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Fantasy (CS) Lichenlock Academy for Supernatural Youngsters



|| Name ||
"Why ask for a mere commoner's name, Master?"
Vue Zhāng
(Pronounced: V-whe J-aa-ng)

|| Gender ||
"I am indeed a woman. Would you like me to show you some evidence?"

|| Age ||
"I... believe fifteen?"

|| Species ||
"I am my Master's servant."
A summoned spirit that are used to serve and protect their bound masters.
Shikigami Wiki
Some More Shikigami Information
Master: Shima Milo

|| Appearance ||
"Appearance does not matter as long as I protect Master Moli."
Vue Zhāng is a beautiful petite young lady who stands at 5"1'. She has shimmering long raven hair that's waist length and dark grey eyes that seem to reflect light like shattered glass. Her skin is as pale as snow, and her nose is a cute, small, button nose. Her lips are a blood red color and they are naturally soft. She has a C-Cup and has a mesomorph build. She carries herself with poise and dignity.


(Ah, yes.. Li Zhang.)

|| Background ||
"I am dead, meaning I have no memory of my past life."
Vue Zhang was born in a nation in Ancient China in the royal family. They were well known for their silky blood red color. She was treasured due to her beautiful snowy skin, bloodred lips, and raven hair. Living life with a silver spoon in her mouth, she loved her dear siblings and parents. She was the only female of the four. They were the closest friends she ever had. Whenever one of them tried to do something mischievous, the Zhang siblings would keep it with themselves and make up excuses to tell their parents. However, due to her lack of male genitals, she was left out of some activities. Her siblings would try to make her apart of it as much as they could, but they couldn't since she was a girl.

She did grow quite close to one of her brothers, though. Li Zhang, the eldest and the biggest troublemaker, would often sneak in to her corridors and tell her all about the activities. They did everything together, and Vue grew quite fond of him. The two would sneak off outside the castle and into the roads and market space, desperate for some fresh air.

That nation was a warfare, or rather, had the best soldiers in the whole country. Because of this, the royal Emperor and Empress trained their children to fight in a bloody way, no matter the fact that they're either female or male. And so, Vue had learned how to fight hand to hand and with weapons. Genitals didn't matter when it came to war--as long as their nation won, they were completely fine. Vue trained with her big brother Li, and they practiced on each other. She and him were the most skillful of the four. There were multiple battles, and their nation won them because of the royal family and their soldiers.

One day, while Vue was sleeping, in the middle of the night, she was grabbed. Immediately, she awoke, and she started to try to defend herself by fighting back as silently as she could without awaking anyone. The fight went along for a long time, before she was stabbed in the chest by katana, and immediately fell to the ground. The assassins were trying to assassinate the Zhang family, but failed when Li walked in due to hearing some commotions and calling over the guards and his siblings. They ended up killing the Japanese assassins, and held a funeral for Vue. They were all hurt, and desired revenge. Li was the most hurt, being the closest.

Vue Zhang was assassinated, meaning she was dead. She had a peaceful sleep for a long time. Until she was summoned to be her Master's shikigami. The royal princess had fell to the bottom: a servant.

|| Personality ||
"I believe they can change their ways."
Along with Vue's cute appearance, she's a fierce woman who will never turn down from a fight. She's sharp and quick along with being clever. She's extremely courageous and bold and will always put her master's needs first instead of her own. She's a very loyal person who will never leave Shimon's side. She's also a kind person who always tries to do the right thing. This makes her a bit naive, believing that everyone is good deep down. Although she's graceful with a calm composure, she can be a bit childish sometimes. Vue is also extremely stubborn and will barely change her mind unless given valuable reasoning.

|| Grade ||
"I just came here, didn't I?"

|| Popularity ||
"I desire no such foolish thing."
Due to following around Shima, she became a bit well known for being his Shikigami. Along with that, she also has a beautiful, porcelain-doll like appearance, making her known as one of the "pretty girls".
"There is no need to struggle little mouse, your soul will be mine soon enough"

"I know i'm devilishly handsome but please don't stare...its kinda awkward"

"Nyrian Zarnan Le Croix, pleased to meet you"
"well i do believe they call me the
Phantom of New Orleans but i haven't the slightest idea why"
"People also call me Loki, I guess I'm a little mischievous"

