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Fandom (anime fandom) Sword art online

"Oh. I hope your sister is doing okay she sounds like a good person." Hiro said,a little surprised. He pushed the cooled skillet over to the guy and said, "it's better than it looks." Trying to lighten the mood. Hiro handed the man a bowl and a fork. "I'm sorry, I don't believe I clarified, I'm Hiro Yugi." He added holding his hand out so the other person could shake it.
He calmly shook the guys hand and gave him a warm smile for the first time, "As I told you before my name is Jack, Nice to meet you Hiro" He chuckled a bit and ate some of the fish, "Hey this is pretty good" He said as he took small bites to at least speak when he needed.
"We are heading to a town named Tolbana. It should take us a few days, and there are numerous towns in between. Each time we stop to resupply I'll help you ask around for your sister." Hiro said. He wondered in his head if she was a beta tester, if she was then she is probably farther than most, but if she wasn't she could possibly be still at the town of beginnings. "You said there were no leads on your sister?" Hiro asked.
"I don't know that part she is usually in her room a lot so I don't see her all the time.." He sighed, "And yeah I've had zero leads so far no one knows where she is or seen her, I think she is disguising herself.." he added. "She is smart I can say that much"
Anytime Ryuko took a step she would feel something tell her to run closer to it, something wasn't right something was off, once she exited the cave she breathed in and out trying to see if the air felt different, "Somethings really off.." She growled she had passed through one town and was heading for the other, "So off.." She rubbed her face gently not knowing what was really going on she cleaned up her wound and just kept walking she opened her Window and looked at her map to see the "Tolbana town? that must be what is coming up next.." she said walking again and heading for the so called town.
"MmHm." Hiro responded listening to the details. " well all we can do now is get some rest, and wait until morning. I have an extra bed-role if you need one." Hiro said, as he pulled out the extra bed-role from his items. " my party should be here soon, then I suggest we all head to bed and get an early start in the morning.
Kagetsu walked back to the camp, When he arrived he so Hiro talking to some other guy he didn't know. He jogged up and introduced himself. "Hey there, I'm Kagetsu. I'm with Hiro here, and we also have one more coming named Mercer. Oh yeah Hiro, Mercer should be here soon with some fresh wolf steaks we got from hunting, so we should get started on a fire to cook all our food."
"Thank you very much..." Jack said taking the bed-role and laying down on it then looking up in the sky, he then saw a member from Hiros party named Kagetsu "My Name is Jacob People call me Jack" Jack said introducing himself and he heard another name Mercer "So is Mercer a member of the party too?" He asked.
"Yeah he is." He chimes in. " I also have a catfish that I just cooked you can add to the feast" Hiro says to Kegetsu smiling. He pulled off his bloody bandages on his leg and re wrapped the wound with fresh gauze.
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Mercer drew closer to the camp site. He saw the flame burning bright like a beacon from a distance. He was also able make out the forms of three figures. Mercer slowly drew his sword, having no clue what to expect . Could it be trouble, the others hadn't sent him any messages, maybe they didn't get the chance. He faded into the shadows as he approached the group. He was relieved to see two of the faces were familiar. Still he didn't trust the third. Coming up from behind he leveled the point of his blade into the strangers back. "Who are you," he demanded, "Why are you here! I want a quick short answer now!"
" wow, settle down man, that's Jack he's going to be traveling with us for now!" Hiro said quickly. Im going to give you and Kegetsu some time to aquatint yourselves with Jack, while I go stand watch for a bit." Hiro said slightly chuckling at how fast Mercer assumed danger. Hiro grabbed his crutch, and limped over to the road, hoping Mercer wouldn't gut the new acquaintance. He sat thinking to himself, about his knew life. He looked up at the fake stars. It was bitter sweet. As he felt the cool air blow his long hair against his check he couldn't help but drift to sleep.

(I probably won't be on till tomorrow. So if that's the case night guys see ya. :) )
"Um..The names Jack as Hiro said.." Jack said putting his hands up and standing up slowly facing them, "Um, I'm here to look for my sister she is somewhere in the game I haven't seen her yet..So Hiro said his party and him would be willing to help me look for her, She is only 15 and she has bad health problems in reality..I need to find her.." He said to them looking both of them dead in the eyes.
Mercer sheathed his sword, but kept his hand on the hilt. He immediately spoke to Kagetsu, "Why the heck didn't you message me, I had no clue what this guy was up to. You need to start thinking these things through." He took a good look at the newcomer. "Same could be said to you, Jack. Have you tried messaging your sister? She's likely to be using her real name or nickname for her profile. As far as the health problems go she'll be unaffected inside the game, truth is she's probably feeling better than ever at the moment. Now if you excuse me I have steaks to grill." Mercer walked towards the campfire. He remembered something and snapped around drawing his sword. He flashed a wicked smile as he spoke, "One last question, medium or well done?"
Hiro woke the first. He stood up, popping his knees, and let out a loud yawn. He was worried he would wake the others, but then he realized that he fell asleep near the rode, far away from everyone else. He looked at the sun, just peeking over the hills, and smelt the fresh air. Smiling he walked back to camp. Seeing a small fire still burning, he realized just how cold he was. Putting his bed role away, he pulled out a wool blanket he bought just in case. He sat down near the kindling fire with his blanket wrapped around him, and started to snack on some of the catfish he caught from last night. He looked at the others sleeping. " we should probably get a move on soon." He thought to himself.
Mercer hadn't slept much the night before, as he was never the kind who could sit still. Several times in the night he had the urge to get up and scout the perimeter. Roughly an hour before dawn he faded into a light sleep, it didn't last long. He awoke to see Hiro sitting next to the fire, having breakfast. The golden morning light was just beginning to cover the first floor. He immediately got out of his bedroll and equipped his skeletal light armor, rapier, and knife. He ran his hand through his hair, pushing it up into its usual fashion. His hand then moved down from his hair to the scar on his cheek. He often found himself subconsciously doing this as a reminder not to let it happen again. He cracked his neck then strode over to Shiro.

