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Aegis 3.0

Jim's face saddened immediately, letting out a broken sigh. He should've known about Raven knowing... how should he tell her all that happened? She wouldn't listen to him. Maybe Rex or Rey could do it.
"Well, you two... it's time to go home. Let's go find the others. I'll go search for Raven..."

"Oh god your sisters look eh...", Cole made an akward face, and then just smiled apologetically. "It'll be fine, don't worry.", he kissed her cheek and got up, holding out his hand to her. "C'mon, let's say hi."

Mike listened to Macon with his eyes wide open.
"Whoa... how... how does one survive so many years of torture? I mean... and your wife healed you? But how did she heal you from being an android? I didn't even know it was possible being an android. That's strange. But just.. whoa. Respect for surviving all that."
Dylan chuckled silently, replying to the text.
Mom just arrived. Coming c: see you two lovebirds later ^^
At the exact same moment, Emma stepped into the car.
"Do I look okay?", she asked, pointing at her dress with a soft smile.
"Okay, then I'll search for Jack and you will search for angel, okay Kai?", Rose suggested, planted a soft kiss on her father's cheek and gently ruffled his hair.
"Let's meet here again, in ten minutes, with Jack and angel. Everyone okay with that? Supiii!"
And she walked off, already having an idea where her little brother could have gone.
"Jackie? Are you here?", she called as she arrived at the treehouse that Tahatan and rex had built with them.

Bailey gently intertwined her fingers with Cole's and raised one eyebrow at her sisters.
"What exactly...?"
"Keep cool, Bella", Elena giggled, and after a flurry of cherry blossom petals had his her for a second, her outfit had changed.
After doing the same, Sabrina laughed. "We just wanted to shock you a bit. But dad is serious about his outfit."
"Sorry, I had nothing else, and the thing with Colette cost us our last penny", he sighed. Bailey smiled sadly and hugged her father lovingly. "It's okay dad. If they don't accept you how you are, it's their problem. And Cole's family doesn't judge."

Mac gestured taking a bow and then smiled softly.
"I survived because the people around me never let me down and never stopped believing in me. Pim, Rex, Kichia, Rekin, my crew, my band, Rachel, Mom, Nico, Morty, Draco, Jasper, Cody, Violet, Hunter, Jim, Athena, Heather, Noah, Misha...Misha..."
His eyes sparkled softly as he thought of his little boy.
"I would have been and still would be nothing without them."

When Emma entered the car, Sam grinned softly, staring at her with wide eyes for a moment...before meowing like a cat and purring.
"You look absolutely beautiful", he said with a soft smile, giving her a kiss on her cheek and drove off.
After parking right beside the building, he looked at all the people on the big meadow, where chairs and a stage, and several stands were built up.
"Whoa they outdid themselves...", he mumbled, and smirked when he saw Bailey and Cole with a group of people, probably her family, and a girl that looked completely out of place there. Straight out of a movie, with her smooth, deep brown complexion, raven-black hair, strikingly light blue, almost pastel eyes and bodyhugging heavily patterned dress. The bus stop girl Bailey had written about? "Okiedokie, everyone ready to meet Bailey's family?"
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Jim got up, watching Rose and Kai walk - well, actually run - off, before he made his way into the forest to search his daughter.
"Raven!", he called, already shutting his mouth. She wouldn't react.
What should he do?
She wouldn't listen to him, Rachel was asleep and he wouldn't want to wake her, and he had no idea where Rex was... so he was all alone in this now.
"Raven please come out! Let me explain myself..."

Cole greeted Bailey's family with a soft smile.
"Hey! How are you all doing?", he asked, running his hand through his hair.
"And hey, if you ever need some money, don't be scared to ask me or my family. We'll all be happy to help you out."

Mike smiled softly, thinking of his own family.
"Sounds like you really have an amazing family and friends.", he replied, gasping scaredly as a small, winged boy suddenly appeared into the car as well.
"What the-?!"
The young boy, about almost two years old (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/10/c2/09/10c209de6f94d431b235253ea2afcc0d.jpg) kept staring at Mike for a moment before he turned to the angel.
"Daddy something is wrong."

Emma nodded, opening the car door and getting out.
"Let's goooo."
She chuckled as she saw her son's eyes widening upon seeing something, and she was guessing that it was the black girl over there.
"Why don't you go talk to her?", Emma suggested, smirking.
"Nah, not yet... eh I... Imma go to Cole."
A massive Electric shockwave flattened the entire forest at once, revealing who had caused the destruction.
Raven was Standing there, all grown up, With angry tears in her eyes.
"I found out I'm a timeplayer. And while uncle James was a class 8 player, I'm a class 9. In both, actually. Player- and demon. And i had to learn to control all this power, all this darkness- all on my own! Because you weren't there. So talk. Explain yourself. Where were you when I needed you most?!"
((Ohhh what did I just do to Jim...))

