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Fandom Chaotic Hearts (A multifandom rp.) Main/Roleplay Thread

Black Shadow
As his gaze traveled other their surroundings he caught sight of movement. However he quickly thought he imagined it. That was until he saw the white glowing eyes.

An enemy is nearby. It is the Rake. However it doesn't seem to at all grow closer. It just crouches there watching the group.
Smoketrail Dawn
"AND I'VE TOLD THAT IDIOT A MILLION TIMES I CAN HANDLE MYSELF!!!" she snapped, making it CLEAR this was the end of that conversation
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
"AND I MADE A PROMISE TO SONIC!" He snapped on her. "And you and everyone else knows me when I make a promise. I'll keep it even if I have to die."
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
Shadow didn't let her leave him behind. "Your not going to make me fail to keep this promise...I...I won't have another Maria on my hands." He seemed oblivious to what he said but the word Maria in that sentence would hint that he did care deeply for Smoketrail.

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