Chitchat Biggest Pet peeve while RPing?


dat boi
i think we've all got some. or at least one.

What's yours?

and don't be afraid to say what bothers you. everyone is entitled to their own opinions and preferences, ya know?
- People who create asshole characters so they can act like a dick to the rest of the party while they hide behind the excuse of "being in character".

- Characters whose sole purpose is to get into other characters' pants.

- People who write no more than one line per post.

- Bad grammar/spelling

- People who write overly tragic, melodramatic sob stories for their character's backstory so that they can get sympathy from others. Bonus points if said character is a totally well-adjusted person.

- People who post their OOC banter in the IC thread. Just why?
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People who post short posts. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm alright if there's not really much going on in the RP. And it's fine to post just a couple of sentences. But when you literally post 1 freaking word, how am I supposed to respond?? >.<

I'm not joking, either. This happened to me. And on a regular basis, as well.
Slice of life makes me cringe.

Characters without interesting quirks bore me

If there isn't action in the rp, I'm fucking bouncing.

If your writing doesn't match mine in detail I'm gone.

If you don't contribute to the plot I get bored with it very quickly.

If your character had an easy life chances of me being interested in them go down dramatically

If your character power hits and doesn't get injured in a battle I'll drop the rp

If your character "Has no fear" I'm totally out of there.

If your character is Hollywood insane I'm out... This means "ALL CAPS WHEN THEY'RE SCREAMING" because if you've ever had mental illness you'd know that a mental unraveling doesn't usually lead to ALL CAPS SCREAMING YOUR HEAD OFF.

If the romance isn't slow, I leave. I can't stand love at first sight.


I don't normally do Fandom rps, but I swear to god if you play a Tsundere as a Dandere I'ma slap the shit out of you. If you play a hardheaded troublemaker as a kind and caring sweet kid who is kind of a pushover I will melt your face off.

Rps who's logistics were hardly thought all the way through and now there's literally no plot for you to use. Like that one plot that sounds really really great and when you think about it you realize that it's about to go nowhere because you dove in without knowing what the FUCK is going to go down later. Like... a Darksoul's RP without a clear plot... it would literally be you and the other person running around killing shit in a world who's lore is too complicated even for the developers to follow.


Like for real, if you have an elaborate plot then please for the love of god make sure your players can actually WRITE


Like, man, yeah it's cool that this is all your own made up world and stuff-- but for real do you need like 10 different classes of species for an rp that probably won't even take off?

I CAN'T STAND DAMSELS IN DISTRESS. Forreal though, I'm not saving your character if they can't fight for themselves. If someone has a terrified human I totally understand that but even a terrified human will fight back it's in our blood!?

Female characters trying way too hard to be badass.

You don't have to make them super cocky and assume they're all high and mighty and powerful. If you were really powerful why run your mouth? You don't want your enemy to know what you have up their sleeve, let them assume you're helpless. I don't think you understand how many times I've seen powerful female characters go to waste or get on my nerves simply because their attitude is absolute shit. It's one thing to be powerful... it's another thing to be a self-absorbed mess with no real interesting attributes... and no your abilities aren't interesting attributes to your character.

The "One size fits all" Character that someone would use for EverySingleRpInTheHistoryOfRPs.

I get that you like your characters... that they're a piece of you... BUT COME UP WITH SOME VARIETY.

Characters with boring names like Jack, Tom, Alice... ect. There are babyname sites and a google search engine for a reason.
When people stop posting after about a week despite the RP really kicking off. No matter how hard I try it's like the fu**ers don't wanna have fun.

Also that one guy who says "Super interested in this!" and then makes an incredibly lame attempt at a character.
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-People who try to play your characters.

-When people have OP characters.

-When people use text talk in an rp.