Sam walked up to Cole, Bailey and her family and smiled at them. "My son's right. We'll gladly help you out if things are going bad at the moment. Nice to meet you all. I'm Samuel Ge-... Anderson."
He was as good as married anyway, so why still use his old surname?
"And those three back there are Mike, Dylan and my amazing soon-to-be wife, Emma."
"Nice to meet You, Sam", Bailey's father said with a soft smile, shaking his hand. "I'm Tristan, and Sarah, Elena, Sabrina, Zoey, Zack, Tony and Randy."
"Great to meet you all."

"Yeah, I do", Mac said with a happy sigh and flinched surprised when Misha appeared on his lap.
He gently stroked over his head for a moment and smirked. "I was just talking about You, my angel."
His gaze however gained a hint of sorrow as Misha said something was wrong.
"Okay...tell me what happened, honey."

Just in that moment, Lola noticed them, and came over, her gaze on Emma.
"Ms, excuse me, I couldn't help but notice your beautiful dress. May I ask where you bought it?"
Her gaze flicking to Dylan, she smiled, folded her hands, excepting her thumbs and index fingers and pointed them at him.
"...Dylan. right? I saw you from the bus stop. Nice suit."
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((nooo my poor baby T_T))

Jim stared at his daughter with big eyes, almost going back into SRS as he kept thinking she was all adult now - just as what happened to Ash. He wouldn't be able to handle that a second time.
"Honey, I...", he looked to the floor, painfully closing his eyes.
"I was in pain. I wasn't able to see anything else than my pain. You saw my past. You know what happened to me. I was scared to lose her again...", he sighed, clenching his teeth together as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I know that all doesn't change that I wasn't there for you, and I... I understand if you hate me now. I just... I'm gonna get professional help so... nothing of that would ever happen again..."

Cole smirked softly, running his hand through his hair.
"Man, I'm hungry. I hope they already put up the buffet.", he chuckled, smirking, and softly hit Bailey's shoulder as he saw his brother with the bus stop girl.
"Well look over there."

Mike just stayed with the two angels. He was curious and he wanted to know what for angel stuff was going on.
Misha looked at his father with big eyes.
"I hear voices.", he mumbled.
Mike frowned confused. No, not creepy at all.

Emma smiled softly at the girl, taking a look down at her dress.
"Ever heard of Athena Jacksson? I bought it from her. My fiancé's sister is married to Athena's brother, so we're practically family.", she winked, chuckling, and excused herself as her son and the girl started talking.
"Yeah, I'm Dylan.", he replied, smirking. "You must be Lola! Nice to meet you."
((Poor Jimbo's girl is corrupted ;n; ))
"That was what you told Jack as well. And then you let him down. Again. You broke your promise, and your son's heart. You have no idea what you did to him! You and mom should be the ones we can trust the most. But can we trust you, dad, when it goes dark?", Raven scoffed, shaking her head. "Just because your childhood was fucked up, doesn't mean you have the right to do the same thing to us!"
She wrinkled her nose hatefully as her hair started to crackle electrically.
"Edward and Lilith were right all along. If you lied to us about being there for us, about loving us- why should I believe anything you taught me? You are the dark side here, not them. They believed in me when I didn't, when you were gone. You are the bad guys."
Her eyes turned black at this point, and pure darkness surrounded her. Something was definitely wrong with her. "One more step into the wrong direction and I will be forced to clear you from this world, before you can cause more destruction than you already did."

Bailey grinned happily upon seeing Dylan and Lola. "See? Told you!", she chuckled. Turning to everyone else again, she smiled softly, crossing her arms behind her back.
"Let's go and find a table and then get ourselves something from the buffet."

Mac tilted his head to the side, his expression now completely calm again.
"That might be an ability", he explained with a soft smile. "Tell me more about the voices. What do they say? How do they sound?"

