Badly Describe a Game Here

I heard you like Lost in Thoughts All Alone. Ready to listen to it 24/7 as you duke it out with your family?
-Fire Emblem Fates
Spend half the game killing a bunch of pirates to save your friends, spend the other half getting high, killing animals, playing poker, hang gliding, and learning about the definition of insanity over and over again. Also bang a hot native chick if you're a heartless bastard.

- Far Cry 3
Basically Batman v Superman 500 years in the future. --HALO 5: Guardians--
What? Main quest? Storyline? Eldritch Abominations? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. I'm too busy playing Extreme Water Polo.

-Final Fantasy X
The lady with the boobs and the hair and the knives who does stuff.

- Blood Rayne
In a world filled with morally gray edgy video game protagonists, you get to play the most evil protagonist of all: A Lwayer.

-Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

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