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Aegis 3.0

"I have spent the last three months like that!", Raven shouted in tears. "Because I had to take your place. So excuse if I don't really care about your problem with me turning myself older."
Growling, she turned around. "You can tell mom she can visit me in Alabama. I'll move to my friend Xander until I know what I'll do about....this.", she growled, waving one hand between herself and Jim. "And don't even think about holding me back. I'm not your little girl anymore. I grew up to protect my little sibling. Ring a bell? Thanks for that."
And She teleported away, glaring at him coldly.

Smiling softly, Mac shook his head and ran one hand through Misha's hair.
"I can do that too. I can control the water in other beings' bodies to make them move in every way I want, so I know what you feel like."
Hugging him gently, he looked at the ceiling of the sphere.
"You know, it's the person who makes an ability scary or normal or even beautiful.
Being what we are, people gifted with abilities, no matter which, means that we have to be considerate and responsible in using them. And if we keep that in mind, and act that way, no ability is bad or scary."

"Who cares about the steaks?", Bailey giggled happily, sat down and took a big bite of her steak. "Fee? Ipf fime!", she mumbled through a mouthful.
"Cole, that was really sweet", Bailey's mother said with a soft smile. "You're a good boy."

"Thank you", Lola said with a soft smile, nuzzling into his jacket for a moment. "My house is just down this street, and i actually quite like to walk."
After a short walk, she unlocked the door of a beautiful little house and led Dylan into the living room with open kitchen.
"Well, welcome to my home sweet home", she said with a soft smile. "Just make yourself at home. There are drinks in the fridge if you're thirsty. I'll just quickly change."
Jim stared into nothing for a while, until tears started streaming down his face as he painfully closed his eyes. (http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/crying.gif)
His heart was aching so much right now. As if he was having a heart attack all over again.
>>Why did you do that?
Because I love seeing you suffer.
You've made me suffer for 20 years. Wasn't that enough?
Let me think about that.... eh no.
You're an asshole, Edward.
Well who just got called the worst dad ever - indirectly? Wasn't me. So who's the asshole here?<<
"...Fuck my life."

"But there are bad abilities aren't there?", Misha asked, tilting his head. "Or why do bad people get abilities where they can hurt people with?" He smiled happily at his father, until a painful frown appeared on his face.
"Voices - they're so loud...", he painfully shut his eyes, looking up at his father again with big eyes.
"Uncle Jim's thoughts are very dark at the moment, dad. And Raven's are very sad, angry and hurt."

Cole shook his head, chuckling, as Bailey talked to him while eating her steak.
"Didn't your parents teach you not to speak when you got food in your mouth?", he joked, winking.
"Thank you, ma'am.", he replied to his girlfriend's mother. "Trying my best to give her what she deserves."

Dylan's eyes widened, sparkling. "Whoa, it's really pretty and cozy here."
Lola was changing right now.
As Dylan had given her his jacket, his shirt was soaked. Maybe he could dry it a bit until they'd go back.
Walking into the kitchen, he took his shirt off and squeezed it above the sink, water drops falling down, until he lay it down on the radiator.
Mac shook his head, smiling softly.
"I don't think so", he explained. "I think we need good And evil, to learn and grow, and want to be the best we can. You know, if my past eouldnt have been so bad...i never would've met mommy. And I never would've had such a perfect family. As for powers..."
Smirking slightly, He ran his fingers through the water. "Power is neither good nor evil, but its user makes it so."
When Misha mentioned Jim, Mac nodded, sighing sadly. "I know. My angel, I have to help my brother now, but I promise we will continue our talk as soon as possible, okay? Try to build up the wall in your head."
He gently kissed his forehead and listed to Jim, his gaze saddening as he softly stroked over his brother's back. "Jimbo...?", he mumbled carefully.

While Bailey was occupied with another big piece of steak, her mother Lydia smirked softly. "Cole, really, no need to address any of us formally. You're a part of our family after all."
Bailey nodded at that, and finally spoke. "Mom's right. Jake keeps trying to tease me by calling you my husband", she laughed.

Lola soon came back in a black leggings, fluffy light brown boots and an oversized light blue sweater, spelling 'hug dealer' on the front, along with Mickey and Minnie mouse hugging under the writing, surrounded by a white heart.
Her hair tied up into a wet, messy bun and a pair of glasses on her nose, she went to look for Dylan, and kinda froze when she saw him standing there shirtless.
Pointing at him with one too long, hanging down sleeve, the other one raised to her lips, she just stood there like a statue for a few seconds, before gathering herself and smiling at Dylan, raising both oversized-sleeve-hidden hands into the air. "Unfancy enough?", she giggled with a slight blush on her cheeks. "Man i don't even remember when i last wore my glasses instead of lenses! But i gotta admit it's hella cozy."
"What?", Jim hissed back, his hands balled into fists, his eyes closed as more tears rolled down his cheeks. His teeth clenched together, he turned around to his brother, the sparkling in his eyes gone. They were empty, no emotions left.
"My life is just one big pile of shit.", he mumbled after a while of silence, taking a step forwards and hiding his face into his brother's shoulder. "I screw everything up!" He took a deep breath, not wanting to cry any longer. Crying was weak.
"You know, you were right. I am a horrible father. Worse than dad, and he at least was possessed."
He bit his lip, painfully shutting his eyes.
"I lost everything. Y'all's faith in me, my kids... how am I supposed to raise them when they hate me? My son got a broken heart, my daughter..." His breath fastened, his heart racing. "She left, Mac. She's in Alabama now. With some friend. She's a timeplayer. She left..." He lifted his head up as he noticed that his brother's shoulder was soaked now. Running his hand through his face, he looked up into the sky, just not wanting his brother to see him cry. "And you know what the worst part is? I didn't even make her leave. I never wanted her to leave. This...", he gulped. "He made her leave. And she went. She didn't resist. She wanted to leave."
Jim made his black wings appear on his face, hugging himself with hem, covering his face.
"It's all my fault...again. And there's nothing I can do about it..."

