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As the night sky rises and the people of japan descend into their homes. The warriors of the night sky protect the sleeping residents of the country , from the Ueta. Beings that where once human , humans that have fallen ill and been cursed by consumption to roam this earth and slaughter their brothers and sisters. The blood of humanity is what fuels these beings to grow and multiply , and after five years of this disease , a majority of japan has been consumed by it. The population is getting smaller , hope is dimming , and all civilians who could not fight for the cause have only one group of people to look towards guidance. The shohi. Men and woman who have been blessed by the gods to fight for their country , their life , and their future , one without the ueta.

Over a month ago , by pigeon post , the shohi have been sent notice of a anomaly in the Ueta population. Beings who at a glance from behind may look and act human , but when viewed from the front have eyes of a demon. Black as night with a red or blue pupil , even more dangerous than the ueta as they have someone managed to keep intact their cognitive thinking it is warned to have extreme caution against these beings , do not be swayed as these creatures can talk. Not much is known about them , but they are very valuable to the cause and any turned in to your nearest major cities commander post will yield a high bounty claim.

A letter that has been sent to Shohi near the Osaka , Kyoto , and Kobe area by homing pigeon.

"On the outskirts of Kyoto into the country side , A village named Ine , one with only a small population of residents. at some point signaled an alarm.The extra shohi who have been distributed have gone missing, not returning from their mission to their designated districts to collect a bounty. As well as the shohi who have been assigned to protect that area have not sent a post by pigeon to their nearest city. If you are near the area ,investigate as to why the area has made no effort to contact anyone. After your investigation please report back to Kyoto as it is within their district and report with your findings.

May the gods protect you"

As the night hides all of the ugly truths in the world , one place shines , with red , orange and white hues , One that crackles and the nearer you are the warmer it gets , No noise comes from this light source , but only the beings that dwell within it to kill the monsters of the night know what this light means, even from a distance.

lion. lion. Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez Alvaris Alvaris MToki MToki Coyote Coyote redroseknight redroseknight Luciearea Luciearea Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford Breathless Breathless Cosmos Cosmos
"How many days have I walked this dreadful road , hungry and cold , angry and alone. I hate this life , everything was perfect. I sacrificed everything for this? To become a mosquito feeding off ugly and poor people?" Kira couldn't help but groan as she finished mumbling to herself , the wind caressing her already cold pale skin.

Her tattered clothing not providing much for warmth
. It wasn't until She had seen a light , far from where she is but a light that was not natural , one that was not meant to be in the darkness , a fire. Regardless whether intentionally lit there had to be humans nearby or an indication of where they would be headed at least. Kira started to walk faster , than jog , until she was at a full run , with each movement of her legs, her feet digging into the loose wet soil. Her hair , her clothes whisping in the air. Her lungs despite her running faster than that of a wolf didn't burn , her heart kept a calm pace and her breathes few but kept at a rhythm.

As she neared closer to the light , as it became bigger she realized it was not a small campfire but that of a burning village. She didn't know whether to be happy as any bodies would either be singed or cold with coagulated and clumpy blood , but if there where any survivors she could and would feast. Kira was so hungry she did not even realize she was salivating at the thought of a fresh meal , it had almost been a week since she last ate something filling , feeding off of mice and rats she could catch.

As soon as she got near the burning village she halted , her feet digging into the soil in an attempt to stop her, losing her balance for a moment before managing to come to a stop. Kira took a deep exhale , the smell of death was everywhere. As she walked she could see left and right , Burnt bodies holding their children , holding their loved ones , some hanging out of windows in an attempt to escape their homes from the smoke.

The Ueta seemed to beat her to anything worth while , seeing some patrol the area while others rested , Kira noticed that recently the Ueta had somehow managed to become smart enough to set others to keep watch , and protect the group. She even seen them coordinate attacks , whatever was happening must of been scary to any humans as they where becoming smarter.

Halting she turned her head to a house that was destroyed , it smelt awful , like singed hair with a mix of extremely burnt wood. The building had collapsed in itself on one half,but upon closer inspection she noticed a body of a woman , still moving but... "Ahhh.." Kira was almost surprised as a wounded but alive child crawled out from under the corpse of the woman , whimpering and crying , his eyes widened due to shock, his body covered in soot and blood he appeared to be around the age of 4-6.

