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Fandom (anime fandom) Sword art online

Rei was on her way to Tolbana. She knew by experience that resorces would always go away quickly in the beginner town. As she ran to to Tolbana, she saw a group camping. They were probably going to Tolbana too. She starting running towards them, as she would usually do in a game. Maybe she could befriend them.

-Hi there! Are you going to Tolbana t-, Rei stopped herself. This was reality. She couldn't just talk like that. She didn't know what do to. She wanted to just disapear, but that would be rude. She just had to wait and see how they would reply.
The stars started to fade from the sky. The light of the sun began to take hold. It was not the kind, golden light of the morning, but the harsh and blinding light of midday. The world of Aincrad began to take form. Mercer felt a warm breeze pass over his skin. It wished along, shaking the grass of the field. He heard the thumping of paws barreling towards. He sat up as quickly as possible and spotted his dagger. The wolf pounced on him, and Mercer barely survived. Still disoriented, he had positioned his dagger to where the wolf head would land. The blade pierced through the beast's lower and upper jaw into its brian. The body went limp on top of him.

Mercer quickly staggered to his feet. From experience he knew that when one dire wolf appeared there was bound to be more seconds behind. Unfortunately he was right again. Four more of the beasts circled around him. He gazed at his health bar and it only read a mere 5%. He had know clue how long he had been out. Likely only minutes, possibly even seconds. His health regeneration was moving at a snails pace, he wouldn't be able to sustain even one attack. It looked like the Koloss may have killed him after all.

His grip on his dagger tightened, and prepared for the immanent attack. He scanned for his rapier and saw it was a distance aways. There would be know possibility of retrieving it. Mercer coughed and his whole chest lit up in pain. Blood splattered onto his hand and the ground. The odds were against him and the beasts knew it. The slowly circled in an attempt to tease him.

Mercer realized the congratulations screen from killing the boss was still displayed. He saw he had go some items, but as it stood he would likely never get the chance to use them. If he did live through this disaster he'd probably give the loot to his friends. It was funny to him. He called his party members friends but he didn't entirely trust them. He took on the boss singlehandedly so they wouldn't risk getting killed, yet he had only known them for about two days. Mercer laughed to himself about his situation. He then looked into the eyes of each individual beast.

They all charged at once.
Ryuko had stopped and the breeze brushed against her skin, something wasn't right her heart ached and her mind hurt, Something made her wanna run and stab something, Someone was in trouble and it was someone from the party, She already knew it and grabbed to her sword, "Something isn't right.."
"Aut neca aut necare" Mercer thought to himself as he sprinted towards the enemy. He would fight the battle purely offensively. If he was to go on the defensive he would die. His only chance was to kill all four of the hell-hounds before any could lay a scratch on him. His chances were pitiful. If he hesitated he'd die. If one got behind him he'd die. If two attacked at on he'd die. Etc. Etc.

Mercer was running faster than his adversaries due to his sprint skill, but it took a toll on him. He was still coughing up blood from his wounds fighting the Koloss. His health had increased from 5% to 6% but it still wasn't enough. As he met the first wolf he quickly sidestepped, and his dagger tore through the length of the beast. Mercer kept running as the second one pounced. Mercer spun, first slashing the soft underbelly of the mutt, the grabbing and throwing.

During this maneuver the third wolf attack. It took hold of his leg, and Mercer felt the biting pain. He knew it was over, in a final act of retaliation he shoved his dagger between the beasts eyes and laughed as it went limp. He watched his health bar drop, 5%, now 3%, now 2%, now 1%. He waited for it to reach zero but it stopped.

In shock he realized his health bar had increased in capacity, when he killed the Koloss he gained enough XP to level up. Level 4, he didnt know for sure, but chances were he was one of if not the highest ranking players in the game. Still, one final dire wolf circled the weakened prey. He was down to the wire and he let out a sadistic laugh. His mind went blank. All he could think of was the joy of a kill and the warmth of the wolf's blood as it splattered across his flesh. He would take the wolf and rip out its heart. The two combatants readied themselves. Each were hungry for the kill. They took off towards each other.

Mercer didn't know what happened next, but he held the beating heart of the wolf in his hand. The wolf cried out in pain, it squirmed on the ground. Mercer kneeled down next to the beast, and he drove the dagger into its skull. He did this to ease the beasts passing, even though it was virtual he did believe it felt pain.

Mercer looked into his inventory. He spotted his last health potion and greedily gulped it down. The boss had dropped a couple items which included a sword (not a rapier, who wants it), some throwing daggers (kagetsu's or jack's), and a unique coat as a last attack bonus. It was called the Coat of Ashes. It was a thick, dark grey fabric, similar to canvas. Its buttons were chipped out of obsidian that was black as pitch. The coat didn't have much to offer along the lines of protection but it increased one's sprint and agility skill drastically for a low level player. He could easily we are this coat up to floor 3. He immediately equipped the jacket, wearing it on top of his light armor. The contrast between his dark maroon shirt, bone white armor, and ash grey shirt gave him a sinister appearance.

