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Fantasy (Lore) Lichenlock Academy for Supernatural Youngsters



Am I dreaming?
Arcane Republic
The Arcane Republic, or AR for short, is a parliamentary society of powerful magical beings that rule over the supernatural world. They are lawmakers/enforcers and advocate for the distinct segregation of humans and paranormals. Persons who are caught attempting to reveal the existence of magical beings are treated as criminals and are dealt with accordingly. The AR has a headquarters in the capital city of every major country, although the true head of operations is located in Moscow.

Saelan Shift

Named after the alleged father of human-supernatural assimilation, the Saelan Shift is the dominant group rebelling against the AR. Although the SS is still small, it has been recently gaining traction and is beginning to pose a serious threat to the Arcane Republic. They perform acts of "terrorism," i.e. acts that raise human awareness about supernatural beings.
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Lichenlock Academy

Lichenlock Academy is a boarding school located in the countryside of Southern Ireland. Situated by a lake and surrounded by trees, the school accommodates the various needs of its diverse supernatural residents. A magical barrier surrounds the 10 km perimeter of the school, making its contents invisible and deterring trespassers.

The Dining Hall

The dining hall is one of the more popular locations of Lichenlock Academy. The menu contains enough options to satisfy any pallet.
There are three meals formally served each day:
Breakfast at 7 am
Lunch at 12 pm
Supper at 6 pm

The Library

The library is without a doubt one of the most bustling places for students. Although it is a place of study and thereby is quiet, residents often commune here for other purposes. With three levels worth of accessible books, it is truly a sight to behold.

The Garden

Although the academy is surrounded by kilometers of open wilderness, the garden is nevertheless a popular place for students to relax and enjoy nature. Filled with leafy hedges, ponds, and greenhouses, it is a maze of greenery. Though the garden is a safe place, there is a mysterious door that disappears and reappears randomly throughout its walls. Guarded by powerful magic, no one has been able to pry it open.

The Lake

The academy is named after the body of water it was built beside: Lichenlock Lake. The landmark is at most 1 kilometer deep and connects to a river that leads to the Atlantic ocean some 5 kilometers away. Only about 3 kilometers worth of the lake is protected by the protective barrier.

The Forest

Though the forest-to-tundra ratio is very one-sided, the woodlands make up for it with their sheer density. The entire forest floor is covered in moss and littered with broken sticks as well as fallen logs, making it an excellent training place for stealth and agility.

The Town

4 kilometers away from the school sits the tiny town of Eastport, just beside the Atlantic ocean. With a population of 46 people, this settlement has been preserved for historical reasons. Most of the families living in Eastport have called the land their home since before Lichenlock Academy was even built. Although there aren't many tourists, they do trickle through year-round and are more frequent during the summertime. The town contains its own cemetery, hostel, church, and assortment of unique shops.​
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