"Are you alright little one?" She said crouching down putting her hands on her knees as she cocked her head to look at the little boy. He didn't utter a word. "Oh , you must be so frightened dearie. Where is your mother? Your father? " Putting her finger on her cheek as if in thought , seeing the child begin to cry. "I wouldn't do that if I where you , the monsters are still out waiting. Wouldn't want to let them hear you.. " As the minutes passed the child stared at Kira and Kira back he spoke. "Are you here to help Mama? " He barely managed to utter.

"Oh yes! but I need your help? Come to me child , how can I help your mother while you are latched onto her like macaque to a branch. " She stretched out her arms as he almost rushed towards her , she could feel his fear, and it made her heart beat faster.

"Youre so cold miss" he stated brazenly as she smiled.

"Shh , I hate it when my food talks back ." Kira grabbed the boy forcing his head to move to where his neck was exposed as he screeched and cried , her strength too powerful for him to move. Sinking her teeth into the child , Fangs so long they pierced through his trachea and vocal cords. Almost in extasy Kira closed her eyes as she gulped down the crimson fluids , moving her mouth away from the wound as the blood spurt everywhere and onto her face and neck.

"My My , for such a small and weak body you have so much for me to feed on. "
The moment the village of Ine called for help, Mayumi began making the journey to aid them. She wanted to stop in Kyoto for a bit with Ashikaga Tatsu but there were people that needed their help. Reports of missing Shohi didn’t make Mayumi feel any more comfortable about the situation. It meant one of two things: overwhelming hordes of Ueta, or a powerful variant. Neither situation was easy to handle and for Tatsu, it was probably too much to handle. But that was the job. It was what the Shohi we’re called to do and Mayumi must answer. It was never meant to be easy. Mayumi looked at the gates of Ine as they stood solemnly in the distance. The night was quiet. Mayumi whispered a prayer for anyone that may still be alive. She looked at Tatsu and smiled.
“Remember your training, dear,” she said, “The Ueta won’t hesitate to attack. Stay close to me and keep an eye out for any survivors.” The contenta of the pigeon’s message lingered in her mind with a foul taste. She didn’t know what to make of this human-like variant but she knew one thing well. Regardless of the form the Ueta take, they must all be killed at all costs. Mayumi didn’t care about bounties, much less money. It was more important to her that the undead were eliminated than recognition or fame. It was why she never bothered to be a part of the Shohi trained under the emperor’s watch. The letter the pigeon delivered wasn’t even addressed to Mayumi. It was meant for Tatsu. Her grey-blue eyes looked on and she took the first step to enter Ine. The veil that flowed over face danced in the breeze like liquid silk and the soft sound of a blade being drawing whispered into the empty night. The moonlight was their guide and the living were now among the dead.

redroseknight redroseknight
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Tatsu had never seen combat before, never wielded her naginata with deadly precision against a live foe. There had always been rules in place to keep sparring safe, but now..now she was going to see what a world without such rules, without honor could look like. She had been sheltered as a onna-bugeisha and a fledgling shohi, and the truth of just how sheltered she had been was striking her as she took in the scene before her warm brown eyes. The dark haired shohi twirled her naginata nervously as she moved closer to Mayumi. Those flames...the Ueta! She had never seen ueta at all before, and now she was getting her first glimpse. Her heart pounded in her ears, but she refused to allow her fear to make her hesitate. This was what she had been training for! This was how she could bring honor back to her family, and this was the best way that she could protect those that couldn't defend themselves.

She said a silent prayer to Ryujin to give her courage as she approached alongside Mayumi, her fear and nervousness almost making her giddy. The shohi smiled at the woman who had accepted her as a pupil, that carefree smile that honestly didn't belong on the face of someone facing such a grim scene. But there was still hope to be found! There were these variants who seemed to still possess human qualities. Couldn't that mean that there was a hope of survival through the disease? She just didn't have the world experience to view this as anything but an opportunity rather than a threat. Maybe being humanlike meant that there could be peace! How grand would that be, for there to be an end to this plague not by blade but by an extended, friendly hand!