"you can ask a couple of people my gender and i'm sure they will tell you i am very much a man"
"Hm if i am going by mortal years i would assume i am 16"
"Father was a demon, Mother was a witch. does that make me a hybrid?"
(Optional if picture included)
5'9, Lean built, weighing about 150lbs. Caramel colored skin with shoulder length multicolored dreads.
natural golden eyes with a piercing on his eyebrow and tongue
Nyrian was raised in the city of New Orleans by his mother and the Le Croix coven. During the course of his...rather long life he honed his abilities of the arcane arts passed down through his mother Kirsten. As he aged he found himself craving something no witch or human should be craving, this led to him making deals with people in exchange for their souls. he used his demonic powers to grant wishes which backfired on people and he stole their souls long before the contract could be resolved. he became really cocky thus showing his more...confident nature as a demon spawn.
Before Nyrian started eating souls, he was a rather nice guy. he would always help his mother and members of his coven. after he started to eat souls he became a real a....mean person, stealing souls, playing tricks on people and using both his demonic and arcane powers for his personal gain. he is very selfish and if he wants something he will stop at nothing to get it.

People don't like him much because of his cocky nature

"Aren't you going to bow to your prince?"​
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transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class=gimg4] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-1); background-image: var(--gimg4); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class name=gimg4 state=hover] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-2); transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class=gimg5] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-1); background-image: var(--gimg5); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class name=gimg5 state=hover] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-2); transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class=gimg6] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-1); background-image: var(--gimg6); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class name=gimg6 state=hover] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-2); transition: 0.5s; [/class] [script class=linkbox1 on=mouseenter] addClass linkanim linkbox1bg [/script] [script class=linkbox1 on=mouseleave] removeClass linkanim linkbox1bg [/script] [script class=linkbox2 on=mouseenter] addClass linkanim linkbox2bg [/script] [script class=linkbox2 on=mouseleave] removeClass linkanim linkbox2bg [/script] [script class=linkbox3 on=mouseenter] addClass linkanim linkbox3bg [/script] [script class=linkbox3 on=mouseleave] removeClass linkanim linkbox3bg [/script] [script class=linkbox4 on=mouseenter] addClass linkanim linkbox4bg [/script] [script class=linkbox4 on=mouseleave] removeClass linkanim linkbox4bg [/script] [script class=page1 on=init] addClass show [/script] [script class=linkbox1 on=click] addClass show page1 removeClass show page2 removeClass show page3 removeClass show page4 [/script] [script class=linkbox2 on=click] addClass show page2 removeClass show page1 removeClass show page3 removeClass show page4 [/script] [script class=linkbox3 on=click] addClass show page3 removeClass show page1 removeClass show page2 removeClass show page4 [/script] [script class=linkbox4 on=click] addClass show page4 removeClass show page1 removeClass show page2 removeClass show page3 [/script] [div style="display: none;"]..[/div] [div class=container] [div class="sidetitle title"]Chryseis[/div] [div class=icon][/div] [div class="nametitle nametxt"]egoistic[/div] [div class="quote quotetxt"]Plírosé me.[/div] [div class="linkbox1 linktxt"]home[/div][div class=linkbox1bg][/div] [div class="linkbox2 linktxt"]persona[/div][div class=linkbox2bg][/div] [div class="linkbox3 linktxt"]history[/div][div class=linkbox3bg][/div] [div class="linkbox4 linktxt"]gallery[/div][div class=linkbox4bg][/div] [div class=heart][div style="display: inline; color: var(--color-g-2);"][/div][/div] [div class="page1 txt"] [div class=outer] [div class="imgpost img1" style="margin-top: 40px;"][/div] [div class=caption]Oloi me agapoún,
Étsi ypoklínomai.[/div] [div class="imgpost img2" style="margin-top: 130px;"][/div] [div class=caption]Everybody loves me,
so bow down.[/div] [div class=blankspace][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="page2 txt"] [div class="h1 h1txt"]persona[/div] [div class=txtouter] [div class="textbox txt" style="margin-top: 0px;"]Jokingly referred to as the 'stone-cold' bitch of the school, the pun is more on-point than one could imagine. Chryseis acts her worst and never her best, only acting 'nice' when she needs to suck up to someone. Seemingly born with the innate belief that no one is a good person, Chryseis doesn't bother with her public image. Why be kind to someone when they're just all fake in the end? At least she's honest about herself. Then again, some may question if she's actually just that much of a bitch, or if she has made up her own persona for personal reasons. No one bothers to get close enough to find out, however. [/div] [div class="textbox txt"]
[div class=h2]likes[/div][div class=listtxt][div class=bulletpoint]›[/div] stonework
[div class=bulletpoint]›[/div] tea
[div class=bulletpoint]›[/div] meat [/div]
[div class=h2]dislikes[/div][div class=listtxt][div class=bulletpoint]›[/div] cold temperatures
[div class=bulletpoint]›[/div] 'nice' people
[div class=bulletpoint]›[/div] majority of people [/div]
[/div] [div class=textbox][div class=h2]stats[/div]
[div class=h3]popularity[/div] 10/10. Despite being a god-awful person to nearly everyone around her, her wealth and status attracts anyone to kiss her feet. Match that with godly good lucks, Chryseis is at the top for a reason.

