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Fantasy Alpha: The First Interest

Seraph Darkfire

King of the Underworld

Life is random. The mind attempts to add order to this randomness but it only partially succeeds.

Deep Lake City is one of the random facets of life, an eccentric and wealthy individual finding, purchasing, and landscaping an empty area of real estate just to build a lake for himself, only to die shortly after its completion is random.

Corporations buying and building on the land is an attempt of order, to create high rise hotels with an exceptional view for profit. Over time, randomness sets in again, more and more people buying or renting land for homes, businesses, parks, and a wide variety of transportation until you have a city of random lives intersecting over and over again.

Randomness created a city, created the lives within. Randomness created the crime and ordered minds sought to beat it back and when that wasn't enough, randomness created those who could.

Life is random, chaotic, and beautiful. Lives are always changing, for better and worse. Sometimes true evil comes from this random life.

Sometimes it is something truly Heroic.
So this rp has already started but one person stopped responding so we need a fifth to join us.

It isn't structured like other roleplays, you don't have character sheets and you don't know even the beginnings of the plot.

Your character is an average person who started going through strange changes, improved physique and health, on top of random altruistic actions.

You get super powers, all five people do. However, you don't get to pick. I have five powers picked out and ready to go. You won't know everything about them and it'll take in rp testing to figure out what you can and cannot do.

There is some world building elements to this as well. I've given a basic structure but it is up to the five role players to build the world, adding in their characters favorite places in the city, places they avoid, ect.

There will be times when I take control over all five characters in what I'm calling "cut scenes" where things happen so fast it is as if your characters are acting on instinct.

To fit in with the world building aspect and the player controlled theme, I'm leaving it up to the other four members to pick who joins the roleplay.

Yhmera Yhmera Baryonray Baryonray D Dgjkbfx jrink jrink

If you four could explain what you are looking for in a fifth as well as anything else I may have forgotten, that'd be great.
My main priority is that a player is open to feedback /working with me on something if we're having an issue or are stuck on something, and engages my and other players' posts (getting no response sucks).

I think it's very cool when a player puts in time to talk about other player characters, or instigates action & plot, or builds on the world, or plays with mechanics and tropes, but I would call those bonuses. : )
I would agree in saying that we'd like someone to join who is willing to put effort into their posts and get stuck into the fact that this RP requires individual ideas because it isn't fully structured :) we've had fun so far and we've literally just started! We're a friendly group that would love someone to join us!
We're passionate about our characters and have only posted a couple of times so far, so you'd be in the same boat as us :)
I'd also love to join this! c:
Since there's more than one person who is interested, will there be a particular method (roleplay samples, self-introductions, etc.) for picking the fifth?
Lets have a test. Spencypoo Spencypoo .chxrryette. .chxrryette.

You have awoken in a blank white space, nothing above you, nothing below you, neither to the side. However, you know things. You can create anything you want in this space, worlds, people, objects. What you do with this power is up to you. What do you do? How do you react? What are you like? Did you have a life before this or are you a blank slate?

A simple prompt for you two. This is not about length...mostly. If you want to write a small novel, go ahead, if you feel that you can give a lot of impact in as little as a single paragraph, that is fine. For this prompt, write as much as you like and use whatever coding or color schemes for words as you want. You can post it here in the interest thread.

On another note, here is a link to the rp, feel free to read what is already there. Plenty of good writing to compare to. Also, for anyone else who wants to just read. The point of a roleplay is to create a story others and yourselves enjoy, even if you aren't a direct part of it. I want my roleplayers and observers to enjoy what they are reading.

Lets have a test. Spencypoo Spencypoo .chxrryette. .chxrryette.

You have awoken in a blank white space, nothing above you, nothing below you, neither to the side. However, you know things. You can create anything you want in this space, worlds, people, objects. What you do with this power is up to you. What do you do? How do you react? What are you like? Did you have a life before this or are you a blank slate?

