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=> Wack
=> Be Jean.

Various depictions of SUNS and LIONS cover the walls, but there is no information on the GRAMOPHONE or the RECORDS.

SJ: I don't know.

SJ: I just felt like fighting her was what i had to do.
SJ: And by the time i got there my mind was set.
SJ: ...

SJ: I heard once that you could play a cd on a record player.


=> Be Leto.

Beyond the door lies a BATHYSPHERE dangling above a tunnel of water that dips straight down.

SS: nah that tracks.

SS: though the thought of me and sj together is wack as shit,
SS: i could totally see eb and js hooking up, making those fucking goblins.
SS: they're the objectively crazy ones.

SS: again, no offense.
=> Jean: scratch?

JL: maybe....maybe there was some bad shit at play
JL: a CD?
JL: wouldnt that just scratch it up?
JL: ....ok then
JL: hey, can i ask you a question
JL: or, i guess its just asking you to do something
JL: since i guess sooner or later ill be talking up a giant monster thing
JL: and hopefully not eating it
JL: could you pass a message onto EB?
JL: you know her guardian? .....her cuz'?

You place one of your MIX CDs into the gramaphones center. You suppose this will have to do for the time being.
=> Leto: Step inside

You enter the BATHYSPHERE, seeing if you can turn it on to take you to where you assume ECHIDNA resides before taking a seat.

LJ: Again, none taken
LJ: I'm coming to realize that none of us are really an image of normal
LJ: As for who you're related to, I can't really say
LJ: And I can't say how a version of me could be your nan when you're technically my mother?
LJ: We're each others mothers?
LJ: Heavens, this all sounds so bizarre
LJ: I'm going to be honest
LJ: I didn't think you'd believe me
LJ: From what Jean said, JS really isn't buying it
LJ: So I just assumed

LJ: My apologies for that assumption
=> Down
=> Jean: DJ.

SJ: Uh... sure?

SJ: What about them?

You start up the GRAMOPHONE, and sure enough, you SCRATCH THE FUCK out of that disk as the device blasts a deafening screeching noise.

The DOOR opens as an even louder sound roars from below. An ELEVATOR is now open to you with only the one button: DOWN.


=> Leto: Descend.

SS: its fine.

SS: so...
SS: your denizen, huh?

You lower the BATHYSPHERE as you sit down and wait for you to reach the PLANET'S CORE.
=> Jean: descend

You claps your hands over your ears. God damn that was loud. You doubt if it was loud enough to disperse tons of clouds from the upper stratas of your land though. You begin your descent down the elevator. Wow, it feels kinda hot in here for some reason. You press the button, and lean against the wall, like some cool kids are known to do sometimes.

JL: uh....
JL: just ask EB
JL: if cuz' liked monster movies
JL: those words exactly
JL: and to maybe hit me up sometime
JL: she's been fuckin' elusive, i know the girl is busy and all
JL: but she could at least show her face in all this time

LJ: Yes
LJ: Lady Echidna I believe she's called?
LJ: I am going to do my best to communicate with her before resorting to anything else
LJ: I just hope she listens
LJ: I also don't really know what to say to her when I get there
LJ: Do you know anything about her?
=> Meeting the Denizens
=> Kids: Descend.

JEAN and LETO lower deeper and deeper into their planets, talking up a storm with the two more amicable guides they've had.

SJ: Sure!
SJ: I'll see what i can do.
SJ: I'll see you on the other side.

SS: not really.
SS: js mentioned her once, so did that seth kid.

SS: they seemed to be important for some reason.

Their connections drop as they lower beyond any signal the medium might offer. They are by themselves, but they are not alone. The bathysphere and elevator open in the PLANETS' CORES, revealing a cave with a large stone door bearing the symbols of ECHIDNA and YALDABAOTH. They enter.

Beasts each so large and serpentine that you would assume is some kind of DRAGON appears in front of the heroes, their heads covered in a shining and obfuscating light. A collection of sounds are uttered by the beasts, initially thought to be gibberish, but in truth is a language that only they and their hero spoke.

The red beast as BRIGHT AS THE SUN spoke to the PRINCE of a world LOST IN DARKNESS, protected only by the collected efforts of THE FOUR DENIZENS.
The blue beast who SPARKLED LIKE THE MOON spoke to the KNIGHT of a way to UNMAKE THE WORLD, a set of QUILLS that could be bestowed to her.

The heroes would have to face a mighty trial and return unscathed for the beasts to give their offerings. With some hesitation, they ACCEPT, and are whisked away by powerful magics back to the SEVENTH GATE atop their homes.