"Morning, I'd start getting ready to go if I were you. I'm going to go wake the others. Were wasting time just sitting around, we need to move. I plan on leaving after I've had enough time to eat, If you guys aren't ready I'll scout the road ahead of you. I have sat still to long."
Jack woke up second as his eyes we're a little heavy looking at the light he groaned, He just wanted to find his sister and be at peace, Seeing Hiro awake he wondered how long the guy has been up, He rubbed his eyes and stood up rolling his wrist and shoulders around, "When did you wake up?" He asked by the sound of his voice he sound tired, He looked at Mercer asleep also and Kagetsu, He thought about what Mercer had said to him about looking her up so he went to Menu and searched up "Ryuko Matoi" as he did he saw one match is was a fingure with a dark cloak, "Next Destination..is Tolbana town!" He said happily almost yelling, "I found her I think its her but either way she is also going to Tolbana town!" He told Hiro, "I am so stupid when it comes to Video Games!"
Woken up by Mercer, Kagetsu rolled over onto his stomach and sat up. It seemed everyone else had woken up way before him. "Mornin' guys. We will probably be able to get to Tolbana Town by midday. But first I think we should cook up last nights left overs and have some breakfast, sound good?" He asked. He started up the fire and got the previous nights leftovers ready for edible consumption.
(Prince zero, I was up before you and woke you up)

Mercer finished eating, and noticed the others still had a while to go. "So Jack, your sister is on her way to Tolbana, no new players would have immediately thought of that. I wonder why she would have a reason to go. Send her a friend request and let her know you are coming her way with a party. Tell to find somewhere safe and wait for us. Im going to move out ahead of the group to clear the road of potentially dangerous monsters. If I need help Ill send word and wait. There is a landmark along this road about four hours ahead. It's a giant boulder the size of a house. When I get there I"ll wait for you guys, sound good?"
While they were eating, Kagetsu listened to Mercers plan. Thinking it was good, but maybe he was overestimating himself. "You sure you don't need any help clearing the road Mercer? I'm always up to fight some monsters, and the ones in this area do tend to fight in groups." He asked. Last time he came down this road, the monsters had grouped on him and almost dropped him below 10%. He knew how dangerous this area was and there was no telling that it might have been made harder in the actual game.
"Like I have said I am a swordsman in the real world, there was nothing in the beta that I couldn't have taken in back home. I also have a fair idea of the spawning grounds and what to expect. Besides if I leave you would be the only beta tester of you three. You know what to expect so you should stick with the others. Jack, Hiro, If one of you to are ready to go I'll be happy to take you. I apologize for wanting to go, but I am not the kind who can sit still."
"I am ready, I am sending her a friend request and a message as we speak." Jack said doing what he said he typed in the messgae,

To:Ryuko Matoi

From: Jack Matoi

This is your big brother Jack, We are heading to Tolbana town and we would like to meet you there,

Be Safe.

He sent the message and sighed hoping she would respond and agree to what he had said.
"Alright rook, lets get moving. While we march, tell me about yourself in detail. Im not much of a gamer myself but I do know fighting. I would like to plan around all your experience and skills. Also I need to know your weapons. Any info on your sister would be helpful as well."

They began moving down the trail. Mercer listened to what the Jack had to say. Mercer needed to size him up quick. From what he had heard about the night prior and how he had snapped about his sister, he was a bit concerned. All the while his eyes continuously scanned for movement.
Hiro quickly finished his fish and waved goodbye to Mercer, and Jack, " good luck." He said cleaning his tray. He looked to Kegetsu, "when ever you're ready to head out, I'll be waiting." He told Kegetsu as he packed the rest of his gear. "What's your feeling of this Jack guy, do you think we can trust him?" Hiro said realizing that he had not known Kegetsu long enough to trust as he asked the question. While he waited for a response and the ok to go Hiro pulled out his sword and started to sharpen it.
"Honestly, I have no problem with him. If he decided to turn on us its 3 on 1 unless we are alone. And I highly doubt he could take out Mercer nor I easily. Not sure about you since I haven't seen you fight, but probably the same. We should keep him since with him, it will be easier to take on the dungeon, plus we have the chance of an extra member in the form of his sister who can lend a helping hand also." Kagetsu replied packing away the rest of his things into his inventory.

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