"You maybe mean Athena Johnson? I love her dresses, modelled for many of her collections!"
When Emma excused herself, she smiled at Dylan.
"Yup, I'm Lola. I..."
She furrowed her eyebrows. "An seeing my manager standing there. The heck?"
She waved confused when the guy came over.
"Perry, what exactly are you doing here?"
"Well, first: you left your phone at the beach after the bikini photo shoot for Bruno Banani." He handed the phone to the awkwardly smiling Lola. "And while I was driving here to bring it to You, I got a few calls. Good news first or bad news first?"
"Your cousin can't come because she had a little accident...and now is stuck to her boyfriend's piecing with her...well..."
"Okay Okay, got it, please no more detail", Lola groaned facepalming. "And the good need?"
"Louis Vuitton wants you. In a week in California."
"I'll be studying in a week. I have time for them in four weeks, not earlier."
"They eont want to wait thag long."
"And i won't leave school for them. Gotta Decline."
"Perry. This is important for me, and certainly more important than LV."
"Will you at least go to J2M's season 13 party next weekend?"
A slight grin spread on Lola's face. "You know id never miss an opportunity to party with them."
"Good girl. Gotta go now, Alicia and Avril are fighting about wearing the same shirt again And if i don't stop them they'll start world war 3."
Chuckling, Lola looked after Perry when he ran off. "That guy.", she said with a soft smirk, and turned to Dylan again. "Excuse that. Perry is a bit workaholic. Whatever. Nice to meet you too. Would you like to go to the cocktail bar they put up over there? On me."
Jim felt how his heart literally broke in two.
Those words was all he ever feared of hearing... and now they were said.
As Raven however transformed into some creepy... demon-thing, Jim knew something was wrong.
She was possessed.
>>Lucifer! Get your ass as fast as you can down here! Bring Rex too!
Brother! I need you here!<<, he screamed in his thoughts, before turning back to his 'daughter'.
Lifting his head, his eyes turning pitch black, straightening his back, he looked at her, pure determination in his eyes.
He'd give his life if it meant her to be safe and to get Edward and Lilith away for forever.
"Edward and Lilith, you two tortured the Davis family for years, you tortured me... I won't let you hurt my daughter too. It's me you want. Get out of her now, else you'll have to meet the fucking devil. And I'm telling you - I ain't gonna have mercy."

"Yes, finally. I'm starving.", Cole winked, chuckling, quickly turning to one of Bailey's brothers. The twins.
"Argh, I still can't say who is who. Who's the videogamer of you two again?"

Misha turned to Mike for a moment, before back at his father.
"His voice just told me that he thinks me hearing voices is creepy."
Mike's eyes widened. >>What the actual fuck?<<
"And now he just used a bad word. Mommy would want you to put money in the swearing jar now."
Misha closed his eyes for a second, concentrating.
"...his name is Mike. 20 years old. You were in jail for two years but got out because of Sam."
"How did you-?"
"I... I can somehow access your memories. It tells me everything."

Dylan blinked a couple of times.
"I at first thought that was your boyfriend.", he replied, chuckling. "So, you're a model? Could've guessed it."
He smirked softly, nodding as she suggested going to the cocktail bar.
"And hey, drinks on me. Pretty ladies don't need to pay for their own.", he winked, waiting for her to take the lead to the bar.
Just as Mac was about to calm Misha down an tell him that it was just an ability awakening, his eyes gained that half-creepy half-beautiful white glow and he saw Jim needineeding him.
"Misha, I have to go help uncle Jim. Something's very wrong. I need you to either stay with uncle Sam or teleport home. No adventure now, Okay? I trust you." He gently kissed the little boy's forehead and misted to jim, already in his 3o feet moon Dragon shift that Jim's attempt to kill himself had somehow revived.
He let out a blood curdling roar, and glared at the demons possessing raven.
Rex appeared as Well, together with Lucifer.
"Jim I can't help you...", he said silently. "You were gone for four months. I'm nothing but a human by now. I asked Macon to keep my divinity safe until you'd finally get better.
The Dragon looked down at his brother, his blue eyes shining softly.
A bright light rose from the gem on his forehead, and floated in the air like a soul. "It's all up to you now, brother. The devil is able to control demons."

"Both of us of course!", they laughed simultaneously. "And don't feel bad, not even mom can distinguish us."
Meanwhile Bailey gently wrapped her arms around Cole from behind and rested her chin on his shoulder. "Tony has an orange spot in his left eye, that's how I keep them apart", she said smirking. "And Zack has a scar on his left eyebrow."

"Hell no, after the disaster with Channing, I swore myself- no hollywood-boyfriends ever again. Jesus you can't even hug without half of the world driving crazy."
She shook her head.
"Nope, all those galas and red carpets...one time, Lady gaga punched me in the face for accidentally stepping on the edge of her dress. In front of over a thousand cameras. Glorious day."
When Dylan said he would pay the cocktails, she smiled softly. "really sweet of you. Thank you."
She ordered a caipirinha with a happy smirk, before smiling at Dylan again. "You know, I couldn't help but notice you when i was waiting for the bus. I'm glad I'm finally getting the chance to get to know you."
"I am?", Jim asked confused, raising an eyebrow. He didn't even know he actually was the devil already. He'd just used the devil to describe himself as a figure of speech... oh well.
Jim looked back at his possessed daughter, his eyes slightly glowing black.
"One chance Lilith. Get out of my daughter and settle this with me - or do it the hard way..."
He shifted into his wolfform, which looked oddly demonic right now (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/56/19/74/561974711e46382b78a3a74556c94e2d.jpg), and let out a loud double roar.
"...and meet the fenrir."

