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Fandom (anime fandom) Sword art online


Hunter of hunters
Based on anime, sword art online. Starts just before the game-master announces the big news. This is my first time creating a role play, so, sorry if I mess some stuff up. But I think everything will be good :) have fun!
Hiro ran to his bedroom in the orphanage and locked the door, knowing that if the other kids saw he got his hands on a nerve gear they would be pestering him forever. He quickly hooked up the nerve gear and laid down in his bed with a blanket draped over him. Hiro clenched his fist and took a deep breathe before saying, "link start!" He opens his eyes and he appeared in the Town of Beginnings. He grinned from check to check and let out a loud, " This is amazing!" He turned around and took in the scenery. "Well I have to eat dinner in the orphanage in an hour, so might as well make the most of it." He thought to himself before walking to the fields to gain experience, amazed by the game.
Kanade sat in her room, her mother wasn't home so she was alone. It was quiet, then Kanade decided it was a good time to log in. Taking the Nerve Gear out from under her bed she then hooked it up, and laid down on her bed. "Link Start!" she said as she closed her eyes. After loging in, past all the language and option stuff, she was finally in.

She was where she had last left herself, The Town of Beginnings. Looking around she saw a few new players to the game. Shrugging she ran down an alley to the nearest shop, a weaponry shop. "Where was it..." she mumbled to herself, for she had to struggle to remember the exact location.

( I'm going to wait until everyone makes their first post before the Game-master comes. Just letting you all know :)
Mercer strode through the front door, swinging the plastic bag around his finger. He missed his afternoon archery practice the night before just so he could camp out to get the game. During this time he also missed his morning fencing practice. "Great," he thought to himself, "First day back and and Ill be rusty. I mean Ill be lucky if I can even swing a sword right."

He marched up the stairs towards his room. It seemed, like usual, his parents would not be home. He felt relived they approved of the game as they realized it would give him greater challenges than anything he could find elsewhere.

He wondered if that kid he played with a few times during the beta would be back. K-somthing was his name. From his past experiences he knew that kid knew how to use a sword, probably from kendo, and he respected that. Whatever the case, he knew he could find somebody that would hold their own during his gallant adventures.

As he walked through his room he stopped to examine his rapier hung in its mount. He slid his fingers over the ivory hilt and smiled. This blade and him saw many good fights over the years. He rubbed his cheek where his scar still remained from one particularly intense fight. "Don't worry," He said to himself, "one day without practice won't cause any harm, and you'll be back at it tomorrow."

His nerve gear was already plugged in and ready to go. All he needed to do was strap it on and insert the game, and he would be back in the world of Aincrad. A wicked smile cracked on his lips at the thought of the grand fights and courageous . In no time at all he yelled, "Link Start!"

The familiar log in screen appeared before him. A message appeared before him in English. Though he was now fluent in japanese he was still partial to his native language. It read "would you like to transfer your player form the Beta-test?"

"Why, Yes please," he said to himself as he selected the accept button.

In no time flat he found himself dashing out of the town of beginnings ready to take on the surrounding monsters. He remembered where a particularly nasty lived that would be a perfect test of his skill and get him reacclimated to being inside the game. Not to mention if he was lucky, it would drop the same armor as it had last time.
Hiro ran as fast as he could, sweat dripping down his forehead. As soon as he was in striking distance of the boar, he took his opportunity and stabbed the beast in the heart. As he stood and breathed heavily, he looked and saw he was half way to level two, "alright!" He said. After sheathing his sword he thought about logging out to get a snack, but he heard food here was amazing. "Might as well try it!" he said with a smile as he headed for the Town of Beginnings. When he got there he scanned the towns numerous shops looking for something good to eat. He strode up to a small sandwich shop, and looked at his small pouch of coins. "It's my first time playing, why not." He thought to himself buying a nice looking chicken wrap. After tasting his first bite, the sandwich was gone in a flash. He got up and stretched his long arms. "That was one of the best meals I've ever had, and this is a virtual world!" He said in disbelief before deciding to go and walk around the town for a bit.
"Are you serious..." said Kanade in disappointment. "Unless you can fetch me that mineral you're out of luck Kanade." said the girl at the shop that she was currently at. "Alright, I guess I'm ok for now." Kanade said as she waved goodbye to the girl and left. She was going to pick up a new sword with a lightweight material that is smaller than the sword she has, but good when in close range combat.

Walking around Kanade noticed when she logged it was beginning to get late, same for Aincrad. She then decided to log out so her mother wouldn't question her missing when dinner was ready. Swipping her hand down, Kanade then looked for the log out option. "What?" she said as tried to log out. Had there been an update or something? "I can't log out manually..., is this a bug?" she asked herself as she stood there in the center of the Towns of Beginnings trying to log out.
Finally getting home from buying the game Takatsu decided to log in immediately. He would be a bit behind, but only by about an hour of play(besides, he already knew how to play.) Plugging in his Nerve Gear and laying down on his bed he whispered, "Link Start." When he came back to he was in the Town of Beginnings. "Man, it looks just as good as it did before, if not better." Rushing to buy his initial gear, he then ran out into the field and proceeded to take out some low level boars to get some xp and gold.
It was a dance of death. The serpent struck again and again. Mercer ducked and dodged between the strikes. The Adder was a little known enemy during the beta that was designed to be fought by players level 5 and higher. The cave it resided in didn't allow Mercer much room to maneuver. The beast wasn't particularly strong but it was quick, just as he was. Mercer had never com to realize how out of tune he really was against a beast like this, lacking any attack patterns. As the battle progressed each of their health bars whined down.

