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Interactions: Gao Gao {Emery}
Artemis Hunt

She smiled slightly and clapped at his mention of only eating one of the legs. She laughed and was looking at Emery who was now looking at Loet. Shit he was going to attack him. When a arrow was snatched from her quiver her eyes went wide and she swung herself back over the table to place herself in-between Loet and Emery. "Emery back the fuck off." She hissed and had her short blade drawn.

The black metal gleamed in the light and reflected off of her face, a black shadow against the pale. She was in a defensive position as Loet peered over her shoulder at the male. Not interested in the male and went back to sitting down. Artemis had a death glare on her eyes, she was prepared to hurt Emery this time if he laid one hand on Loet.

"I can take you hunting but that deer is off limits. I can help you get a bigger one, one with more rush from a chase." She offered, trying to tempt the male away from the deer.

She could save Loet and Emery could {Hopefully} be satisfied with not eating her deer. That was her pet now and nothing was going to harm it. Loet slipped on something and face planted when he tried to get back up. He let out a loud noise and people turned to look at her but she ignored them. Damn clumsy deer. Werent they supposed to be graceful?

Not hers apparently. It liked to drink coffee and slip. How fun that would be. "How about we go now? I saw a bigger one running through the woods last night." She asked and raised a eyebrow. She was pushing the offer further, clearly trying to get the male away.
Gao Gao (Gigi)
"I threw a huge fit while you were gone. I was really broken up, sucker punched like ten people." She replied sarcastically, putting starlight away.

"The jam?" She took a second to recoolect what she was talking about. "Oh. Breakfast. It was fine."

Then, Gigi asked Lillian if she SAW somebody. She turned to Gigi with a 'you fucking kidding me?' expression. "Oh yeah! I have definately seen them. Me, the amnesiac blind girl have one hundred percent seen and remember that thing you are talking about yup yup." She quipped with more sarcasm, sighing at Gigi and shaking her head.

She leaned on the table in a pout. "It's bullshit, if you ask me. The trip I mean. Not you being dumb, Gigi. It doesn't sit right with me. Also, it takes my schedule and fucks the shit out of it." She groaned. "I was just starting to get a foothold here." She grabbed her pill bottle from her bag and popped a couple in her hand. She downed a handful of pills and let out a relieved sigh. "I need to relax. Think. When you finish breakfast can we go somewhere I can think? That cool with you?" She asked, crossing her arms on the table and resting her head atop them, looking at nothing in paricular, since she could not fucking see.
Emery- Cello. Cello. (Hunter)
That was a big deer. Something like that could probably last Emery a whole 24 hours to get down his gullet. Maybe 48 or even longer if he could space it out. Usually the male could last about 2 to 3 days without lashing out at whatever was closest to eat. Artemis had stood between them, but Emery was still looking straight at the animal, cocking his head and subtlety attempting to move around Hunter to get at it.

But the ghoul did hesitate, Hunter was now distracting him with propositions of something better. A larger one. His gaze shifted between the girl and Loet in contemplation.

"But it's right there." He pointed out in a childish mumble. This one they didn't have to chase or hunt. It was in the cafeteria, a place of eating. It made sense to him, so he was awfully confused as to why Hunter wouldn't allow him to have at it. But slowly, he reluctantly accepted and relaxed his hostile stance. He could settle for a bigger one. He had been bribed. Very easily.

He touched the tip of the arrow, still watching Loet but with more of a sulking 'I can't eat you but I can still look at you' kind of stare. Immature. Sulking and bitter.

His gaze returned to Hunter, still stood protectively between the two. "Can I keep this?" He asked, still holding the arrow in his fingers. Seemed he had managed to calm down enough to not attack the deer, and was very agreeable at the idea of going to find the bigger one to hunt and eat. He was always hungry.

- - -
Gigi- Firelie Firelie (Lillian)
The girl gasped, almost choking as she turned to Lillian. "You punched people?" The ghoul swallowed her food and leaned in close. "Who? Shall I scold them? I can yell very loud." Another little shake of paprika before it went back into her bag. "Got big lungs." She didn't even react to being called dumb, just nodded and smiled in happy agreement. At least she was self aware.

"The trip is bullshit?" Gigi hadn't thought about it much in her small little brain, but she supposed it was strange for second day shenanigans. She giggled as she got to use a curse word herself. "Guess it is kinda weird. I can help you pack, if you want? I'll bring the robes. It'll just be like an overnight sleepover with a different school." She continued to cut up the meat on her plate. "I'm excited for it. I wonder if we'll get our own room again?" Gigi didn't like studying or learning that much, so she wasn't down over hearing there would be no classes today. "Hope we get maps.. Or name tags. Love those."

"The Student council has a meeting soon, so I'll have to run away for a while, but it shouldn't take too long."
She took another careful bite of chicken. "Do you think they'd accept my weekly newsletter idea? Should I pitch it to them? What do you think Lillian?" Gigi looked over at the girl, watching her take another batch of pills. She shifted in slight worry, but didn't say anything about them. "Your schedule? What'd you have planned?" Easily unfocused Gigi then gasped and quietly added, "Do you think anyone's birthday is soon? Would have to integrate that into the schedule.."
Interactions: GrieveWriter GrieveWriter {Ava and Grita} Gao Gao {Emery and Grayson} salem. salem. {Nick}
Amethyst Lightwood and Lapis Ashford

Amethyst slowly stood up and stretched her wings. "Im not mute but I prefer sign language. Its a religion thing." She said quietly, voice much softer than when she was yelling at Grayson. She was a pretty calm and collected person in general but so far Graysons comments have sent her off the rails and that wasnt good. She smiled at the two girls and waved bye before scanning the area for Lapis.

She caught his gaze and she signed something quick before turning and walking out. She walked to the library wings drifting against the ground and the walls. Maybe no one would be in the library if they were all packing and doing other things. She could hold a more private conversation with Lapis as she had questions for him about so many things. She crossed her arms as she entered the library.

It continued to take her breath away every time she entered it. She quickly headed into a section of less read books and folded her wings closer so she wouldnt knock anything over.

Lapis smiled at the girl before slowly standing up. He wanted to talk to Nick more but when Amethyst signed at him to follow her, he was up and moving. "Bye Nick it was nice meeting you- It really was but I must go now. Save a seat for me on the carriage!" He shouted as he moved through the cafeteria. He watched Amethysts winged figure turn corners, disappearing out of view.

He needed to stagger a bit so it didnt look suspious- like he was following her. When he entered the library he caught a flash of white and went into the section of books. He smiled at her and she had a worried look.

"Hey Amethyst." He said in a whispered tone.

"No time for casualties. What the hell happened last night? Why were you at Graysons throat and why did he say you punched him? How much do the Angli know?"

"I didnt punch him and you know this full well. And cant I threaten someone who doesnt tell me where you are? They know nothing almost."

"Im not a child Lapis! I can take care of myself!"

"Yea like how you took care of yourself when you came home from the blasted school? How you are taking care of yourself as your parents hunt you down? How-"

"Ok I get the point!"

She snarled and stomped her foot. She hated being treated like a child by Lapis. So far she had taken care of herself and its not like she couldnt in the future. Her parents havent caught her yet and that was something big to her.

"No you dont Thia! I watched them venom all our friends to tell them where you went! Hell they even tried it on me!"

He ripped his sleeve up and clear as day there was bite marks. Matching the long gash on his back that Amethyst healed. He got the worst of it from the group that was rounded up but they turned into brainless zombies well more compliant people who forgot Amethyst.

"Friends? You cant call them friends! They fucking betrayed us!"

"Your right they did betray us but so did that damn boy-"

She held up her hand to stop him from talking and he pursed his lips. She knew he had a point but she wasnt going to go listen to him.

"You will leave Grayson out of this."