-When they don't reply to a really good rp. T~T
People who can't create a variety of characters is a big one. It's not fun to be apart of several RPs set in vastly different worlds, and always run into the same character time-and-time again, maybe with a different name or age.
anti mary-sues: when people try too hard not to make their character a special snowflake and go full-circle with an annoyingly bland result.

don't get me wrong, mary-sues should be put to bed in a meat grinder, but some people take 'not being the centre of attention' too far and end up making an extremely boring character with no attempt at a unique quirk or interesting personality or story.

typical things to find in every anti-sue character sheet:

"had an average upbringing with his/her family"

"name: alex smith"

"got okay grades at school"

"likes to wear hoodie and jeans"

"office job"
I suppose my biggest peeve is when people force romance on me. I am totally down for one-sided attraction and crushes or harmless flirting, but the moment someone wants my character to fall head over heels for theirs like they're the greatest thing since sliced bread, I run for the hills.
Captifate said:
the moment someone wants my character to fall head over heels for theirs like they're the greatest thing since sliced bread, I run for the hills.
LOL my god yeah this is totally a thing that happens mhm and it's really fuckin' bleeeegh.

this problem is at its biggest when you aren't feeling particularly assertive so your partner just drags your character around like a ragdoll to engage in some intimate acts, all the while you're just sitting behind your screen feeling somewhat violated and horrified. it's like if you just got a pet hamster and gave it to someone, they go, 'oh this thing is pretty neat' and start making out with it before you can tell them not to.
When topic creators try and mandate what types of characters are currently allowed into their roleplay just so they can pair them off into couples for romance. People are so much more than than physical parts and sexual preference, and frankly there are plenty of more interesting types of relationships to explore in my humble opinion.
^ that is so true, man, i can't even fathom what it must be like not to understand it.

i get why it happens in some rps. like, the characters were all specially-bred test subjects so they're all the same age - that makes sense. but when it's your everyday freeroamer and the gm still says 'you gotta be under 25' it's just like... dude...why...
- "arbitrary" characters

- when the GM clearly didn´t bother to read or think about what they´re approving

- when players act out of character for convenience

- POINTLESS tragic backstories

-oversimplistic characters (pro and antagonists alike)

- "good demons"... like, seriously?

-people who think martial arts gives you matrix powers

- character "hunches" that inexplainably occur and hint them to the exact thing they couldn´t know

- people who control other's characters or alter the plot without asking first

- people who don't respect your limits

- people who take a disagreement and turn it into a personal attack on them ( oh you said you didn't like this one thing in my post that means you hate me and wish me to die )

- people who just blindly agree with everything you say without any other contribution to the plot or story.
- People who make the plot inconsistent for the sake of their character getting what they want

- People who blatantly go against something you said in your reply (ex: "He took the dog outside and put it on its leash" and they would reply with "She stopped him from taking the dog outside and closed the door" smh)

- People who describe their character's clothing in e v e r y s c e n e in graphic detail

- People who compare the eye color of their character to any kind of gemstone
- People who will reply with a sentence after you give them a paragraph.

- People who attempt to control your character's actions.
ParanoidBendroid said:
People who can't create a variety of characters is a big one. It's not fun to be apart of several RPs set in vastly different worlds, and always run into the same character time-and-time again, maybe with a different name or age.
Then you HATE one of my chars.
- RPs that end up completely off topic from what their overview said and what happens in the intro post

- When people rp so fast it leaves you in the dust

- The attention seekers who make tragic stories (excluding if that's really all the roleplay is about), always get hurt and act way to weak, and that one guy who relies on everyone because they can't do a thing

- When people create characters which are obviously not made for that type of rp

- When the people you are roleplaying with are complete assholes

- The moment when someone decides to interact with you only to just decide to make up your backstory as they try to be your "forgotten childhood friend" or "childhood lover" kinda thing

- When people use that same Roleplay characters and never change them up

- Short, short, SHORT responses when the rp type isn't that type of roleplay

-Those Mary-sues of the roleplayer who trys to get everyone's attention and trying to be everyone's love interest

- The character made by someone who hasn't read anything in the overview or rules

- People who override the scene and claim they are the only one who can stop this (madness)

- When a scene includes your character but the others don't bother to tag you

- The moment when you interact with a character but they ignore you and move on

- The "I know we met only about a day ago (3 hours) but I think, I think I love you! <3" NO.

I could go on, more so because this site is full these people, but I'm not gonna...

Also, - People that argue over pointless things....

(That's a good one I personally think :D )

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