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Fantasy An Evil Education at the Tudor Lestrange Institute - Roleplayer's Lair (Expired)

SoftSmile SoftSmile Any rooming preferences? Here's what we've got so far.

Room Assignments
Knott - Lowell
Finnegan - Finbar
Hezekiah - Sharon & Thorntalon
Decibel - Malice
Vex - Pincushion

De-roomed Expendables

Unroomed Students
Rathbone & Boomer
Last edited:
StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus

No preferences here!
Sorry it took so long to reply.

Just a question, though: Any preferences in particular for Celeste, Luna, and Sunny? Like, would they be in the dorms, or do you have somewhere else in mind? And if they're in the dorms, are they a package deal with Tera the same way I've got Boomer with Rathbone or Sharon with Thorntalon?
I was thinking they have recharge stations somewhere around the school like where they 'sleep'.

But now that i'm thinking more about it-- It would be cool to have them room with Tera because waky hijinks could ensue. If they room with her they'll just have recharge station pods that take up as little room as possible! Dealers choice tho!

StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus
lowell post soon my mental health has been off the deep end but I am a lil bit better now😫
Room Assignments
Knott - Lowell
Finnegan - Finbar
Hezekiah - Sharon & Thorntalon
Decibel - Malice
Vex - Pincushion
Fenris - Terressa & co

De-roomed Expendables

Unroomed Students
Rathbone & Boomer
Lillith Death Lillith Death
I hope I'm not seeming presumptuous, but I realized that I didn't specify what kind of information I needed for Seraphina. I think it may help for me to explain why I need some of the information that was left out. I am not singling you out, although I am telling you here in case other people who want to join also need this information, as these are common issues.
  • For classification, the lore page (stylized as "staff and student handbook") gives examples of what they may be. While classifications that I did not list myself are allowed, as well as multiple classifications, I feel the classifications you have for your character are better described by what I have already listed: Either Black Magician, or Unfair One, possibly even both. Other classifications may also apply, though which ones they may be are up to you.
  • For "how you got here," "Motivation," and "Allegiance," These are used to determine how your character feels about being at the school, who they may get along with, and their greater goals. Simply "enrolled" is totally ok for you to put for your character, though it is an option to add more. For "Allegiance" you can always say what type of person your character may consider an ally or act as an ally to in place of a specific person. As for "Motivation," the things you could put include what your character wants to protect, or what they want to destroy, or just that they want to survive, or even that they want to spread chaos or take every opportunity for world domination.
  • It would help for us to know more about what your character looks like. Eye and hair color, and height are a good start, but it helps to know about other features. You can use an image if you want, but if you still want to describe your character instead, it can help to consider things like whether their hair is curly or straight, long or short, and what styles it is commonly kept in. Other features worth describing include the nose, eyebrows, face shape, and body shape.

I hope this helps, and if you have any questions then fell free to ask, and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
In which case, despite still possibly not keeping this one running (It depends on whether I can get everyone back) I will post the new characters.

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