Cole chuckled, smirking softly. "Well, Jake's right. One day I'm gonna be.", he replied, blushing to a deep red once he noticed that he had said that out loud. Akwardly looking around, a slight frown appeared on his face as he noticed that one seat was empty. Dylan.
"Hey, where's Dylan?"
"He ran after Lola, I believe.", Mike replied, lifting his shoulders.
"I don't know. When you were on stage he looked kinda devastated. Maybe she turned him down and he's now trying to get her on a date by being desperate."
"No, that's not Dylan."
"Okay, true."

Dylan smirked softly as Lola came back. She looked really cute in that oversized sweater. And those glasses. Damn.
Yeah, he had a soft spot for cute girls with cute glasses.
Upon noticing what was written on her sweater, he stretched out his arms and walked over to her.
"Hug dealer? Well, what do you want in return for one?", he asked, hugging her.
Letting her go again, he ran his hand through his hair and gestured over to his soaked shirt on the radiator.
"Eh I hope it's okay if I dry my shirt on the radiator. Else it'll make me sick and I gotta get back to college in a few days. Can't risk missing anything."
Mac wrapped his arms around his brother tightly and gently stroked over his back as Jim sobbed on his shoulder.
He could understand them both very good, having been on both sides already, the leaving and the left.
He closed his eyes sadly and opened them again to look deep into Jim's eyes.
"Jimbo...I might have the highest IQ someone will ever reach, and access to 100% of my brain instead of 20...but of course I can make mistakes too. And I made one. I wasn't right. Dad was possessed, yeah, but you were too. Maybe not by a demon, but by your past. Your demon, big bro, is your past, and i know you can get get rid of both, past and Edward."
His eyes were sparkling softly as he held Jim's shoulder tightly. "I believe in you. And i know so do rose and Rachel and Lucy and rex...mom and dad..."
Sighing silently, he turned his head to the left. "I made the same mistakes, Jimbo. I was only able to see my side of the things, and that made me hurt Hunter. Some of her scars are my fault, but just as I managed to become better, you will too. And I will always be there to help you on your way. I promise."

Bailey didn't blush at all, but just wrapped her arms around him tightly and kissed him.
"Yeah, you'll definitely be that one day", she sighed happily, cuddling her head into his chest.
When he asked for Dylan, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
"They both aren't here anymore, their scent is fading."

Lola froze at first, but then melted into the hug with a soundless sigh. It had been ages since she had been hugged the last time, and she had completely forgotten how good that felt.
When he gestured towards his shirt and let go of her, she looked at it for a moment and then smiled softly, running her fingers over his shoulder.
"Sure, Sure, that's fine. Do you Want some coffee or tea or hot chocolate to warm up? I could also offer a fluffy blanket or a plain black oversized sweater. I mean, we're almost about the same height, so it should fit you."
"All your mistakes never made her leave or made your kids hate you.", Jim mumbled, looking down at the ground with broken eyes. "Do you know what it feels like to know you hurt your kids? To know that they want to get away from you?" His hands were still balled into fists, tensing all the muscles in his body.
"It feels worse than knowing you'll die."
He looked back at his brother, his eyes red from the tears, still filled with pain and shame.
"This is like someone dying. No goodbye, hard feelings - the only difference is that the dead person can't come back, but your kid could, yet it decides to stay as far away as possible from you. Do you know what that does to me?"
He was done. Done with all that crap people called life. He had tried. He had tried so hard to live a normal life. It always ended in a catastrophe. He always screwed everything up.
"It breaks your already broken heart into a billion little pieces which you can try to recover but your heart will always miss some pieces and it tears you down from the inside and you just can't do anything about it because those little missing pieces are gone, and day by day more pieces get ripped out because you keep torturing yourself inside your mind - it's what you deserve after all you've done, and with all this shit happening because of you you just give up and let your heart damage itself more and more until. nothing. is. left..."

Cole raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend.
"That's quite strange though. Why didn't he tell us he'd leave?", he mumbled to himself, but lastly just smiled again. His big brother was old enough to take care of himself.
"Hey Bailey, one question.", Mike interrupted, running his hand through his dark hair. "What's it like living in such a big family? I mean, you got... 7 siblings, right? I have three and only live with two - and they sometimes make me want to rip my hair out. How do you do that?"