[div class=h3]species & age[/div] On the younger side compared to most supernaturals, Chryseis is a 17 year old gorgon. No, she can't turn people to stone with a single look, but her gaze is sharp and piercing, and may just freeze some people in their place.

[div class=h3]grade[/div] Chryseis is currently a junior, behind a year than most. No one knows how that happened, but she doesn't care much.

[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="page3 txt"] [div class="h1 h1txt"]history[/div] [div class=txtouter] [div class="textbox txt" style="margin-top: 0px;"]Hailing from Greece, Chryseis has always been a bitch. Raised by her parents to detest humans and what they've done to her species, she spent her days scaring any human children who wandered too close to her home land. Wealth was showered to her parents to keep them away from the cities as an offering, and they accepted the gold with joy.

Of course, that didn't last for long. Officials took issues with the family of gorgons soliciting money from humans for no good reason, and they were soon relocated. Their only daughter was finally sent to school to get an education, but those harsh ideas taught early in life don't go away like that. Still, there's just something soft under all those scales...Somewhere.[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="page4 txt"] [div class="h1 h1txt"]gallery[/div] [div class=txtouter]
[div class="galleryimg gimg1"][/div] [div class="galleryimg gimg3"][/div] [div class="galleryimg gimg5"][/div]
[div class="galleryimg gimg2"][/div] [div class="galleryimg gimg4"][/div] [div class="galleryimg gimg6"][/div]

[/div] [/div] [/div]
Amaya Hanada

Although there is much speculation to Amaya’s true age, her appearance marks her to be around 15 years old

“The Yuki-Onna (雪女 or ゆきおんな, Yuki-Onna) is a snow woman ghost described as inhumanly beautiful, whose eyes can strike terror into mortals that get lost traveling in the snowy mountains. She floats across the snow, leaving no footprints and she can transform into a cloud of mist or snow if threatened..”
“Some legends say the Yuki-onna, being associated with winter and snowstorms, is the spirit of someone who perished in the snow. She is at the same time beautiful and serene, yet ruthless in killing unsuspecting mortals.”
“In many stories, Yuki-onna appears to travelers trapped in snowstorms, and uses her icy breath to leave them as frost-coated corpses.”
“She occasionally takes on a succubus-like manner, preying on weak-willed men to drain or freeze them through a kiss.”
Amaya Hanada stands at a mighty 5’3, hopeful to grow a bit taller through the years. As a Yuki-onna, it is a given that her hair is as black as night, flowing long and pin straight down her back, and her skin is thought to be almost as fair as snow. Her eyes appear a dusty green that ever so slightly radiates when she stares into someone else’s eyes. [IMG='width:275px;']https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/5e1d063a-e96d-4482-a129-d6e6cb1fc815/dc06iua-1062852b-fd36-411a-ab50-f65f3b2c954a.jpg[/IMG]Overall, Amaya holds an innocent beauty with mannerisms to compliment such appearance that often makes others have to take a second glance at her.

Amaya has no recollection of her past since she has become a spirit, only remembering being very small and looking up at another Yuki-onna which initiated the beginning of her new life. It seemed like most of her life was spent on a blanket of white and so the days often felt muddled and indistinguishable from one another. It was only every so often that she’d meet another of her kind but experiences like those were rare and lasted only a mere few moments.

Due to her secluded upbringing, she highly values building friendships and bonds, putting herself in positions that call for company and being surrounded by others. Though the “maintaining friendships” thing is fairly new to her still, she’s able to get by with her awkward but friendly nature. She comes off as soft-spoken and rather naive,[IMG='width:250px;']https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/aeb67f6f24d9d4744d2f6d15b58901f8/5C30C264/t51.2885-15/e35/39298408_1250024958473084_4828684104273317453_n.jpg[/IMG]seeming to either be extremely smiley or lost in space. More often than not, Amaya finds herself being walked on by others due to her eager and naive methods of making friends since she believes saying “yes” is how you make friends. Although she doesn’t show the typical personality traits of a normal Yuki-onna, neither showing to be cold-heart or ruthless, perhaps her innocence is all just for show.