"Yes, Mayumi, I won't forget. I'm sure there will be at least someone to save here, and that's what we're here for, right?" The sweet natured, up beat young woman chimed to her mentor before turning her gaze on the gates ahead. The idea of running into one of these new variants didn't cross her mind. Instead, the young shohi was completely focused on the first fight she would have with a ueta. It was so frightening and yet exhilarating that the young woman began hopping on the balls of her feet. Tatsu never walked anywhere; she was always animated as a way of releasing all of the energy building up inside of her.

Coyote Coyote
Kioshi moved through the town, eyes watching and whispering voices rising, reaching his ears as he neared the woods. They scoffed, blaspheming the name of Kannon. They spoke of what they did not understand. Their faithlessness grieved Kioshi, squeezing his chest with each word uttered against the gods.

The katana on his hip felt heavier with each step, the weight of the band pressing into him, reminding him that the task was far from over. He moved out of the town and onto the path, the footsteps long disappeared and the grass poked through the once barren earth. Fear kept most at bay and they assumed remaining in the town kept them safe.

Towns did not hinder the Ueta, nor deter them from their goal.

Kioshi rested his hand on the hilt of the black katana, it served as a reminder – telling him to continue. She yearned him to march forward, clutching this blade until his last breath, until he joined them. He would continue, trekking toward redemption. When his time came, he would be ready, but until then Kannon’s request could not be ignored. She yearned for the people, the Ueta – begging for their release. The disease gripped with such ferocity it destroyed who they once were. The mindlessness he witness dug into his chest, and he mourned and ached with society.

He held the small piece of paper between his fingers, the request for his aid was met eagerly. Though the task was heavy, it merely spoke of the significance of his endeavor. The Ueta neared villages daily, amassing their army to feed on the frightened humans behind him and in each town. He wished no more harm would be inflicted on his brothers and sisters. He hoped the people of Ine and the Shohi guarding it met a swift end. Being hopeful was not foolish, and he prayed for the people of Ine. Yet, if the Shohi vanished, it could only mean one thing.

Quickly, he moved through the woods. The silence of the forest rang in his ears, reminding him how much society had changed. With the near destruction of their civilization, people became angry, afraid, and acted out in fearful violence. The animals fled in the wake of the beasts. Any noise echoed, even the bugs seemed to fear the creatures that bathed in the blood of humans.

Ine was not far now.​
Die out and burn again.

The narrow incense stick was anguishing in a tacit inveigh like a suspended nightmare, the machilus wood consigning to the droll arrogance of the flame. Several shapeless souls of smoke split from the burning stick, wandering a distance or a few before vanquishing.

Smokes and mirrors- Araki’s wilted frame was that of shadows famished for the moon. His acutely sharp nose, by origin, was at the brume of the essences, the vapor sniffing and racking deep into the cave of his mind.

“In the wintry wind,” his voice drawled to the stick, “Gills puffing-A hooked fish!” [1].

Throwing his hands up in mid-air after reciting the line, he was on the verge of a laughter more sorrowful than sad, when he picked up on nimble pecking at the sill of his window. Roundabout, he tore the windows open, let his elbows spillover the edges, and shrunk the messenger between the timber bones of his arms. His eyes-winged with morbid black kumadori-paged a beak away from the bird.

“A visitor!” Araki japed, foolishly beaming at the pigeon who reaped its head down to release the manuscript of a letter. “And a note of convenience? The emperor’s empty grave must be turning heads at this!”

The pigeon whose eyes were unblinking black pellets, whose feathers were as grey as the smog of empty mountains merely ducked its head into its shoulders, smothering the uneven ridges of feathers the wind had mangled with.

Romping away from the window to the burning incense stick, Araki leafed through the ink of letters. Upon unraveling the letter, he wholesomely let the script edge into the incense stick, waiting long enough till the meager flame endowed itself upon a corner.

“The fish are definitely hooked,” he lampooned, with a railing sneer.

Burning town upon the hill….
Die out and burn again.

Enrobing a cloak that spread over his back, and mounding his arrows in the quiver that slung densely over his robe, Araki was a bare-footed theatrical performer chasing the role that was made for samurai. His heart-the quick witted craft- subdued in its humanly rhythms. In thrilling rasps of air mingled with franchising grins, he took up the gnarly twists of toppling clay homes and bamboo, his bow wired with the tightest string to snap back.