Artemis Hunt

She nodded slowly before straightening completely. She still had her blade out as she watched Emery with careful eyes. "Dont try to touch my deer or you will not have teeth to eat anymore." She hissed and jumped off the table. She grabbed onto Loets horn and he bent down before letting her climb on top.

A great achievement in her books. Her giddiness returned from earlier as they slowly left the cafeteria and she had to duck her head from hitting the door frame. 'LETS GO!" She yelled to Emery as they trotted down the halls and out a pair of doors. Straight to the woods she was in the past couple days and she smiled. She slid off Loet and patted his head before breaking into a full sprint for the trees.

When she hit the tree lien she veered left and scaled a big birch tree. She dug her fingers into the snow wood and balanced herself on one of the branches. She felt it dip under her but she wasnt on it to long for it to matter, she was jumping over off the branch into another one. A slight scrap on her arm and pain in her side. "Dont say a word and follow closely." She said in her normal voice though it seemed a little louder here.

She didnt let that stop her and she grabbed the branch to steady herself and her green eyes shone in the dense lighting. Loet was trotting behind on the ground with quiet feet- his more wild nature coming back to him as he did. Climbing the trees was one of Artemis favorite things to do- not to mention swinging on the branches. Scared the life out of some prey. Literally.
Grayson- Cello. Cello. (Amethyst + Lapis)
His first intention was to just find some books, issue them out for personal reading and hide out in here till the council meeting. Yet he soon got very distracted, coming across several novels that were not in the correct section. That bothered him. A lot. To the point he was now going around the shelves, adjusting and moving the few scattered books around where they belonged. Just to fill in the time. Also because he would not be able to do anything else without the thought bothering him all day. His spine and shoulder blades ached with the movement, but he ignored it.

"An Atlas is not FICTION?"
"Vietnamese Conflict is NOT children's literature. Most of the time.."
"Why is Stuart Little in Biography who did this."

And on and on the boy would mutter to himself. That was up until he heard two voices, hushed and behind the shelf he was currently organizing. He frowned. Grayson's first thought was two students were using the back of the library to flirt and make out or something. "Shameless.." He huffed in irritation, tuning them out as he set a book upright on the shelf.

Until he heard his name dropped into the convo, and suddenly Grayson was all ears. After focusing in on what was being said, he soon realized the voices belonged to Lapis and Amethyst. Having a not so friendly chat just behind that shelf. He idled for a long while listening, a strange feeling upon hearing the female defend him. But that didn't diminish the burning hatred he had for Lapis.

"Oh I agree," Grayson's voice drawled, now making himself known to the pair. "You will leave me out of this." The young male was stood on the side, two books in his hand. He was annoyed to set his eyes on Lapis. This guy had the nerve to talk about him behind his back. Brushing past to the bookcase behind them he slipped one book where it belonged. Loudly. Mister Petty.

Grayson glanced back at the thin book he had in his hand for just a moment, checking what section this one went.

"But would you look at that?" Grayson slowly looked back up at Lapis, a glare. "Something for you." Grayson pushed it into Lapis' chest for him to take it. It was an anger management workbook for kids.

"Perhaps you will learn something. Rare as that might be." Grayson probably shouldn't be pushing his luck, but he was sick of everybody. If Lapis pinned him against the wall and threatened him again it'd just prove his point.

- - -
Emery- Cello. Cello. (Hunter + Loet)
Emery didn't want to climb. At all. When he hunted it was usually on the ground, pinning something into a corner or chasing till it got tired. Attacking it straight on was his usual behaviour, rarely stealth. When hungry he simply got impatient. Reckless. And he was constantly hungry.

So instead he just followed near Loet on the ground, gaze shifting from the deer, up to Hunter, to their surroundings, and repeating. He would raise his head and sniff occasionally. But inside a forest it was hard to pinpoint things. Not much direction with so much going on. He could hear rustling from the underbrush, wings of birds as they took off, something under the dirt. A mole, maybe.

Emery ignored Hunter telling him to stay quiet.

"Why can't I eat Bambi?" Emery still didn't understand why this deer was important. They ate one of his species last night. Maybe it was even his family member, that'd be morbid. "You're soft, Hunter." He was looking hungrily at the buck again, impatience growing slightly. It was right there. Walking and breathing and warm and alive and filled with blood and succulent ripe meat. The mere size of the animal would keep him content for a while. It'd only take a few seconds to just lunge for the throat or eyes.

He grumbled "You're not even special." at Loet, annoyed that this one was protected. If she wanted it safe maybe she shouldn't dangle it in front of him like that. Keep the beast far away.
Interactions: Gao Gao {Grayson and Emery}
Amethyst Lightwood and Lapis Ashford

When hearing a all to familiar voice she looked over her shoulder and had a careful smile on her face. She flicked her wings and looked briefly at Lapis in a, "Say another damn word and you wont live", way. She turned her full body to face Grayson and leaned against the bookshelf. Lapis let out a huff- he hated people who interrupted his conversations.

"How much did you hear?" She asked and Lapis was glaring at Grayson.

"Does it matter how much he heard-"

"Shut up for once Lapis!"

She was now facing Lapis and her arms were crossed over her chest.

"This conversation will be dropped until later notice." She signed and Lapis nodded.

Right as Lapis turned to go, something go shoved into his chest. He briefly looked down at it and left his fame flame up in embarrassment. He did not have anger issues and it was embarrassing for someone to think so, even if he acted like it alot. He shoved the book on the shelf and looked at Grayson before getting up in his face. Amethyst stuck a wing in front of Lapis before tugging him back some.

"Calm down Lapis or I will calm you down for you."

"Damnit Amethyst-"

Was all Lapis said and Amethyst traced a pattern on his forehead, it glowed for a second before disappearing. Lapis started to drift to the floor and Amethyst caught him in time just to lay him on the ground. She shook her head slightly and looked at her arm. The black veins were not noticeable under the green gloves she wore though if she was still wearing white they would be. She stood up straight again and brushed off her pants.

"Ok so where were we before Lapis interrupted. Oh right- How much did you hear?" She asked and raised a eyebrow. She seemed quite calm despite making her friend faint. A new skill she had acquired before coming here. She sort of remembered doing something similar with a girl awhile back. This was different though on different levels because if she didnt just step in Lapis could have burnt Graysons face off.

Artemis Hunt

She leaped off the branch she was currently standing on to a much high up one. It was also quite thin so there always was the possibility of it breaking. She wrapped her fingers around the branch and slowly helped herself up. When on top of the branch she smiled brightly and looked down at Emery and Loet. Emery was saying something about her being soft and she growled.

"First off the Bambi is my pet. Second off I am not soft. Your the one who doesnt want to hunt for better game." She grumbled and she caught a flash off tan to her right. She had her bow drawn and was still as a mouse as the deer stopped in a clearing. She let out a small breath before letting the arrow fly, embedding itself in the deers eye. A impressive shot from her standing and distance.

She jumped out of the tree, the height not seeming to deter her from jumping. She spread her arms like a eagle would their wings and flipped in the air. She landed on the ground with a heavy impact but avoided most of the blow when rolling. She felt a jabbing pain in her side but ignored it as she stood up. She brushed off her pants and started towards the knocked out deer.

Dead? Almost but still hanging in there. She frowned slightly and looked at Emery. "Go ahead and kill it." She said and crossed her arms. What she had said was true. The deer looked much like Loet but a bit bigger and a bit fatter that Loet. Though Loet was a good portion of muscles not fat. "Its your game anyway."
Grayson- Cello. Cello. (Amethyst + Lapis)
And oh, how Lapis’ reaction confirmed his snippy jab. The boy stepped right up to him, and Grayson just smiled. Not the sinister evil smile that had appeared recently, but a very fleeting natural smile. Rare, entertained. Awfully smug. He expected a hit, some kind of insult in the least but Amethyst extended a wing to divide them. Much to his slight displeasure.

