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Fandom BNHA- Children of the Fallen OOC

fin fin For later reference (That doesn't really matter tbh) Edzan's Hero name is Delta Break and his quirk is named Delta Force.
Amyleii Amyleii Yeah went through the plan, baiting them with the openings/making them thing they were more hurt than they were....before getting a good firm grip and finally getting some damage in.....funny enough it is like what a cat does sometimes, wrapping paws around the arm with claws, kicking with the claws on back feet and biting at same time. The final item she has to pull out i might as well say so easier to react to.

Honey Badgers have a suffocating musk spray like a Skunk, which given the position is directed towards their face/body. Likely enough to be "Ok....playing around was a bad idea, GET IT OFF GET IT OFF! AH BY NOSE! MY EYES! I CAN TASTE IT!....IT GOT IN MY MOUTH!".

Shes eventually going to be dislodged but its going to be like trying to pry a animal off you which can be very hard.
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Uhhh FireMaiden FireMaiden I have a few issues with your post... first of all he's highly trained. He would have dodged. Second his stance has been trained to mastery. Third For 30 seconds you have 100 swords flying around you...
Uhhh FireMaiden FireMaiden I have a few issues with your post... first of all, he's highly trained. He would have dodged. Second, his stance has been trained to mastery. Third For 30 seconds, you have 100 swords flying around you...
She's also a teacher, and is supposed to be stronger than the students, has gone through the trials of sakura high plus hero work for years. I was also not exactly given an answer as to if I could do the whole slightly overpowered thing, so I'm just going with what I'm assuming a like means
She's also a teacher, and is supposed to be stronger than the students, has gone through the trials of sakura high plus hero work for years. I was also not exactly given an answer as to if I could do the whole slightly overpowered thing, so I'm just going with what I'm assuming a like means
No I understand the whole overpowered thing and you could find a way out of the array easily being a teacher. But I mean the comments on his stance... and not dodging at all are my main concerns
No I understand the whole overpowered thing and you could find a way out of the array easily being a teacher. But I mean the comments on his stance... and not dodging at all are my main concerns
She's doing that on purpose. Deliberately trying to piss him off or get some kind of reaction. She does have the other task of grading them, she wants to push buttons.
Ohhh I see.
One thing is like you to consider in your next post, is the temperature. Even if he's almost immune to pain or whatever, it's very, very, very hot right now. Metal is being warped, so, that means he shouldn't be able to stay in that room much longer without negative side effects.
One thing is like you to consider in your next post, is the temperature. Even if he's almost immune to pain or whatever, it's very, very, very hot right now. Metal is being warped, so, that means he shouldn't be able to stay in that room much longer without negative side effects.
Right will consider
Lmao, I got all these notifications from you two at once so I thought you were both just hyper speed typing

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