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Fandom (anime fandom) Sword art online

Mercer faced the others and replied. "Yeah, lets do it. Ill probably stay out longer just to scout the road ahead a bit. Also, while we're gone stay on guard, a monster could appear out of nowhere. Believe me, the monsters out this way are more deadly than the boars near the city. Oh and if you see a player be ready for a fight. Everyone is whipped up in a frenzied panic, and there is no telling what could happen. Message us if you need any help and well come running."

As the two walked off, Mercer finally got his chance to question Kagetsu. "During the Beta, did you ever die?" Mercer inquired. Mercer turned and faced the man. Mercer was sure he was caught off guard, with a question like that who wouldn't. "Back in the Beta, I saw players die so easily. The worse part is players couldn't care less. There was a bad attitude about a player dying that pissed me off. No one gave it their all because there wasn't any risks. On the other hand, I would also like to try and avoid any situation that lead to defeat. I don't mean to offend you but I feel this is need to know information. We haven't talked much and I haven't been able to fully size you up."
Hiro watched as they disappeared. feeling safe, because he could message them like Mecer said. Hiro sat on a large dry rock near the lake. He looked up to see the moon taking shape. He shivered as the cold night air started to blow, and enjoyed every second of it. His line swayed back and forth for a while until it suddenly was jerked under the water. Hiro quickly stood and jerked up, he couldn't tell what it was because it was too dark, but he could tell it was big. For about a minute they went back and forth until the fish got exhausted. Hiro then took his chance and thrusted up one more time. The fish landed next to him squirming around. Hiro unsheathed his sword and with one strick the behemoth of a catfish was dead and ready to cook.

" the guys should definitely enjoy this ." Hiro said looking at the tasty looking bounty. Hiro started a fire and threw the fish onto a skillet. He liked to hear the slight sizzle as the fish got ready to eat. "Well I don't have any cooking skills, but hopefully the other two will still enjoy it." Hiro said to himself.

He stood up and looked down the road to see if anyone was coming, while he was standing watch he could smell the fish siting on the skillet cooling, so when the others got back it would be ready. Suddenly Hiro realized that the smell would attract other animals, but by that time, three mangy wolves stalked out of the woods. "This is just great!" Hiro whispered irritated to himself. Hiro inched closer to them as they approached the fish, foam dripping from their mouthes. As soon as they got a few feet away from the food Hiro took his shot. He struck one dissolving it instantly, but then his element of surprise was over. He tried to jump away, but one wolf bite into his leg. He fell to the ground, as pain pierced through his whole body. He quickly gripped his sword and struck at the second one but it jumped out of the way. With Hiros leg, he knew he would have to sacrifice some meat. With reluctance Hiro pulled out a steak he bought at the Town of Beginnings, his last piece of good meat, and threw it. The two wolves quickly ran to the meat and started to feast Hiro got to his feat and killed both of them as they where eating. As they disappeared Hiro fell to the ground in pain, he looked disappointed that they didn't drop any meat. " at least they didn't get the fish." He whispered jokingly, trying to lighten his mood. He dragged himself over to his bed role, and started to bandage up his leg, he thought about messaging them, but sense he lost that steak they would need some meat. "I hope they get here soon." He grunted in pain. "This, game... No this world, will be one hell of a challenge." He added looking at his leg.
(Just got back home, sorry for not replying)

A bit surprised at Mercer's sudden question Kagetsu replied, "Not really, I think my only death was to the 7th floors boss. I tried to refrain from dying as it wasn't too fun. Plus, I liked to pretend I was in the real world so I really didn't want to die." Catching sight of a couple large forms with his tracking vision, Kagetsu whispered "Shh, I see some monsters off in the distance, we should probably be a bit quiet and check what they are. They might be the kind that give some good loot."
So he had died. Mercer couldn't say the same. He had tendered to retreat, re-strategize, and reengage when the situation turned on him, which it rarely did.

