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At the Adventurers' Table

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I hear you, Sherwood. And I can relate. We had a situation in Sharseya many years ago concerning the Geas spell (or Geas/Quest in Pathfinder). I haven't gotten into this, but there are a handful of spells in the game that we have modified or thrown out of the game. Don't worry; they are nothing your party is currently packing. At some point in the future, I hope to create a thread that goes into this in detail.

But as for Geas/Quest, I don't want it in our game. I have never liked a spell or effect that basically says, "Do exactly as I say, no save, or suffer horribly and perhaps die." It's one thing to have a death effect hit a character. O.K. Boom, either you live or you die. But to have a spell that instantly kind of turns your character into someone's slave? How much fun is that to RP? "Sorry guys, but my character can't go on this fun and exciting adventure with you, because Wizard Dirtbag the Daring has Geased me into mopping his floors!"

For similar reasons, I'm not really heavy into creatures that use Charm spells. Sure, they're out there, but it's not much fun to see a loyal and true party member get Charmed, and not only stop fighting whatever charmed her, but also treat the charmer like some long-lost friend. Some players who have to suffer a Charmed character really feel badly for having failed the saving throw and wound up "failing the party." And that's the last thing I want for players in any game, especially mine.

On the other hand, we've changed up Dimension Door so that it still kind of works the way it did in 1st Edition. In this case, the caster makes a magical portal and the rest of the party boogies on through. The caster is the last one through. Oh, and yes, if you are unlucky enough to Dimension Door you and your party into a solid object, there still is a chance you might wind up on another completely random plane of existence! It's happened in Sharseya, and boy, did we have a good time with it. =)
@Captain Hesperus @Kaerri Please go ahead and post your actions when Real Life allows? With the gnolls having rolled last, it sure makes our first combat in this chapter easier. =)
Dannigan said:
On the other hand, we've changed up Dimension Door so that it still kind of works the way it did in 1st Edition. In this case, the caster makes a magical portal and the rest of the party boogies on through. The caster is the last one through. Oh, and yes, if you are unlucky enough to Dimension Door you and your party into a solid object, there still is a chance you might wind up on another completely random plane of existence! It's happened in Sharseya, and boy, did we have a good time with it. =)
No idea what you're talking about, nope, none at all...:wink:
All. Re: House Rule. Oh. And, since it's come up, I hope folks don't mind me bringing up yet another House Rule. This one saves a lot of confusion in the long run...

"If it is on your character sheet, your character has it."

It happens. Everyone is ready to game around the table, munchies and dice at the ready, music in the background, and a good time ahead for all. Then one of the players starts talking about the new item the party has decided to share and how much he or she enjoys having it. Then another player speaks up saying that they thought another character had it. So who in the heck has the thing?

Easy fix: Check your character sheets. =) When a "party item" goes from one PC's inventory to another, I tell them. "Mark it down. Erase it from the first player, and add it to the second. The item has not changed hands until this happens." Then everyone knows without a doubt, even a week or two later, where that possibly very important little item is.

Another thing this helps with is when your characters find themselves in a bind (let me guess - none of you think that would happen in our game! Naaaah! =) ), sometimes a PC will whip something out and use it, causing another player to say, "Hey! There's no way you've been carrying around that ball of string and needles all this time!" And the first player can say, "Oh yes, she has. It's right here. See? She even has them here in a nice little pouch we bought back in Glimmerdawn." Players: "Ohhhh...." (translation: "I wish I'd thought of that..."). =)

These are the things that your character can say in almost all cases, "Yes, that is my property, and I have it on my person." The only thing that comes to mind that still ought to be on one's character sheet are mounts. They're carrying you around, right? If you're carrying them, then I think you'll look silly. =) Note that mounts, familiars, and animal companions sometimes come with cool little accessories (ask one of our players about his Awakened squirrel who wears a powerful Ring of Protection around the base of his tail!).