Dylan smiled happily, letting out a chuckle. "Well, I'm more of a fluffy blanket-guy, so you can hang that around your shoulders and pretend you're superman.", he winked, running his hand through his wet hair, before taking another look around the kitchen.
"Hot chocolate for the win, though I'm gonna make it. You tell me what you want and I'll try to find the stuff I need for it here in your kitchen."
"And thats why we want you to get help. Because someone professional can help you to cope with the pain and protect yourself from destroying yourself", Mac explained. "Look, as long as you let it go on like this, you'll never be dependable. And your family deserves someone they can depend on. Try to follow my trail of thought now: if you learn to accept and love yourself again, you won't have such breakdowns anymore. And when you don't have breakdowns anymore, you can be a good father and husband. And when you are a good father and husband, the problems with your family will be able to be solved. Keeping up?"
He smirked softly. "As Buddha said: change comes from within. If you want to change your life, you need to start at yourself. So shape up, head up, and get down to business. Trust me bro, it works. I'm the prime example! You know how I was four years ago."

Bailey lifted her shoulders at Cole's question, and smirked at Mike.
"I think it's because we need to work together and be able to depend on eachother to keep everything running", she explained. "We just can't afford big arguments, our farm is like a huge domino- one person forgets to feed the cows- cows don't give milk- we cant sell any milk- we make much less money- we have no food for the cows- they don't give anymore milk- we can't sell any milk- and boom bada boom- brokeness, insolvency, city life- unaffordable for such a big family- street life- rock bottom."
Her siblings stared at her as if she had just announced the apocalypse.
"...we're Just used to it", Jake said in the end, smiling at Mike. I still remember how it was with only me and Elena and Sabrina. before Zack and Tony and Bailey and the others were born. It was much more work. Many hands make light work, so I'm quite glad we are such a big family...though I'm kinda worried about the future right now, but eh... that's a topic for another day."

"Who needs blankets, I have my supergirl cosplay hanging around in my wardrobe over there, right beside cat woman, storm, black widow, sif, Loki, iron man...i might be a bit of a marvel geek", Lola chuckled, and left to get the blanket for Dylan. Hanging it around his shoulders, she smiled gently. "I don't need anything, I'm not cold. Got used to wearing much less in much worse weather."
"I just don't think I can do it.", Jim replied, sighing sadly. "How should someone I don't know at all help me? How can I know he or she can be trusted? How am I supposed to open up to someone on our first meeting when I don't even open up to my family?", he asked, his eyes now slightly filling with fear. "What if I can't be helped? What if this is just who I am and... what if I'm not destined to have a family life? What if I'm destined to screw everything up? It'd fit better to my demon though..."

Cole smiled softly as Bailey explained it all to Mike, but raised an eyebrow as Jake mentioned he was scared of the future.
"Why are you scared of the future?", Mike and Cole asked simultaniously, but Emma replied to the question with her own thoughts.
"Perhaps because his siblings are all growing up, leaving for school and later for college. Just a guess.", she smiled softly at Jake. "You don't need to explain anything to the two boys, of course."

Dylan stared at Lola for a moment, feeling how the fluffy blanket warmed his skin.
"You're a- you're a Marvel Geek?", he asked, his eyes widening, a huge grin on his face. "I would never have thought of you being a marvel geek! Whoa.... heh, same here.", he winked, smirking softly. "Only movies or comics too?"
"Hunter was told she 'couldn't be fixed' and now look at her."
Mac smiled softly, thinking of his perfect wife. Sure, she had her ticks and problems, but he loved all of them.
"Shall I tell you how you'll be able to open up?", he asked, his eyes still full off warmth and faith.
"Tell yourself you're doing it for your family, not yourself. And isn't your family worth everything?"
He gave him a reassuring pat on the back. "Sometimes it's even much easier to open up to someone who isn't that directly involved. And as I told you before- try to think 'I will' instead of 'what if'. Ask Hunter, it really helps when you're afraid of something."

Jake smiled at Emma, before looking at Cole and Mike, and back at Emma.
"No no, it's fine. I just didn't want to spread bad mood, but if you wanna know it I won't make a secret of it", her said, loosening his tie a bit.
"You're about right", he explained. "I'm 22, ergo the oldest of us, and as it is tradition, I will take over the farm at some point. Mom and dad already told me they'd make a world tour when that time comes, and though it will be in sixteen years minimum, when little Randy is 18, well, as you said, Elena and Sabrina will be leaving for a college in Santa Barbara in a few weeks, and Bailey will go to college as well. Zack and Tony were offered a job as game testers in Tokyo, so they'll leave in a few months too, and then it's only me, mom and dad. The little ones after really helpful yet. There will be a lot of work coming, and it will become even harder when I'll take over the farm, because then I will be all alone, and eh..."
He gently stroked a streak of his brown hair out of his face and crossed his legs, staring at the table. "And because of Who, or what I am, I won't ever have kids, and probably no girl- or boyfriend as well, so it will be only me for the rest of my life, and I really doubt I will be able to keep that up for so long. It's just far too much work... And then there's also the farmers we used to work together with, but refuse to work with me in the future, just because..." his voice trailed off and he ran his hands through his face once. "... Because reasons..."