Cole nodded as Bailey told him how to keep the two apart.
"Yeah, you're right. Okay, now it should be easier I hope.", he chuckled, softly kissing her cheek before turning back to the twins.
"Did you two hear as well that there should come a Fallout 5 next winter? Fallout 4 apparently was such a success that they're making a new one."

"Channing...? Tatum?", Dylan asked, raising an eyebrow, and just chuckled. "I actually think all celebrities are egocentric assholes. Only able to think about the fame and the money, not actually caring for what they do and their fans. That mostly applies to singers though. And actors."
He ordered a cocktail 'sex on the beach', and smirked when she told him that she couldn't help but notice him.
"Notice me in a good or bad way?", he asked, winking.
"You idjit, what we meant is that now is the right time to become the devil", Lucifer said, rolling his eyes, and Mac pushed the bright light down, until it disappeared into his brother. "Okay, my brother is a God ", Mac mumbled to himself. "Weird."
Meanwhile Raven screamed painfully as a dark cloud emerged from her body, shaping a dark-haired woman with entirely white eyes.
While raven slumped down to the ground unconsciously, the Demon grinned. "go on. Kill one of your kind. The other demons surely will love that. And before you can even say 'please dont', the entire population of hell, all 13000 demons, will turn on you."

"That means marathon!", Zack cheered, while Tony was grinning satisfiedly. "I'm going to beat your ass up again, Zachariah!", he laughed mischievously, but Zack just raised one eyebrow. "Yeah and Bella is gonna both our asses up."
"And we will do a marathon too, won't we?", Bailey chuckled. "You and me and..."
Winking, she whispered to his ear. "A lot of fun, baby."

"Ah but there are actually some really great singers and actors out there", Lola explained with a gentle smirk. "The supernatural crew is really cool, for example. "Jared and I have the same hairstylist and Jensen taught me a bit of martial arts. Self defense, you know."
She chuckled softly, looking at Dylan with puppy eyes as she took a sip of her cocktail. "In a good way of course. Your smile was the first real, not faked smile i had seen in quite a while."
Jim shifted back into his human form, stretching his neck for a moment as he felt the new power running through his veins.
Feeding his demon.
"Ain't that cute. You still think the demons are on your side? Oh please, keep on believing. My demon friends will surely love a funny story. You know, you might think you're rotten evil, but I still stand above you in the list. And all the demons hate you as much as I do, so win-win for all of us.", he replied to the woman, his eyes pitch black, the floor under him disappearing in shadows. "And please don't think I'll make my hands dirty for you. I'm not going to kill you, on the contrary."
All of a sudden, hundreds of red eyed-shadows creatures (something like this https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2d/94/53/2d9453056004523ac33a1fc9c0116e7f.jpg) gathered around them, until practically everything was covered in blackness. The sky, the trees - everything was black, just dozens of red eyes glancing through.
"They haven't had anything to eat in a long time.", Jim explained, his lips forming to a creepy grin, while his voice had gained a triple, deep demonic tone.
"Lunch time." - and as if they were programmed to do so, the creatures all jumped onto the woman, devouring her.
Jim hadn't used his deadly shadows in a long time. About two years.
They did come in handy here.
Able to kill anything.
With the devil's power, Jim was now able to control them.
And yes, he had made them eat Lilith alive.

"And I'm going to beat all of your asses up!", Cole replied to the brothers, laughing.
He smirked cheesily at his girlfriend. "And of course we'll have a marathon.", he wiggled his eyebrows, chuckling. "Shall we go grab something to eat now?"

