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Fandom BNHA- Children of the Fallen OOC

Let him get burned, punched, kicked, wrapped in vines, etc. for trying to be every girls hero?
This reminds me... I'm kinda sad nobody noticed Gabriel splattered on the front of a bus on their way to school
So I'm gonna go re-read everyones characters and intro posts and then hopefully do mine.
I've been wondering but is the entrance exam going to happen after all the students reach the school and how does the exam actually work?
If you do another school, we could put part of MJs old crew be part of his class
That could be interesting. Especially since he'd tell stories about "that time I failed to stop a villain" and play it up as he was hurt trying to protect his friends from a monster. Because what makes Speedstar dangerous is that he wholeheartedly believed he was doing the right thing. He legitimately believes Dante is secretly a villain.

So it's not like he's trying to manipulate people or anything like that. He comes off as truly sincere. Someone who wants to overcome a failure and be a hero.
That could be interesting. Especially since he'd tell stories about "that time I failed to stop a villain" and play it up as he was hurt trying to protect his friends from a monster. Because what makes Speedstar dangerous is that he wholeheartedly believed he was doing the right thing. He legitimately believes Dante is secretly a villain.

So it's not like he's trying to manipulate people or anything like that. He comes off as truly sincere. Someone who wants to overcome a failure and be a hero.
Fair, meanwhile the girls will take it at arm's length not because of meta knowledge but because they learned from MJ to never judge a book by its cover. Giving that MJ looks, sounds and sometimes acts like a total bitch but in actuality cares a lot for people she considers friends or family. They just learnt to always question stories without hearing both sides of it
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Fair, meanwhile the girls will take it at arm's length not because of meta knowledge but because they learned from MJ to never judge a book by its cover. Giving that MJ looks, sounds and sometimes acts like a total bitch but in actuality cares a lot for people she considers friends or family
It may depend on how often they compare notes with MJ.

"It was... yeah.. it was bad... we were just playing a game and suddenly this kid.. he gets this look in his eyes and next thing I know, Luke is bleeding and he was going after Jacob. I tried to keep him distracted so everyone could get away, but... he was truly a Monster... no matter how many times I knocked him away, he kept trying to finish off the injured. As for me... well.. I ran in to pull him off one of the guys, but he must have known I was coming. As fast as I ran, I couldn't stop in time and both my legs got broke... I'm ashamed to admit I passed out from the pain.. thankfully, my friends managed to drive him off before he could finish me..." His body shook a little as a look of pain flashed on his face.

"I had to spend a lot of time rehabilitating my legs. That monster got off with no punishment just because his mom is loaded. I have no clue what happened to him after that... I like to think he's in jail where he belongs... I never want to go through that again.. I never want to fail to protect my friends again..."
"...wow, that's such a sad story, if that's fully true at least we would like to meet this guy, see if we can get him to talk about his side of the story. Anyway us three decided to become heroes because our junior high leader, we were in a sort of gang back then. Anyway our leader was really an amazing woman. Sure she was a total b but she actually really cared for both us and her siblings. She put bullies in their place and it inspired us to start training to become heroes"
"She sounds like an awesome person. I wouldn't recommend talking to this guy, though.. His quirk.. it basically makes him a vampire. White hair, red eyes.. and he can make weapons out of blood.. besides, I doubt he'd tell the truth, anyway..." He shook his head. Slowly, carefully, he rolled up his pantlegs, showing the deep, visible scars left over from his injuries. There was no faking something like that...
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What I'm gathering from Speedstar so far lmao
This is insanely accurate and I love it lmfao

In SpeedStar's case, he got pulled into the groupthink. The other students all fed into this grandiose idea of taking down the villain. And, of course, SpeedStar is gonna be a Hero, so surely he did the right thing trying to stop that Monster!

His resulting injuries he justified as the cost of being a Hero, and it only further solidified Dante as a villain in his mind. He's got himself convinced that he and the other students did nothing wrong, and that Dante had attacked them first.
Oh what fun and that kind of thinking is why MJ chose just to have her friends inform of the bullying otherwise I have a feeling that's exactly what would happen
Oh what fun and that kind of thinking is why MJ chose just to have her friends inform of the bullying otherwise I have a feeling that's exactly what would happen
He's an interesting one to write for. He honest and truly believes he did nothing wrong. He's prone to manipulation so long as it aligns with what he wants to believe.

A comparison that comes to mind is Custer from The Lone Ranger. Completely has himself convinced he's in the right.

The strange thing is, if we ignore his complex involving Dante, he'd actually make a decent Hero.

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