He sheathed his dagger, and strapped the sheath to his leg. He strode over to pick up his rapier. It's tip was lodged into the dirt leaving it standing straight up. With no effort he plucked it from the ground and whipped it around to ensure it felt the same and ensure the blade was not bent. The blade found his sheath with ease and it glided in smoothly. Three paths presented themselves to him. He could stay and wait, backtrack towards the group, or continue solo and go to Tolbana himself. Mercer made his decision and started following the path, anxious to see his friends again.

(Sorry I didn't respond earlier, I was busy. BTW the latin used means "Kill Or Be Killed," Ill start including translations at the end of the page. How long should it be before I meet up with you guys?)

Mercer trudged ahead, slowly but steadily. Every now and then he would cough up scarlet red blood. He had been severely wounded, and his health gauge was suffering from it. His healing was slowed to a creeping pace. It had only been a mere hour since his engagement with the wolves had finished, and his health remained at a mere 20%. Most of the monsters along the road had been eliminated by him hours earlier. However, a few still remained. When he saw enemies in small numbers, he would flank around them and then attack with as much speed as possible. He could only sustain a few hits, but it was more than enough for him to take on small packs. The one large group he had seen would have been to much of a risk for him to attack at his current state. He swung wide and bypassed them completely, returning to the trail further down.

He kept a walking pace the entire journey. The earlier battles had left him terribly exhausted. He wondered how much further until he would spot his party, or they would spot him.
(Really sorry I haven't posted in a while, busy week.)

Hiro saw Ryuko stop, "what's a matter?" Hiro asked confused. Just then he realized he had a party message, explaining Mercer's dilemma. His heart beat slowed. He had to push himself out of his shock and only then he was able to run to Mercers location.

After minutes of running, he saw Mercers shadow in the distance slowly swaying as he walked. He ran even faster when he saw him. He hadn't looked back to see if the rest of his crew was following him, he was to focused on seeing if Mercer was ok. He had only known his party for a short time but he felt a connection with all of them, he knew it wasn't smart to trust them this easily but he couldn't help it, that was just his personality.

Hiro slashed a Dire wolf coming at Mercer, killing it with one more stab. "Mercer! Are you all right? What happened? Where is jack?" Hiro tried to stop spewing out questions but it was hard. Hiro pulled out a health crystal and gave it to him, as he looked at his health bar. Hiro knew he was lucky to get a health crystal from the town of beginnings. He got it for quite a deal before his party meet. But now he knew Mercer needed to know and he needed to take it. He calmed himself, giving mercer time to take the health crystal and get answers for his many questions.
Ryuko heart had torn apart when she didn't see Jack, looking around racing seeing if he was somewhere she didn't see him her heart beat quickened she did not want this and she was right with her gut of a Player getting hurt, it was Mercer, not trying to cry she walked ahead looked desperately now, you could see the full blown worry and hurt and fear in her eyes, not the same kind of look she gave everyone when they first met,

"P-Please...Tell me..he is safe..." She said quietly enough for them too hear and she held her fist tightly biting her lip not bothering too look back and digging her heel in the dirt, "He is safe r-right.." She bit her lip harder, "R-Right.."
Mercer pushed the health crystal away, It would take time but he would heal. He knew Hiro would probably need it down the road. At that moment he coughed up blood yet again. He saw worry in their eyes, but he still denied the crystal.

"I'll sum it up quickly. I took on a boss solo and was pushed to the limit. I prevailed, but just barely. The boss, Koloss, was blocking the way to Tolbana. I didn't want you guys to risk your lives fighting him so I took him on. After I killed him, I was knocked out from the poisoning and injuries that the boss inflicted on me. When I woke up I had to fight of an entire pack of wolves with merely a dagger and 5% health. I then proceeded to back towards the party. Just give me a little time and I'll be fine," Mercer coughed up some more blood, "probably."

Mercer saw the unfamiliar face, and asked "Who's the girl?"
"She's Jacks sister, and that was very dumb of you, you could have died out there. We need to stick together if we ever want to get out of here, and that means relying on each other!" Hiro said angrily. He put the crystal in his bag and pulled out some dire wolf jerky. I don't care what you say your taking the jerky, it will help you heal faster.

As Hiro got his mind cleared he realized Jack was gone, "where is Jack!" Hiro said solomly, assuming the worst.
Mercer's jaw dropped, Jack had left back towards the party hours ago. They shouldn't have been more than an hour behind and they had cleared all of the monsters along the way. "He went back to regroup with you guys when he heard about his sister while I continued on ahead to go fight the boss. We had cleared the road behind us, so it should have been safe. You guys should have seen him hours ago."
"You guys should have seen him hours ago" Those words hit Ryuko like a bullet, more like a train her hand shaked and she slowly placed it at the tip on her sword ready too pull it out and attack but trying too stay calm,

"What the hell do you mean Hours ago?!" Ryuko yelled she opened her friends list and saw something she hoped too not see, tears streamed down her face rapidly as her back faced the group,

Jack was gone....