Lola grinned happily, took Dylan's hand and pulled him with her, into the next room- a huge workshop, full of tools and half finished cosplays, most of them from marvel.
"My personal Eden", she chuckled. "I'm mostly focusing on the films, just because I sadly barely have the time to read the comics", she explained.
Jim nodded slowly, sighing. "I'm just... really worried, you know?", he mumbled, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants as he leaned his back against a tree. "How did Hunter pull it off? I mean, I remember, a few years ago she was this... tiny, insecure and anxious girl and now she's like this super calm woman. Has she even had a panic attack anymore? I don't think so. And she's clean from self-harm, too. How was she able to do that all?"

Cole's family listened closely to Jake's story. While Mike and Emma kept quiet, Cole couldn't help but say something. He was family, after all.
"Jake, what reasons? I could maybe help you. I mean, we'll all gladly help you out." Cole's eyes widened all of a sudden, and a smirk appeared on his face. "Hey, Mike-"
"You don't really intend on going to college and later on find a job, right?"
"What are you trying to say?", Mike mumbled, raising his eyebrows.
"Well, you could help Jake out. You like working with animals and outside, so... it'd be a good idea, no?"
Mike gulped nervously, biting his lip.
"Eh....sure. I mean, it sounds like a good idea. If he wants to."

Dylan's eyes widened even more as they arrived into the room.
"Oh my god, this is amazing. You are amazing. Wow." He looked around at all the costumes, his eyes sparkling. "You should totally read the comics once. I got... well yeah, almost every single one ever released." He chuckled.
"Quick questions - Batman or Superman? Favorite Avenger? Favorite villain? X-Men or Avengers?"
Mac grinned happily at the mention of Hunter and lifted his shoulders.
"Honestly? I have no idea. I'm just as impressed of it as you, Jimbo. Hunter is just..."
He sighed, smirking stupidly. "She's amazing, isn't she? Maybe she just...grew up, and grew bigger than her fears. I think there was a point where she risked it all, opening up to life and me with everything she had and was and...i guess I just was good enough to make it good. But the most important step- opening up and trusting me with all that- that step was made by her, and I'm unbelievably proud of her for that."

Jake still locked his eyes to the table and sighed silently. "Ehm...my birth name was Kiara. It was changed after i underwent several surgeries and hormone therapy when i was fourteen", he explained silently. "My family always was super supportive. But many of the neighboring farmers...well They weren't that happy about it."
When Cole suggested his idea to Mike, and he agreed, he looked up from the table and smiled slightly at Mike. "Sure, that'd be great. I mean, if you still wanna...after this story..."

Lola giggled happily, putting on Loki's helmet.
"Hmm, superman. Definitely. I never really liked Batman.
I love iron man, alias Tony stark and DEADPOOL, but he of course isn't an avenger, and my favorite villian is Loki. He's so sassy and funny! Aaand that's quite a hard choice! I love them both, so i can't really decide for one there, but i think i like avengers just a tiny little bit more. Though quicksilver is hella cool and i wish I had wolverines claws and mystique's ability."
Jim smirked softly as his brother started talking about his wife.
"I love it when you talk about Hunter. Your eyes start glowing and your face just lights up - figuratively, of course.", he explained, running his hand through his hair. "Opening up is the scary part, isn't it? Maybe after you've opened up, it won't be that bad..."

Mike frowned deeply. "Boy, why shouldn't I want to help you anymore?", he asked, raising his eyebrow. "Hello, we're in the 21st century. Acceptance is number one priority here. Hey, I'm bi-"
"You're bi?", Emma asked, slightly surprised.
"Didn't I already tell you?"
"You just came out. Congrats, honey.", his mother replied, smiling happily.
Mike chuckled akwardly. "It's so normal for me that I completely forget I haven't told my family yet, haha. Oh well. You get what I'm trying to say, right Jake?"
Cole shook his head, wrapping one arm around Bailey's shoulders. "I doubt. Your explanations sometimes... are rather unusual.", he mentioned, winking, before turning to Jake. "Listen, if people don't accept you because of your past - they're assholes. I don't understand what's so 'unacceptable' about that, because in my opinion, it's great. There are just some people who stick to the old ideas of the 20th century and who can't seem to accept change. Don't think too much about them, Jake. Real friends will accept you for who you've been and for who you are now."

"How can you not love Batman?", Dylan gasped, laughing. "Superman has that weird thing on his hair which lookes like a turd.", he chuckled, running his hand through his hair. "I completely share your opinion on the other two questions, though.", he winked, grinning. "Okay, tough one - what Joker was the best one?"
"That's exactly it", Mac agreed nodding when Jim talked about opening up. "Of course it's hard. We both learned to never show weakness, because it would immediately be used against us, But we owe it to our family to understand that those times are over", he explained.
"If you want we can practise it together, okay? For exaaaaampleeeee..." he thought for a while, trying to find something he barely ever told anyone.
"Okay okay", he chuckled. "Hunter wasn't my first kiss. That was some guy on a festival I went to with Nico. He luckily could save his little stoned brother from doing any further dumb things", he laughed. "And before you ask- no I'm not bi, I was just stoned. Your turn."

