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At the Adventurers' Table

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So, does this conclude the Roundabout? I don't mean the chapter, just the discussion. The Felanes were last, no? Do we all need to follow Bria's example and state our contentedness? *woof*
Well, if no one else has any questions for the Felane, then yes! I think it's best that folks post one way or another (that way, I don't end up moving along with the game while one of us is still waving a hand, "Hey, wait! I had something to ask!"). =)
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I have no complaints with moving on. I am looking forward to leveling up when we get the chance.
Ok 3 times one at a time going with Roll 1


And there we go. Stopping at first roll as instructed.
Just to let you know, the movie project is done. At least in Croatia. Unit Two is still doing some shots for another week or two while Unit One (to which I was assigned) has gone to Malta to shoot there. There was a great wrap party for my unit just a few days ago in a small coastal town called Opatija (pron. opatiya), in the oldest hotel on the Adriatic Sea - Hotel Kvarner. The whole town used to be the preferred holiday residence for Austro-Hungarian monarchs back in the day. Anyway there was plenty good food and all sorts of drinks and I don't remember the last time I had so much to drink without any significant side effects *woof*

Even got a nice t-shirt with the project's logo that I'm gonna wear next year when I go see it to the cinema. I just have to strut around in it and get some people to turn their heads. We got to watch some scenes from the movie at the party as well as an early trailer hastily put together just for the crew. All I'll say is.... wow. I want to share a few pictures here that are OK to share as they are not forbidden footage (anyone could have take these during non-shooting periods).

This also means I should hopefully be able to get back to my accursed routine and post more or less like before *woof*

Part of a military convoy: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jfnnfl45z6kqkhm/20150717_120153.jpg?dl=0

Closeup of the tank: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rb4fniudi0wixud/20150618_184043.jpg?dl=0

The actual lake, noon: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yyfpkxxci05eq86/20150710_190511.jpg?dl=0

And the lake round sunset: https://www.dropbox.com/s/npgw4doc86aoj4w/20150709_201734.jpg?dl=0

Petal and I spent three nights on that same lake at a cute little motel on the shore two years ago. One of our favorite places *howl*

I'd show you more, but even if it weren't for the confidentiality contract I'd never spoil a movie/game for someone. Now excuse me, I need to get re-adjusted to sleeping during night and working during the day lol
@killfire, that did the trick. Now Bronze can make future Armor/Shield rolls at +13. =) Consider Bronze busy crafting for 8 hours a day (that's a game thing) making the tools, weapons, and armor. If all goes well, I believe he will have all of Mamapaw's gear done in 5 game days, maybe sooner.

Earlier, I brought up a question about item preferences. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Bronze initially wanted to make this:

1. Large-sized Masterwork dagger

2. Large-sized Magical spear +1

3. Large-sized Full suit of fire-resistant Leather armor +2

4. Large-sized Normal Wooden Buckler

5. Large-sized Masterwork Staff

But if memory serves, Bronze wanted to talk with Mamapaw to get her feedback. Her list looks like this:

Mamapaw's preferences

1. Large-sized Masterwork dagger

2. Large-sized Magical scimitar +1

3. Large-sized full suit of fire-resistant leather armor +2

4. Large-sized Masterwork Large wooden shield

5. Large-sized Masterwork staff

Which is Bronze going for? The rolls are the same.

After you decide please provide two more successful rolls for items 4 and 5. Again, 7 or higher on the die is required for success. You have enough for 5 attempts. After this, a foray into the forest is recommended to find quality wood. As always, may the dice treat you well. =)

@Wolf Rawrrr Nice pictures and wow, what a beautiful lake! No wonder it's a favorite of yours and Petal's. Thanks for sharing! Happy readjusting. =)
@killfire O.K. The roll for her large-sized, large wooden shield is done! You have three more tries and you're out of quality wood. Roll again until you beat a 7 or higher or until you run out of tries?
Just to let you guys know, I'm posting from my tablet in the hospital for the next few days. Went in with chest pains and the docs discovered a blockage in my heart. I have a angiography set for tomorrow that will probably end up with me getting a stint. I fully expect a complete recovery soon and then I'll be free to go back home.
Sherwood, you take good care of yourself, man. Let me know if there is something I can do. My prayers are sent your way, ol' buddy.
Ack! Take care of yourself, friend Sherwood. Prayers headed your way and to your family as well. Hope you guys got most of the boxes unpacked first, or at least the important ones. ( ;) )
Kaerri said:
Ack! Take care of yourself, friend Sherwood. Prayers headed your way and to your family as well. Hope you guys got most of the boxes unpacked first, or at least the important ones. ( ;) )
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]I wish you a swift and safe recovery as well *howl*

Thanks guys. I'm doing my best to be confident, but I must confess I'm a little nervous. I'm set for an 8 am procedure, so I don't have to wait longt I go get prepared for surgery
Sherwood said:
Thanks guys. I'm doing my best to be confident, but I must confess I'm a little nervous. I'm set for an 8 am procedure, so I don't have to wait longt I go get prepared for surgery
I think you're in there already, but just in case you're not:

Well, I'm still waiting. My operation was bumped back to two in the afternoon, so I have a few more hours to wait.
Well, that sounds like someone else in the hospital is higher-risk than you - good news if seen that sort of way. =)
Good news. No obstruction in my heart. It was most likely just a side effect of my high blood pressure. That little problem will be fixed with a healthy dose of prescription medications.
"Don't you F-ing Die on me" That's from someone we knew in the past. I'm glad it was just BP. Take care of yerself.
I plan on following up with my primary care doctor ASAP to get my blood pressure numbers in check. This incident was a real scare for me, and I don't want to have my wife face the trauma of losing me to a heart attack when I'm only 43. Heck, just a couple of months ago, she lost her younger sister to a massive heart attack, and she was only in her 30's. That was a big reason I went to the hospital, and I am glad that I did, if only for the peace of mind to know why I was in pain, and now I have a plan of attack to fix it.
I am very glad you went too, man. I remember when you lost your sister-in-law. I hope you start an exercise plan if you haven't already. If you want any help in that department, let me know? Maybe we can all get a Conversation on the subject going. =)
On that topic, can anyone confirm if the old a-glass-of-wine-per-day actually does anything? Red, that is. Or black.

I was under the impression that it does. It is not just about getting one super effective treatment, but more about the total gain from a hundred small things that together make a huge difference. You need to be thinking like that *woof*
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