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=> Jean: continue to answer

JL: and how he had this giant statue of the blob
JL: but it was cherry jell-o flavor, which was the best flavor
JL: so you would have to resist eating it because it was so good
JL: and he had like, this giant statue of that robot monster that looked like an ape with antennae on its head?
JL: he seemed super into it
JL: not to mention that shitty black lagoon mosaic in the kitchen.....lol
JL: uh......maybe i'm being too specific?
JL: uh, so yeah, that cuz'
JL: ....what ever happened to him?

You realize you have left Leto completely to her own devices to frog hunt. You.....are reticent to go ahead and keep up with her, assured that one of the bravest, strongest girls (really one of the only girls) you know can catch one lousy little frog. And you are in the middle of a conversation. But it's not like these shades weren't made for multitasking. You walk up one the spires, trying to catch up but taking your time.

Nor rush, right?​
=> Leto: Uh Oh

It's parasol time boys. You open it up, putting it into shield formation. You decide it's best to hold your ground until Jean arrives. Prince saves the (knight) princess and all.

LETO: You killed it!!!
LETO: Why would you do that!!??
LETO: You are an asshole!
LETO: On my honor as a knight, I will slay you!

LJ: help
LJ: scary derse dude
LJ: killed frog

=> Game Over
=> Be Jean.

EB: Well, some of that is accurate.

EB: Maybe not all, but some.
EB: I don't know what happened to my cousin, but I have the feeling that's not what this conversation is about.
EB: You're worried about yours.

EB: Right?

=> Be Leto.

The moment you put up your guard, the MONSTER disappears.

You don't know how it happens, but it does. You have been stabbed. You fall to the floor, dead. The MONSTER jerks, and vanishes again, seemingly against its will.


=> Be EB.

You can't, stop asking. Something is happening back with the other two, so go ahead and => Be Jean.

JL: maybe
JL: and he's technically 'our' cuz'
JL: cus', uh, fuck, because we're related
JL: but i'm betting you somehow knew that if partially
JL: given how kinda obvious that totally wa

You stop communicating with your ancestor through your glasses as your peer through them to see Leto. Oh, oh god. Oh fuck. Oh fucking christ. There's blood fucking everywhere. You kneel down, dropping the yo-yo you were spinning idly before onto the ground. Your hands shake, and you place them on her torso. Jesus fuck where is all of this blood coming from. You're....you're shaking. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck .Fuck .Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.

You pick her up in your arms. She's definitely dead. You're freaking out. You begin to run in the opposite direction. Her blood is starting to soak through her clothes and fast. You slosh through the lagoon like water, and begin trudging. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What are you supposed to do. You make it all the way to her house as you begin to hyperventilate.

jacketedLycanthrope [JL] began pestering libelousLaevinus [LL]
JL: fuck
JL: fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
JL: answer me you fucking nutcase
JL: she's dying

=> Wake up
=> Be Jean.

EB: Don't be weird about this, but you gotta kiss her.
EB: Something something Prince of Derse Princess of Prospit, doesn't matter!

EB: Gotta smooch that corpse, Casanova!

You can't. It's too morbid, and creepy. You just can't.

=> EB: Talk some sense into this boy.

You don't know if you could, but since you decided to finally let someone be you, if only for a brief amount of time, you don't talk sense, you do something better.

You make this boy => Kiss the girl.

He kisses the girl. Shame they won't be able to talk until she returns to LOSAF.

=> Leto: Wake up.

You have just woken up in your room on PROSPIT, but you feel... different. Unlike the hazy cloud that has fogged your mind everytime you've been here, you are FULLY AWARE and COGNIZANT of your surroundings. Wow, was Prospit always this bright?
=> Leto: Take a look around

You wander the streets of Prospit once more, slowly getting a headache as you do...ow. Bright.

Doing a small test, you float off of the ground. You can still fly...but you dont want to push the limits...you just got stabbed after all.

You hope Jean is okay.

=> Leto: Explore Prospit

You explore Prospit more thoroughly than ever before, in hopes of finding a safe way to get back home.
=> Jean: wow

Wow. That was. Absolutely horrible. You are still freaked out, only realizing now through the haze of your panic and fear that Leto was revived as the Cherub might have cryptically mentioned some time ago that a kiss would revive a dead player to their dream self. But that obviously wouldn't work for the likes of you. You are still holding her corpse, staring down at her in a mixture of fear and abject horror. At least her dream self is safe on prospit.

JL: fucking christ that was awful
JL: how did i
JL: how did i even do that?
JL: i don't remember jack shit about actually forcing myself to kiss her?
JL: it felt like someone just shoved my face into hers, like i got forced into a grossout make out session
JL: .....was that you?
=> Leto posts first, 2020
=> Leto: Spot.

As you meander through the streets of the PROSPITIAN MOON, you find a NOTE, written in a familiar GRAY TEXT.