And then she sent Lapis to sleep. Much to his more prominent displeasure. Though he supposed it was good, he wouldn't have to deal with the male if he was passed out. Grayson gave Lapis a subtle nudge in the leg with his shoe, like touching a diseased animal.

“All of it.” Grayson finally responded with a sigh, moving the book Lapis had thrown onto the shelf into an organised manner. "Seems related to what you felt the need to scream at me for." He steely gaze flittered to Amethyst for a moment, looking annoyed. He was irked she had done that, caused an embarrassing scene for seemingly no reason in his eyes. It had alarmed him.

“But I do not need you to protect me, Amethyst.” He turned back to the shelf, rearranging another book into place. Tough talk from a lanky (usually) passive thing like Grayson. If Lapis decided to stab him one day it's not like he'd be able to do much about it. "People are beginning to get the wrong ideas, about us." What Hunter had said to him popped to mind, and he clenched his jaw. Focusing hard with a scowl on the titles on the book spines in front of him.

"Focus on controlling Lapis instead. Boy has no morals." He turned to look at her again, "Maybe keep him on a leash."

- - -
Emery- Cello. Cello. (Artemis) - warning for him eating meat and being diSGUSTING. TLDR HES EATING A DEER
He wasn't soft. Just lazy. Plus he was useless at ranged weapons. So it was either Hunter shot it, or he spent half an hour chasing after it.

Emery watched as Hunter leaped down from the tree, landing heavy with a roll. She had shot something, and he could smell it. There was blood, his senses were prickling with anticipation, head turning in the direction. Artemis was already starting towards it.

Hunter said something, but Emery was not going to kill it. If the animal was unable to run it was already good as dead. The ghoul was cruel like that, unaffected by anguish. Not much mercy. He moved closer and crouched beside it, hand slithering over the back of the deer, a smooth pelt. Large and fat, as Hunter had promised. Emery had that empty, hungry gaze again. Not listening, not processing much else besides the big feast before him.

And then he hunched over the deer, jaw open and latching down hard on the neck of the animal. When the deer tried to move, he rather calmly just put his hand on the deer's head and pushed it back to the ground. Ignoring it's struggle and sounds of pain. There was some resistance of the pelt, firm, but eventually his teeth broke through into the softer part underneath. Sickening noises of ripping, hungry growls, weak scuffling of the animal.

He pulled away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, before his fingers were now delving into the ragged bite wound, pulling tendons and muscle from the neck. Absolutely feral and violent for zero reason.
Interactions: Gao Gao {Grayson and Emery}
Amethyst Lightwood

She clenched her jaw slightly when he mentioned what he had heard. All of it. The entire damn situation. Her friends being venomed. Lapis talking shit about him. All of it. She crossed her arms over her chest and turned as if she was now interested in the books. The names and authors names swirling together in her mind. She looked at Grayson out of the corner of her eye.

"It was but to be fair you were being a dick. Saying they were going to find me. Though I dont know how you knew that." She replied with a soft voice.

Words caught in her throat. What if she could get rid of it all? She had the power to do so. To forget. To finally forget what had happened but that meant erasing Grayson, Lapis and Pyrite. She didnt know if she could do that to herself or to them. She gulped and when he spoke again she snapped out of her thoughts. Leaving them dancing at the bay of her mind. "Protect you? Who said I was doing that?" She asked and raised a eyebrow.

When he said something about people getting the wrong idea she blinked slowly. She refused to look at Grayson but focused on the floor beneath her. "Why would they? We are just friends." She mumbled and as she looked up her eyes caught on a book, not to far away. A book of music. Not just any music but some of the most famous Angli composers of all time. She folded and unfolded her wings as excitement took over her. She quickly darted to the book and pulled it off the shelf.

Her eyes twinkling as she carefully flipped open a couple pages. her eyes scanning the pieces hungerly. "Where has this been? Why was it not in the Great Library.. So many pieces to learn.." She mumbled to herself as she traced a finger over the pages. Some of the pieces she knew how to play some completely new and that she only wished to master. How many did she not know about? She studied music like there was no tomorrow though that was always the thing with Amethyst.

There might not be a tomorrow for her, so she needed to live her days like they were her last because they very well could be. She completely ignored Graysons comment about keeping Lapis on a leash when she finally looked up at him. "Have you seen this? These pieces are amazing. I wish I could write composition like this." She said and traced her finger of the page again. Probably one of the most complex pieces she has ever seen and is was magnificent.

Artemis Hunt

She watched Emery with a amused smirk before kneeling down beside him. She withdrew her knife and stabbed it into the stomach and ripped it under the layers of skin. A pelt was good to keep. She stayed out of Emerys way as he tore into the neck. She sat there in silence for a good second before pocketing her knife back to her side. She ripped up the pelt, not bothering any of the meat and it was about the size of her forearm. She rolled it up and stuck it to Loets hide.

"You really like raw food dont you?" She said with a amused snort. She didnt mind watching the insides of the deer being ripped out though Loet was looking at a tree. Artemis scanned the woods and heard scuffling to her left and a smile broke out on her face. She withdrew her bow and propped an arrow in it. She quickly shot it into the underbrush of something and a squeal ripped through the air.

A hare. Not a good game catch but enough of one that she could use to lure in other animals. She moved the thorny bushes aside and ripped the arrow out of the animals side. She quickly picked up the hare and dangled it within her fingers. She had a up turned lip as she studied the scrawny thing. Not enough no feed an animal or anything she could lure in. She scoffed and threw it into a nearby river watching a blood pool cloud around it.

"We should get back. Drag you deer with us but not in the school." She said and turned to look back at Emery.
Grayson- Cello. Cello. (Amethyst)
An eye twitch as Amethyst said he had been acting like a dick. What she said confused and insulted him, he hadn't said anything about 'people finding her'. The male shot her a frown and a defensive, "I didn't say that.", evidently not understanding what had happened.

Amethyst mentioned they were just friends and he nodded in agreement, pulling a book out of the shelf to move it down a few spaces.

"How should I know why people think the way they do?" An embarrassing subject to talk about, quickly warming his skin. Luckily Amethyst had darted off to look at something. Leaving Grayson temporarily alone staring at the shelf of literature in front of him.

She was marvelling over something when she returned, asking if he had seen it. He looked at her, very gently sliding the book out of her hands to look at it, but he didn't recognize a single thing. None of the compositions, nor any of the writers. Grayson figured he was just lucky she wasn't yelling at him for something he didn't recall doing.

"I don't read music." He answered, holding the novel back out for her. He was not a musically inclined individual, much to his parent's dismay. An instrument was classy, in their eyes. Grayson could read music sheets, probably try and write them if he had the motivation to do so, but actually composing them was another story. So he never issued out composition books. He had no purpose for them. He would stick to his lame romance books and calligraphy.

"Do you still play your Cello?" He inquired, looking back to the shelf. Lapis was still there, his annoying sleeping presence hanging in the air, but he ignored the boy as he continued to speak with Amethyst. "Have you seen the work of Gautier Capuçon? I should show you it sometime." Another shuffle of a book in the wrong place. The boy seemed a little absent minded in this behaviour, hence how talkative and surprisingly tolerable he was being while he focused. "French cellist, he's from Savoie in the Auvergne Alpes region of south-eastern France." Occasionally Grayson would ramble weird specific little facts like that. Partially because he had the knowledge he might as well use it, but partially because his nerdy little brain would just spill it out. "Spectacular body of work."

- - -
Emery- Cello. Cello. (Artemis)
Emery had sat himself on the grass now, just chewing and thinking while Hunter did whatever. He was occasionally responding to her, a sign of some self control at least. Some awareness for the surroundings as he ate. However Emery was very happy, content, just eating in the forest.