Jake smiled softly at Cole and Mike and nodded once. "I guess you're right. Maybe I'm just a bit too sensitive about what others think about me. Thank you. You're both really great."
While Bailey was cuddling against Cole, Jake stood up and took a seat beside Mike, smirking slightly. "So, since we're probably gonna be partners in crime soon-" he winked, chuckling silently. "I thought we might want to get to know eachother a bit better."

Laughing, Lola put the helmet down again and grabbed a tube or hair gel, styling Dylan's hair into superman's hairstyle in record time.
Holding a mirror in front of him, she giggled.
"You mean like this? Or...wait..."
She changed it a bit more, freezing for a moment as she looked down from his hair and right into his pretty close face.
She quickly shook her head and chuckled awkwardly.
"Uh um, Heath Ledger's joker, definitely. He was awesome!"
Jim started laughing as his brother told him about his first kiss.
"Well I hope for you he at least was handsome.", he replied, winking, while he laughed some more.
As he had finally caught his breath, he sighed. What was there what he had never told anyone before? Quite a few things, but that would be better off hidden.
"Eh well... my first kiss was with a 14-year-old Rachel. And I was 18.", he blushed nervously, smirking akwardly. "And she actually kinda cheated on me with you... which still got me wonderin' sometimes but okay. Only Rey and I knew about that. It's not really something secretive but... illegal, for sure in Texas."
He ran his hand through his hair, gulping.
"...your turn, I guess?"

Cole smiled happily, softly kissing Bailey's forehead.
"I love you, babe.", he mumbled, enjoying her closeness, her scent, her warmth. She was so special. So perfect. His.
Mike nodded, smiling. "True true. So... eh I'm Michael, but everyone calls me Mike, 21 years-old, dropped out of high school and been to jail... maybe I shouldn't immediately have said that. Okay. Just so you know, I did it to help the fam and I'm clean now. No more stuff for me."

Dylan laughed, running his hand through his hair a couple of times.
"Oh no my precious hair is turned into a turd now!", he chuckled, smirking as she answered. "Okay, you gained another point. Any questions you wanna ask me?"
Mac nodded slowly, smiling sadly.
"Yeah I know...rachel kept talking about you ever since we had run off into the desert. She kept saying 'he will come, Macon, he hasn't forgotten me, he isn't dead, he will be there...and then she got that message from A.F., saying they had lost you..." frowning sadly, he looked away. "She was devastated. I knew it would only be a matter of time until she'd flee from her grief into my arms, but i didn't try to stop her...o should be tried finding you to prove you're still alive but I was afraid, so..."
Shaking his head in silence, he started to smirk softly. "I don't know how to put this less weird..." he chuckled silently, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "When i was still an Android and learning to behave like a human, I copied your way of frowning, scratching, smirking and raising one eyebrow to learn those things, in lack of another male human to copy it from."

"I love you more", Bailey sighed happily. "The song you wrote was so beautiful. I can't believe that was the first song you ever wrote, it was amazing. You should really keep on writing and singing baby."

"Hah, don't you worry about it, it's fine", Jake chuckled. "Its not like I'd become your boss or so."
He ran his fingers through his hair once and smirked at Mike.
"Sooo, Jake, 22 years old...my friends tend to call me Elvis because they thing my hairstyle kinda looks like his and my singing voice is similar to his whyyyyy did i mention that!?" Smirking awkwardly, he ran his hand through his hair once more. "I'm a sucker for rockabilly, rock'n roll and all the like...and I'm the master of playing the spoons", he laughed.

"Oh i just wanted to give you your cape", Lola laughed, pointing at a retro and a modern superman suit standing side by side in the corner of the room.
"I actually wrote a song out of boredom after watching superman vs Batman", she chuckled and thought about his question for a moment.
"Mmmhm! Which catwoman? And Bruce banner x Natasha romanov or Clint Barton x Natasha romanov?"
"You did?", Jim asked, raising his eyebrow. "That does sound weird - though it actually ain't that weird. Baby brothers always copy their bigger bros' behavior.", he explained, chuckling. "My turn again to tell you something?", he mumbled, thinking for a moment. "Well, I don't know if you've ever heard of it, but in 2010, when I was 17, just a few weeks before dad made me join the military, a scientific lab exploded. They said some experiment went wrong." He chuckled. "Well, it wasn't an experiment. I'd found out they were testing on dogs there. From few weeks old puppies to old ones. And well, I might have broken in at night, taken out the guards and freed all the 250 dogs kept there. And then I set the building on fire. Damage of 3 billion dollars - oops."

Cole akwardly scratched his neck, shaking his head. "Nah, that was just a one-time-thing. I got no talent for that. I'm actually quite surprised the song turned out alright.", he explained, smiling softly at Bailey. "And I'm really glad you liked it."

Mike laughed as well. "I knew I wasn't the only spoon-player here!", he replied, running his hand through his hair as well. "Well, fitting to what you said - I can't sing at all. You probably heard my baby bro sing like a pro, well, when I sing, I sound like whining cats.", he winked. "So when we start working on the farm I'll let the singing over to you."