Meet me in the crypt at the lunar core

It's time to ascend


=> Be Jean.

EB: Sorry about that.

EB: You were just taking WAY too long.
EB: She was about to pass the point of no return.

EB: I had the feeling you wouldn't mind me saving her life via you.
=> Leto: Find the Lunar Core

A sense of urgency fills you, a desire to see a familiar face to comfort the fear that had been present ever since you laid eyes upon that beast.

But you have to be brave, as brave as you can be. It's time to ascend.

You head to the Lunar Core, motivation fueling your ever step.

JL: i guess i didn't
JL: or don't, because it was important
JL: and i was sort of freaking the fuck out and losing my shit in all the worst ways to think straight
JL: so i guess thanks, for saving her life and helping me out
JL: but also....how the fuck did you do that?
JL: how did you make me kiss her?

The blood has well soaked into your clothing. Hopefully Leto is up there, on Prospit, walking around and being peaceful. But you can't help but gaze at her lifeless, ever paling face and be brought your knees as you gently lay her upon the ground of her estate. Fuck. This is a pretty bleak ass thing. What the hell are you supposed to do with her body? Your mind wanders to the sprite....but the idea of there being two Letos when one is already assuredly alive is.....well it's stupid to you, that's what you think it is.
=> Leto posts first AGAIN, 2020
=> Leto: Descend.

You find a way down, travelling through the tunnels and buildings of the LUNAR CORE until you reach a hollowed out CENTER. Two STONE SLABS float in the midst of GOLDEN CHAINS, one black bearing the symbol of the SPACEBOUND, the other red with the mark of the TIMEBOUND. No one else is here yet.

You hear a METALLIC SLICING NOISE from the moon's surface above.

=> Jean: Question.

EB: I've always been good at motivating people in the right direction.

EB: And as I played the game, I got even better at it.
EB: Things get amplified the further you progress.

EB: And then things get crazy when you reach the God Tiers like me.
EB: I'm basically magic now?

JL: magic, huh
JL: so you reached god tier, you ascended and all of that stupid shit he was talking about
JL: how did you do it?
JL: it's uh....sort of on the long list of bullshit me and let are occupied by
JL: and i guess it's gonna be even more difficult to do with a dead torso lying in front of me
JL: and me being uh....completely shit out of luck
JL: god that took a dark turn

You sit by the banks, and put your jacket over Leto's face. You can't really stand to look at her like that. The blood has seeped into the grass and even colored the water a vague shade of crimson. Disgusting. You listen to the croak of the frogs in their mutant chorus. The frequencies were coming together, shit wasn't so fucked up. Wow. The wonderful world of five minutes ago.

=> Leto: Sit

You fly up and sit on the bed while you wait for The Cherub, thinking back on what happened. Your hand trails over where you were killed, hands shaking. It didn't hit you until now, but it hits you like a truck.

You. Died. How in the world did you come back? You don't deserve this. Seth deserves to be here. Jill deserves to be here.

You bring your legs up, knees close to your face. Tears begin streaming down your face as you mourn your own death, and mourn the loss of Jill and Seth.
=> Mean Green Jean
=> Be Jean.

EB: I died on a big ass rock tower.

EB: And then I came back, with magic.
EB: So if I were you I'd find a big ass rock tower.

=> Be Leto.

You feel like your drifting ever so slowly as THE CHERUB(?) enters the space fully adorned in their MASK and JACKET, carrying a LARGE SCYTHE, taking a stance on the other slab.

THE CHERUB(?): There

THE CHERUB(?): Now you wait for ascension
THE CHERUB(?): Soon you'll rise as I take my fall

THE CHERUB(?): You won't need a Cherub to assist you beyond this point

You feel that drifting feeling getting slightly faster.

JL: don't think that'll really work for me
JL: since, uh
JL: i'm kinda dream selfless? or whatever the fuck you would call it that doesn't sound uber stupid
JL: i don't have the whole dream self to rise on skaia or whatever the fuck was supposed to happen
JL: i'm just some random asshole stuck on a planet with frogs on it
JL: what was your class called, the dude of guy?
=> Leto: ?

LETO: Huh...?
LETO: I don't understand
LETO: Cherub...I'm so tired...
LETO: I have been for a while...
LETO: It's even worse now
LETO: I just...I wanna sleep for a bit
LETO: Can we please get this over with?
LETO: Or do I just have to wait for a while...?

You rub your eyes, still curled up in your ball.
=> Broken chain
=> Be Jean.

EB: Neither did I.

EB: But they keep dead dream selves in a tomb in the center of Derse's moon.
EB: On a slab that just so happens to work as a way to revive them when going God Tier.
EB: I'm the Witch.

EB: The Witch of Breath.

=> Be Leto.

It's starting to get pretty WARM.