"Supernatural Fan, hm? Me too.", Dylan explained, not feeling ashamed of it at all. It was a great show, and the cast was amazing.
He smiled softly as she told him his smile wasn't fake. "Yeah, you're right. I mean, why would someone fake a smile? I just don't get it. Okay, maybe I do. But it still doesn't make sense, you know?"
After a horrible long time of screaming, the last scream drowned in a gurgling sound.
Raven slowly opened her eyes and looked around in pure confusion.
"...Dad...?", she mumbled silently, still pretty dizzy and blurry in her sight.
She carefully stumbled to her feet and looked around once more, before running to her father and hugging him tightly.
"What happened? Last thing I remember is seeing what you really did those four months long..."
Frowning sadly, she cuddled her head against his neck and sighed silently, softly electroducing him like she had always done when she felt especially close to him. She knew she was the only person who really knew his entire past, in every single little detail, including feelings and sensations. Such horrible pain, physically and mentally, in his childhood. But it had been no comparison to the pain he had felt when her mother had been close to death for so long, and when she, well, Lilith inside her, had said things that broke his heart into two. She could still feel the sting.
With a sad smile, she sent him her feelings, the warm glow of being with him again, the fear to lose him again, and the happiness to electroduce him again.
"I love you dad...", she whispered softly.

"Yup, I'm starving!", Bailey chuckled, already gently dragging him to the buffet. "Yes! They have steaks!"
Grinning happily, she loaded two steaks on her plate and a small little bit of fruit salad that looked rather like a joke.
"Okiedokes, I'm ready."

Lola smiled slightly, looking into the sky.
"Well, when you're well-known and confronted with tv or magazines or photographers and other well-known people, You're kinda forced to smile, if you don't want to end up in the next gossip rag. I know i was once accused to be pregnant because i wore an oversized sweater in public. Everyone immediately thought i was trying to hide a belly, and those who didn't, thought I had a hangover or something because I wore no make-up.", she explained sighing. "One day without perfection- bam! Scandal. That taught me a lesson."
Jim's eyes turned back to normal again, and he at first frowned confused as his daughter was cuddling him.
Hadn't she been possessed by Lilith?
>>What happened...?
I took care of Lilith for you.
You were easy to possess. So strong from the the outside, so weak and vulnerable on the inside.
Worse, kid. It's your good old friend, Edward.<<
Jim felt how his heart raced. No time to think about that, he had first to take care of his daughter.
Slowly going down to his knees, he hugged her tightly, softly electroducing her.
"I love you, Raven. And I'm so sorry... I am a horrible father, but I'm working on it. I promise."

Cole smirked proudly, winking at his girlfriend. (https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcsbwqQ5WA1rwvvyso1_500.gif)
"That's my girl, eating two steaks!", he winked, chuckling, and grabbed a plate as well.
"What would you recommend?", he asked Bailey, his eyes sparkling softly as he looked at her. God, how he loved her.

Dylan frowned. "Urgh, I absolutely hate people like those.", he mumbled, shaking his head. "Why can't everybody just let everyone live their lives in peace?"
"I know dad", Raven said with a soft smile, cupped his face and looked deep into his eyes. "You trust me, don't You?"
Cuddling against him again, she sighed softly, playing with the fabric of the back of his shirt.
"Listen, you don't have to be afraid. You will get rid of Edward again, and you will find someone you will trust with all your problems. It will help You, dad."
She gently kissed his cheek and looked into his eyes again. "Mayrose Merryweather. You will need her as your psychologist, no one else. Mayrose Merryweather."

Bailey chuckled, put her plate on the table and then went back to Cole, hugging him from behind when she looked over his shoulder at the buffet.
"For my meat-despising sunshine...hmm..."
After looking and thinking for a while, she smirked. "Well I don't kniw about You, but I'm a sucker for guacamole. And that fish there looks really good too... did you know many of the vegetables and fruits they used here are actually from our farm?" Grinning slightly, she looked at the cocktail bar. "Imma convince the barkeeper i'm 21 and get myself a Baileys chocolate luxe cocktail."

Lola just shrugged. She had tried to find an answer for that so many times, but never found one.
"I have no idea", she sighed. "But hey, as long as we are better than those vultures, there's still a bit of hope, isn't it?"
Jim looked into his daughter's eyes, nodding. He felt so vulnerable right now. His daughter knew about his weaknesses. They all knew about his weaknesses.
"If you say so, it'll be her. I'll phone her in the morning.", he mumbled, smiling tiredly.
"Let's get home. I bet you want to see your mom, don't you?", he smiled softly, picking her up and gently putting her on his shoulders.
Turning to his brother, Lucifer and Rex, he sighed.
"Y'all know, don't you? Edward's back."

Cole watched Bailey walk over to the cocktail bar, a loving smile on his face, his eyes sparkling.
While he was putting some veggies and fruit on his plate, a young man walked up to him, in his hands holding a huge block of paper, some sweat drops on his glasses, his smile excausted.
"You're Cole?"
"Start in five minutes, okay?"
Cole nodded, and the guy walked off again.
He had been planning this for about two months and nothing could go wrong. He was nervous. Really nervous.
He wanted to make Bailey happy and give her a graduation night she'd never forget - and no, not in the sexual way.

