of asylum to cover in
    "school?" "why"

    Brought from his previous history of being an heir to a throne, Damion has an outwardly demeanor similar to that of a prince. He's polite (can be overly at that), amiable, and dooes not bat an eye when it comes to lending a hand. Or, at least it seems. Due to his oni-blood and the harsh nature of the cult he grew up in, he has a ridiculously short fuse if any at all. His polite princely behavior can drop at a hat, and his tongue shifts to something more abbreviated and rough, almost delinquent-like. Almost anything can get on his nerves, and his passive agressiveness shows before he devolves into a swearing sailor. He does his absolute best to remain cordial and keep his appearances up, knowing most others don't have a temper as bad as his own, though this doesn't hold up often and he remains angry and ready to pick a fight. Unfortunately, he's had decades of experience of combat on his belt and the super-strength of that of an oni. When he's ready to pick a fight, he's absolutely ready.

    Damion is quick to get flustered easily, however. He cares a lot about his appearances, which is the main reason he still is trying to keep up being polite and noble-esque to the best of his abilities before his own irritation tears him down. He's immediately flustered if called out on his behavior, or any other actions he's done in the past, though he tends to work this into creative and extremely specific insults.

    (His sister, saying that he's 15 in his race, wouldn't allow him to actually be any grade higher)

    His princely demeanor holds up pretty well with those around him, and a lot of interest goes into his super strength as well, people often asking him to bend spoons or hold them up (which he obliges to).
    However, his short temper and quick frustration frightens practically everyone and anyone around.

Name: Gella Demelle

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Ogre is an exonym, a word for what others call them. The name they use for themselves is "Elioud," with their origins being somewhat obscure to outsiders. From what is known, they are either a premodern race of human-relatives who were creations of ancient deities that are now forgotten by others. Alternately, they are relatives of conventional nephilim, children of the Watchers, also known as the Grigori. These beings were half-fallen angels who predate the flood and were punished for having children with the race of man. No matter which of these is true, they are marked by unusually sharp teeth, a "crown" of horns along the front of the forehead and an unusual stature. While many of them are merely tall, those who manifest the powers of their heredity strongly always grow to truly exceptional size, albeit very slowly. These individuals cease aging, instead growing to truly spectacular size as centuries pass. Beside these physical features, they are possessed of severe problems with empathy for non-Elioud, although for those of their kind they seem to be no less loving and loyal than any other. Additionally, they seem to have a very muted fear reflex. As for their spiritual features, they draw magical power from a close relationship with divinity, although whether or not this is from heredity or an intensely religious and traditionalist culture is not known. Said culture is a very insular one with many features being hidden from others. What is known is that it combines intense religious devotion with a seeming amorality outside of their own legal boundaries: if it does not relate to their faith or their family, there is nothing they feel is forbidden to them.

Appearance: Almost unnaturally tall at six and a half feet, with sharp teeth and pale skin like most of her kind. Her hair is brown and curly, short, but usually just concealing the tiny tiara of horns that break the skin of her forehead, beneath her fringe. She has a demeanor that has often been compared to that of a cat, a loose, stalking sort of movement and a posture and poise that veer between coiled like a spring and as loose as a drape. With this, she prefers to wear long dresses, which curiously do not seem to restrict her as much as they should.

Background: Gella is an ogre's ogre, born into the interior of her culture and close to her family. She was born a priestess and raised one, in a greatly extended family, within the hidden precincts of her kind. Within her culture this marks her as a candidate for leadership, as their society is theocratic, with the early markings of possessing great power also aiding in future claims. A second-born daughter, she was sent to the academy as part of a project to aid in the normalization of relationships between the Elioud and other supernatural creatures. There is likely some greater agenda at play, of course.