In order to complete their quests, the PRINCE and the KNIGHT must ascend and REVIVE THE SEER, for only they could speak to LORD OF THE FORGE.

JL: well, that was certainly less murdery than i thought it was gonna be
JL: so, uh, go me, i guess
JL: really nailed the not killing him part of the issue

You stand at the top of your tower before the seventh gate, reclining into the I-beams supporting teh foundation of your home as you begin to contact Leto.

JL: so
JL: i'm guessing you got the saem experience i dId
JL: talking about reviving seth
JL: so he can speak to hephaestus and we can save jill and start the scratch
JL: ....any ideas?


LJ: Oh!
LJ: I believe we're supposed to ascend which could help us get started with that process
LJ: Which...I am not sure how to go about that
LJ: We should probably ask Sir Cherub!
LJ: I can take care of that!
LJ: Oh!! Before I forget, I also told SS of our familial relationship
LJ: And she believed me basically off the bat

LJ: So that's great news!!

LJ: Hello!
LJ: Jean and I have spoken with our denizens
LJ: And in order to preform the scratch and all
LJ: We have to do two things for them first
LJ: 1) We must both ascend. I believe this will help us with our second goal
LJ: 2) We must revive Seth. He can talk to the forge master to start a scratch


JL: thanks
JL: y'know, i gotta say
JL: you sure are less cantankerous and bitchy than joel was
JL: he was annoying but.....i still don't get why you had to knock him out
JL: i did need to have a sort of important discussion with him? about stuff?
JL: and now he's just passed out
JL: you pass on that message?

You continue to message Leto. After your encounter with Yaldabaoth, you are feeling a little more confident. You have no idea how you'd be supposed to kill that thing anyway. The giant, sun for a face snake monster was just about the ugliest and scariest damn thing you've ever seen. Not to mention being vague as shit about his intentions. For a giant asshole he was less sinister and more obscure than you were anticipating.

JL: that's cool
JL: kid grandpa SJ kinda knocked out Joel midway through our conversation
JL: and he was being a dick, but like, i thought i was getting somewhere with him
JL: in a roundabout, stupid way, but in a way nonetheless
JL: he also apparently knew a bunch of shit about us being related he told no one else

LJ: Okay, sounds good!
LJ: Thank you : )

LJ: Um
LJ: That's a bit harsh : (
LJ: I see
LJ: If he knew, I guess it would make sense if he didn't tell anyone else
LJ: Since SS didn't know
LJ: The Cherub said that we need to complete frog breeding before ascension...
LJ: I am going to continue the process
LJ: He said you'll need to help me

After cleaning yourself up and changing, you still feel a little energized! To continue progress, you return to your frog breeding with Sir Lancelot
=> Toads
=> Be Jean.

SJ: Simple, eb asked me to and i did.

SJ: She knows more about this stuff than i do, so i listen to her
SJ: And yes, i did!

SJ: She's busy at the moment, but when she has a break she should be messaging you.


=> Be Leto.

You return to the ECTOBIOLOGY APPARATUS, where you can begin again the delicate process of FROG BREEDING.
=> Jean: pay leto a visit

You go through a gate or two and find yourself at Leto's home by her request. You're uh....not so sure how you're exactly gonna help with this weird frog breeding stuff. You don't think it's a task you're especially suited for. But if you can trust anyone, it's gotta be Leto. And if Leto just so happens to trust the Cherub, even if for some random reason he's just some crazy dude crawling around vents and being psyched out, then you gotta trust him by proxy.

JEAN: howdy let
JEAN: you uh....
JEAN: makin' slime?
JEAN: sure looks like you're makin' slime right there
JEAN: hey so uh....what the fuck do i do and how does this work?

JL: makes sense, i guess
JL: but i have a feeling unless she's a goddamn psycho that she specifically asked you to take him down like that
JL: but eh, who the fuck am i to comment on some weird inter party relationships, i really don't know you guys
JL: look, why don't you also message joel and tell him to message me when he wakes up
JL: and thanks for that
JL: i uh.....hmmm...i guess i appreciate it
JL: cool of you, and all
JL: ok so....uh.....bye

You could've stood to be less awkward. But let's be honest, you are just now getting a very deep sinking feeling in your stomach about all of this. You think you're starting to understand why Leto felt so intimidated. Not because it's her weirdly enough, but because it's....it's....eugh let's just focus on these dumb frogs.​
=> Leto: Hug!!!

