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Fandom (anime fandom) Sword art online

Hiro looked at the newcomer with appreciation, "that would be awesome. We are planning to go to the towns on the other side of the map, or at least if we all agree on that." He said trying not to displease anyone.
"That settles it, we'll leave together. Call me Mercer, and just so you know Im a Beta Tester. If that bugs you get over it or leave. On that cheery note the road ahead will take as straight to the village of Horunka. While we can easily survive there I'd suggest we throw caution to the wind and venture further to the town of Tolbana. Id guarantee that well have the place nearly to ourselves for several weeks. Its a hard trip for level 1 & 2 players, but if you keep it together we'll all make it in one piece. The labyrinth for the floor boss is also in that area. With enough determination we may very well end up being the first to take action in liberating us from the game." He turned toward the strangers and looked them both in the eye. He couldn't quite make out what type of people they were, but he saw a fighting spirit in their eyes. They were also smart enough to want to get the heck out of Dodge. He looked at their equipment a swordsman and rouge. He would bet money that the swordsman had little experience in they way of combat but the way the rouges equipment was set showed Mercer that he knew what he was doing. "So it begins," He thought to himself.

"So, What do you think?"
Kanade had gotten through the chaos, she had adressed a few things with Aya before heading off. She was nos heading to the next town, but needed to find a different route along the path. Knowing what could happen, she needed to other possibilities.

Moving some hesd out of her face. she looked back at The Town of Beginnings before smiling and beginning to run. While doing so, she noticed a group of males talking. "Hmm..." Kanade moved quickly ahead, keeping low behind rocks and bushes. If she kept going, she would get to the next town by dawn. "This insanity. Why would the Game Master do such a thing... what will happen to us, to me..." she said quietly as she was now alone and decided to move back on the path

The boars in the feilds were now becoming rare to see, now wolf like animals would spawn in the middle of the path. Avoiding them best she could, Kanade didn't want to make a lof of noise, she just wanted to get to the town in one piece. One piece and alive.
"I agree, and you said you were a beta tester? I was also, maybe we met each other, kinda doubt it. Anyway, you guys can call me Kagetsu. I think the best course would be that. And leaving immediately would be the smartest so we don't get caught up in a rush of people trying to escape the town." (switching to my characters IGN now) Kagetsu said, agreeing with the guy called Mercer. It seems this guy knew his way around this game just as much as him, if not better. The other guy looked new to the game, but he looked like he would definitely hold up in this hell. "I say we should buy some extra supplies like food, water, and extra weapons then head out to Tolbana asap."
"If we are to stock up we should form a list of bare essentials because everyone else will be doing the same. I want to get out of this town within the hour otherwise well lose any potential head start. Besides carrying more goods will make us more likely to be robbed. I wouldn't even recommend splitting up to shop as it would take to long to regroup. It's also hard to say if we met. I was always on the front lines, and found my way up to floor 10. Now lets get that list together"

Mercer turned away to start brainstorming, but then realized something. He flipped open his menu and shot the other two players around him a party request.

"Accept that. Doing so will allow us to communicate and keep track of each other should something happen."
Dodging the wolves became annoying to Kanade, so she drew her sword out and readied herself as the wolf ran at her. Pointing it at the wolf, she struck around the neck. Watching the wolf disappear, she didn't notice more of them gathering.

(Sorry for it being so short)
Hiro quickly accepted the party request. He looked at the others and hearing they were both beta testers he said, " I know I'm a beginner, and I don't look it, but I can hold my own." Thinking back to all the street fights he got into as a kid while he was drifting from one family to the next.