Personality: Sarcastic, sardonic and completely amoral when it comes to the lives of others, Gella obeys the strictures of the society and institutions she is in only so far as it benefits her and takes a certain joy in flouting them exactly as much as possible without actually getting punished. She has no care for the morality or the philosophical underpinnings of others, her priorities in life and ultimate loyalty is to her gods and her kind. However, she is merely amoral, not needlessly cruel and many of her actions are born out of a combination of curiosity and an inability to feel for others, rather than malice or hate. Notably, she is extremely legalistic, her personal agreements seem to be unbreakable to her, though whether or not that is a function of personality or actually magic is deeply unclear.

Grade: Senior

Popularity: 4. Friends are an alien thing when it comes to others, but she has allies that are based fully on a favor for a favor.​
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Name: Elias Garcia
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Species: Dragon/human Hybrid
Background: There's nothing much about his past, Elias is the son of dragon and human. His mother, who is a dragon,abandoned her own kind to be with human man who she saved from other dragons. The both of them where considered to be disgrace to their own kind, so they decided to leave alone. However, when the new spread that a dragon/human child was born, hunters where abit outraged and started to hunt the family down. Elias's parents had to move to a place well hidden so they could raise him peace. Although they did manged to find a safe place, Elias's childhood was kinda rough

Personality: Elias is really nice boy with a big heart. As a child, he was taught to be kind to everyone despite what they said about him or his parents. He'll treat anyone fair, doesn't matter who or what they are. He can come off as a little timid and can get rather clumsy. People don't really talk to him, but it doesn't stop Elias from trying to make friends with others. Elias is really good at hiding his feelings, so it's kinda hard to tell what kind of mood he's in. Overall, Elias is a good person, but there are rare times when his feral instinct will come in
Grade: Sophomore
Popularity: 2
Alot of people tend to avoid him. Some thing he's a freak so no one really likes to talk to Elias that much​
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The boy who cried newt.png

Name: Philippian Adams
Nickname: Philip, Phil, Phin/Fin
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Species: Half Newt
While not being completely magical Philip is still able to do things most humans cannot. Due to being half newt he is an excellent swimmer having not only webbed toes and hands but he is able to switch to breathing through his gills when underwater allowing him to stay under indefinitely. He has wonderful night vision along with a special membrane around his eyes that protect them from the water though he has a mild case of color blindness. He is able to communicate not only with other species of newts and salamanders but also more amphibians and several species of lizards. There are some downsides so being half newt such as the fact that Philip has to spray his gills with water every few minutes and every 20 minutes pat himself down with water to stay moist or else his skin will dry out. He also requires his water tank to breath out of water. He also has a hard time speaking as his vocal chords aren't quite fully human.
Appearance: While being the most human looking of his entire family he still has many newt traits that tend to put people off him. Standing around 4'3 Philip has unusually pale skin that in areas like his hands/feet and around his face fades into a dark blue with white speckles. He has a bright orange underbelly that is normally hidden by his shirt but can be seen on his tail. His hands and feet end in claws with webbing in between, and he is often seen wearing spats by themselves or sandals or even nothing at all. His tail alone is around 3'5 being very thin and almost translucent around the edges. He has a very round head with large newt like eyes and floppy black hair that almost always seems wet. Sitting where his ears would be are his gills which he doesn't quite use for breathing anymore but still need to be sprayed every few minutes with water, his actual ear holes behind hidden by his hair. Strapped to his back are two large canisters of water which filter water between the two, connecting to a tube which Phillip has to wear in his nose to help with breathing. Occasionally he can be seen with wet rags draped over his gills, tail. and plastered against his sides.