Death or life, they would know him.

A wild tree.

[1]- Refers to a poem written by Yosa Buson who criticized the Samauri class' power to a dying fish.
Darkness. Smoke. Fire. The village was on fire. The village that had taken her in and helped her get back on her feet. She couldn't remember who she was or how she got there. The elderly woman who tended to her wounds and eased her pain seemed to be holding something back from her and was relieved as the girl couldn't remember anything. When the Ueta attacked, there wasn't anything she could do. Some of the children were visiting the elderly woman and by proxy they were visiting her. Blind. The elderly woman had told her that she had lost her sight.

The children whimpered as they walked slowly in the shadows of the houses towards the far edge of the village from where the Ueta attacked. "Little ones we must remain quiet or they will find us," She whispers softly to the children trying to calm them. She was terrified herself, but was determined to deliver the children to safety even if it meant her own life. Suddenly, she heard a rustling in front of her a distance off. They seemed to be moving methodically. Footsteps. It seemed to be two people. They were talking to each other. The girl quickly and quietly stepped out of the shadows with the children behind her and approached the sound hoping her instincts were correct. "H-Hello?" She asks softly towards the people in front of her. A strip of cloth had been tied around her face to cover her eyes so her blank stare and unfocused eyes did not unnerve others.

redroseknight redroseknight Coyote Coyote

Mayumi continued to lead the way. The attack must have been recent. Fires still crackled over the charred wooden rubble but many houses were still standing, some even untouched by the fires... so far. The chances of survivors being in the area were favorable. Her blade glistened like liquid silver against the light of the flames. Her veil cascaded down her body with grace while her grey-blue eyes continued to survey the town before them. Suddenly, Mayumi stopped, holding her blade out to make sure she remained behind her. Footsteps approached them and Mayumi quietly turned towards the noise. She watched and waited with an inexpressive stare. Then, a woman and children emerged from hiding. Mayumi's eyes warmed and she smiled gently.

"Oh," she stepped forward, "Stay close, Tatsu, and keep an eye out for the Ueta. I'll make sure they're ok." Mayumi lowered her blade and approached with grace. Her kimono and veil fluttered behind her as she grabbed water from under her dress. "You must thirsty, little ones. Here, drink. Everything will ok." Mayumi tended to the children first. "You are a brave woman," Mayumi addressed the woman with the blindfold. "I am Mayumi Yukimura. Are you ok? Is anyone hurt?" She would have to find water later but the sacrifice was well worth it. A small price to pay for their comfort. Suddenly, the sound of ghoulish howling cut through the air. The Ueta are close. Mayumi looked onward. Deeper in the village, there could be more survivors. But with that, came more danger.

"Tatsu," she looked at the fledgling Shohi with a knowing smile, "I need you to protect our rear. I'll lead the way." Mayumi turned to the children, gripped with fear to their very core. "Stay close. We're to find as many people as we can and then leave," Mayumi assured them. She couldn't send the woman and children through the forest. There were certainly Ueta there too. They couldn't stay because they would be nothing more than sitting ducks and either of those options with Tatsu protecting them meant the pair would be separated. Tatsu has yet to see real combat and Mayumi did not want to make her fulfill such a dangerous mission with disastrous results if she failed. Mayumi didn't know how many Ueta there were, if there were any variants, or even the direction they were attacking from. Judging by the news that some Shohi have already fallen meant that this hoard was nothing to scoff at. Mayumi's thoughts drifted back to the mountain village just a few months prior. She barely escaped alive saving one person. Now there were much more than one person to worry about. But it wasn't just the people here she could save. There were also people who have yet to be found. Mayumi had no choice. She has to take the risk. It doesn't matter how slim their chances were. If there was a world where everyone who could be saved, was, Mayumi would take it. Even if it was met with the death of everyone, including herself.