Any questions, friends? =)
Later down the road, so to speak, it may also be helpful to note where something is, even if it's not currently on your character. Kaerri-the-D&D-rogue actually has three lists of equipment - one for herself, one for her "motel" room (more on that if we ever make it to Highwind), one for her home in the elven woods. Because she tends to leave things that aren't particularly necessary, but that she doesn't want to lose, in a safe spot. (She also used to have a list of things that the party she was in kept in their bank vault, but I can't find it. Sad face.)
One look at my character sheet and I think it's pretty clear who is the least likely to bring up inventory issues :wink: *howl*
I did snag one of the smaller Bags of Holding for Luna so she can carry plenty of gear in her little pouch. Storage is not going to be much of a problem, and she is quite willing to share. BTW, can everyone here cast spells off of a scroll? One thing I plan on doing is whipping up some more scrolls and selling them at full cost to be able to afford to make more at half cost for the party to use. I can spread the Fireball love (or other spells) to others if you guys can use them. All it will take is a successful Use Magic Device roll with a target number based off of the level of the spell I inscribe.
Otiorin's the only one with Use Magic Device worth mentioning, unless Bria has it (I'm pretty sure Powerpaw won't). Unfortunately it's on the list of "trained only" skills, meaning we'd have to put ranks in it in order to roll at all, and most of us didn't (having other places to put our points). Thanks for the thought, though! Maybe you want to save those for Luna? Having a pile of scrolls around sounds like it would extend her flexibility and amount of spells per day.
Well, it was a good thought. But, after a bit of web-fu, I found a Paizo site that has a whole list of spells, including the listing for Mage Armor 2 and Mage Armor 3. Lets see if they copy over here well enough to take a look at:

Magic‎ > ‎Spells (3rd Party)‎ > ‎Jon Brazer Enterprises‎ > ‎

Mage Armor II

School conjuration (creation) [force]; Level sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 3,witch 4

[paste:font size=3]mage armor except you gain a +6 armor bonus. This bonus does not stack with other sources that grant an armor bonus.

[paste:font size=3]
conjuration (creation) [force]; Level sorcerer/wizard 7, summoner 5, witch 7

[paste:font size=3]
mage armor except you gain a +8 armor bonus. This bonus does not stack with other sources that grant an armor bonus.

@Sherwood Re: Scrolls. Sorry, but the short answer is no followed by "be very careful." The only persons in the Grey Wardens who can safely use a spell created by Luna is Luna, and maybe Otiorin.

Per Pathfinder Core Book page 490:

To have any chance of activating a scroll spell, the scroll user must meet the following requirements.
* The spell must be of the correct type (arcane or divine). Arcane spellcasters (wizards, sorcerers, and bards) can only use scrolls containing arcane spells, and divine spellcasters (clerics, druids, Paladins, and rangers) can only use scrolls containing divine spells. (The type of scroll a character creates is also determined by his class.)

* The user must have the spell on her class list.

* The user must have the requisite ability score.
(In other words, Pathfinder really hasn't changed how scrolls work in 3rd Edition.)

As for the Use Magic Device skill, the DC (Difficulty Class) to use a scroll is 20 + caster level. If his check is failed by 10 or more, the character(s) suffer a mishap. And just deciphering a written spell is tough (add 5 to the DC of the Spellcraft check). So be very careful if the Wardens decide to go this route.

Re: Mage Armor II and Mage Armor III. I don't mind these spells being added to the game. Unfortunately, I don't see anything about the duration being two hours/level instead of one, but at least it doesn't require any additional spell components (oh boy, a piece of cured leather. Talk about no worries to come by!). =)
Sherwood sez (or rewrites), "Just six of you? Don't you know that you are facing a wizard of the Kaftan line?We have been manipulators of magic for a hundred years!" (italics mine).

Hee hee. I bet you did that just so it wouldn't mess Sharseya's lore up (or maybe it's just because you're cool like that). Thanks, bud. Cookies and ice cream to you. =)
Yeah, I made that change so I wouldn't mess up the background of someone else's world. If that is still too long for a long running wizarding family, that can be some of Luna's attempt at intimidation of the gnolls by exaggerating some.
Sherwood. No, no. One hundred years is makes quite the difference when compared to one thousand! =)

@Captain Hesperus Good going! Otiorin rolled just above what he needed to give that gnoll what for. Ready to roll some damage on him? =)
I plan on posting more tomorrow. It's sleepy-time. Hope you're enjoying this as much as I am. =)
Once you are up, I have a rule clarification for you to make a ruling on. The Feat Spell Mastery lets me memorize up to my Int bonus in spells without using my spellbook to do so. According to the book, each time I take the Feat, I can add to this list. Is there going to be any ruling preventing me from picking this up again? I was just checking. Also, once I hit 8th level, I plan on adding one to my Int, which will increase my bonus from 5 to 6. Will that let me pick another spell to learn with the Feat?
@Sherwood No and yes! I rule that Luna can select Spell Mastery as often as she has feats to spend it on. Spell Mastery works exactly as stated in Pathfinder Core Book, and yes, every time you choose Spell Mastery, Luna will be able to memorize 5 more spells. When Luna increases her Int score, that number jumps to 6 (for both Spell Mastery selections for a total of 12 spells). Have at! =)
Luna, Otiorin, Wolf, and Kitrin are up for initiative again!
Combat initiative order:

20 - Otiorin
(Gravity Bow and Shield active. Using normal short sword.)