Freshman, she’s only just arrived after all.


Amaya makes friends and acquaintances quite easily due to her outgoing and gentle nature yet has a hard time differentiating someone’s intentions when they interact with her.

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Name: Elanor Wynrona
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Elf
Appearance: Elanor is a fairly average girl with a height of 5'6". She has icy blue eyes and her cheeks are freckled.

Growing up in an elvish family didn't seem much different than a human one. Going to school, doing chores, and helping her mother with the younger siblings was all a part of Elanor's daily routine. However, there was a great sense of unity within her village. Neighbors took care of one another - something Elanor was told was rare in human communities. She was always content with the idea of living out her days in the village. Her parents, however, had a different idea for their eldest. They wanted her to go out into the "real world". Meet other people, learn about ideas other than the elvish ideology that was always taught to her. Elanor is nervous but her parents both seem optimistic for her future.
Elanor is very timid and battles a great deal of anxiety being outside of her village for the first time. She was never one to start a conversation with others. It's not that she doesn't want friends at her new school but she has fear that no one will accept her. Be it for how quiet she is or anything else. Elanor is known to be absent-minded. It's not rare to catch her spacing out during class or day dreaming while walking in the halls (which has lead her to bump into many people in the past). However timid she may seem though, there is a warm girl underneath who is frightened yet curious about the new world that awaits her.
6. Elanor never seems to stand out much so many people don't notice her let alone have an opinion about her. However, those who do talk to her typically enjoy her presence.

Name: Pandora
Gender: female
appears 17, but it is 624
Appearance: her most prominent feature are her golden eyes
Background: Pandora's background directly relates to the story of Pandora's box. She represents the one who opened the box, releasing the chaos out and into the world. In order to flee the wrath and fury of the many God's, she hid in hell, where she met Lucifer and agreed to continue to stir up trouble in order for her to be protected by him from Zeus.

She wandered the human realm for centuries, searching for those with weak minds to manipulate into committing murder or other rash crimes. Eventually, tired of moving, the demon settled down in a forest, waiting for unlucky humans to fall into her grasp. Lucifer, displeased with her lack of work, ordered her to begin her manipulation once more, before he led the God's to her.

So, she wandered, eventually finding a school known as Lichenlock Academy. She figured a place filled with supernatural would be the easiest to create chaos with such conflicting powers.
Abilities: Pandora is able to either bury or release a persons memory and is able to 'incline' someone into doing something. It is not a guarantee the person will do as she says, especially if they are strong minded.
Personality: Pandora, as stated earlier, is a very manipulative person. Even if she gains nothing by doing so, she will randomly manipulate someone into feeling guilty, frustrated, or violent. After doing it for years, she now takes joy in sparking chaos and ensuring it lasts for a long while. She also a very fickle person, and her loyalty never sticks in one place unless she is forced there.

However, although cunning, she comes off as polite and playful to those around her. She chooses to make friends with many, even though she will most likely cut them off abruptly later.
She is very sociable, despite her manipulative behavior.
Name: Raiju
Gender: Male
Age: 8
Species: Demigod
Appearance: (See Photo)
Background: Although the child never knew his father, his mother explained to him at a young age that his father was a goddess who could control electricity with barely a thought in his mind. It came out when the child was about four that he had inherited his father’s gifts and that he would begin training immediately. He quickly became known as a child prodigy across the realm. His mother being but a maid used the child to compete in tournaments to earn cash for the two of them. Raiju had a love hate relationship with his mother due to this. The vast majority of him loved his mother for doing his best to mentor and care for him in his early years and to help him make money for the two of them, but the other part of him hated his mother for not giving him the option to opt out and not fight in the tournaments. However when he got the opportunity to attend the academy as a prodigy he was very excited and his mother let him go. Because he never had much of a childhood he can oftentimes be extremely childish, and will often cling to people or annoy them. For the most part however him being but a child helps in situations.
Personality: He is very bubbly and high spirited, and can be quite over confident at times. He will be very childish for the most part but only on his terms, for like most children his age he gets into moods where he is to old for certain things. He is also quite shy around new people, especially at the school since he is the youngest there. (Correct me if I am wrong)
Grade: Freshman
Popularity: 4


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