"There is a very cheap meat shop nearby where I bought these." He said pulling out a small mound of wrapped meats. "I also have a level one skill level for fishing, which I can use at these floor one lakes, so if we get some meat from the shop, I think we will be good on food." He added, brainstorming other supplies they would need. "Let's quickly go back and get the meat. While we are there we can get the other supplies we need, and head off for Tolbana."
After accepting the party request, Kagetsu listened to the second guy. "Yeah, good idea. We should also buy some water, and maybe some bedrolls. We will need some extra weapons but we might be able to buy them in Tolbana instead. Anyway its nice to meet you Mercer and.." Kagetsu quickly checked the top left corner where the party was displayed " Hiro. I hope we can work this out well."
"Hold it! The priority should be potions and crystals. Some virtual ones and zeros won't contribute to our survival. Our bodies are still in the real world. In the game we can go indefinitely without food or water, so it should be last on our priority list. The bedrolls are a good idea though."
(crystals weren't available first floor by the way)

"Funny enough, the game does have a fatigued status if we don't eat or rest. Potions are good yes, but crystals are too expensive for us to even buy a single one. Food/water gives your character stamina and that will help and taking out those large dungeons." Kagetsu rebuttal'd.
"It plays a smaller factor yes, but we shouldn't waste all out recourses on food. As Hiro stated he can fish and I'm sure the lot of us can hunt. The money would best be spent on items we can't replenish in the field."
"Then I suggest we get bedrolls, and some health potions. Those are the most useful things that are not able to be replenished in the field, other than weapons that is. I should probably ask, what were the skills you chose to start with? It would help mainly so we know each others strongpoints. I've started with points in hiding and tracking, as well as my initial dagger and throwing knives skills."
"In the real world I am an experienced swordsman. I have won many top-level fencing tournaments across both the USA and Japan. This natural ability puts me leagues above other players in terms of combat. My load out skills are Parry and Sprint. My primary weapon skill is the one handed rapier."
Hiro watched them go back and forth until they reached an agreement, "sounds good." He said remembering that health potions are very valuable on the battle field. "Nice catch on the health potions." He added.

"My starting skills were fishing, hunting, and obviously my initial sword skills." Hiro said confidently. "Now let's hurry up and get to town, like Mercer said if we wait any longer we will lose any head start we had." Hiro adds.
"Alright, so we know the supplies we need. I know where to get a cheap bedroll, but I never used health potions much. Any idea of a shop them sells them cheap?" Kagetsu asked the two tentatively, hoping at least one of them knew of a shop. To be truthful, in his time playing he had only ever used one health potion, finding them to be inefficient due to the fact that unlike health crystals which restored instantly, the potions only increased regen.
"Yeah, I know a shop nearby that many don't, so it will have a good supply. Follow me, we'll get the bedrolls after. There isn't any time to waste. If we push hard, I'd bet we can reach Tolbana in two and a half days time. When we get there, I'll buy a feast for us all to celebrate."
"Sounds good to me." Hiro says smiling at the thought of more food to eat. Hiro started to walk back to the town. Even with the events that just transpired Hiro couldn't help but look at the sunset and smile. "Even though I can't wait to get back to the real world, for now this is the real world, and i plan on enjoying it." He said softly.
The streets were flooded with panicked player. Every single one ran around like a chicken with its head cut off. Mercer made sure his new acquaintances stayed close. He led them to the back alley shop where the items needed were sold. The shop catered to solo-playing, a style to which he was accustomed. He wasn't sure how long the party would stay together, if they would continue their adventures after reaching Tolbana. During the beta, he was often shunned because of his natural ability with a sword angered other people. Now he was a beta tester, someone who knew answers to the test. He was sure to be loathed by others now, especially since everyones life was on the line.

The others seemed like good people. Kagetsu, the second one, said he had been a beta tester. Mercer didn't doubt it based on his equipment and skills. When he could find him alone, Mercer wanted to ask him a few questions about his experience. Hiro also had a lot of potential. Mercer was already beginning to form attack strategies in his mind for a variety of scenarios possible on the road to Tolbana. His gut feeling told him that they would make a strong team. Whether they would eventually leave like the rest he did not know. He was inclined, however, to enjoy the company while it lasted.
Hiro walked up to the man at the counter. He looked at his pouch of coins and looked at the price of the health-potions. Biting his lip, Hiro handed over nearly all his coins in exchange for a few health potions. Looking at them intently, he whispered, "these better be worth the money." After he put the potions in his items, he said thank you to the seller, and stepped away so the rest could purchase their potions.