20 - Luna (Mage Armor, Shield, and Displacement active. Sparkle's status: Alert with Luna. Spell Resistance: 12 active.)

18 - Wolf (Pecker's status: Alert and high above. Using Dagger of Illumination +2.)

18 - Non-combatants (Bronze, the Meadowsweets, Stewart)

15 - Kitrin (using Flail +2 and Heavy Darkwood Shield +2)

14 - Bria (using Force Shield ring and walking stick +2; has declared a Prepared Action)

12 - Powerpaw (using bloody two-handed maul +2)

10 - Entire shrinking gnoll force

There are currently two groups of gnolls within your vicinity (there are more attacking other parts of the caravan).

Group 2
(6/18 gnolls). This force is now engaged in a vicious fight with both Grimdell's Guardians and the Grey Wardens.

Group 3 (6 gnolls). These fiends, two of whom were wounded by Wolf and attacking at range, are following group 2's leader's order to take out Luna.

Current situation:

--Grimdell's Guardians have noted that only the gnoll squad leader and two others are left. Despite outnumbering the gnolls now, this wounded and exhausted squad of Guardians appear willing to hold back and defend themselves if your force wishes to win the battle there. They look like they could all use the break.

--Luna's situation: The two wounded gnolls have moved up 30 feet and flung throwing axes at her. The other four almost have her surrounded. Luna can take a 5-foot step to avoid being flanked by two of them if she wishes.

--Bria is supporting Luna and is also nearby Otiorin and Wolf.

--Powerpaw is raising hell with the gnolls and supporting Kitrin. The Guardians seem to like him too. =) There is now a clear shot for Kitrin to attack the gnoll squad leader.

--Bronze and the Meadowsweets (sounds like a hobbit rock band?) and Stewart (their stage manager?) are creating a triage of sorts for any wounded.
Sherwood. Luna appears to have cast her spell normally while creatures were in melee with her. This provokes attacks of opportunity from them against Luna. However, given that you added a description of Luna moving about, I will call that she used her five-foot step to take her out of the melee range of two of the gnolls (instead of all four), then she cast.

Captain Hesperus. Good job using that same move to get out of the flanking position the gnolls had you in. Also, in the attack descriptor, you wrote "MOAR shortsword"? So... does that make it a longsword? Hee hee. =)
@Sherwood Holy moly! What a roll from that gnoll! Or pair of rolls, I should say!

Okies. I need a Concentration check for Luna please to see if she successfully gets that much-needed Force Missile spell off. Roll d20 + 11 (character level + ability score modifier). The number to beat (and I hardly ever disclose this sort of thing unless a player asks) is... (DC = 10 + the damage taken + the level of the spell you are casting) 37! Wow. See if you can roll that natural 20 to keep the spell.
All. Re: Bria. At this time, Bria's Prepared Action takes place (her condition was, "I am going to cast a Cure spell upon the first Warden I see who takes damage"). And that would be Luna! This also means that Bria's Prepared Action does not go to waste, and she gets to act on her turn normally after Kitrin's initiative.

@Wolf Rawrrr Wolf dropped his opponent with his first attack. Per Pathfinder rules, Wolf still has a "move-equivalent action" left to him as a result. This means he can move up to his movement rate to attack another opponent in melee, or perhaps drop his dagger (a "free action") to pick up his bow (a "move equivalent action') to make use of next round, or he can shout out to someone, or what have you. Move-equivalent actions are almost never skills or attacks. Anything you would like him to do?

@Kaerri Grimdell's Guardians are offering to take out the gnoll squad leader unless Kitrin has other desires. The Guardians are fighters just like Kitrin. This is, by the way of the sword, your kill. If you say the word, the Guardians will break off and see to the other two gnolls here, letting you basically duel this big bad gnoll. Or... he can die under the Guardians' blades as well as Kitrin's own flail. Or perhaps you have something else in mind?
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