"I'd rather keep my fluffy blanket as cape.", Dylan replied, smirking. "You wrote a song? You absolutely need to show it to me... if you want." Blushing slightly, he thought about her questions. "Mhm... honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of catwoman. Especially in the movies. So, no favorite one there. As for the second question: CLINTASHA!", he yelled, giggling. "Even though Clint is actually married."
"Why doesn't that surprise me- at all", Mac laughed, gently swatting Jim's shoulder. "Though I probably would have done the same...or I would've just taken them to court and confused the judges so much they'd agree with everything I'd say. Bam- the Gale-way", he chuckled.
"Okay okay, let's see...oh yeah: my first big love was Lena Duchannes from sixteen moons", he giggled, lifting his shoulders.

"You got a lot of talent for that! ", Bailey protested, and Sam jumped in to agree. "She's right. That really was awesome. Have you ever thought about joining a band? I know a few kids of your age who are dreaming of making one, but they still need a guitarist and two singers. Just saying."

((Btw I found a new pic for Jake: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/cf/bb/f0/cfbbf044e178ef1d790857ce70d8ecbe.jpg the old one looked stupid XD))
"Ohh buddy I'll so take you to one of our barn parties- if you want", Jake said with a huge grin. "A small stage with instruments everyone can use, food, drinks, dance, rodeo...it's Really awesome. All the farmers from around come, especially the younger ones, of around or age, and the cool oldies. Rock music, and country, and whatever everyone gets the idea to play. No spoon playing talent shall ever be wasted!" Chuckling, he more or less softly swatted Mike's shoulder.

"Booo- Natabruce!", Lola laughed, before blushing slightly and walking over to a light blue electric guitar.
She plugged it in and played a few soft chords, before looking at Dylan.
"But don't laugh!"
Playing on, she took a deep breath
"She's watching the taxi driver,
he pulls away
She's been locked up inside her apartment
a hundred days

She says,
"Yeah, he's still coming,
just a little bit late
He got stuck at the laundromat
washing his cape
She's just
watching the clouds roll by
and they spell her name
like Lois Lane
And she smiles,
oh the way she smiles

She's talking to angels,
counting the stars
Making a wish on a passing car
She's dancing with strangers,
falling apart
Waiting for Superman to pick her up
In his arms,
In his arms
Waiting for Superman

She's out on the corner
trying to catch a glimpse,
Nothing's making sense
She's been chasing an answer
A sign lost in the abyss,
this Metropolis

She says
"Yeah, he's still coming,
just a little bit late
He got stuck at the Five and Dime
saving the day"
She says "if life was a movie
then it wouldn't end like this

Left without a kiss"
Still, she smiles,
Oh the way she smiles, yeah

She's talking to angels,
she's counting the stars
Making a wish on a passing car
She's dancing with strangers,
she's falling apart
Waiting for Superman to pick her up
In his arms,
In his arms
She's waiting for Superman

To lift her up
and take her anywhere
Show her love
and fly her through the air
Save her now
before it's too late tonight
Oh, at the speed of light

And she smiles
She's talking to angels,
she's counting the stars
Making a wish on a passing car
She's dancing with strangers,
she's falling apart
Waiting for Superman to pick her up
In his arms,
In his arms
She's waiting for Superman

To lift her up
and take her anywhere
Show her love
and fly her through the air
Save her now
before it's too late tonight
She's waiting for Superman..."
"Texas court is fast when it comes to criminals of... my sort. I would've gone to court - weren't I wanted and had I know they would've actually done something about it.", Jim replied, winking. He chuckled as Mac mentioned his first big love. "Y'all know about my first big love: my baby.", he smirked, frowning as he thought of his car. He'd phone Dean tomorrow and ask if he could come pick her up. "My turn again?", he asked, thinking for a moment. "I was still quite young, 6 or 7 at max, and Phil Collins was in town for his concert. Dad of course didn't allow me to come, so I snuck out in the middle of the night, broke into the concert hall and made my way to stage. I was in the first row, and... for a boy whose life was a nightmare, experiencing something like that was... was like entering paradise.", he sighed happily. "Afterwards dad of course found out I had snuck out, and he'd come all the way down to Austin, asking everyone at the concert if they'd seen me. Got punished with the good ol' belt, but it was fucking worth it. And now, years later, I got Phil's guitar and I can call him my friend."

Cole blushed to a deeper red, running his hand through his hair.
"I- I don't know.", he mumbled. Sure, he would like to join a band... wasn't there his small problem with huge crowds. And he didn't really like meeting new people. Okay, he liked it, he was just extremely nervous and scared. Urgh, nothing he thought made sense right now.
"So... eh... what are those kids like?"

((he's looking good XD))
Mike grinned. "Hey that sounds amazing.", he mumbled, winking. "You should totally go out with me and my friends once. There ain't one evening where we don't have a spoon playing contest!" He chuckled. "I know you'll like it."

"Whoa...", Dylan mumbled as Lola had finished her song. "That was... you wrote that?", he asked again, totally baffled. Her voice was... whoa. That was all he could think right now. Whoa. "You're amazing. Man, that's... you're like the perfect-", he smiled akwardly, quickly trying to change topic. "And I love your guitar like whoa."