Background: Philippian's great great great great great grandparents had been cursed by a wandering sorcerer, turning them both into newts and leaving them stranded in a lake. They later found out from some of the other animals that the sorcerer had been particularly angry that day taking it out on the first people he saw, which happened to be them. Luckily his grandparents found their own little community of newt like creatures in the lake and they began to adapt. As the generations went by each new generation became more and more human in appearance, the curse apparently wearing off through the years. Philippian was the only one of his many siblings to make it past larva stage, which was sadly a very normal thing, he being the most human of them all. This did pose a problem though as unlike his parents who still mostly looked like newts even if they were larger than normal if people saw him they might try and kill him or even just capture him. This meant that Philip had to find somewhere else to go, even though he hadn't even shed his gills yet! He was sent off to the academy which they had heard good things about from the fauns and the occasional ghost that would visit their lake from the neighboring forest. With the help of all the treasures people had thrown or lost in the bottom of their lake and many convoluted plans they were able to secure him his breathing apparatus and water tank along with clothes and a few other things he might need before he was sent off. Of course since they had only heard of the academy by word of mouth they weren't actually completely sure where it was or even when it started but Philip managed to get there anyway.
Personality: Philip is an odd ball to say the least, growing up in a very tight knit community has left him with not much experience interacting with people other than family. This has caused him to become very overly friendly and personal with anyone he meets, talking to everyone as if they were an old friend or someone he knew all his life even before he learns their name. While some find this endearing as he is the first to offer support when others need it and he doesn't hesitate to stand up for complete strangers. Others find it annoying as his constant up in your face friendly attitude is not always appreciated, nor do people like his tendency to butt into conversations. Philip also struggles with reading situations or people, causing plenty of problems when he misread sarcasm for truth or a joke for being mean. Despite all this he is very approachable and friendly, even becoming chill and relaxed once you get to know him better. He has been known to give very helpful advice and comfort along with being very academically inclined. He is very go with the flow but become as stubborn as a goat when talking about things he is passionate about, refusing to listen to anyone else trying to tell him otherwise. You'd think one as overly friendly as himself would be hard to embarrass and you'd be half right as while Philip himself doesn't get embarrassed over his actions often he tends to get embarrassed for others, making him cringe or even have to leave the room when he sees embarrassing situations.
Grade: Freshman
Popularity: 6
His strange behaviors and overly enthusiastic nature has gotten him labeled as a "weirdo" yet people can't seem to help but smile when he is around.​
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Name: Shima Moli
Gender: Male
1,115 yrs
The Imperial Snow Dragon is an ancient race consisting of ice-wielding dragons originating from the Changbai Mountains of Northeast Asia. They are able to mimic the forms of humans while maintaining their unique ability to control ice magic, though only to a limited degree.