A simple prompt for you two. This is not about length...mostly. If you want to write a small novel, go ahead, if you feel that you can give a lot of impact in as little as a single paragraph, that is fine. For this prompt, write as much as you like and use whatever coding or color schemes for words as you want. You can post it here in the interest thread.

On another note, here is a link to the rp, feel free to read what is already there. Plenty of good writing to compare to. Also, for anyone else who wants to just read. The point of a roleplay is to create a story others and yourselves enjoy, even if you aren't a direct part of it. I want my roleplayers and observers to enjoy what they are reading.

Alright! Do we create a one-time-use character for this prompt?
Up to you. The whole point of the prompt is to see what you can do. If you have a character you love and want to use them, go ahead. If you want to make something from scratch, also good.
Mychaile looked around the room confused. She then started and to try and recall earlier events but to her surprise had trouble. "Wait- I-I-. . .Why can't I remember?!" She mumbled to herself. The most recent memory she had was over a month ago- It was her sister's birthday. They had brought out the cake after what felt like an hour of waiting. They played games, sung songs, and just had fun...Like they usually did. Once she had realized that she had zoned out she almost immediately came back into reality. She took in her surroundings-But then again what surroundings? She squinted her eyes as they slowly adjusted to the light around her. She then started to try and feel around for anything. There was nothing.

She groaned. "How the hell did I even end up here!" She shouted to no one in particular as irritation grew in her. She just wanted to get out of whatever situation this was and get home. She knew her sister had been waiting for her at home and Mychaile was the only one who really cared for her.

Mychaile sat down and buried her face in her knees as a sinking feeling settled in when she felt the atmosphere of the room change into something she was familiar with. She then lifted her head. She knew where she was.

She was at home.

At least that's what she felt. The girl's own desire to be home manifested into what she felt home was. Mychaile didn't question how she got "home"
but didn't bother to question it. She was just happy to be in a place where she felt safe and comfortable. Why question a good thing....Right?
Here it is! I apologize for how long it took. c:


There was something… calming about her surroundings; a blank, white nothingness became an escape from reality for the girl. If she could stay here, she would… and yet, she knew they would not allow her. In fact, she would not allow it either. The situation was all too familiar, and the ending was consistent, but she pushed on. Change is inevitable, as they always say.

“Import memory: September 26th, 2034 at 3:30 pm.” Her voice noticeably wavered.

One blink and her snowy white wonderland had transformed into a quaint coffee shop. She took a moment to steady her erratic breathing and closed her eyes, gripping the table’s wooden edge ever-so tightly.

Slowly, she reopened her eyes to the scene before her.

Another girl was sitting on the opposite side of the table, caressing her sun-kissed cheeks with a hand and gazing out the side window. The girl looked peaceful, as if the static bustling crowds and atmosphere within the coffee shop did nothing to disrupt her calm, composed nature. Voluminous locks of dark brown hair cascaded to her shoulders and slightly covered her side profile. All Emily could really see through the dark wisps of hair was the tip of the girl’s round nose, a delicate smile, and deep brown eyes peering out through the curtains of the window. The few, lucky slivers of light, that managed to bypass the curtains thick material, brought a kind of radiance to the girl’s face. It was a sight to behold, one that Emily herself had a difficult time letting go of.

With a hard swallow, she muttered that heinous word.


In an instant, everything became alive. A burst of life was brought to the environment and a variety of conversations and voices filled the air. What was once stationary, began to move, to breathe, and to live again.

The girl across from Emily then spoke.

“You know Emily, I didn’t ask you to come here just for you to stare at me.” And with a slight tilt of her head, the girl’s gaze fell upon Emily.

Emily stopped breathing—or rather, she forgot how to breathe. A flicker of worry flashed upon the other girl’s face and she reached over to wave a hand in front of Emily.

“Hello? Earth to Emily, do you copy?”