Dylan lifted his shoulders. "I don't know.", he mumbled. "Even with press saying stuff which isn't true, why should you care? Just go out wearing oversized hoodies, and no make-up, let them talk, who cares?"
"You will get rid of him", Raven Promised with a reassuring smile.
"Mayrose and the dog will make you stronger than you would ever think you could be."
While Rex and Lucifer nodded in silence, Mac smiled at his brother.
"Yeah, I can feel his presence. But i believe in you."
Sure, that Edward was back was terrifying, but he hoped that the things that has happened just now had given him enough determination to get rid of that shadow.
God he was glad that Hunter had showed him the way out of his self hate.
While Raven told Jim that they'd still have to meet the others on rex ranch, he waved them goodbye and teleported home, right behind Hunter, gently wrapping his wings around her.
"I just had to think of how much i love you", he mumbled with a soft smirk.

Bailey came back with her cocktail and a soft grin on her face.
"Hey, who was that guy?", she asked curiously. "A new friend?"
She planted a small kiss on his cheek and smirked as she looked up into his eyes.
"By the way baby, did i already mention you look absolutely handsome today?"

"I care.", Lola said, looking up from her cocktail and right into Dylan's eyes.
"I'm just sick of people harassing people with disabilities and conditions, and if i have to be a symbol to prove to them that we can be perfect too, then so it be."
She sighed defeatedly.
"My whole family is from Sweden. My parents are as white as they could be, and so was I. Then i suddenly started to develop dark brown spots all over my skin. At first we thought it was just a few birthmarks, but they grew and grew and at some point the docs said I might have skin cancer. Luckily turned out to be melanism instead, but you can imagine the reactions of my classmates. But when it had completely taken over, Perry approached me. He had been in my class as Well, and my only friend.he got me into the modelling business, and i showed them all. I just want the world to understand that just because you're different, doesn't mean you aren't beautiful. And if It's gotta be like this, fine. As long as i can help a few people that way. I got so many letters from people with all sorts of conditions who said my story gave them hope. That's more important than an easy life."
"Dog?", Jim asked, raising an eyebrow. Maybe she meant Ash or Kai. Not that nice to call your brothers 'dog' instead of their names but alright...
"Yeah, let's see if Rosie found Jack and if Kai found Angel.", he smiled softly, before turning to Lucifer and Rex.
"Luce... what happens to you now with me being the devil?" It still felt weird to say. Jim was now an immortal god. His powers had expanded, new abilities perhaps as well, a new shift.... so much to learn and do...

Hunter smiled happily as she felt her husband's wings and arms wrap around her.
"You're home.", she turned herself around and looked up into his eyes, hers sparkling lovingly. "I love you too, honey."
She hugged him tightly, running her fingers over his chest, and finally kissed him gently.
"I love you so much that I am preparing tacos for tonight's dinner."
"And I am helping!", a high, soft voice called, and the head of a young girl (http://amycolumbusphotography.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Ryan13web(pp_w920_h736).jpg) rose out of the sink.
"I am washing Miss Poopie so she can help make tacos for you!"

"Eh well... kinda.", Cole replied, smirking akwardly. His cheeks colored slightly red as she caller him handsome.
"Well, thank you, though nobody would ever be able to outstand your beauty.", he winked, giving her a gentle kiss.
"I quickly gotta find my... friend. You already go back to the table where our families are. I'll be right back."

"But you are perfect, even if you wouldn't wear your fancy clothes and your makeup.", Dylan replied. Sure, he understood what she meant, but to him, she was doing it wrong. "If you want to show people with bad conditions that they're perfect - you gotta be yourself and show them that even if you lack something, you're still loved and you're still perfect."
He sighed silently.
"About one and a half year ago, me and my mom's ex got into a really bad car accident. He died. I lost both my legs and my brain suffered so much damage that everything I had learned in my past 18 years of living was gone. I behaved like a three year old, I didn't know better. People shut me out because I was different, because I had a condition, and had I just heard something from someone I looked up to or from someone with many people who look up to them, saying something like 'just be yourself' and stuff, without having to prove themselves that they were perfect by putting on makeup and posing in front of paparazzi... maybe I would've-"
"Dylan!", Mike interrupted, slightly shoving him aside. He glanced at Lola for a moment, raised his eyebrows with a smirk before he turned to his younger brother.
"Cole's coming up now any second. Sit down.", he whispered, winked, and smirked at Lola once more, before going back to his place.
"Echo", Raven explained with a soft smile. "You'll find her soon. And yes, let's go back to them and then home!"
While Raven was playing around with Jim's hair, Lucifer lifted his shoulders.
"Well, I'm about 28 now, not too late to meet a girl and live an ordinary life. I thought now that hell is no longer my home, I could as well move to Aegis, build a house and settle down. You're not rid of me yet, and of course me and Azazel will help you to get used to being the devil."