When donning his human form--which is essentially all the time--there is no evidence that Shima is any different from regular humans. Apart from his snow-white hair and arctic eyes, he has no qualities that might hint at his being anything but a standard ice mage--that is, aside from the wise and regal air that always seems to float about him. He stands at a height of 5'7" and weights about 160 lbs, the majority of which is toned muscle. Shima chooses to wear only white clothing, most likely as a means to honor his proud heritage.
Background: For a thousand years, the Imperial Snow Dragon Clan has isolated itself from the rest outside world. However, a calamity has recently shaken the clan to its core. In order to recover and subsequently adapt to the new world, a select group of the clan's most promising members from the younger generation have been dispatched to learn more about the modern environment. Shima is one such youth.
Personality: Having lived for so long and in an isolated environment, Shima is rather clumsy when it comes to basic social situations. As such, random, seemingly insignificant things can easily offend or fascinate him. He is also rather arrogant, having been raised with the belief that other creatures are beneath the Snow Dragon race. Although he doesn't deliberately act like a snob, his condescending nature is nevertheless evident in how he keeps to himself and believes others are incapable of accomplishing tasks.
Grade: Freshman
Popularity: 5 (He is only known for his strikingly beautiful appearance, which never fails to remind onlookers of snow).
Are you my mummy.png
Name: Jason Leif
Gender: Male
Age: While Jason himself is only 17 his body is over 500 years old
Species: Mummy (( More specifically a ghost possessing a mummified body))
Jason for one is almost impossible to hurt and feels no pain what so ever, any nerves his body might of had died a long time ago. He also doesn't need to eat or sleep, but does so anyway, making him practically immortal as his body isn't susceptible to rot like most zombies. His main weakness is water which if he is in for too long will dissolve his body causing him to crumble apart. He is also very slow and needs to keep up on his bandages which if were to ever all come off would be the end of him as he would collapse into dust.
Appearance: Jason stands at a solid 5'7 weighing only 55 lbs. Despite what most would think his bandages are not old and dirty nor do they hang off him instead being very tightly wound around his body, every 2 weeks being replaced by fresh and new ones. All that is ever visible of his face is his left eye and while other parts of his body may be exposed because of bandage tearing the rest of his face is never seen.
Background: Jason was the son of an archaeologist and museum owner named Frank Leif and his mother was a witch named Charlotte Leif. He had grown up not only constantly exposed to dead bodies, dangers areas and tools but magic too. One day while out on a dig with his father the Egyptian mines they had been exploring collapsed on them, killing them both. Jason's last thought was "I can't die, what about mom". The fear of his mother never finding out that him and his dad had died and her thinking they had just left as the expedition had been a private one he forced himself to come back, becoming a ghost. But this was not good enough, he needed to hug his mother and reassure her everything was alright. Taking things one step forward he forced himself into the nearest body he could find, which happened to be the body of a mummy they had found earlier in the dig. His spirit bonded with the mummy becoming one with it and he dug his way back to the surface. Finding he no longer needed to eat or sleep he made his way all the way on foot over a hundred miles back to his mothers house only to find she had been killed by a robber. Having no clue where to go he ended up packing his things and heading off for the academy where his mother had gone.
Personality: Jason is at first a very bitter and cold person, putting up the front of someone who detests companion ship and would probably bite your face off if you even tried to talk to him. This is all an act, as he is afraid that if he gets close to someone again he'll just lose them. If you can get past that he is a very funny and clever dude, enjoying making others smile. He has a soft spot for people who are considered rejects and small children and he tends to hang around those sorts of people. He always seems to be tired and as such grumpy even if he doesn't actually require sleep at all.
Grade: Sophomore
Popularity: 4
He drives away more everyone he meets​
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Full Demon Form
Isabella Leandra
Half-Demon, Half-Witch
Isabella is a short statured girl of five feet, two inches. She weighs abour 137 pounds, and its somewhat evident as to why with her hourglass figure. She had raven black hair, and dark red eyes that almost ever shine.
Born into a complex world of crime and the supernatural, Isabella was treated like a princess. Because, she is. In three different classifications to boot. Her father is a demon lord, Zazroth, an embodiment of Pride, Wrath, Hatred and Greed. He ruled over four demonic realms, a demonic King if you will. Isabella, being an only child, will take his throne. Her mother, Lilith, is a grandmaster witch ruling over the Lunaress Coven, one of the most powerful, though rather secretive ones around. And that's only in the supernatural world, in the human world, they are a a multi-million dollar crime family that couldn't be touched.

She was sent into private education, the best money could get, as well as training in both magic, and with her demonic powers. By the time she was 10, she was already helping her mother with spells, and doing a bit of dirty work for her father. Both of which gave her a bit if name, whispers in the supernatural world. She showed great potential with her powers, all of them. The whole reason she's been sent to Lichenlock is because she was too close to being discovered buy the humans.
Cold hearted with a quick temper and slight sadistic streak, Isabella isn't what you would call a good person. Which is funny considering she's an Empath, by that's a whole different story. She's intelligent, callculating, and manipulative. Most people she's friends with, shes friends with for a reason. She almost always has a alternative motive. However, those who are her true friends get a loyal, powerful, young girl who is willing to do anything for them, even if her methods aren't what the person would truly agree with. She's also spoiled, and sometimes it's very obvious, but she doesn't really get upset if something doesn't go her way. But you should go out of your way to cross her. Remember, she is the daughter of an embodiment of hatred and wrath. She's kinda one too.
While sure, having someone like her as a friend may be beneficial in the long run, she's a demon princess who has a small, but notable reputation. And not a good one.​
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