He starred at his party members and was slightly intimidated by them both being beta testers, but he knew he would still have a lot to bring to the group. He was impressed that they were staying so calm, unlike the other players in the town. He wondered how far they got in the beta test, he knew it would be a smart decision to stick with them for a while, plus they seemed like good people. "If we stick together and plan well we might make a very strong team, and who knows, maybe after we get to Tolbana we'll decide to stick together" he thought to himself.
After everyone had gotten their health potions Kagetsu said "Alright, lets go get the bedrolls. We are going to need them if we are going to be taking on dungeons and we need to rest. I'm pretty sure the shop is just right... Aha, here it is." As he led them to the merchant stall. This stall just happened to have the lowest costing bedrolls in town. "I think we are all set now, is everyone ready to head out?"
"I think I'm ready to go, if you all are." Hiro said calmly. He started to gont over to the exit of the town but fell to the ground startled as a body fell from the sky and hit the street right in front of him. As the body dissappeared Hiro looked up in shock to see where the body fell. As he looked up he saw a window open many floors up with a girl crying looking down to where the man had just dissappeared. " oh my God." Hiro said as a tear streamed down his face. He got up and brushed of his pants. Wipeing at his tear he gruffly said, "let's get out of here." Hiro couldn't believe the events that unfolded just in the past hour or so.
Mercers fists clenched tightly at the unsettling sight. The man had to have had his nerve gear removed in the real world. It bothered him greatly. Would his parents get the message? As busy as they were anything was possible. He was not afraid of death, but he believed that it should have meaning and honor. Exactly like in the viking legends of old. Mercer had no problem dying in battle, the truth was he'd prefer it. "To die with your boots on is a better death than any," Mercer thought to himself. However, this man's death meant nothing. No one would remember his name. His final words would never be remembered. He would become just another in the death toll this game would create. No, that Kayaba would create. He had a sneaking suspicion that this overlord would return and when he did, Mercer planned to answer his challenge. Mercer was getting ahead of himself however. First he needed to worry about getting to Tolbana. He wouldn't worry any further about ending up like the deadman. He needed to focus, for he couldn't afford any distractions during a fight.

"Let's get out of here," he heard Hiro say.

He turned towards the man. It was apparent that he was fighting back tears. "The kid needs to toughen up. If he gets distracted by things like that, then he'll likely end up dead," Mercer thought to himself. He looked one last time where the body had been. This wasn't his first time witnessing death's handiwork and he knew it wouldn't be the last. "Agreed," he spoke, "We're waisting time just standing around."
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As they walked out of the town Hiro reflected on what had just happened, "how could someone just kill themselves." He thought in his head, "but...it would be easier. No more problems just ov. "No!" He stopped the thought from being complete. "You may not have a lot, but that only makes the people and things you have that more special!" He assured himself. Fighting back tears he kept walking forwards pushing everything that had happened to the back of his mind.

After walking for a while they came upon a small secluded lake. Because it was getting dark Hiro thought it would be a great place to sleep. "What do you guys think, should we stop or keep going?" He asked looking at the very last of the sunset descending behind the hills glisten on the lake.
"It would be smart to take a rest and preserve some energy, want to catch some fish while me and Mercer go hunt some creatures for other food?"

Asking the other two.
"Yeah that sounds good." Hiro answers, pulling his fishing pole out of his items. "This looks like it is going to be a pretty easy lake it fish in, so I should be able to get a nice amount of food." He adds. He swings his rod into the lake, and says good luck to the others for hunting.

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