She didn't want too go home and see her brother dead, and her parents worrying, she fell too her knees and begged for him too come back, but as much as she begged she knew nothing was gonna happen, "He should've never join the game...I should've never joined the game...I would still have my big brother..I would still have my best friend!!!" she screamed out, "I should've never spoke too you guys..." She added getting up shaking a little and walking away swaying back and forth too the side and her walks was slow but she couldn't stay with them, she needed too leave, "I hope I die now" was her last words she spoke before staying silence and stopping in her place.
"In Pace Requiscat," said Mercer as he drew his sword and slashed her across the chest. "Your brother constantly told me how you were strong and that you would be the one to survive. If you want to prove him wrong, right here is a good of time as any. He came here so he could make sure you were safe. He told me he didn't care about himself as long as you survived. Do you want to let his life go to waste? If so, fine. Otherwise, man the heck up. Right now the only thing I can think about is beating this cursed game so I can find Kayaba and run him through. You should work to beat this game in the name of your brother, who came to this infernal prison so that you once again live a normal life. Let's see what all his love was worth in the end. Make a decision, you can't afford to hesitate in this place"

Mercer knew it was harsh, no it was extreme. She had just lost her brother and he slashed her. He didn't care if he made her hate him, all that mattered was he put a fighting spirit in her. She needed to live and fight for Jack, she had to. Hopefully this would spark the desire to do so.

As for hearing Jack was dead Mercer, felt like crap. He had grown closer to him during their venture together. A small pain flared inside him. He lost one of the first few friends he had made in a long time. Mercer was also concerned with how Jack died. They had cleared all of the monsters from the road so that shouldn't have been an issue unless one group had a respawn time drastically different from the rest. No, he hated to say it but he suspected that another player could have been the cause. He wouldn't tell the others though, until he was sure.

(From phone sorry)
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Pain struck Hiros chest, "oh, god." He whispered under his breath. A tear welled up in Hiros eye, he lost who he considered a friend, he became attached to all his party members, because he had no one as a child so he was always protective of friends or things he had, "this isn't a game, this it's the real world, this place is hell." Hiro thought to himself, but he didn't dare say it out loud, he knew Jacks sister would be hurting a lot worse. Hiro heard Mercers harsh words, and understood why he said them, but still if he had said that to him after my orphanage brother died, He wouldn't think twice about driving his sword straight into him.

He turned to Ryuko, and offered a hug, she didn't seem like the type but her brother did just die, and after Mercers tuff love, she may need one, "I'm so sorry, you could stay with us, just until your ready to go back out there." He added worried she may attempt suicide.
"...." She had no words and had saw her health bar go down a little, "....You expect me too recover so quickly after the hell had just happened?!?" Ryuko raged getting out her sword and walking towards Mercer, "I have nothing too go back too when I get out of this hell hole, no friends..he was my only friend I would talk too everyday! And yet you slash me I suppose this is your damn way of 'tough' love?" Ryuko let out a pity laugh and she stared at Hiro and Mercer, "I am not weak! Nor will I let my brothers leagacy go to waste!" She had quickly slashed Mercer back making him lose the same amount of health she lost, "I just had a bad moment in my time, and I need to recover a piece of me that had just been broken, I just lost it for a bit..and Sorry Hiro, but I still have little trust in you all, I must know you more first before we leave this game and not know each anymore too gain my trust and hugs...I am just..adjusting..My brother would be laughing at me right now..So I'll laugh with him, Invite me too join your party and I will accept until I get back on my own two feet" Ryuko said as her normal facial expression with no smile what so ever was shown, the thought of her brother raced through her head like a bullet over and over again but something told her she couldn't think about it and she had too move on,

"Thank You" She said bowing ever so gracefully to Mercer and Hiro
Mercer felt the blade rip through his virtual flesh. "Good, it worked," he thought. "I'm sorry Jack, I wasn't there when you needed help. You were right about her though, she sure does have spirit. I will pick up were you left off. I'll give my life to protect her because it was my fault you were alone. If it was a player who killed you, I'll find him. When I do, I'll gut him slowly and make him beg for forgiveness and make him know the pain your sister feels," Mercer silently thought to himself.

Mercer sheathed his weapon and turned to the girl. "Im sorry about your loss, I don't expect you recover. I honestly doubt anyone could. I just expect you to not throw everything away. I've been sword fighting for a long time, and the one thing I know is that hesitating will get you killed. Jack talked a lot about you, and I can see what he said was true. I'm not really a gambling man but I'd wager you are going to be one of the people who clear this game." Mercer opened his menu and produced a sword and dagger. "These were the rewards I received from killing the boss. I was planning on gifting these to Jack, so it would be only feel right if they went to you." Mercer offered her the weapons. "If you hate me, I don't blame you. Heck, the truth is I'd expect it. I doubt anything I say will ever change that fact. There is nothing I can do to make this right, however I will not let this happen again. I'll make sure to back you up and fight for you until the death, It's the least I owe Jack."

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