Hunter had commented that he liked raw food which made him pause on his bite, looking up at her.

"Not by choice." Was his neutral reply. Which was true, he didn't pick to become how he was. Ghouls needed to eat, it just happened the food had to be some kind of meat. Though he couldn't complain, he did really enjoy eating. It was the rare moments he didn't feel his stomach gnaw with hunger. The rare moments he felt satisfied and comfortable. However temporary that may be.

He watched, docile and politely as she shot an arrow into the bushes, pulling out a hare. At first Emery thought she had gotten it for him, and perked up a little with excitement. But despair set in watching as she simply... Threw it away. He lowered his head again, disappointed. He'd never waste a meal like that. Somehow he was still greedy for more despite this entire hunk of deer next to him. Hunter had skinned it, which he didn't mind. He never kept the pelts. But the male was slightly disappointed she had shot it through the eye, since it ruined the eyeball. He couldn't bite and pop it like a grape. The other eye however, was fine. To his delight.

Once he stood up, blood was all over his hands and mouth again. It appeared Emery being a gory mess would be a common occurrence.

The ghoul blinked at Hunter, chewing on a slither of meat in his hand. "Someone might steal it." Was his rationalized thinking, as if other students would want to take the deer carcass for themselves. "I should put it in my room, to keep it safe." Not sure how much Dominique would enjoy that.
Interactions: Gao Gao {Grayson and Emery}
Amethyst Lightwood

When he took the book out of her hands, her eyes were still twinkling. She had been that close to some of the greatest pieces the Angil hard never let her see. Eat piece played notes and melodies in her head until she couldnt get them out. She found them pleasant as they dominated her thoughts and new ideas flowed out of her. She could do so much with these pieces. tweak them to be her own.

When Grayson held the book back out to her she snapped out of the thoughts. As much as she wanted to explore the pieces she needed to focus right now. "Dont read music..?" She asked. She found it hard for people not to read music. It was like a second language to her and one she almost considered to speak better than any other language. She then remembered Grayson didnt play a instrument and she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Still play..? Its been a hot minute but yea." She replied. Her felt her cheeks get rosy at the thought that he remembered but quickly shook it off and deemed it as unimportant. She rubbed her face and looked back down at the book her her hands. She felt the memories of watching her cello get destroyed and honestly- that crushed her more than anything. She didnt mind though- she was going to save up for one herself. Then paint it to look the exact same with touches she knew were needed in there. Her own piece on her favorite item in the world.

When he mentioned Gautier Capuçon her eyes lit up. A person she hasnt heard off and one she could learn about. "From France? How popular is he? How come I have never heard of him." She grumbled that last part. She did not like not knowing about composer who seemed interesting enough. "Have you ever heard of Devein Bright? He is one of the greatest composers within Angli history-"She flipped to one of the pages in the book labeled; The Battle of Lys."-My favorite piece ever made by him." She said and ran her hand over the page.

She tried so hard to memorize this piece for years and eventually got it. He is what aspired her to be a composer if she never made it into the Healia. She loved music with a passion and Deveins story was alot like hers before the past year. "You show me Gautier Capuçon sometime and ill play Devein for you. Deal?" She asked and raised a eyebrow.

Artemis Hunt

She looked at the blood stained on his and sighed. "Your like a little child. Wash up would you? We dont need to scare the students as much fun as it would be." She laughed and leaned against the tree. Her green eyes trailing over Emery then the deer. She looked amused while he talked about someone stealing it.

"Ill kill em if they do ya? Also probably not the dorm as Gigi might freak given her reaction earlier. If needed it can be kept in my dorm." She said and she had a valid point. Gigi did not seem to happy about the meat or maybe it was because Emery attacked her. Her hand rested on her wounded hip and she looked down at it. It stopped hurting for the most part and was just a constant throb. She looked at Loet before climbing up the tree she was leaning on.

She dug her fingers into the bark and scaled up it quite quickly to balance on a low branch. She was in a crouch as she shimmed across it and leaped to the next one. She missed being able to do this all the time and not have to worry about school. "Plus we have to pack for this damned field trip!" She called out and as she continued on, Loet followed her.
Grayson- Cello. Cello. (Amethyst)
"I don't know Angli History." Saying that aloud made the male pause and frown, realizing there was a gap in his knowledge for things that weren't inherently human. It was an evident expression of 'I need to learn that' crossing his face for a short moment. He didn't like not knowing things. That was a problem. He wondered if the library contained other Angli-related books. The male did have a habit of sticking near classical human literature, perhaps he should expand on that.

He watched as Amethyst rambled, eyes glancing from the female and to the novel in her hands. A studious glance, carefully watching and listening to her speak. He hadn't really seen her express such a passion for anything, so he did take the time to stand quietly and observe it.

The male paused over her proposition for a moment. The plan was to just distance himself and stop being seen around the girl, but it was clear that wasn't going how he expected. He traced a finger on the grains of the wooden bookshelf, absentmindedly thinking.

"Strictly educational."
Grayson said sternly, as if the two would be getting up to anything other than that. "But I would love to hear the compositions of... Devein." He glanced towards Amethyst, silent question if he had pronounced that properly before looking back to the shelf. "Though I'm afraid I do not have an ear for music, so my opinion isn't important."

- - -
Emery- Cello. Cello. (Artemis)
Sly smile on his face. Signs of his annoying personality peeking through again.

"You'll kill them. For me?" Evil little narrow of his eyes, sneaky tone. "Oh Hunter, you shouldn't." He swooned.

But at the mention of Gigi from earlier made his entertainment and movement falter, freezing for a few seconds. His gaze shifted to Hunter, then to the deer, then back to the river he was crouched beside and dipping his hands into. He didn't say anything about what had happened. The ghoul appeared to still sulking about it.

He washed his hands and face off, as she had told him to.

Emery then wrapped a hand around one of the deer's antlers, beginning to drag it through the forest following the direction Hunter had gone. It was a heavy fat thing, despite the amount he had managed to eat off of it so far. He wondered if he should pack the carcass into a bag to bring with him on the trip. Some overnight snacks. Students might not like him being around with a duffel bag of meat.

"Hunter?" He knew she was close by, still up in the trees. "You're soft on me, aren't you? Dinner dates are very romantic."
Interactions: Gao Gao {Grayson and Emery}
Amethyst Lightwood

She smiled and looked down at the book in her hand again. Alot of Angli history was bloody or shaping them to the way they were now. Which still wasnt as good but they were still doing well. Her favorite things in Angli history were the Battle of Lys and the forming of the council and Healia. She was supposed to join the Healia - it would have suited her. Studying along side all the others abd excelling in everything.

She was made to be a Healia and her wings showed that. The yellow dots thrown around her wings looked like helpless stars in the night sky. A signal she went through training - one of the youngest to do so. She quickly tore her gaze from the book to scan the other shelves if they had anything about Angli, not that they thought they did. Without thinking she tripped over Lapis' leg and she let out a yelp.

She quickly caught her self on a shelf and tittered on one leg. Why did she have to be so damn clumsy? She removed her hand from the shelf to straighten herself up. She felt the blood bead from a fine cut on her palm. She tipped her palm up to her mouth and sucked the blood out gently to get it to stop. She hated the taste of blood and she made a face. She wasnt going to use her power on something simple like this though it was slowly starting to heal.

When Grayson spoke again she looked at him. "Educational." She repeated. She didnt know what else they would do but something educational. Was there anything else to do? "Got it. Youll love his music though I might not portray it right." She said and with that a small frown appeared on her face. She tried not to frown often but the thought of not being able to play a piece perfectly fucked with her mind.

"Everyone does but you have to learn how to use it." She said and dismissed what he said with her hand. She was now smiling and she crossed her arms. "Wanna go now?" She asked.