It did not take long for Emily to regain control over her body’s functions and she pushed the hand away gently. She responded appropriately. “Sorry, didn’t get much sleep last night, Lil.” Emily brushed her bangs back and looked back at Lily.

This time, will be different…

The girls’ subsequent conversation soon joined the many voices within the coffee shop. Throughout the entire experience, Emily knew exactly what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. Though, sometimes she would get ahead of herself and answer too early, earning herself a confused look from Lily.

An hour had passed and the real test had begun.

“Look at the time, I have to leave Emily. It was nice talking to you though.” Lily said, beginning to gather her belongings. She stood up from the chair to leave, but Emily was quick to grab a hold of the girl’ wrist, stopping her in her tracks .

“Um, Lily can… can we stay here just a while longer. I have homework to do and I need help with it.” A different approach from the last few times, but surely this should work. It had to.

There was a moment of silence, though Emily felt as if it lasted a century.

Finally Lily sighed in defeat, dropped her bags and sat once more at the table. “Fine, but only this one time, Emily. You really should start becoming more responsible, you know? I am not your personal tutor.”

Emily chuckled at the motherly nagging and began rummaging through her own bags. “I got it, I got it. ‘S not my fault my professor knows diddly-squat about the subject, though.” Her face brightened when Lily also laughed while taking a look at whatever Emily pulled from her void of a backpack.

- - - - -

As the day continued, Emily only became increasingly more nervous. Her ticks were especially strong this time around; the bouncing of the leg, biting her lower lip, and playing with her hair were only some of the various ticks she displayed. Lily yawned and rubbed her eyes; Emily’s tense behavior had gone unnoticed by her. “I need some coffee, care to come with? We can leave our stuff here.” She had already stood up, looking back and awaiting a response from Emily.

“Sure, sure. Of course. Coffee it is. Yep.”

Lily furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Emily through thick, long lashes. “Emily, seriously, are you ok? You seem… off today.”

“No, I’m good. Coffee, right? L--let’s go.” Emily also stood up, almost tripping over her bags in the process. Her eyes shifted quickly from side to side, taking in her surroundings. She was… suspicious of everyone here. Everything from here on out was unfamiliar to her.

The girls walked up to the counter and Lily began ordering the usual. All the while, Emily was rubbing her arm and looking everywhere but Lily herself.

A friendly push from Lily brought Emily out of her hypnotic stance. “Come on Emi, loosen up. You’re acting as if something bad is going to happen.”

“Y-yeah…” There was one option Emily had yet to go with and it was one she had avoided for a very long time. She had advised herself against it many times, but it seemed as if this moment was better than any. “Lily, I need to tell you something, I—”

A few screams and the sound of a car’s skid could be heard from outside. Everyone within the shop had moved to the windows to investigate what was happening.


“What’s going on out there?” Lily asked, moving to the windows as well.

Not yet, this was too quick.

“Lily, wait please.” Emily followed directly behind Lily, but they didn’t get too far before everyone in the coffee shop began screaming. Some dived out of the way while others were too frozen in fear to move.

No, no, no.

Everything that followed seemed to be in slow motion. Emily did not have the time to properly register what was happening, and when she did, she had noticed Lily pushing her out of the way. Shards of glass flew in the air and through the reflection of Emily’s eyes, one could see the car making impact. It was impossible for Lily to dodge.

All Emily could do was let out a blood-curdling scream.

- - - - -

“Take her out, take her out now goddamn it!”

Before she knew it, Emily was forcibly brought back into reality and in front of her was the doctor and his two nurses hunched over a screen. Once the doctor had noticed she regained consciousness, he moved toward her slowly, holding out one hand in case she became violent.

“Emily. Emily, you’re ok. It’s fine—You’re safe.” Emily then grabbed the device that linked her to her memories and threw it against the wall with another furious scream. One of the nurses yelped and escaped the room while she still could. The other took to hiding behind the screen as a last resort.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck. I was so close, she was right there. I’m so fucking stupid, why couldn’t I move? Why--” Emily repeated, switching between gripping her head, pulling out some strands, and hitting herself in fits of pure anger.

