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Fantasy (OOC) Lichenlock Academy for Supernatural Youngsters



Am I dreaming?
Hey guys! I figured I'd make this so we can discuss any major plot developments and things of the like. I wonder what shenanigans our students will be up to?
As guardian angel he'd follow your character and be obligated by the Heavens to protect them from harm. He's also supposed to give advice (but his advice is usually garbage) and generally be as helpful as possible to them in any way he can.
Just realising the magnitude of angelic and demonic characters now lol. Those are gonna be some fun interactions!
Well technically Sarah Heart is an angel too, except she never got to experience heaven for reasons said in the backstory.

Maybe it might make sense for them to monitor her? So I don't see why not. I'd be down for it.
Well technically Sarah Heart is an angel too, except she never got to experience heaven for reasons said in the backstory.

Maybe it might make sense for them to monitor her? So I don't see why not. I'd be down for it.
Alright! I'm gonna go add it to his character sheet then!
Wait shoot i just realized that the two girls may have been characters and not NPCs.. ^^; Is anyone at the table Alexa's at?
Barely anyone uses tags (I've only seen three people use tags), so it's really difficult to decipher who's where.
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