Artemis Hunt

She looked down at Emery who was on the ground. "Well yea. I get a excuse to kill someone so ill take it." She grinned under her mask. She was aching to go hunting not for animals but for humans. She missed hunting them down. Not able to chase animals the way she could humans - their thinking pattern was different. She leaped onto another branch and flipped over it.

Pain shot up her side and she bit her lip from screaming. She forgot all about the wound but she would need to change it when she got back. She could hear Emery following her and it was silence for a couple blissful moments before he spoke again. She rolled her eyes as she jumped to another branch.

"No I am not Pretty Boy. I act the same towards you that I do the other people though they didnt try to eat me-
" She snorted and leaped to another branch before continuing. "-I only took you hunting so you would at least be a bit satisfied and no its not romantic. How is that romantic?"

She laughed at the though of it before leaping a couple more branches. A question bubbled out of her and she had no clue why those words came out of her mouth. "Have you actually ever been on a real date?" She asked and dug her legs into a branch just to lay back and dangle from it. Her eyes looking at Emery with curiosity. Her arm pooled in waves around her head and she laughed.
Gao Gao (Gigi)
"Sarcasm, Gigi. I did not punch a soul. You don't have to scream at anyone." She chuckled at the other girls shenanigans. "I sort of use it a lot. Its like my third language, pretty much. I'm very good at it, or atleast that is what I would like to think." She twirled a finger around her midnight locks, humming as she thought to herself.

"I wish I could be optimistic as you about this Gigi. I'm just paranoid about it. I have lots I need to do here, and not much time to do it. Has to do with y'know..." She knocks on her head with her knuckles, leaning towards Gigi so she could whisper. "The one upstairs, if you know what I am talking about. Wink wink." She actually said wink wink, considering she couldn't wink without having to open her eyes, and she didn't want to risk that.

"I will tell you more later. In a more private place. Too much angst in this room." She lazily propped her head up on one arm, yawning loudly. "Man, mornings suck." She mumbled, despite the fact that just that morning she looked invigorated and ready to go, even going as far to wake up early. "Birthdays? Dunno. Whens yours Gigi? Oh, and before you ask, I have no clue when mine is. Sorry."
A line of three buses lined up at the entrance of the school, three drivers jumping out and waiting by their vehicles and the headmaster happened to see and started to panic. They weren't supposed to be here so early and the students had just finished breakfast. How the heck was he going to expect them to be ready now! He couldn't keep the drivers waiting for too long or they would pull off but he couldn't rush his students. This transition was going to be very messy-

He ran to his office and the speakers clicked on, his next announcement echoing in all the halls and rooms. "Students, the buses are waiting outside the north's entrance. You all have an hour to pack and get to a bus!" The speakers then clicked off and he had started to get packed himself, stuffing clothes, sanitary things, and papers into a bag then made his way out the office and stood calmly at the doors as he waited.
Dayana & Dominique
Dayana froze as she heard the announcement and she sighed as she stood up. She was a bit disappointed that Thrun hadn't come to the lunchroom and mumbled,"Of course......" But she didn't have the time to worry about that all day. She needed to think about what she was going to bring and how her sister was d- Oh god, WHERE WAS HER SISTER. She raced out of the cafeteria and started to run through the halls towards Dominique's dorm room but stopped herself. She had to stop worrying about her so much...She was fine- Right? NO... She was definitely just...probably talking with someone. She drew in a deep breath then went to her own dorm to start packing.

Dominique watched Gigi for a moment a bit spaced out when she then straightened at the sound of a familiar voice. It was playing on a speaker overhead and...Something about a bus? How late was she! What were there buses waiting on them for and why did they have to pack for whatever this was! "Oh Lord-" She shook her head as she sat down on her head and started to take a few things out of her fully pre-packed bag. She was sure that she wouldn't need all her clothes anyway- or twenty packs of ramen. Once she finished Dominique carried her bag down the stairs until she made it to the entrance, seeing one of the buses outside waiting but she could still see the front of the bus behind it. How many were even there?

Asher Dalton
Interactions: Cello. Cello. (Fae)
Location: Cafeteria >> north entrance
Asher blinked a few times now already uninterested in the conversation but he kept his stare on the girl. He watched as she went on to continue to talk but he didn't say a single word. He ignored the noises and other people around him as he only steadied his attention on the girl.

Right on time, the headmaster announced the presence of the buses and drivers then followed by instructions. He smirked and stood up,
"I'll hope to see you on the bus?" He winked at her as he made his way out the cafeteria and calmly made his way down the hall, every step he took making an echoing tap that followed him to the entrance. He listened to each one with slight joy. The sound itself was satisfying to him the reason wasn't clear but he could care less about a reason. Once he made it to the doors to see an elf girl he was tempted to sneak up on her but decided against it as he leaned on a wall by the door.
Last edited:
Thrun Mukurn
Interactions: salem. salem. (Fang?)
Spencypoo Spencypoo (Dayana)


Thrun blunk as Fang... Kinda just was quiet? Really? He rubbed the back of his neck, he almost wondered if it wasn't a deer in the headlights moment? Right, he was still a scary Orc, made sense. "So uhh... Yeah, you do you bud. I'm just... Gonna go." He said, jabbing thumb over his shoulder, this staring contest felt really awkward and like it was taking way too long. Like, it felt like a week had passed or something. Thrun scuffled away, before breaking into a proper stride towards the cafeteria. He didn't want to be late to see Dayana, a thought that made him flush a bit. No way was anything going to distract him from--

He saw a flash of pink and green. He blunk twice, seeing a figure run by and disappear down the hallway. He blunk, "Wha--Wait, was that--?" He could swear, no, he knew he just saw Bula! He rushed after her but, unfortunately Bula was always faster then him. He lost her in the twisting corridors of the university, and soon found himself lost. He cursed under his breathe, and roamed the halls trying to figure out where she went, "No no no, I know you're a troublemaker but you did not sneak into a school Bula! Give me a break! I knew you were jealous but-- Ugh!" The prank still hadn't clicked with him. He assumed something that made more sense in his mind and, to be fair was kind of in character for Bula, she'd simply stubbornly trespassed. He could not afford for her to get into trouble, or get him into trouble.

But as his looking around went in vain, eventually the announcement came to get ready to leave. He cursed under his breathe, "Dammit I missed breakfast... Gah... Dayana's going to hate me." He ran hand down his face, sighing. He started back towards his dorm, giving up for now. However, Thrun, being an honest guy, sent a few messages to Dayana.

[ChiefThrun]: Hey, I'm sorry I missed Breakfast. I feel like a jerk.
[ChiefThrun]: But when I was heading back I swear on the spirits I saw my sister, here, in the halls. I think she snuck in???
[ChiefThrun]: I tried tailing her but, this place is so huge I ended up getting lost. I know that probably sounds crazy, again sorry.

He typed, having no idea Dayana was dealing with the same damn issue of disappearing sisters at the moment.

Bula Mukurn

Interactions: Cello. Cello. (Pyrite)

She winced as she saw the blood, "Yikes... Talk about a hard workout." Still, she was impressed, he did good work! Handling that weight and all, "Yeah I can see, you got some blood-- You know what? Nevermind. How about this, lets spar instead? Should still be a workout without you killing yourself. Just a bit of boxing and stuff, should be good, yeah?" She grinned, putting up her dukes as she stood on her haunches. "Lets go!"

Knowing the two of them and their love for fighting, they'd probably lose track of a bit of time. Missing dinner entirely, only being interrupted from their back and fourth exchange of punches and blocks by the comm making its announcement, "Ah, uh oh, we must have missed the dinner... Where do ya think we're going?" She asked, looking over at Pyrite and tilting her head some.​
Grayson- Cello. Cello. (Amethyst)
Grayson noticed her frown, and the doubt in her voice. "You will do fine." He assured her, but it wasn't like he was going to know any better if she messed something up.