He slashed at the giant serpent and with a lucky blow landed the kill. On the ground lay his trophy, a small set of light armor made of the creatures polished white bone. It wasn't very special, Mercer was just fond of is aesthetics. It had a very clean look and great maneuverability compared to other armors. It was by far his favorite when he had starred the beta. His experience also seemed to have increased drastically, for he was already a quarter way through level 2.

He paused for a second and noted how shockingly low his Health Bar was. He realized how careless he had just been during the fight. He spotted a nearby hill form the mouth of the cave. For the moment, he would rest at the top until his health came back, and then make his way back to the town of beginnings. Heck his parents weren't going to back until late, he decided to take as long as he needed and enjoy the comfort of this barbaric world.
"Hmm, I'll try later." she said as she then dismissed the screen. Deciding to level up a bit she walked out of town, the sunset looked to beautiful. Kanade took her sword out and looked at the vast field in front of her. It was breath taking. She was soon startled out of her daze when she heard a voice from behind, or more so like a growl.

Turning around, Kanade stared at the wild boar, the common animal around this area. "It wouldn't be worth the energy, but I guess the little XP would be worth it," she mumbled "though I do need to eat something while I'm still online." Raising her sword she watched the boar's movement. The small steps it made, the gaze of it's stare, the position it was in. The boar ran first, quick and ruthless. Dodging it, Kanade then kicked it. Aggravating the boar made it more likely to strike, just what she wanted.

As out running the boar, although not by a lot, it seemed to progressively get tried. As the boar circled around she ran. In a few seconds, Kanade had stuck the animal, it's stomach was open when turning around, so she took the opportunity to strike, and it was indeed affective,
Finishing off the final boar in the area, Takatsu decided that since they wouldn't respawn for a bit he would head back to the Town and stock up on extra supplies. Arriving in the Town he decided to upgrade his armor, substituting the default leather armor, with lighter (therefore faster) cloth armor, "It wouldn't hurt to be able to travel and fight faster." He thought. Finally he headed into the closest restaurant to grab a bite to eat to stave off his hunger for a bit. He decided to try out the pizza, considering he never ate it much. Upon biting into it he immediately just fell in love with it. "It's amazing how well they've replicated the senses." He thought. Afterwords he headed over to the Town Square to just walk around and explore the area before heading back out.
After Hiro bought a very cheap room in one of the towns inns he thought it might be time to log out , and eat dinner with his orphanage family. He swiped down and to his surprise the log out bottom was missing, "what the..." He said in disbelief.
Feeling whole once more, Mercer marched back towards the town. He had gotten his fight for the day, and was curious to know what festivities were being held to celebrate the launch. He looked towards the sky and saw that it would be getting dark soon.

Once a boar charged only to find the point of a rapier lodged in its skull. Aside from that, Mercer didn't spot a single monster. He assumed that all of monsters had been hunted by the large crowd of players.

As he continued he heard yelling, and rushed toward the scene. It was two players struggling with the menu and in no apparent threat. He pondered whether to get involved or not, but decided he might as well find out. "Good evening, are you two in need of assistance?"

"YES!" they shouted at once. "How the heck are we supposed to log out?" said the presumably older of the two players.

"Log out?" Mercer said confused, "Well its quite simple really, you just open the menu like so and.........well this is interesting"
On his stroll through the Town, Takatsu noticed the atmosphere was getting ever bit so much more tense. Finally he noticed as many people were yelling in a group about the menu. Eavesdropping on the conversation he heard, "Dude, I'm not kidding the logout button isn't there! Check it for yourself." Worried about this Takatsu decided to check his own menu to see if he had the same problem. "Pshh, what are they talking about the menu is working perfectly.... fine?" He thought, coming across what should have been the logout button, instead it was just blank. "No no no, this cannot be happening, it has to be a glitch or something, maybe a bug in the code It will be fixed soon enough right?" He worried, waiting for an explanation.
Kanade had entered town again and decided to stop by a shop before getting something to eat. It had been a few minutes so she tried to log out once more, but to no avail. "This is starting to annoy me.." she said as she stood there. Looking up, she noticed other players having trouble, some complaining, some staying calm and repeatedly trying to log out. "What is going on.." she said as she saw another beta tester that she had once played with. She didn't remember her name so she didn't make eye contact. "I'll check with Aya." she said as she walked towards the blacksmith shop.