Mac grinned happily and went over to the sink, his left wing still lingering on Hunter's shoulders.
"Wow, miss poopie looks squeaky clean! I bet she enjoys her bath." Smirking softly, he kissed his daughter's forehead before turning to Hunter again. "Can i help you somehow honey?"

Bailey raised one eyebrow at Cole's sudden disappearance, but lastly shrugged it off and went to the table to take a seat between Emma and Mike.
"Anyone know what program's up now?", she asked, looking around for the booklet that listed all the things that would happen on stage today.
Her eyes widened. "Cole Anderson?!", she read aloud, staring at the booklet and then the stage.

"This is me", Lola sighed, slightly hurt by how vehemently Dylan seemed to be against her career.
"I love what I do. Every job has its ups and downs, and I love being a model, just as much as I love spending the weekends in joggers and sweater or going for a walk through the forest.nobody is only one person, you know?"
She gently rubbed her left upper arm with her right hand, looking to the ground, and then directly into Dylan's eyes.
"I'm a model, I'm a nature freak, I'm a musician and a nerd and a prep and a jock and all that at the same time. So saying I wouldn't be me by doing what I'm doing wouldn't be true. It's a part of me."
When Mike appeared, she slapped a smile into her face and looked at the stage when he went back again. "I'll just...stay and watch from here", she mumbled, not even understanding herself why she was this hurt by Dylan's words.
Jim was still pretty confused about what Raven said.
"Okay?", he replied, raising his eyebrows at his daughter, and then just turned to Lucifer.
"Well, you're a great guy, so I'm sure you'll have no problems finding a great gal.", he smirked softly as Lucifer said he wouldn't get rid of him that easily. "Well, we still got some space in Aegis.", he winked, running his hand through his hair. "We should probably get going now. Grab the kids, get home, reunite them with their mom... I got quite a few calls to make and lots to clean and repair..."

Hunter shook her head, smiling happily.
"Nope, not really. Heather and I got this.", she winked at her daughter who grinned proudly.
"Though...", Hunter hugged Macon tightly so she could whisper to his ear. "I am really worrying about Misha. He keeps saying he has this massive headache and that he can 'look into our minds'? I do think it might be an ability, but those usually don't hurt, do they?"

Cole was standing next to the stage by now, a mic in his hand, breathing in and out. Deeply. Slowly.
As the guy wearing a headset gave him a nod, Cole walked up stage, smiling shyly at all the people in the room.
"Hi there everybody, I eh- I'm Cole Anderson and I welcome you all to our graduation celebration.", he gulped nervously, taking a deep breath as another random guy brought him an acoustic guitar.
"Before the real party music comes, I'd like to sing a self-written song which I dedicate to my wonderful girlfriend."

Dylan sighed sadly. He saw Lola was hurt by his words. He hadn't wanted to hurt her...
"I'll maybe see you later...", he mumbled sadly as he walked off to his family's table, sitting down next to his brother.
He smirked softly as he saw Bailey's reaction as Cole walked up stage.
"You go lil' bro!", Mike yelled, quite a few heads annoyingly turning to him.
"Be quiet!"
Lucifer nodded, smirking softly. "Yeah i hope so. I think after all those millions of years I deserve to live normally for a few more years now."
He gave him a pat on the back and smiled at rex, who nodded at him.
"Okay, and while you get your life back on track, I will finally go to the city! It's been decades since I've been there the last time."
"Jim, if you need me...please...just call", Rex said, sounding somewhat tired and teleported himself and Lucifer away.

Mac lifted one shoulder. "Mmmhhh well, when he can hear thoughts, it's probably like everyone around would shout them at him at the same time right now, because he can't control it yet. I had the same problem when Luna made me an archangel. Over 11000 angels out there and i can hear them all, plus the people around really talking- it needs some practise to blend the voices out. I'll go talk to him."
He gently kissed hunter's cheek and then made his way to Misha's room.
"Hey buddy, I heard you have problems with your abilities?"
Smiling gently, he took a seat beside his son. "I Guess you're hearing them all at the same time, like a lot of people talking at once."
Mac softly picked him up, wrapped his arms around Misha and gave him a reassuring hug.
"Imagine you build up a wall in your head, that blocks all the mind-voices out. The wall has one door, and you are the only one who can open it to let some voices in. You can do it buddy."

