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Fandom (anime fandom) Sword art online

Taking into account all the things Kegetsu said, he replied, " that's what I was thinking, just in this world you can never be too careful." Hiro started to walk to the road, and when he looked Mercer, and Jack were no where in sight, "better get going." Hiro said, walking back and smothering the little fire that was left. Hiro walked in silence, for a while kicking a rock in front of him until he stopped in his tracks.

To get to Tolbana, they would at least need a few more steaks, and he saw a small pack of dire wolves in the woods. Hiro looked down at his injured foot that he got from one of them yesterday night, "pay back time!" He grunted as he ran the best he could in there direction. He caught one off guard and took it out instantly, then the other three turned on him. Being well rested Hiro was able to use his crutch to dodge all there attacks. Hiro quickly found an opening and struck taking out another one. The two left, growled in anger, "wanna dance!" He said taunting them. One charged at him, using his crutch as a pole vault, Hiro jumped over the beast and cut its head off in mid-air. By the time Hiro turned around, the last wolf was in mid-pounce, in shock Hiro struck the beast in the face with, his tree branch crutch making it tumble to the ground. Hiro knew he had the finishing move, with a smile Hiro ended the fight.

Hiro smeared blood off his face, looked at his crutch and kissed it, "now that's how you do it," Hiro whispered to himself. Hiro walked back to the road and smiled at Kegetsu, "I think we are set on meat for a while" holding up a bounty of meat.
Ryuko kept twirling her swords in her hands and her cloak was slowly falling apart, after having so many claw marks and things attack her it has been hard to keep her little thing in shape, She felt it almost there to Tolbana, she had gotten a message and checked it reading it she was pretty shocked,

"My brother is in...THE GAME?!" She almost screamed, she knew Jack and knew he couldn't play Video Games fear grew more and more inside of her from worrying about what could happen to him, she didn't want to friend him until she knew it was actually him and ran towards Tolbana town, as she did she noticed two people, she noticed one who kissed his crutch in Victory? She just quickly tried to run past them, the sooner she got to the town without seeing no one else the better, She hid behind a boulder and drunk a healing potion just in case the did wanna pick a fight,

"Slow and steady Ryuko, Slow and Steady.." She thought over and over again breathing heavily until she looked ahead and saw a wolf no wolves snarling at her, "Not this agai-" she was then almost attacked before she rolled to the right and gripped onto her two dueling swords and lowered her back ready to attack, her heart beat was steady and her breath was calm she quickly charged at them leaping from right to left now and then trying to not get torn apart she leaped up on the boulder she tried to hid behind and did a back flip off of it attacking the wolves with full power, she had a signature move and didn't want to use it yet, she also wanted to keep her cloak on because most people thought she was a guy which she was going for so they won't try to invite her to partys and such, she needed to keep this cloak on now and never.
Hiro still smiling off his battle high, put the bounty of wolf steaks in his items. As he looked up to see the expression on Kegestu's face, a flash of black caught his attention. He thought he saw someone in a dark hood, but couldn't be sure. He looked at a large boulder a little ways off, that he thought the shape darted behind, and now he was sure it was someone in a cloak, and it looked like she or he was being cornered by a group of dire wolves. With out warning Kegetsu, Hiro ran off in the strangers direction, "hey do you need any help." He said as he started striking, and at the group of dire wolves, and parrying their attacks. Hiro knew that he couldn't be sure if this person was friendly or not, but he always tried to look for the best in others. And he just had a gut feeling.
"Woah Hiro where are you going." Said Kagetsu as Hiro ran off behind him. When he turned around he saw a group id direwolves surrounding a cloaked figure. Trying to catch up to Hiro Kagetsu ran off also, hoping to help whoever that person was. As far as he saw they seemed to be handling the wolves well, but there was no telling what could happen.
Ryuko didn't answer what she hope wasn't gonna happen, Happened she bit her lip and as a wolf tackled her she grabbed it by the throat and threw it off of her panting a bit and stabbing it in the stomach, Seeing more come she decided to use her signature move, "Rain Dancer" charging at the wolves with full speed pulling both of her swords to the side she began to slice at everyone at them hitting them at once when she finished the last row she looked back as you see blackness hiding her face but not her lips, she saw all of them gone and kept her swords out walking away incase they would respond or something.
Hiro looked back and saw Kegetsu coming his way, he graciously welcomed the help, but when he turned around he saw the stranger take out all of them at once, "holy crap!" He whispered to himself. "Nice moves, my name is Hiro and this is Kegetsu." Hiro said pointing to him. "We are heading to Tolbana, and we have a small party, the other half is scouting ahead, where are you heading." Hiro asked hoping to have someone with...her he could see now, skills. Hiro didn't realize till now, but he left his crutch up on the road," great, looks like my foot wound healed up faster than I thought." He thought to himself, turning back to hear the girls reply.
"..." Ryuko looked back at them and pulled down her hood attached to her cloak and most of her hair feel down to her back or in front of her face and she looked at Hiro and Kegetsu, "..Trust no one in the game" she said to them and turned away, "I hope my brother knows that at least" She added gripping her handles to the sword.
"Brother?" Hiro whispered to himself. Slowly as she walked away, Hiro pieced the puzzle together., "your brother is Jack, isn't he?" Hiro said with little confidence, worrying it might just have been a coincidence.
"..." Whipping her head around she had walked towards him giving him a death glare with her sword to his throat, "You better not have touched him he doesn't know how to play Video Games so I'm worried at this point in time, If I find out you did something to hurt him..Your a goner.." her voice was peaceful yet scary at the same time, and if you looked in her eyes you could see she was scared and terrified and angered.
Hiro quickly backed up and swung his hands up. "Hey!" He said out of joy, and a little fear. "He's in our party, he's worried sick about you. I'm not the kind of person who would hurt someone for no reason, you can trust me." He said slowly touching the tip of her sword and bringing it away from his throat. "I will message him now." He said pulling up his menu. He was still a bit worried shed gut him, but he could tell all she wanted was for her brother to be safe. He quickly typed out:

