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Fantasy Chibi Wars

Yeah. For all intents and purposes I'd just imagine it as modern day with some slight advancements and magic shenanigans from chibis.
Nalic and Wisteria sitting in a tree...... *whistles*

I kid I kid.

Great interaction. Bonds are being made. :3

I am going out of town to see a play tomorrow, so I apologize in advance for being M.I.A for a day.

Have a good one my dears!
Versa said:
Nalic and Wisteria sitting in a tree...... *whistles*
I kid I kid.

Great interaction. Bonds are being made. :3

I am going out of town to see a play tomorrow, so I apologize in advance for being M.I.A for a day.

Have a good one my dears!
Lol, I wouldn't mind it if things progressed that way. Hope you enjoy your play
Versa said:
Nalic and Wisteria sitting in a tree...... *whistles*
I kid I kid.

Great interaction. Bonds are being made. :3

I am going out of town to see a play tomorrow, so I apologize in advance for being M.I.A for a day.

Have a good one my dears!
That wouldn't be bad.. A little lab romance. xD , Anywhom. Have fun at the play when that happens.
Thanks guys! It was Fannnnntastic!

Next phase should be coming soon? I know its exam time for a lot of students.
Yeah. Mena mentioned having some internet issues as well so it's possible that they've sprung up again. In any case she seemed really excited so we'll probably be moving forward fairly soon.
Mena said:
Hey Idea-kun, you finally decide to show up- I mean come here! ^W^b
I wasn´t quite sure whether I could barge in without a reason beyond saying hi, seeing how many pages there are without me... But thanks for the warm welcome! Could I have a summary of what happened so far? I mean, there´s three pages already...
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@Idea Happy to have you on board!

Agnes and Shifu are at the Cherry tree path, feeding the chickadee-dee-dees.

@Mena Woohoo!! exciting...
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My duo and Mena's duo are riding a train to the area near gates five and six. They should be disembarking fairly soon.
Ammy said:
My duo and Mena's duo are riding a train to the area near gates five and six. They should be disembarking fairly soon.
good , nice to meet you! I think I´ll start my character in that area then, once it gets approved.
Idea said:
good , nice to meet you! I think I´ll start my character in that area then, once it gets approved.
Alright, I'll approve you tin 10 minutes....must write more of stage 3 ^w^b

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