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Fantasy Chibi Wars

Idea said:
(PS: this is the moment when you tell us your name is not Grace, it's Jennifer)
Actually, my name is Ciarra but you guys can call me Mena if you want~
Too much idea. Must write.

Figured out what I want to do with my new soul keeper. He's gonna be a fun one, hehe.
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Idea said:
New soul keeper?
Mm. Had been tossing around ideas in my head for another duo. I mostly played it safe with Vulture and Ox so I wanted to do something a bit weirder. Of course just going "This is X, his power is Y" doesn't make for a good character so I've been brainstorming for several days. I know what I want and have the claim for his appearance picked out, just have to write it up now.
Ammy said:
Mm. Had been tossing around ideas in my head for another duo. I mostly played it safe with Vulture and Ox so I wanted to do something a bit weirder. Of course just going "This is X, his power is Y" doesn't make for a good character so I've been brainstorming for several days. I know what I want and have the claim for his appearance picked out, just have to write it up now.
Ooo cant wait
Ey yo you guys still accepting? Yes, I read the list thing though I've noticed that some people are in the thingy thing without being on the list. SO I MUST CONCLUDE--May I join? c:
@Idea Sorry to leave mid action! But I've got to head to work for an 8 hour shift. Excited to see what you come up with.
Versa said:
@Idea Sorry to leave mid action! But I've got to head to work for an 8 hour shift. Excited to see what you come up with.
no problem, I need to wrap up maths for tomorrow anyway, and there are still a few CSs to complete too...
Ahhhh I am back...school's been so tiring that I haven't had the time to settle down so with that being said....when do you guys want the next stage?
Pyosimros said:
Ey yo you guys still accepting? Yes, I read the list thing though I've noticed that some people are in the thingy thing without being on the list. SO I MUST CONCLUDE--May I join? c:
Sure. go ahead pyo-kun!

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