He watched with judgement as the female stumbled over Lapis, catching herself on the shelf and proceeding to suck the blood off her palm. Grayson had never met anyone so clumsy in his life. He gently batted her hand away from her face in disgust.

"Don't do that. Germs." He muttered, much like he had done in the classroom the day before.

He then snorted at her optimism for Grayson's ear for music, a rare sign of amusement from the boy. He crossed his arms over his chest. "You haven't seen me try to play anything. It's a mess." But before he could say anything else, the headmaster's voice came over the intercom.

"Students, the buses are waiting outside the north's entrance. You all have an hour to pack and get to a bus!"

Grayson raised his head hearing the surprise announcement.

"Already?" A rise of panic, clear on the boy's face. He was worried. The boy could pack a bag in under a minute. Telekinesis gig and whatnot. The issue came with his nitpicking and repacking. He was obsessive with making sure everything was perfect. An hour was not nearly enough.

He briskly put the book in his hand into the shelf, turning to briskly leave. But he paused, glancing to Thia then the floor.

"You should probably wake him." He looked down at Lapis, another petty poke of his shoe into the side of the sleeping male's body. "Or... Not." His eyes shifted to the side, mumbling a childish yet quiet, "Don't care if he's left here." But he knew Amethyst wouldn't do that. Unfortunately.

"Okay bye." Was his awkward yet unfocused farewell, the boy clearly busy wracking his brain for what he'd need to bring. Too absentminded to correct himself and say a polite goodbye as he walked off very fast.

He packed quickly. Then repacked his bag. Then repacked it a third time. He was about to go for a fourth, when he realised the time was nearing the hour. What he had would have to do, as the limit was setting in fast. So now he was stood idly near the doors, waiting around with the others in the area till they could leave. By Grayson's expression and crossed arms, it was clear he was not happy about the trip. He had studying he wanted to do. Classes he wanted to start. Yet he didn't have a choice but to entertain the headmaster's commands, however strange they might be.

- - -
Emery- Cello. Cello. (Hunter)
Emery tensed at the questioning, gaze flickering up to Hunter for a short moment. His sly smile returned quick from the temporary freeze.

"Nosey, are you?" He paused to pull the carcass over a lifted root. "Curious about my love life? I assure you, Hunter. I only have eyes for you." That usual snarky tone, deflecting with sarcasm to avoid the question. Clearly didn't want to talk about dates or relationships or any of that.

"I think you care a lot about me. How soft." Emery was teasing her again, but went silent quick. They were just outside the academy, close enough to hear the announcement.

"Students, the buses are waiting outside the north's entrance. You all have an hour to pack and get to a bus!"

"Goody." Emery commented. While his voice seemed enthusiastic, he was irked at what he was meant to do with this carcass. Hunter told him not to bring it inside, but it's not like he could pop it on the bus with him. Right.

"Don't forget Bitch Buck." Was all Emery said to the girl as he turned away from Hunter to go to his room. He decided to not listen, leaving the carcass in the wardrobe of the room. Cute.

Emery hadn't really unpacked to begin with, so it was a pretty fast detour. He was soon near the doors and waiting around like everyone else. Hungry again, but at least not covered in blood.

- - -
Gigi- Firelie Firelie (Lillian)
The one upstairs. It clicked.

"Oh, Mister God." She said with a nod. "He's alright, got a nice figure for someone nailed to a cross." She chewed, clearly now thinking about the ABS OF CHRIST despite the blasphemous moral dilemma of that.

"Oh! You meant Throdog Ehye!" Gigi just blurted it out, wide in the open without a second thought. "I'm sure he'd have a great figure, too. Not nailed to a cross, is he? Some people like that." Her dumb little brain had completely forgotten about the whole 'shut up keep it secret' thing. "I wouldn't like it, I don't have abs to put on for show." She set her fork down, flexing her arm to check on her muscles. Not much. "No gun show here, I'm afraid. Just big lungs."

"My birthday? January 24th! I'm an Aquarius."
Gigi liked astrology. She was big into horoscope things. Gigi opened her mouth to ask for hers, then Lillian reminded her about the amnesia. Gigi giggled sheepishly, then listened as Leo's voice as it came onto the intercom.

"Students, the buses are waiting outside the north's entrance. You all have an hour to pack and get to a bus!"

"Heavens, we should hurry. Lots to pack!" Gigi stood, grabbing her fluffy tote and slinging it over her shoulder. "Come, come." She rushed, hooking an arm through Lillian's to drag her off quickly. "Got to decide what shoes to bring, so many choices!"
Interactions: Gao Gao {Emery and Grayson} Spencypoo Spencypoo {Asher} Zef The Owl Zef The Owl {Bula}
Fae Cove

She turned her head up to the speakers and it made her jump a bit. Where was it coming from? It said something about buses and only a hour to pack. Shit. She nodded to Asher slightly. "Yea save me a seat." She said and stood up. She quickly left the cafeteria and her red hair swayed as she jogged down the halls. She was careful to avoid everyone but she didnt see Artemis again after she left with Emery. Most likely hunting - which meant she had to pack for both of them.

She sighed as she popped open her room door. She didnt have much with her but she had a couple things. She quickly stored most of it but kept some in her bag. One being a nice dress her and Artemis saw in town once. She smiled and kept it in the bag along with another couple sets of clothes. She tugged at the collar of her shirt when it started rubbing against her neck.

Once she was fully packed she checked in the mirror to see if she still looked decent. She did and she smiled brighter. Now time to go pack Artemis things. She quickly left her dorm and shut the door behind her. She walked down the hall and saw the room she thought was Artemis. She entered it quickly and started to pack for her as well. Much to Faes approval, Artemis kept the dress Fae insisted she bought.

"Never know when something comes in handy." She mumbled as she tucked it away in Artemis bag and their bags looked alot like each others.

Pyrite Lightwood

After he and Bula were done sparring, he paused to listen to a announcement. Travelling on buses? But didnt they just get here yesterday? He sighed and wiped off his face. "I honestly have no fucking clue. Maybe its to another school or a trip." He said and rubbed his neck. It was slightly stiff from earlier.

"Sparring with you was nice. See you on the bus Bula!" He said with a wave goodbye. He needed to make sure he was packed for anything. He left the training room and headed to his own. He pulled out his bag and picked out clothes and other things he might need. His eyes caught on a suit at the bottom of his bag. When did that get there? He never placed it in there. He shrugged and decided to keep it in there.

Got to be prepared for everything though and maybe he needed a good looking suit. He grinned to himself as he swung his bag over his shoulder. He walked out of his room and down the halls. He reached the outside and hovered near the door before stepping outside. He was covered in sweat from his workout but the cool air cooled him down and he sighed. He leaned against a tree while studying the other students.

Amethyst Lightwood and Lapis Ashford

Amethyst smiled and shook her head slightly. "Well maybe but not perfect and that drives me insane. And I assure you, you will do good." She said quietly. She tilted her head when she heard a announcement. Something about buses and leaving. Shit thats right! They were going to a school! She looked at Lapis and bent down. She gripped his face in her hands, a small sign on his cheek and his eyes snapped open.



Amethyst said and glanced up at Grayson who had left. She didnt even say bye though she would see him on the bus.

"We need to go now and pack."

Lapis nodded and then they were hurrying down the hall and into Amethysts dorm. Lapis' bag was still in there from the previous night and he slung it over his shoulder. All he had was clothes in it anyway. Amethyst tore through her bag and took some things out that she wouldnt need. A spare blade and some food. She didnt even check the clothes in her bag before zipping it up and slinging it over her shoulder.

She grabbed Lapis' hand and they rushed out the door. They still had a good amount of time left and she knew they could get lost. She hurried down the halls and much to Lapis' protesting of her dragging him. She dropped his hands and contiuned down the hall before spotting a group of kids outside. She opened the door and stepped outside Lapis close behind her.