“Emily… Emily please listen to me. It’s over.” The doctor had managed to make his way over to her without getting hit in the process. He knelt slightly in front of the sobbing girl and held her close like a father would to his child. Emily’s screams and loud sobs had soon subsided, turning into pitiful whimpers and hiccups.

The doctor pulled back from Emily when he saw that she was reduced to a sniffling mess. “Are you alright?” He asked softly, careful not to trigger another one of her tantrums.

With another sniff, and a lousy attempt at wiping away some snot with her sleeve, she looked up at the doctor. “You have to let me try again.”

“No, Emily. I will not.”

“You have to. I was so close. She was—”

“Emily.” The doctor grabbed a hold of her shoulder and shook her slightly. He was becoming frustrated as well. “You can’t save her. No matter how many times you try. Her fate is sealed. Unchangeable. It’s been 10 years and this is the 25th time you’ve tried. I think it’s time to let it go.”

“No… I can’t—you know I can’t. Please, doctor. Just one last try. I can do it this time. I know I can.”

“This treatment is hurting you more than it’s helping you. You understand that, right?”

Emily looked away and remained silent for a few heartbeats. “You want to help me, don’t you? Then put me back in.”

The doctor took a long look at her before shaking his head in clear exasperation. His eyes found the floor, then the ceiling, and then… to his nurse who was staring at the two from behind the computer. With a gentle flick of his wrist, the nurse then called in for another headset and began to re-execute the program. Another nurse, different from the one who ran out of the room, came in with a brand-new headset. She walked up behind the doctor, who in return nodded in acknowledgement and took the headset from its container. He examined it quickly before locking eyes with Emily.

“One. Last. Time. And then that’s it.” When he received a slow nod in response, he gave her the headset and stood up with a grunt. “We’ll start when you’re ready, Emily.”

- - - - -

Those same empty surroundings greeted her yet again. Though it brought her some peacefulness, the tranquility was deceptive in its own cruel way. It was a hell in disguise.
This time, she did not waste any time opening the memory.

“Import memory: September 26th, 2034 at 3:30 pm.” Her voice did not waver.

The same, familiar setting appeared all around her. She was, all over again, sitting in front of her childhood friend Lily Morrison.

This time will be different.

It had to be.

And with a hard swallow, Emily muttered the command.

Both of you have posted some interesting things. I'm going to talk it over with the others and we'll get back to you. Things went on a mini hiatus because of Christmas but as the Holidays pass we'll start getting back into the flow of things.
Alright. We've come to a decision. While we liked both of your stuff, we can only bring in one other person.

.chxrryette. .chxrryette. Your post had the depth and intrigue we are looking to add to the roleplay if you are still interested. I'll just need a character name so I can edit my posts accordingly.

Spencypoo Spencypoo Your post was interesting but it was lacking that...extra level that we were looking for, at least for this story. However, I have some stuff planned in the future that might open the story up to more people, so keep an eye out.
Alright. We've come to a decision. While we liked both of your stuff, we can only bring in one other person.

.chxrryette. .chxrryette. Your post had the depth and intrigue we are looking to add to the roleplay if you are still interested. I'll just need a character name so I can edit my posts accordingly.

Spencypoo Spencypoo Your post was interesting but it was lacking that...extra level that we were looking for, at least for this story. However, I have some stuff planned in the future that might open the story up to more people, so keep an eye out.

I feel honored, thank you so much! I loved reading your post as well Spencypoo Spencypoo ! Hopefully we can roleplay together in the near future!

My character's name will be Juniper Reynolds. Also, is there an ooc thread I can introduce myself on? c:
Not my type of setting. Not much for heroes or villains. But an interesting take on roleplay structure. If you do something else with that same premise, I'd love to see it.

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