You hug Jean once he arrives, as you always have done and will continue to do. You will not stop this until the day you die. Even then, you don't give a shit about death, you'll give a ghost hug.

LETO: Yes! Frog slime!
LETO: To my understanding, I am supposed to retrieve genetic materials from the frogs here in my land to breed new ones!
LETO: That's the frog slime!
LETO: Also I'd like you to meet Sir Lancelot!

You hold up Sir Lancelot to Jean before setting him back down on the terminal

LETO: He is very helpful!
LETO: Although I've felt a little stuck since I don't feel like I'm making progress
LETO: So maybe your own insight can help the process!!
LETO: I should probably also ask Sir Cherub if he has any guidance for me on how to progress
LETO: But as for choosing frogs, we have to pick frogs we have interacted with in the past or else we'll just teleport it here instead
LETO: Which we could technically use to interact with more frogs

LJ: Hi, Sir Cherub!
LJ: Do you have any advice for the frog breeding?
LJ: I feel a bit directionless....
LJ: So any advice is very appreciated!! : )

You look over at Leto. God she's so fucking small. She hugs you, you awkwardly coil for a bit from the physical affection, but withstand it for her sake as well as yours. The exchange if fulfilled, the friendship palpable. You look over the controls, noticing the variety of frog slimes and young tadpoles that wriggle around hopefully in their new surroundings. You smile a bit. Leto breeding frogs is a weirdly peaceful thing you weren't anticipating to see today. You tap the controls a bit.

JEAN: well, ok then
JEAN: i guess we gotta get these slippery sons of bitches in order huh
JEAN: what are you even tryna do like, end goal wise about these frogs?
JEAN: like, are you tryna breed 'em to make some superfrog?
JEAN: or like, make an army of frogs to go against the black king or some shit?
JEAN: hmmmm

You look at two frogs which have already been made through frog breeding synthesization. Or whatever bullshit sci-fi magic tech Leto's employing for this endeavor. You look at the computer and then select both of them. The goo is transportalized, but before it can be synthesized, you fuck with a knob by cranking it all the way forward where once it was down. The frog goo is processed by the machine, and out comes a.....oof.

That frog does not look healthy. What is that even? Two heads? Five flippers? Where is the fifth one even jutting out all impudently of? You snatch up the two previously locked on frogs and hold them in your hands, making them paradoxically viable for yourself a few moments ago. You look over at Lancelot, he ribbits at you, you nod appreciatively.​

JEAN: so yeah i made a mutant
JEAN: sorry about that
JEAN: if you're looking to breed them and make a better frog though, looks like you're gonna have to fiddle with the equipment and guesstimate what's good and what isn't
JEAN: seems like a pretty exact science you're dealing with though

LETO: He is not responding...oh well
LETO: You are correct in that we are supposed to make a super frog
LETO: But how did you even manage that?

You pick up the mutant frog, giving it a small pat on one of it's heads.

LETO: We can teleport frogs here, but we can also go out and explore to find more to clone later...
LETO: I've made some weird frogs...but none like this
LETO: Maybe your own flavor with picking frogs is what we need!!!

=> Leto: Breed even MORE frogs

JEAN: uh....its kinda hard to describe?
JEAN: like, i sorta just did it
JEAN: just cranked a couple of these knobs
JEAN: really fucked up its DNA sequence to see what would happen
JEAN: apparently thats what happens
JEAN: fuck, like a fun little frog scavenger hunt?
JEAN: that sounds dope as hell haha
JEAN: goin around, scooping up these little fuckers
JEAN: snatch em up and put em in little tanks
JEAN: be so fun

You examine the load of these little shits as they impudently hop about. Hah, you have no idea why but tnese things are so cute to you for some reason. Huh....you should probably get something to hold the ones youve caught in. Meh, thats seems like itd get crowded fast if you used like a tank. And youd probably start making like, a thousand if you used alchemy to generate new ones.

You have a stupid idea.
JEAN: let stand back i have a cool idea

You reel back your EARTHBREAKER and slam it to the ground. You excavate the fuck out of the ground, literally tearing up a piece of ground from Leto's front yard and chucking it toward the horizon.
JEAN: now we just have to get some buckets, and then we can make a pond!!!!!!!

You are oddly cheery. Its....infectious.​

You clap your hands together as you see Jean create a space for a pond and squeal in delight

LETO: Jean!!!
LETO: You are the smartest man alive!!!
LETO: Albert Einstein who??

You begin running down in your excitement, moving to get buckets, a hose, any form of transporting the water to the pond space. You may be a little too excited for this.