They moved out of the way of the door and looked around at all the students. Its so weird to see so many people she didnt know or ones that didnt know her. Lapis gripped her shoulder and she looked up at him.

"What do you think we are doing?"

"No clue. We have to be ready for everything though. Also no more putting me to sleep."

"I did what I had to do."

Artemis Hunt

"Im always curious." She shot back but only rolled her eyes at his other comment. She leaped through the trees one last time as they reached the edge of the wooded area. She leaped out of the tree into a roll and Loet tapped her side with his head. She reached out and petted his head and looked at Emery again.

"Behave and dont eat any students. See you on the bus." She laughed and darted off through the grass, Loet bounding behind her. She entered the school and headed straight to her dorm where she foudn Fae packing a bag.

"What are you doing?"

"Packing. We are leaving soon."

"They havent found us right?"

Something bubbled up inside Artemis. Nervousness. She didnt want to leave yet she kinda liked it here. Loet poked Fae and she giggled before turning back to Artemis.

"No we are going on buses though to another school."

Artemis nodded before taking the bag from Fae and swung it over her shoulder. She helped Fae up and they left her dorm and started down the halls. Words echoing around them as Artemis caught Fae up to date with Loet. Loet took a instant liking to Fae and Artemis was happy about that. They soon reached the outside and they stepped out. Some people were looking at Loet then at her to the red head.

Artemis growled slightly at a pair of nearby student who had been gawking to long but decided to drop it. No need for fights yet mainly if she could start trouble wherever they were going. She patted Loets back and smiled under her mask.
Interactions: Zef The Owl Zef The Owl (Thrun)
Dayana finally got finished packing but ended up with two suitcases full of clothes and products. She sighed and looked up towards the ceiling for a moment, "This is a great start to my day." She said to no one in particular, not like anyone was around to hear her anyway. She nodded to herself and stood up to walk out of her room, the bags rolling behind her when her phone then went off. She stopped by a wall and pushed the handles of her suitcases down as she opened her phone. It was a text....from Thrun. She could already feel an excuse coming on and rolled her eyes as she opened the conversation, staring down at the texts.

Hey, I'm sorry I missed Breakfast. I feel like a jerk.
[ChiefThrun]: But when I was heading back I swear on the spirits I saw my sister, here, in the halls. I think she snuck in???
[ChiefThrun]: I tried tailing her but, this place is so huge I ended up getting lost. I know that probably sounds crazy, again sorry.

Dayana wasn't feeling like being too generous about this after being stood up like that..Expecting someone who would never come. But never let a message go unanswered.

[Dayana]: Mmhm..It's fine I guess
[Dayana]: Hope you find out what's going on with her... I'll talk to you later

She turned her phone off then put it in her bag after making sure it was on silent, that way she wouldn't have to look at it again even if he did respond. She pulled the handles to her bags back up then walked down the steps and out the door. She then got into the first bus she saw and sat in the back, not feeling like sitting with anyone else at the moment.
Amber & Asher
Amber was wide-eyed, staring at Asher as he only smiled smugly at her. When he got up to leave she hurried to her feet and followed right on his heels until he came to a stop. "Wanna explain how and Why your here? You didn't get an invitation did you!" She narrowed her eyes with building suspicion. "Calm down bubba." He looked down at her with clear amusement and ruffled her hair so it was tossed around on her head in a messy way. "DONT CALL ME THAT AND DONT TOUCH MY HAIR!" She went through her hair with her fingers as she attempted to fix it back to how it was. "First of all, I snuck out, and second I did get an invite. I was supposed to be here last year but things happened." He nonchalantly shrugged as he then looked out the window. "Ugh!" She clenched her fists and walked out the building once she saw Dayana leave. She walked to the last (Third) bus and sat in the first she saw in the front, mumbling random things out of irritation.

Asher only chuckled as he watched her walk off and waved at Dominique as he got into the same bus as Dayana. He stared around at the inside of the bus before picking a seat in the middle that was towards the front. He sat on the edge as he waited for others...Or more specifically Fae to come aboard as well.
Thrun Mukurn

Mentions: Spencypoo Spencypoo (Dayana)

The text he got back was not reassuring. He sighed and closed his eyes, "Way to ruin a good thing in less than twenty-four hours Thrun." He muttered, looking to the side and sighing. "...But blood comes first." He said, flatly in a tone that wasn't one bit convincing, honestly right now he kind of wished he could just shove Bula in front of the principle himself. How did she always find a way to ruin everything for him? It was like her magical power. That being said, he wasn't feeling thrilled with himself or this trip, he started back towards his room to get his things, his hands shoved in his pockets. It was killing him, he had nothing he could do but stew on it and try to busy himself with packing for whatever this trip was.

It was so weird too, they hadn't even had real classes yet, they'd just gotten here. It wasn't on the top of his things he could think of, the top was how he'd let Dayana down, and what the hell Bula was doing sneaking in here? It was the downside to being paired with the spirit of Boar she could be unbelievably stubborn sometimes, maybe she just had something to prove? It took him some time to even find his dorm, by that point Pyrite had already likely packed. Thrun was isolated, and it sucked.

No, he didn't text Dayana again, he rightfully assumed she wanted nothing to do with him. After all he did just give her an excuse, even if he had been honest as Thrun usually was. It was still an excuse. Due to showing up so late, he'd end up taking whatever the last bus was, thankfully for both of them not the same one as Dayana.

Bula Mukurn

Interactions: Cello. Cello. (Pyrite)

Bula grinned and waved, none the wiser to the absolute misery she just made for her brother. "Yup! Later Pyrite! See ya there! Oh! And I might not look like myself! Just a heads up!" Afterall he already knew she was putting on a disguise with a glamour ring to fool her brother. So after a lengthy packing up, getting a nice dress, along with a bunch of other nessecities into a suitcase she left out the door. She'd catch Pyrite out by the tree, but, Bula didn't look like herself. Instead looking fairly human, hair changed to blue and shorter in color with some green eyes. "Psst! Hey! It's Bula!" She grinned, "Pretty neat huh? Glamour rings are crazy stuff."
Grita & Ava
Cafeteria==> Dorms==> Last Bus
Interaction/Mention: Spencypoo Spencypoo (Headmaster) Cello. Cello. (Amethyst)
After Amethyst had left, Grita and Ava's conversation once more returned to the Field Trip. As their meals were consumed, Grita would offer various scenarios which would explain why the circumstances surrounding this trip were so odd. Each time, Ava would shoot them down with precise counters and stipulations that only wound up leading them both to think harder about the specific scenario that the Headmaster was leading them towards. After several rounds of this, the meals were consumed and the girls disposed of their now empty trays as they made to exit the lunchroom.

"Good luck with the Student Council," Grita noted as she placed her hands on the door "hopefully you can figure out what's goin' on."

Ava sighed, "Yeah... hopefully-"

And then the announcement happened, prompting both of them to look up. The buses were here, they'd be leaving for the trip only a single hour. That was all the time they had to pack up and board one of the buses. As she listened Ava's look of suspicion evolved into one of abject irritation. What had happened to the Student Council meeting? From his tone of voice it almost sounded like the Headmaster was trying to hurry them along. From that and the rushed vibes this whole field trip had about it, Ava couldn't help but wonder if this whole thing was some form of damage control. For what? Well Ava didn't have long to wonder, as Grita grabbed her hand the moment the announcement finished and dragged her back to their dorms to start packing.

Ava didn't have much, her blade, the clothes on her back and a few other choice possession. It was Grita who had plenty of stuff she'd need to struggle with before they wound up late. Between her hairdressing tools, assortment of consoles and the numerous games that she had, it was almost a no-brainer who finished packing first.