Jack! We found your sister, and she looks fine. Back track and we will meet you. She really wants to see you.

As he sent the message he looked back and smiled. He was very happy that Jack and his sister would soon be together again., "I said we would meet him halfway, so we better start moving. And I totally understand if you don't believe me, so you can message him yourself. But again I am not the kind of person, who would hurt someone for no reason." Hiro added with a small smile.
"...I am not stupid even if I am pretty young, the Name is Ryuko Matoi. I was previously a beta tester..Oh by the way! I still don't trust you I probably don't trust my brother I just wanna know that he is safe and for me to finish this damn game" Ryuko said her voice was strict and stern, Her voice was also soft and calming something you would hear when you are sung a lullaby, She placed her swords behind her back in there holders looking him dead in the eyes. "Lets get moving shall we?" she said taking the leading putting her swords back walking forward.
" well alright this should be fun." He muffled sarcastically following behind her.

(Sorry for the short post have to go, brb.)

Hiro walked behind Ryuko for a while in silence, until he sped up a bit and strode side by side with her. "So you said you were a beta tester, and your brother knows nothing about video games. Quite a pair." Hiro said trying to lighten the mood, but he could tell it only made her more irritated. "I said we were heading to Tolbana, where are you heading after you meet up with your brother?" Hiro asked trying to change the subject.
"1st floor forest as they call it, I just want to get to a point where I can relax,,and I am only fifteen and I am more Mature then Jack..but I understand why he did it.." Ryuko mumbled, "How old are you and yes I am a Beta tester..I just want to finish the game.."
Hiro listened to where she planned to go, "sounds nice. And I'm 16 years old. You keep saying your young, but you look about my age. How old are you?" He asked making small talk till they reached Jack and Mercer.
"I am 15.." She mumbled looking up at him, "I joined this game originally as a guy to not get judged...then all of this happened..yay." she said with sarcasm in the last part.
"Oh...that's interesting." Hiro said a little shocked her avatar was originally a guy. " I for one think anyone who likes video games is awesome." He said with a smile. "I guess compared to a lot of people we both are pretty young." He said thinking back to her age. He found a large rock on the side of the road and started to kick it along as he walked.
"Ya know if your so bored or at least confused you should go back to your friend, I'll walk alone" Ryuko told Hiro, she wasn't the friend making type and when she gets her hands on her brother she knew he had a a lot of explaining to do, she simply closed her eyes and sighed at the thought
"Alright, but if you change your mind where just back here." Hiro said trying to extend an olive branch to her. He went back to where Kagetsu was walking, he had a question that was hanging over his head for a while. Even though he hasn't known his party for a while he felt like he had known them for years. "Hey Kegetsu, when we get to Tolbana...where are you planning to go?" He said with no tone in his voice.