When she entered, she noticed the girl frantically trying to log out, "COME ON, LET ME OUT!" she said in aggravation. "MOM WAS SEVRING RAMEN TONIGHT." Kanade laughed at the girls cries of 'distress'. "So this is a public issue." she said as she poked Aya. "Hm? Oh, you can't log out either?" she questioned and Kanade nodded. "This needs to be fixed soon. Families are going to start questioning the absence of their children." she said as she sat on the counter of Aya's shop while she continued to try to log out.
Hiro was starting to get worried, he kept closing and opening his menu, hoping it was just a glitch, but nothing changed. He walked over to some other players that were talking about the issue. "There was nothing like this in the beta test!" One of them said frantically.

"Wait..your a beta tester! You must have something to do with this!" The other replied

"I swear, I don't know what's going on!" The other responded.

"Lies!" The second one said. He tried to throw a punch, but as soon as he raised his arm, they were transported into the middle of the Town of Beginnings. In fact Hiro noticed all the players were being transported here. Then the sky turned dark red and what Hiro assumed was the game master appeared in the sky. He stood stone faced as the game master explained his intensions. "Oh God." He muttered as he herd the news.
Kanade was in the middle of trying to log out with Aya when a force teleportation happened. "What the.." she stood there before running around frantically for Aya. "AYA!?" she yelled, she was panicking. Suddenly she looked up at the sky as it turned red, the simple word "Error" just floating there. Suddenly red ooze like liquid seeped from the sky as the little shape formed into multiple. Kanade's eye widened in fear and her jaw dropped, suddenly a man took form. She jumped when someone tapped her shoulder, it was Aya. Kanade clung to her since she was a bit older and it looked like Aya needed a hug too.
"Sanctus Infernum, what madness is this!" Mercer gasped as he was transported to the main square. He looked up to see the sky turn a crimson red. A man appeared from the sky in a hooded cloak. Chills ran up Mercer's back. Something big was about to go down, and Mercer instinctively knew it would not be pretty. Mercer started making his way through the crowd. He would hear what the man had to say regardless, though he would prefer to hear it next to the exit if the situation were to call for it. On his way he scanned the crowd to see if there was anyone from the beta that he recognized. A strong ally could prove very useful.
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Hiro still felt paralyzed as people around him screamed. As the Game master finished his horrid speech he said he had one more gift for us. Small hand mirrors fell from the sky into the players hand. Hiro looked in the mirror out of curiosity and saw his avatar, deep brown eyes, and dark brown short spiky hair. He was confused until a blinding light flashed. When Hiro looked back in the mirror, he instantly dropped it sending it shattering to the ground. What he saw... Was his real appearance outside of the game. " This isn't a game anymore." Hiro was able to get out.
So it isn't a game anymore, fun. Mercer knew he had to abandon the region of the city of beginnings, as competition would become to fierce. He would make way straight to the towns on the other side of the map that night. He thought about the predicament for a moment though, how is this anymore dangerous from the real world. Every time he stepped out side he could be run over or struck by lightning. At least hear he could die gloriously with his boots on. This whole game became one great challenge of all his skills, and his life would depend on it. Wow when he heard people get their lives stolen with MMOs he just didn't believe it. Now he laughed to himself as he moved on his way.
Kanade and Aya looked at each other in horror when the Game Master was finish talking. Looking up, Kanade noticed mirrors falling abd caught one. "A mirror?" she said quietly looking at it. Then a bright light was all she could see before blinking. Looking around she then looked over to Aya, she looked different from her avatar, or was she even Aya. "Kanade is that you?" she asked and Kanade nodded. "I thought so, you don't look too different." she said.

Now that Kanade thought about it, everyone looked different. Taking out the handbook, she flipped to a section on avatars. Nothing. Sighing she turned to Aya. "Um, Aya, you have amber eyes?" she asked and Aya looked at her confused before nodding. "I see, the mirror caused some kind of reaction. Our avatars now take on our real life looks." she said. Kanade was about to say something before panic erupted and everyone began screaming and yelling.

Kanade remained calm, this is how everyone acted when the game was first released for beta, beta players like herself, freaked out when they first had to fight something. So she was pretty much used to chaos, but this was getting out of hand.
Suddenly he looked at his real life and only saw the good times. He somehow had a new appreciation for his orphanage now. "If I get out of here... When I get out of here, I'm not going to feel sorry for my self any longer, and I won't take my miss-fit family at the orphanage for granted ever again, I better get going!" He thought to himself. With very little to do at the orphanage he studied games like this all the time. He knew that with what just happened that people would start going insane, and he would not want to be here when they did. He thought it would be a good idea to go to the towns on the other side of the map. He started to walk on his way, and saw that someone ahead of him was going the same route. "It'll be smart to be in a party, safety in numbers." He thought to himself. He jogged up to Mercer and said, " hey are you going to the towns on the other side of the map too?"
"Yeah me too. I don't know if your a group kind of guy, but it might be good if we stick together or at least till we get passed floor number one, what do you think?"
Strangely enough, The commotion and problem didn't bother Takatsu much. Honestly his life was boring and he had the chance to make a better one, and he would take it. He honestly just thought, "So what? The game is just like real life now, death is death no matter where we are." Planning to leave the town he passed by two guys talking about grouping up, jogging up to them he asked "Any room for one more? Honestly it's smarter to stay in numbers now that everything has gotten serious."

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