"Just stack them on top of each other." Ava suggested

"I gotta keep an eye out for my Carry Limit, though." Grita said whilst hauling a desktop out of the closet and carefully laying it down in a large suitcase. Beside it were three other suitcases, two of which had a hastily assembled pile of video games inside.

"Your carry what?" Ava tilted her head.

"No time to explain, just... hey, could you help get those conditioners inside?" Grita asked before turning back to her bags and taking a calming breath.

Okay, so her inventory was looking pretty packed right now. There was absolutely no way she was staying under the Weight Limit unless she utilized the travel bags that she'd used not too long ago to set up her things. Travel Bags tended to negate weight effects, but she'd struggled to get everything in there in the first place. Now she had to do it while on a time limit? It was okay, just keep track of the space per container and assemble things appropriately. By the time they were finished getting everything into her bags, they'd essentially spent half an hour wrestling with Grita's copious possessions. When Ava finally pulled the zipper closed on the last bag, Ava didn't even have time to thank her for her help before Ava loaded her up with her half of the bags, hefted her half over her shoulders and began leading the way to the buses.

Grita figured that that determination was probably why Ava was Student Council material.

But eventually the duo had made it, stepping out of the school's front entrance to find a large number of their classmates assembling outside. Some were even starting to get on bosses, it didn't look as if there was any particular order. To Grita it looked as though it was just a free for all, but for Ava it was further support for one of the theories swirling about in her head.

Grita's eyes went between each bus "Hey... which one should we-?"

"That one." Ava nodded towards the last bus and soon led their approach. Once they took care of Grita's bags, the two shared a seat closer to the center of the bus, with Ava examining the Bus as Grita took the time to sort through what dialogue options she had.
Interactions: Zef The Owl Zef The Owl {Bula} Spencypoo Spencypoo {Asher}
Fae Cove and Artemis Hunt

As they were standing outside they looked at the buses. ae saw Asher get on one of the buses and she elbowed Artemis lightly, pointing to the bus.

"Im going on that one if you wanna come."

"I guess."

Artemis looked at Fae and sighed as they walked to the bus quickly. Loet trailed behind Artemis and she wasnt sure he was going to fit on the bus. Fae leaped up the steps and looked at the two people on there. Asher and another girl. She waved polietly to the girl before sitting in the seat next to Asher. She smiled brightly. "Hello again." She said and Artemis rolled her eyes.

She squeezed past Fae whos knees were in the aisle though she wasnt fortunate enough as Loet whacked her knees. Fae let out a string of cuss words and clutched her knee. Artemis looked at her with a apologetic face before sitting down in a back seat. Loet stood in the middle of the aisle unclear of what he was supposed to do.

"Damnit Bitch Buck." Artemis grumbled as she tried to pull Loet into the seat with her but failed. She sighed and rubbed her hand on her face.

Amethyst Lightwood and Lapis Ashford

They looked at the buses for awhile not really sure on which one they wanted to get on. Amethyst took a deep breath and walked to the second one, the middle one. She hasnt really seen anyone get on it yet and she hoped it remained semi empty. She shifted the bag on her shoulders as she climbed onto it. She has never been on a bus before and excitement coursed through her veins.

Lapis laughed and looked at her before climbing on after her. He had to duck his head from hitting the top of the bus.

"This shall be interesting."

"Your right. It shall! I also found a super cool book earlier in the library!"

"Yea what was it? I bet some music book."

"Dont act like you dont like playing music but yes it was a music book. But not just any old music book. One with Devein in it!"

Lapis eyes went wide and his mouth dropped slightly. Amethyst smirked and laughed.

"No fucking way! We hardly see his pieces at home and you saw one here?"

"Yea I know right!"

Amethyst and Lapis contiuned to chat as they chose a seat in the back. Lapis wings were tucked away now so he wouldnt hit anyone. They both looked like normal humans and easy ones to avoid. Amethyst yawned slightly and laid her head against the window.

"I wonder whats going on in Angelia right now."

She had a soft tone to her voice. No matter how much she felt unsafe there it has been her home for so long and she never wanted to leave it. Lapis laid a arm around her shoulder and nodded to what she was saying.

Pyrite Lightwood

He jumped slightly and turned to see a girl with blue hair and green eyes. A confused look crossed his face. Why was a stranger talking to him. Thats when the female said it was Bula. His mouth dropped a slight bit and he shook his head. "How did you do that? Thats so cool!" He said and laughed. He watched Amethyst climb onto a bus with another male. Who was that?

Then his eyes caught the males and his eyes went wide. That was Lapis. One of his best friends before Pyrite had to go. He quickly snapped out of it and turned back to Bula. "We need to get on the bus now." He said and nodded to a bus. It wasnt the one his siter got on but the one in front of it. He slowly walked towards the bus and ducked his head to step on. When he looked inside he saw the siren and a deer..?

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He took a seat near the back but far enough away from the girl and the deer. "I wonder what we are doing." He mumbled.
Interactions: Zef The Owl Zef The Owl (Thrun)
Anne groaned as she stood up and trudged out of the cafe and into the hall. She watched as people ran around getting ready but she could care less about packing right now. She just wanted to get in a seat on the bus so that she could hopefully fall asleep while they were going to the other school. He then watched Dayanaput her phone away and to be honest she looked pretty upset about something. As she bent down, there she liked it or not she could see the screen of the girl's phone seconds before it went black and disappeared in a suitcase.

Her eye twitched as she felt irritated by her own need to help her out...Or just get as much tea as she could. Either way, Dayana had proven to be a good person and almost considered her a friend so if she could do something it would only be right to do it then. She caught a glance of Thrun who didn't look like he was doing too well himself either. She forced her body to be more awake and she followed him onto the bus and sat in the seat across from him, though she was quiet for a moment as she thought of a good way to approach the situation. She decided it would be better to introduce herself,
"Hey, I'm Anne, you?"
Grayson was not head over heels at the concept of sitting on a bus. He supposed he should be thankful it was not another carriage ride from hell, but he still wasn't happy about it. The first bus was his decision, as it was closest. His ankle hurt. He was not going to walk the length just to get into a different one. They all looked the same and did the same thing. Roll to a destination. For his sake he just hoped the people in it weren't angry morons. He'd had his share for a lifetime in the past 24 hours.

The steps onto the bus applied weight onto the sprained ankle which didn't feel great, but he gritted his teeth and ignored it, keeping his movement smooth and straightforward.

Thankfully, he got himself a seat alone and against the window. He wasn't one for sleeping in public, but after propping an elbow against the glass and leaning his head on his hand, he did notice he was really tired. Too early for any of this. Didn't help he was totally unprepared and had no idea what was happening. As to why they were going to this school, Grayson still had no clue. Made him grumpy. Grumpier than usual. He woke up ready for classes, and now he was off on a field trip for god knows what reason.

Not even noticing he was doing it, his eyes closed and he appeared to be asleep, leaned against the window peacefully. MINDING HIS OWN BUSINESS

- - -
Emery- Cello. Cello. (Amethyst + Lapis)

He didn't care. He just hopped onto whatever bus. The second one. The one with pigeon, lucky him. He did spare a glance to check if Hunter was around, yet assumed she was on a different one. Fortunately for everyone, he decided against bringing slices of meat with him inside his bag. Only because he ran out of time, not because he didn't want to. Because Emery really wanted to. Like really wanted to.

"Pigeon." He greeted Amethyst slyly as he moved down the aisle, "I missed you, thought about you all morning." Snarky tone as usual. "But my my, who's this?" Emery slid into a seat behind the two, somewhat passive aggressive. Emery was still stood, leaning over the seats to speak down to the pair. "Your boyfriend? Where's milky? Sick of him already?" Milky was the name Emery had decided for Grayson. Being pale as hell, and all.

"Moving up on the food chain, I see. Let me know when you're getting rid of this one."

- - -


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