( I'm heading to bed see ya guys.)
Ryuko rolled her eyes and got her cloak putting it back over her head and muffling to herself about her brother, "I broken so many rules in less than a hour, don't talk to no one, don't tell no one who you are!" She growled kicking a rock in the rode and you could tell by her hand she was pretty mad.
(Prince Zero, Because you haven't responded lately and my character is tied up Im going to improvise. If this offends you message me and Ill change or delete the post.)

When Jack had gotten the message from Hiro, Mercer had advised him to follow the trail back towards the other party members. The two of them had cleared many dire wolves from the road behind. Mercer even showed Jack some fighting moves, since Mercer's class was a modified version of a rogue.

Mercer continued along the path for a while longer, jogging all the way to increase his sprint skill. During this time he must have killed 25 dire wolves all in small packs. He was better than what he had let the other party members believe. He was also darker inside than what they knew. The night prior he would have killed Jack without a second thought had he deemed it necessary. Mercer was always isolated from others, moving to another country was the main reason. He left everything behind, so he doubled down on his training to distract himself. While he was already among the best, he continued to improved greatly. This was not the only reason he stayed isolated however, he inherently saw the dark in people. After that one night he wasn't quick to trust anyone. It had not only scarred his face but as well as his heart and soul, turning them darker.

Mercer did however find himself growing attached to his party. Hiro had heart and passion, Kagetsu had a drive to succeed, and the newcomer, Jack, desired to protect the one he loved. Though he still didn't completely trust them, they had all impressed him. He hoped that once they reached Tolbana they would continue to adventure together. Mercer hated guilds with a passion because of the politics, but maybe this once it would work out. Together they could bring the fight to Kayaba's door. However, before this could happen they would have to reach Tolbana. To reach Tolbana, Mercer would have to clear out a treat that the others were not aware about.

Mercer reached the place where the party was supposed to rendezvous. There was no mistaking it, A large boulder the size of a three story building, beyond that a narrow canyon. In front of both of these stood the giant known as Koloss the Guardian of Tolbana. He was a mid-level boss that only spawned once. Few beta-testers even knew of his existence. Orignally, a guild of 30 level 6 and ups had taken him out within seconds, as they were the first to venture to the town of Tolbana. He never respawned, so he was quickly forgotten. Mercer had heard of the fight while in a party with one of the members who had taken him out. If the rumors had been true, he didn't want to risk his friends' lives, because at their level the fight could go terribly wrong. Mercer on the other hand had advanced sword training that trumped all others. He knew moves in real life that would seem like cheats to the most advanced players. He also had decent armor and a higher level than the others for slaying the Adder on the first day. He also had another trick up his sleeve. Unlike most other players he could duel-wield weapons. Apparently the skill is only given to a chosen few, each have a special quality that makes this so. Mercer had practiced using two blades in his training, which he supposed was the reason. In his training and studies he found that for him, it worked best to pair his rapier with a dagger in his off hand instead of a second sword. He never used this skill around other players, however, as he had already been hated enough. Since he was only level 3 and his opponent was a powerful level 7, he knew this fight would be a huge push. So he deemed it's use necessary.

The Koloss was around 10 feet tall. He hefted a huge two-handed sword that was a good 5 feet in length. The brute appeared powerful, but dumb and slow. This would play to Mercer's advantage. His top half had a light mesh armor, but his face, gut, and legs were all fairly exposed. The fact that he still existed showed that Mercer was the first player to come this far. All of the other players must have stopped in Horunka to complete the surrounding quests. The other alternative was that they met their fate here. Mercer saw the dumb giant grin with his yellow, rotten teeth as if to answer his suspicion. The temperature of Mercer's blood dropped to zero. His senses honed themselves with fine precision, as he became focused on the kill.

Mercer charged, faster than what should have been humanly possible. His jogging had improved his sprint greatly. He wielded his rapier in his right hand and a dagger in his left. The creature brought his sword down in one powerful stroke. Mercer pushed forward angled towards the creature's side. Mercer caught the with his rapier, though he knew he couldn't hold it. Perfectly used his transferred the beast's blade to his dagger. Then using the momentum he misdirected the blow, leaving the beast's side and back exposed. With a blinding fast speed, Mercer spun. First his rapier slashed the beast's Achilles tendon. Next his dagger found its mark in the creatures kidney. The rapier slashed again, ripping the flesh of the creature's calves. The dagger then tore up and out from where it had been imbedded. Mercer then rolled out of the way before Koloss could counter attack. He ran circles to see what kind of damage he had inflicted on his target. The beast was obviously crippled but it hadn't taken as much damage to its health as he would have liked. Only one-sixth of the beasts health had been removed. Mercer shouldn't have been to surprised because of the difference in level, and with all thing considering it was a decent start. However, he knew it was unlikely that he would be able to repeat the same move. It was true that a swashbuckler's talents area best used against enemies of equal size and power, but Mercer had plenty of moves in his repertoire. Mercer stared down the beast as he circled the beast.

