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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC


What do you suppose is the effect of steam on fire and vice versa? Im expecting fire to have no effect, and since steam is basically water vapour, it would counter the flames.

What do you suppose is the effect of steam on fire and vice versa? Im expecting fire to have no effect, and since steam is basically water vapour, it would counter the flames.

I wouldn't say "no effect". There's a lot of variables. If it's just steam like a boiling bot, obviously the fire wouldn't give a shit. But if we're talking about super hot, high-pressure steam, then it'd probably beat the fire simply because of the force it comes out with. It's like blowing the fire out. Hot enough steam is basically fire in it's own right with how it can burn things and light things on fire.

So, my personal opinion on it is if we had two equally powerful jets of fire/steam then they'd both collide with one another. However I do think the fire would win out in the end because it'd just add heat to the already hot steam and eventually just evaporate it completely. Or maybe they'd combine together to create some super-hot thing? I dunno. We need a scientist in here to properly answer this question.
I wouldn't say "no effect". There's a lot of variables. If it's just steam like a boiling bot, obviously the fire wouldn't give a shit. But if we're talking about super hot, high-pressure steam, then it'd probably beat the fire simply because of the force it comes out with. It's like blowing the fire out. Hot enough steam is basically fire in it's own right with how it can burn things and light things on fire.

So, my personal opinion on it is if we had two equally powerful jets of fire/steam then they'd both collide with one another. However I do think the fire would win out in the end because it'd just add heat to the already hot steam and eventually just evaporate it completely. Or maybe they'd combine together to create some super-hot thing? I dunno. We need a scientist in here to properly answer this question.

What do you suppose is the effect of steam on fire and vice versa? Im expecting fire to have no effect, and since steam is basically water vapour, it would counter the flames.
ummmm i dont know much about the science around it lolol but in this video the guy says that really hot steam blows out fire cus there’s no oxygen or something like that?? :/
ummmm i dont know much about the science around it lolol but in this video the guy says that really hot steam blows out fire cus there’s no oxygen or something like that?? :/

Yeah, that's what I was referring too. On a larger scale, with the steam coming out far faster and more forceful, I'd imagine it'd work more like an air blower or something. You're snuffing out the fire by blowing away it's oxygen, same principals as mentioned in the video.

The thing is if the jet of steam isn't powerful enough to overwhelm the fire like that, then I think the fire would win out.

Regardless we'd have a very hot and.... steamy ( :O ) fight. And probably more than a few collateral fires that would need putting out.
8A594352-186F-4762-8C0F-A4A6F1CCDB4F.jpeg And here is Teacher, Emoto Keijō! I’m really happy with how he turned out especially with the body and colors! I decided to use two highlighters I had lying around and I honestly think they work :D
Reminds me of Koro-sensei from assassination classroom
Oh, I’ve heard of that anime! Is that the one with the giant smiling face tentacle guy?

I wanted Emoto to have a quirk involving phones but couldn’t think of any so I decided for him to just have the face just because xD

The quirk I came up with is much better though :3
I’m sorry but I have to ask. Do you guys feel like I guide the conversation to myself? Like we start one way then go back to something I was talking about. I feel like I do that and I never want to make others feel like I’m forcing them into a conversation they don’t want :)
I’m sorry but I have to ask. Do you guys feel like I guide the conversation to myself? Like we start one way then go back to something I was talking about. I feel like I do that and I never want to make others feel like I’m forcing them into a conversation they don’t want :)

Conversation naturally flows between those involved and favors the one investing most into it. If people wanted it to focus on themselves they'd step forward and inject their side into the conversation when relevant. Or be the ones to start the conversation.
Female students are all in the female dorm still, correct? Nobody’s moved out yet?

I keep procrastinating with my posts... I had a post started but that was ages ago so the draft disappeared (my fault) and everytime I was gonna post I was either exhausted or busy.

Seriously sorry for my blatant laziness and lack of contribution to the rp ;-;
Haha guess who has two thumbs and the writer's block and now has to resort to actual physical writing to get over it?

It's me. I have writer's block. I also have two thumbs.
Female students are all in the female dorm still, correct? Nobody’s moved out yet?

I keep procrastinating with my posts... I had a post started but that was ages ago so the draft disappeared (my fault) and everytime I was gonna post I was either exhausted or busy.

Seriously sorry for my blatant laziness and lack of contribution to the rp ;-;
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Nobody get mad at scionchan! ;^;
Wait a second.

I just realised something.

Does this mean that subdued 'mythical' powers like lowering the temperature around them (yukionna), being able to seperate their head from their bodies (dullahan), and being able to exude pheromones strong enough to turn other people on (succubus) is possible in BNHAverse?

if anyone knows which anime im referring to with these 'powers', mad respect
Wait a second.

I just realised something.

Does this mean that subdued 'mythical' powers like lowering the temperature around them (yukionna), being able to seperate their head from their bodies (dullahan), and being able to exude pheromones strong enough to turn other people on (succubus) is possible in BNHAverse?

if anyone knows which anime im referring to with these 'powers', mad respect
Monster Musume is about early quirks confirmed?

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