((Waiting for superman by daughtry, ahhh love that song *_*))
Sounds awesome", Mac said with a lopsided grin and looked at the sky for a moment.
"Okay, from the easy-to-share rather funny topics to the harder-to-share ones, alright?"
After staring up at the stars for a while, he sighed silently, his breath forming a little cloud of cold air because he was cooking himself down right now, without even noticing it.
By now, he had exchanged his ice arm with a super realistic one, no chance to distinguish it from a real hand.
He stared at it for a moment, sighing silently once more.
"I'm in big trouble at the moment, Jimbo... big big trouble and it's tearing me apart...i don't know what to do..."

Sam took out his phone and opened his whatsapp chat with Macon.
"Macon is my brother-in-law's younger brother, and your future medicine professor at the university. The kids here will probably be future classmates of you.
Tinka is a top bassist. Mac describes her as outgoing, sympathetic and open.
Robin is a bit naive sometimes, but the friendliest person you'll ever meet. You could threaten him with a shotgun and hed stay calm.
Damian is the voice of reason. Keyboard. He's organized, effective, and knows what he wants.
Those are the three till now."

((Hehe yeah I thought so too eue))
"I'd absolutely love to!", Jake said with a happy grin. "Hey, we have a barn party planned for tomorrow afternoon and evening. Why don't you and your friends come too? Then i could also already show you a bit of the farm and everything."

Lola smiled softly, put her guitar away and gently took Dylan's hand.
"You're too", she said with a smirk.
"And that guitar was a gift from my father, bless his soul. He taught me everything. Amazing man."
Still smiling softly, she looked into Dylan's eyes. "Got another question- if you'd- just hypothetically- be invited on a date; lunch or dinner?"
Jim's eyes widened in fear.
>>Not again. Not again.<<, he kept mumbling to himself. >>Please not again.<<
"Are you turning android again? Is the cancer back? Please don't tell me you're dying-", he took a deep breath as he felt the lump in his throat. "Please... what's wrong?!"

Cole stared at the pictures for a moment, analyzing them.
"They look nice...", he mumbled. "I mean we could try? Maybe?", he asked, even if he was actually more asking himself. "We could try, right?"

((heheh uwu))
Mike nodded, smirking. "Sounds good. I have nothing planned so just right.", he winked, taking out his phone and handing it to Jake. "Why don't you put in your number, then I'll text you to let you know if my friends are able to make it or not?"

Dylan slightly tilted his head at her question, while a slight blush appeared on his face while they were holding each other's hand.
"I'd say dinner. That's more romantic. And you got more options. And you know, you could watch a Marvel movie, then dinner, then... to the lake at night...", he chuckled. "I'm more of the boring romantic sort.", he winked, smirking. "And you?"
Mac gave Jim a tight, comforting hug and ruffled his hair, smiling softly, but with a gaze of sorrow in his eyes.
"No no, don't worry Jimbo", he said gently, one arm still resting around his older brother's shoulders.
"It's just... You're immortal now. Yes yippy can still age of you want to, and change your physical age like your clothes but... in the end you're immortal, and I'm not. I... I don't want to sound narcisstic now, but I'm pretty sure you'd break down badly if I'd die, no matter in how many many years. But it will happen because I agree like every normal person. Excepting i accept Gabriel's offer. He wants me as the leader of all angels. From class 9 to 10. That involves immortality, but how should I ever be able to pull that off, knowing I'd lose Hunter? Whatever I'll choose- I'll hurt the people who matter the most to me..."

Sam and Bailey both chuckled silently, and while Sam put his phone away again, Bailey gently kissed his cheek.
"Why don't you just take some time to think about it and decide whenever you're certain", she suggested. "There's still plenty of time."

"Sure, good idea", Jake said, tapped in his phone number and name and grinned as he was about to add a contact picture.
He made a pair of black and white ears appear on his head and a long, fluffy snow leopard tail grew on him.
When some black and white whiskers appeared on his cheeks, he bit his tail in the typical snow leopard way, and snapped a quick photo.
Still in his half shifted form and with the tail in his mouth, he gave the phone back to Mike with a sound that sounded like a mix of giggling and meowing.
Upon noticing he was still biting his tail, he grinned slightly, his pointy canines glinting in the light. "Hope you aren't allergic", he chuckled, using his tail to lift his glass and take a sip.
((This just killed me ;U;
http://static.boredpanda.com/blog/w...ing-tail-funny-cats-14-573dbaf758f80__880.jpg ))

"that sounds so awesome...", Lola sighed dreamily and closed her eyes for a moment as she imagined a date like that.
"A date like that would be just perfect", she said smiling. "I'm so sick of famous boyfriend's famous parties with hundreds of people and still no company. We really gotta have an evening like that sometime..." blushing slightly, she looked at his hand. "Only...if You wanna, of course."
Jim exhaled deeply. "God dammit, don't ever scare me like that again, you idiot.", he mumbled, shaking his he, hitting his brother's shoulder once. "Bro, your brother is the devil and his wife his Luna. Rey and I are both able to make other beings immortal.", he smirked. "Which means - you can just accept Gaby's offer - and I'll make Hunter immortal. I could also make your kids immortal, but they need to decide that for themselves - when they're old enough." He winked, smirking. "You really thought I would just let you die? Nuh-uh, not under my watch.", he chuckled. "Either way would you've ended up immortal. Either by accepting Gab's offer, or by me."