THE CHERUB(?): Not much longer now

THE CHERUB(?): Now that the Chain of Prospit has been severed, the moon will should be falling into Skaia's atmosphere
THE CHERUB(?): And when we crash, you'll ascend, and I'll cease to be

The DRIFTING sensation is replaced with a FALLING one.

JL: ok....
JL: well i don't suppose i could find a stupid magic tower anywhere...
JL: maybe you could spare a map, maybe?
JL: wait, what the hell is that?
JL: up in the sky?

You look up. Is that, something is falling through the sky and headed right toward Skaia. What the hell is that?
=> Leto: Panic

You suddenly feel more awake.

LETO: Wait what?!
LETO: No! No no! This isn't right!
LETO: You can't cease to be!!
LETO: Please, save yourself!
LETO: Please don't leave me...
LETO: You've helped me so much and I can't stand to lose someone else!

Great, now you're sobbing.

LETO: Please...I'm begging you
LETO: There has to be another way!!
LETO: I'll do anything!

Despite your words, despair is setting in, you begin to feel like it's too late.
=> Rise
=> Be Jean.

EB: I guess, sure.
EB: Time to ascend, I guess.

EB then leads you through the series of GATES until you reach a DARK BLUE PILLAR of stone jutting out of a mountain on LOSAS.

A QUEST BED is found, a PRINCE awaits ascension as a Witch prepares him to => Die.

=> Be Leto.

Everything becomes brighter as the very moon itself catches flame.

A SACRIFICIAL SLAB is stood upon, a KNIGHT awaits ascension.

=> Be The Cherub(?).

THE CHERUB(?): This will be my final guidance

THE CHERUB(?): Change the world

Everything goes white.

THE CHERUB(?): Goodbye

=> Ascend.

Three figures each fall, dead. But in an event of LIGHT and MAGIC, they rise once more.

In the CORE OF DERSE, the PRINCE OF VOID awakens as his SACRIFICIAL SLAB is shattered beneath him. Seems there is a second broken slab of YELLOW AND WHITE.

On the BATTLEFIELD OF SKAIA, beside an ENORMOUS CRATER, the KNIGHT OF SPACE and the SEER OF TIME awaken as madness is purged from the latter's mind.

=> Jean, Leto, Seth: Rise.

You are now JEAN, LETO, and SETH.
=> Jean: arise

You rise, your body consumed in an ever present light which fades into the particles of Paradox Space. Your body churns, reborn into a godly visage which births a new hero to gaze upon and....and....what the fuck. You look down at your outfit. Oh god this is way more shitty and stupid looking than you thought it was gonna be. What's with these poofy asshole pants? And the tights....jesus it's like you're at a ren fair in this get up.

You look at your hands, yep. Still definitely alive. And you look over at the quest bed to your right. Oh fuck. That hope seal is about as shattered as your dignity in this frivolous asshole attire. You look down, pulling out your phone as you begin to text Leto. She needs to hear about this.

JL: let!
JL: holy shit let are you ok?
JL: like, with your whole deal and everything?
JL: holy fuck man i watched you die, and your moon! what the fuck happened are you arlight?

You float up, as you can, uh, apparently do that now. Oh, well, these fingerless gloves are pretty sweet you're not gonna lie about that. You flex your fingers, wondering what you're exactly capable of doing now. You fly up, deciding to pay the Kingdom of Derse a long awaited visit.

=> Jean: ascend
=> Leto: Curl up

Your eyes remain tightly shut, unable to stop tears from pouring. You know you are alive, you are aware you ascended, but you aren't aware of your brother's life. Instead, you assumed death for him as it came for you, but this time perminant for him.

It is your fault that he died, you were supposed to save him. You were supposed to be the heroic knight princess who would save everyone. Now, you lay on the ground, unresponsive to the new clothes that drape over you, the cape cradling you like a blanket.

This is not the first time you have felt this. The guilt, the shame, the tears. Many times on Earth you felt this way, isolated from your one friend by your caregiver's hands. It was your fault, you brought the months of isolation upon yourself. The slightest mistake can mean the end, and you messed up big time.

You can never face Jean again, you can't even bring yourself to see your brother's body. You will lay here, your deserved punishment for failing Seth, for failing Jill, for failing Jean...you don't deserve to see him again.

Yet, the thought of being so alone cripples you, the fear of isolation taking hold, hands shaking as you hold them over your head. Wet tears over flushed face, choked sobs for what felt like an eternity of solitude to the knight.

The war continued on in her mind, both destructive forces seeking the death of the other, causing suffering and misery. The war continued on, and would continue until disrupted.
=> Seth!
=> Be Jean.

You leave the SHATTERED CORE, and ascend to the STREETS OF DERSE. The black-shelled CARAPACIANS seem confused by your appearance, but think nothing much of it and go back to their days.

You hear something, a faint whispering in the back of your head.

=> Be Leto.

You cannot be Leto right now.

=> Be The Cherub(!).

SETH: Leto?

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