Mercer eyed the forms. There were five of them, all larger that the average dire wolf. Mercer smirked, lets see what this guy is made of. "Alright let's switch to party chat to communicate. I'll flank left and you flank right. Sound good?" Mercer asked.
"Sounds good, I'll activate my hiding skill to help sneak up on them, I say we take them out from the edges down to the center, that way we will probably only deal with two at a time." He replied as he rushed to the right, careful not to make any noise. As they both neared the sides Kagetsu jumped out with a fast skill, and stabbed the rightmost direwolf dropping it to about half. Quickly finishing it off with another skill before it could counter attack. As he knocked the second direwolf to half, he shouted "Doing okay over there Mercer?" As he watched his partner slice through them with ease.
(Start off in the first town and act like you've been there for the first day. It would probably be the easiest way.)
Jack looked around and walked throw some plains, He hadn't got one step closer to finding his sister, he groaned and rubbed his neck annoyed, "Where are you Ryuko.." He mumbled then saw a guy fishing? now he was in the grass, "What the hell?" he questioned and approached him keeping a tight grip to his sword, as he got closer he saw the boy was in some pain he squatted down to him,

"Hey My names Jack, I'm wondering have you seen a player around here with the name Ryuko? I need to find her.." He asked which sounded like he was desperate but kept a serious and focus look.

Mercer charged with his sprint skill into the battle. His rapier sliced cleanly through the first mut without it even knowing it had been struck. Continuing the motion, the tip of his sword cleanly found its way into the skull of the second. Within a mere to seconds of him engaging, two of the beasts were already dead.

"Doing okay over there Mercer?" He heard his comrade say.

The third wold prepared to pounce. Mercer left his Rapier stuck in the skull of the second wolf and instead pulled a knife he had bought along with potions. When the wolf jumped Mercer grabbed the beast by the throat. He could have sworn he saw fear in the beast's eyes. He drove the knife straight between them and smiled. Blood ran down his hand and he felt its warmth. He unsheathed his weapons from the beasts and turned to answer his party member. The battle was over.

"Oh me, Im doing just fine," He said as the three corpses exploded as pixels around his feet.
"Did you get any good loot? I got a couple wolf skins, but nothing too good or edible." Kagetsu said. He was amazed by his partners prowess, "He must have gotten as far if not farther than me in the beta." He thought to himself as he jogged over to Mercer. "It might be good to head back to base camp, its getting dark and we will need to rest." Kagetsu said.
Hiro reached for his sword when he saw the stranger. Sizing him up, he took his hand off his sword, thinking he looked like a nice guy. "I haven't sorry, the only people I really know are the people in my party right now." He said standing and breaking a nearby tree branch to use as a temporary crutch. " why is she your family?" He asked grunting, as he walked to look how the fish was cooking.
Lilly carefully walked through town quietly. Keeping a tight grip on her sword she made her way by herself keeping a close eye on everything.
Ryuko had been walking around town with a black hood over her which cover her swords in case she needed to attack, "Well I am pretty hungry..I also need to battle some more to get supplies and turn it in for some cash.." Her mind was calm and she had bumped a few people trying to pass them, she exhaled deeply and breathed out slowly, she was controlling her heart right in reality and the virtual world.. She began to remember how she left so much behind so soon, quickly going to the menu bar she looked to see if she had any quest,

"Nope..that's odd I must have finished them.." She mumbled to herself taking a seat on a nearby bench,

"My Health is alright"

"Weapons is Okay"

"Friends List empty as always"

