• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Chibi Wars


Noming on Treats
Feel free to ask questions or just hang out in here! ^w^
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Hmmm I was hoping tomorrow or Saturday if everyone were to at least create their character sheet~

@Nanax @Ammy
I'm sorry, I have to drop out of their roleplay. But you guys have fun!
Mena said:
Hmmm I was hoping tomorrow or Saturday if everyone were to at least create their character sheet
Apologies, been chipping away at it but have some stuff going on. I'll get it done by tonight.
^ S'fine. Just happy to see you popped back in, pretty excited for this one.

Ahem....sorry to be a stickler but the angels haven't arrived yet, therefore your character doesn't know about them until around the 10 - 5 minute mark. The officials haven't even been notified (as of yet), so your post is a bit inaccurate. I'm sorry for you to redo your post but....please bear with me ^w^b
I'd like to join this RP, but is it open? And if it is, can I describe my characters with text? I'm not sure if I can find both normal and chibi versions of something close to my character (currently in my head, though).
[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]I found thy thread

xD there was a link in the 1st page....

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