Mayumi began to walk, indicating for everyone to follow as instructed. Not a single thought surfaced on her expression. That was what it was like to have a face like a doll, eyes like an ocean. Having a title like the Veiled Lady fit her oddly well. It wasn't just a veil that obscured what she thought in her mind, what she felt in her heart. It was the boundless depth to her stare, the unmoving, yet serene expression on her face. The carnage did not faze her. Neither did death. It had been five years since had even had a glimpse at her soul. It would take many more for death to see it again.

redroseknight redroseknight Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Having been raised in the safety of a noble house, Tatsu had never witnessed destruction like this. The acrid smell of smoke singed her nose, and she could hear the crackling of wood being consumed by the fires still blazing. Her mouth was dry as she observed the destruction, and she gripped her naginata a little tighter. Surely there were survivors...there just had to be some who survived the blaze and the assault by the Ueta. She was distracted by her thoughts, so she jumped when she heard someone speak. Brown eyes widened when she saw the small group of children surrounding a young woman. Survivors! And at least it seemed that children had been spared from such a horrendous fate as being fed on by the Ueta.

Tatsu had been busy staring at the young woman who was with the children. She looked awfully pale, and there was something tied over her eyes. She was quite pretty, the Shohi noted and clearly someone who was a caring person since the children around her seemed to be comfortable hiding behind her. How difficult it must have been, hearing the screams of the assault on the village but then being unable to see anything to figure out exactly what was going on. Perhaps the children acted as her eyes? That was the only thing that made sense to Tatsu since she was unaware of how a blind person could function so well, especially during a crisis like the assault by the Ueta.

Her gaze snapped toward Mayumi, and the onna-bugeisha stood a little taller. Oh! Right! She had been staring. Well, at least the young woman wouldn't be able to know how intently the Shohi had been staring, lost in thought as Tatsu had been. She flushed and nodded her head at Mayumi's directions. Focus! Mayumi was counting on her to be alert, and here she was off in her thoughts wondering how this woman had survived along with the children when there were so many Ueta around. Tatsu shifted her stance then offered a smile toward the blindfolded young woman, forgetting in that moment that the smile would go completely unseen. "I'm Ashikaga Tatsu. Don't worry, Mayumi and I'll keep you and the children completely safe." Her gaze shifted toward the buildings ablaze, and she hummed.

"If we find some survivors, I can likely put out a few of these blazes with water," she suggested. Tatsu swallowed down her fear and began to shift her position to walk behind the rest of the group. The sounds of Ueta prowling the premises gnawed at her nerves, and she tried taking in some deep breaths. Fear would do her no good. She had been chosen to fight the Ueta, and she would not bring dishonor to her family by freezing when people, especially children, needed her the most.

Coyote Coyote
Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
The smog was thick, but the unmistakable scent of blood and burning flesh could be detected. Kioshi rested his hand on the hilt of his katana as he neared the town. The blaze lit up the forest, eradicating the shadows and giving no dusk to cover his approach. He could hear them in the distance and the fight was long over, but that didn't mean no one had survived. He had yet to come across the Ueta, but he did witness their destruction. Blood was splatted along the road with those that weren't fortunate enough to escape the beasts.

Kioshi marched forward, listening to the footsteps of the Ueta and the crackling of the fire. The heat was warm and the closer he moved toward the town, the hotter he felt. The blaze heated him, dampening the back of his neck where his hair rested. He entered the town cautiously. Charred homes were to the right and left. Soot covered the ground and more of the slayed littered the black and red stained earth.

Kioshi exhaled, closing his eyes and sending a prayer for those whose lives were cut short. A growled pierced the air and Kioshi opened his eyes as a Ueta stepped out from behind a burning hut. The once human male lifted his head, sniffing the air. His face was disfigured by the virus; his ears pointed, nose upturned and sharp teeth protruded from his mouth. The Ueta's clothes were torn and tattered, covered in brown by old blood. Slowly his head turned to Kioshi. His black eyes reflected the fire, giving them a reddish hue.

Kioshi pulled out his katana, the black blade shimmering red orange in the firelight. There was never simply one Ueta. They seemed to be growing in intelligence as they attacked like a mass army. Wherever they went, they brought destruction. Kioshi took a deep breath as the Ueta's fingers twitched. The Ueta would attack first, they had no self-control as their thirst drove them onward. Before the beast took a step, he looked to the left and Kioshi's heart dropped. The sound of quiet voices drifted in their direction. Noise attracted them more than silence. Despite his prey being in front of him, the sound of lively victims were more enticing.

"I am here," Kioshi said and the Ueta's attention darted back to him. He was right here, ready to end his suffering.

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