"Morior Invictus" he bellowed as he charged again. This time the beasts swing came from his right side. Mercer pushed up on the blade with his rapier then rolled under, letting the swing continue. He readied himself, finding enough time to allow two quick thrusts with his rapier into the beasts lower back. The Koloss had been more prepared this time for he turned around much faster compared to the previous attack. Mercer dodged to the left as the beast jabbed at him with its sword, but Mercer had not been fast enough. The blade lightly cut into Mercer's side. To his dismay, Mercer found that this was all that was needed as the sword possessed a light poison. He found himself at 85% health while the beast was now at 75%.

Mercer moved into his traditional dueling stance. Their blades clashed again and again. When it was obvious that Mercer couldn't inflict any damage without risking injury he would keep circling, always moving, as he clashed swords with the beast. Their health bars both seemed to wane at an even pace. It was an intense battle between perfected skill and raw power. Mercer remained focused, the only thing that crossed his mind was his victory. If someone were to talk about defeat, it might as well have been Greek to him. This was how Mercer always was when he fought. Any doubt would get oneself killed in a fight such as this. He was also very analytical, noticing every twitch that his opponent made. Every aspect of the battlefield was also known to him. He eyed the large boulder and made the decision to draw the fight in that direction.

Finally his chance came. He redirected a downswing in the same manner as his first attack. He then let forth a barrage of slashes to the Koloss' back. The savagery of this onslaught left it mangled and reddened as a bloody pulp. Mercer knew it would take only one more honest attack to make the creature fall. It came at a cost however. In a fury the Koloss lashed out with a powerful swing that knocked Mercer back towards the boulder. Mercer lost more health than he intended. With haste, he withdrew a healing potion and gulped it down. Some of his health was soon restored, but it was not enough. One way or another the fight would soon end.

This was the end game, the Koloss charged at full speed towards Mercer, who stood near the boulder 20 yards away. Each of the opponents put every ounce of their being into this on last attack. As the beast neared him, Mercer sprinted toward the boulder, with Koloss following close behind. Once reached his destination he used his momentum to run up the side a short distance. He then repelled off of it, into a backflip. In mid air, time slowed. Mercer saw every detail on the confused face of the Koloss. His hands tightened, allowing to feel evey detail the hilts of his blades. He now readied his weightless body into position. His left hand quickly flipped his dagger into a reverse grip. As gravity again took hold he started spinning. He felt his blades repeatedly connect with the flesh of beast. It screamed loudly as Mercer reaped his soul.

Mercer landed on his knees, panting heavily. The battle had lasted longer than he originally intended. He wondered how far behind his friends were now, surely they had plenty of time to close the gap. Mercer was relieved that they would not have to risk their lives against that horror. Mercer then withdrew another vial of potion. As he looked down he saw where the beast's blade made its final mark. His health was slowly dropping from poisoning, and soon nothing would be left. He fought to bring the vial to his lips in time. As the liquid cleared his throat, he saw a screen pop up saying <Congratulations>. At that moment the world went dark.

Stars, shinning brightly and brilliantly, surrounded him. He couldn't find the strength to move, so instead he gazed at their beauty. The serenity of the moment seemed to last forever. It seemed like the world of SAO had never existed, and he was still lying down in the grass back home in America. His muscles relaxed and he calmed down. He just gazed at the stars and listened to the wolves howl.

(He's knocked out)
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Suddenly realizing something Kagetsu turned to Ryuko, "I haven't introduced myself yet have I? I'm Kagetsu, nice to meet you." He said. "So, you said you were in the beta? Me and another of our company was also in. If I may ask, how far did you get?" (quick note, the farthest gone was 10th floor for us)
"not far..and nor do I wanna say, If I have full trust in you maybe but at this point in time no." ryuko said looking forward, "Once again name is Ryuko when we hit Toblana I am taking my brother training him and we are out of that town, at least after I egg some rest which I really need but I haven't been sleeping well lately..." Ryuko finished before going silent again.

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