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Fantasy Angel and Demon RP, anyone?

He points his pistol at the house and fired the bullet. The bullet went inside the window and started bouncing in the room in all directions until it hits Noah's knee.
“Fuck” merci muttered, she stomped out of the house “DUDE, can I eat bacon in peace!” She whipped forwards and knocked hI’m down, reaching for the pistol at the same time.
"But... That was my last bullet..." Markus was knocked down the ground and got back up. "My pistol can only be fired once..."
Merci stood up, holding the pistol “What the hell was that about?” She glared down at him, studying his appearance before her eyes sunk into a glowing red color.
There was no need for Markus to fight, he was about to head home for another pistol. Until he start noticing her red eyes. "Kill him"
Noah crawls back inside and heals his knee in a instant. Jumps up and walks outside, leans against the wall

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