LETO: C'mon!!

=> Leto: Fill that bad boy up

You end up fetching an old hose, one that used to be for the garden that's no longer attached to your home, hooking it up and filling the hole with water.

You will put all of the floaty things for them to jump in there. Well, maybe not ALL of them...but a good amount.
=> Jean: put those suckers in there

You round up all the frogs you've already collected and put them in the pond. Freshly dumped you throw some lily pads from the nearby water over to them, and throw some hastily gotten moss into there, even though that really isn't how you jump start algae. They seem pretty content! You help Leto fill up the ditch which will soon become a pond, and then put on a spare pair of WADERS and equip your freshly alchemized FLYCATCHER, a yo-yo with a tinier wheel designed to catch smaller object with greater precision, but not exactly the best for damage.

It also has a silly frog on either face and the rope is tinted pink like a frog tongue. Hehe, this is so stupid.

JEAN: albert einstein and all of his theory of relativity would shit their collectively geometrically isolated pants if they saw this tbh
JEAN: cower in fear of my topographical might you fuckin' nerd
JEAN: let, you ready to go catch some motherfuckin' FROGS?
JEAN: i am deep in the green already! i am gun-fucking-ho about snatchin' up these little goblins
JEAN: slippery little mucus membrane covered bastards won't know what hit 'em

You then begin to wade out on a several hour long adventure where you and Leto first begin to paradoxify a metric shit ton of frogs in the nearby areas using the equipment, slightly modify their genome, and then go out on long expeditions to catch the fuckers and bring them to the home pond. You learn a few things along the way, like how the frequency of their croaks reveals the perfection of their genetic sequence. You even take a bit of time while Leto rangles them all up to capture a variety of the sounds of their ribbits.

From there, you use some of your sound dev equipment to stack each ribbit on top of the last, forming a scale of notes in a single octave, looking to cross-reference mutations for different frequencies. Some croaks are sharp/flat, some croaks are perfectly in tune, and mutated ones are even harmonized with each other. It is the silliest thing you have done in a while. But it still takes the edge off of a very long two weeks.

You eventually find yourselves wading through water, searching for frogs as the day draws on.​
=> EB
=> Kids: Catch that frog.

The two of you are currently on an expedition for the LAST FROG OF THE DAY, a quick devil you have been attempting to catch for a couple of minutes. He just ran off into an OBSERVATORY TOWER. Leto runs in ahead as Jean takes a quick break to put some finishing touches on frogcore.wav, a track he has grown increasingly fond of.

=> Be Leto.

You center the building and climb the stairs long staircase, chasing the fastest frog you have ever seen.

=> Be Jean.

As you save your current version of the jam, a notification pops up on your specs, someone is trying to get in touch with you.

-- emphaticBlanketeer [EB] began pestering jacketedLycanthrope [JL] at ??:?? --

EB: Hey.

EB: I heard you wanted me for something?
=> Jean: answer

Oh shit. Looks like you totally forgot about that important conversation you were signing yourself up to have. Whoops. You begin answering the purpley text as you have a want to do. You stop yourself, blinking away some alt tabs for frogcore.wav as you answer your new notifications.

JL: yeah
JL: i wanted to ask you about your cuz'
JL: and how he is.....was....
JL: and, if he's ok
JL: and if he liked monster movies
=> Leto: Chase! That! Frog!

You chase the frog with everything you have, he will be knighted. You will have a group of frog knights. You must.

An army of frogs for the princess of frogs! The princess-knight-commander of frogs!!!!

You will catch that frog if it is the last thing you do.
=> Agent
=> Be EB.

You cannot be EB, as EB is too busy right now to be EB. Why don't you just => Be Jean.

You are now Jean again. Huh.

EB: Yeah.
EB: Weird that you would ask, considering we've never met before this moment.
EB: But whatever.

=> Be Leto.

You enter the OBSERVATORY PROPER, and the frog has stopped dead in it's tracks, because it IS DEAD, impaled by a BLACK REGISWORD, similar to something you've seen on PROSPIT. The sword is currently in the hand of a one HORRIFYING FIGURE.

A umbral-shelled DERSE CARAPACIAN bears two massive FEATHERY WINGS and a mouth stuck in the shape of a ROAR. Slimy TENTACLES protrude from their back while a row of RAZOR SHARP TEETH cover the inside of a second, more ABDOMINAL MOUTH. Six branched feelers frame the sides of the creature's EYELESS HEAD as they flicker with chaotic green energy.

A painted RED SPIRAL marks their forehead.

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