"And Marriage...seriously don't know why they would add something as such in a game but they did.." She cursed the last part and closed her window, She got up and went to go find a Inn as people gave her looks since she was covered in a black hood who wouldn't.
" why is she your family?" He heard the boy ask, "Actually yes she is, she is my little sister she is 15 and must I say amazing at almost anything.." Jack groaned feeling shame grow over him, "This sucks so bad I joined this damn game to find her and I haven't gotten one lead to her.." he spat and sighed looking at the guys condition he raised a eyebrow, "Need me to get you something? You did at least answer my question" He said.
"No I'm fine, thank you. Just had a run in with some dire wolves. My wounds should heal in a day or so." Hiro said sympathetically. "Wow, if I lost one of my orphanage sisters, and didn't know where they where I would be a mess" he thought to himself. You could always come with us, and search for her as we stop and different towns." Hiro added, trying to help.
Lilly got a room in the inn and went inside of her room. She locked the door behind her, she then layed down and thought about the day.
Mercer rummaged through the items. He picked up several hides as well as a few claws for alchemy. He continued and saw he had picked up some food. Two wolf steaks. "Yeah, lets go," He said, "and let's spread out, I want to ensure we have eliminated all threats nearby before we rest."
"Us?" Jack questioned, "if you tell me who 'Us' is then sure I'll tag along..." When he started to talked about how he lost his orphanage sister he scoffed, "She is different from you and me..Hell she might be a amazing inventor when she grows up she made a damn robot that can talk at the age of 10!" Jack's sister always made him proud and smile at how hard she would work and enjoy herself at that, "But its tricky to find her since she is so quiet.."

Ryuko decided to not get a Inn and approached a large cave, as she walked in it she knew she need her sword ready since some monster we're near by, or just very bad animals, she took out both of her dueling swords and twirled them in each hand, "Alright..where are you..." she looked as a wolf was gonna attack with full jaws opened she quickly dodged it and sliced the wolf in half she saw more coming and her eyes widened she had to be smart about this and think quick, One after another she sliced them all in 1/2 or 1/4's they wouldn't stop coming and her stamina was running low, She looked at her health for a quick second before it went down -22 she had a claw mark on her stomach and growled and finished them after 10 minutes, "Dear god.." she snarled and walked off her wound trying to find the exit of the cave.
"Sorry man didn't mean to strike a nerve, I just know if I lost one of my sisters at my orphanage I would be a mess, so I can't imagine what you're going through." Hiro said trying to sound sympathetic, but was a bit irritated. "There are two others in my party, they should be here soon, you can wait and have some fish if you want to stick around.
"Alright.." he said taking a seat by the fire and just watching and began to clean his throwing knives out of boredom, "So how long have you been in the game so far?" He asked him trying to start a conversation.
"Just a day, like everyone else." Hiro said puzzled by his question. " I bought it this morning when it was first released, and have been on ever since. Why, did you come in after everyone had gotten trapped?" Hiro asked, as he scooped some charred salmon onto a wooden bowl.
Mercer made a large, wide swing on his way back to camp. He wanted to leave nothing to chance. He came across a few more dire wolves. He killed them quickly with ease just as he had before. Mercer could never deny it, he loved fighting. He loved the feeling of the adrenaline as it rushed through his veins. The fact his life was on the line made the ecstasy more potent. It was a feeling he had only ever enjoyed once in his life prior. It was not the kill that mattered of course, but victory over a strong opponent. In the real world he knew he was one of the best, nearly unmatched. The world of Aincrad posed new threats of powerful enemies. He was sure he would come to miss the real world, but he wasn't scared or angered about this new one. The only reason why he wanted to push forward and beat this game was to overcome the challenge, thats all. If it was his life he was worried about he would have just stayed back in the starting city.

He looked towards the sky to find the familiar comfort of the night's stars. He was disappointed to see they weren't there. Infact since Aincrad was a castle he would likely never see them, for they didn't exist. He felt a twinge of pain as if he lost an old friend, for he had. Determination swelled inside him and he said to himself, "Come on Mercer, finish checking the perimeter than get to bed. You have a full day of travel tomorrow so you need to rest up a bit."
"My sister joined and was out for a couple of hours and said she would only be on for two, and she never came out so I got worried and join the game to see if she is alright at least, she has health problems in reality which worries me.."

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