Cole grinned akwardly, nodding. "You know I don't really like meeting new people.", he muttered, kissing her forehead. "Oh eh... by the way, dad - there's something me and Bailey actually wanted to talk to you and mom about. And now with you all, and her family as well, here... it might be a good idea, no?"

Mike stared at Jake for a moment, smirking his cutest smirk. "Okay, damn, that's cute.", he whispered, laughing. "Did I just say that out loud? Oops.", he winked, gently touching Jake's ears. "Okay man those are fluffy!"

Dylan nodded agreeing, smiling. "What about tomorrow evening? You're free then?", he asked, raising his eyebrow, looking at her with big eyes. "We'll of course watch all the Avengers movies, duh.", he winked, running his hand through his hair. "If that's not too geeky for you."
Mac slightly shook his head, looking the ground.
He of course knew that Jim and Rey could make Hunter immortal as well, but that wasn't the problem anyway.
"You forgot one detail though", he sighed. "Hunter. What if she doesn't want to become immortal? Did you think about that? Immortality isn't something everybody would want. It can be a gift, but A curse too, and when Hunter sees more disadvantages than advantages... what will I do then?"

Sam raised one eyebrow, just as Bailey's parents. Was it just him or did that sound dangerously much like the beginning of ash and Emily 2.0? "Oh Jesus not another grandchild... please not yet...", he mumbled, then cleared his throat and slapped a smile into his face. "Alright, tell us what this is about then."

Jake immediately half closed his eyes, dropped his chin on the table and started purring loudly.
"Ohhh man the ears...", he mumbled. After a while he sighed happily, straightened up again and grinned awkwardly at Mike. "Sorry, cat coming trough. I got a soft spot with my ears", he chuckled. Bailey keeps calling me kitty. And yeeeaaah you said that loud. I know I'm kinda cute like this."

With sparkling eyes, Lola smiled at Dylan and planted a small kiss on his cheek.
"Sounds absolutely perfect", she sighed happily. "And don't you ever worry about being 'too geeky' or so. You're a really great guy, and who doesn't love your geeky and sweet kind is a plain idiot. I can't wait for our date."
Jim frowned, nodding. "You're right... didn't think about that.", he scratched the back of his neck, thinking. "Well, what if we just ask her? Like hypothetically, if she had the chance to become immortal, what she would do. And hey, I could ask too, so it won't be that obvious, hm?"

Cole smirked akwardly and looked at Bailey with big eyes, before back at his and her parents.
"Eh well... as we'll soon be going to college, and it'd be quite stressful to drive up and down the entire time... we were thinking about moving to the city. Into an apartment which wouldn't cost too much..."

Mike chuckled. "Kinda? You mean hella!", he winked, staring at the cat ears once more. "What's it like to... you know, change into an animal? Or partly? Isn't that weird? Do you behave like a cat too sometimes when you're human?"

Dylan blushed slightly as she kissed his cheek. He gently touched the side of his head where she had planted the kiss, before noticing how akward that must look like - and taking his hand down again.
"It'll be great. I'll make sure you'll have an unforgettable evening!", he promised, grinning. "And I might already have a good idea..."
Mac thought about Jim's offer for a moment and nodded finally, with a quite sorrowful gaze in his eyes. "I just hope she'll want to. I don't know what I would do if i had to choose. That would be just horrible... you both mean the world to me, After all."

Sam sighed, half relieved, half sorrowful, while Bailey's parents looked at eachother.
"Bailey, you know we don't have enough money to help you pay your apartment", her mom said with an apologetic tone in her voice, but Bailey shook her head. "I wouldn't want you to pay that for me anyway. And we actually planned to move into one apartment- together. It would be much easier to pay that way."
While Bailey's parents looked at eachother again, Sam bit his fingernails, looking at Cole with an unexplainable gaze in his eyes.

Jake chuckled and fully turned into an incredibly fluffy, yet beautiful snow leopard, his shining green eyes looking around for a moment before he looked at Mike again.
"Hmmh well in my case, all my senses enhance drastically when I shift, and I'm far sportier in this form. I could jump about 30 feet far in this form, and balance on a wire as thin as a hair without falling."
Licking his chest ur straight, he thought about more to tell.
"I'm pretty sure every shifter has a few characteristics of their shift as a human too. For example I love the winter and mountains and being high up, for example on towers and roofs...i absolutely hate having my hair and fur ruffled, excepting by wind, and I'm not that much of a fan of being around other male big cats. My instincts are screaming to fight your father right now, and the way he has already scratched holes into the tablecloth, he's feeling the same. Don't get me wrong now! He's a really great guy and I like him, it's just the animal and its instincts."
Lifting one shoulder, he shifted back.
"But I could ask you the same. Isn't it weird to be only one being? To shift into nothing? You know what I mean? It's a matter of being used to something."

Lola grinned happily and hugged Dylan for a moment, before looking into his eyes excitedly. "What idea? And do you still want that hot chocolate? I'd be in for one too now."
Smiling softly, she looked into his eyes. "I bet our evening will be great. With you, it can't be bad."

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