Bailey's eyes grew even wider at Cole's words, and she got up and went to the front, right in front of the stage so she'd have a better at her boyfriend. Her boyfriend!
"I love you", she mouthed soundlessly, looking up at Cole with big, sparkling eyes.

"Hey, how's it going?", Sam asked silently when Dylan came back with a somewhat sad face.
When Cole came up on the stage, he grinned proudly, holding up his thumb.
"That's my son", he mumbled proudly to himself, and then looked at Dylan again from the corner of his eye.
Jim sighed tiredly as Lucifer and Rex were gone as well.
He smiled up at his daughter who was still sitting on his shoulders, before he started heading back to the ranch.
"So... Raven... what you, or Lilith, I don't know, said earlier about Jack... is it true? Is he really that broken right now?"

"But what if it won't work?", Misha asked, looking up at his father with big eyes. "It's... it's so weird. I can hear what you're thinking right now... and I- it's when I do this-" He put his index and middle finger against the side of his head, concentrating on his father.
>>I can currently access your memories and your thoughts and feelings. Strange thing is you can understand me when I talk to you in my thoughts.<<
Misha took his fingers away from his own head, frowning.
"And there's this other really weird thing..."

Cole took a deep breath, smiling proudly at his girlfriend as he grabbed the guitar and started playing some soft chords.
"It goes and it's golden
like sands of time
I hope and I hope
you'll still be mine
I know that it's bright,
look through the light and see,
it's meant to be
I know that it's bright,
look through the light and see,
it's meant to be

Every single jigsaw piece
Seems to be incomplete
All of a sudden, a curtain dropped, and the band joined in. Piano, Drums, Bass...
Cole winked at Bailey before he prepared himself for the higher notes of the refrain.
"The choices we make change the path that we take
But I know
That somewhere out there there's a path that we chose
There's a life that we share, there's a love and it grows

It goes and it's golden like sands of time
I hope and I hope you'll still be fine
I know that it's bright
Look through the light and see, it's meant to be

Every single jigsaw piece

The choices we make change the path that we take
But I know
That somewhere out there there's a path that we chose
There's a life that we share, there's a love and it grows

Cause it grows and it grows
And I hope that you know
Cause it grows and it grows
I know that it's bright, look through the light and see

The choices we make change the path that we take
But I know
That somewhere out there there's a path that we chose
There's a life that we share, there's a love and it grows...

Dylan lifted his shoulders at Sam.
"Okay, I guess.", he mumbled, crossing his arms and leaning back in the chair as his little brother started singing.
"Did you know he was planning this?", Emma asked her sons, who both shaked their head.
"His voice is amazing, isn't it?", she asked, sighing proudly as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Hey mom, no need to cry.", Mike replied, smirking softly at his youngest brother. "He's quite good though."
Raven sighed sadly, jumped off her father's shoulders and aged herself up to 25 years while she walked beside him.
She just felt more equal to him like this, and since this was a rather serious topic, she didn't want to be cute right now.
"Dad...", she sighed, staring ahead so she eouldnt have to look at him.
"You promised him to never leave him again. And while mom had a damn good reason to do so, you...you just left. Just like back then...he changed a lot. We all did. Guess Jack and me were affected the worst though..."

"That ability is called 'Telepathy'."
Mac smiled softly, poking Misha's nosetip with his finger.
"Then I'll find another way to get rid of your headaches. After all your dad is the being with the highest IQ existing!"
Chuckling, he winked at him and gently ruffled his hair. "I might be a dumbass sometimes, but stuff like that ain't no problem for your good ol' dad."
He smiled and tilted his head tp the side a bit. "Wanna tell me about the other thing?"

Bailey jumped onto the stage with tears in her eyes and right into Cole's arms, hugging him as tight as she could.
"Oh my God how can you dare being so sweet?!", she sighed happily, cuddling against him, whispering to his ear.
"I love you so much, Cole. Like...geez you made me cry...!", she giggled, wiping a few tears off her cheeks. "You never told me you're such an amazing singer!"

"Oh dear, she's leaving...", Sam mumbled sorrowfully, before his eyes widened at Cole's song.
"Whoa...", he breathed impressed, his eyes sparkling proudly.
When the song ended, he stood up for standing ovations, along with a few more people, and addresses his son in his thoughts.
>>you have no idea how proud I am of you, champ. You rock!<<
Jim frowned for a moment as his daughter changed her appearance and age. Why had it to be a timetraveling ability?
He gulped, sighing.
"It wasn't my decision to leave you all.", he replied, putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans, looking down to the floor as he kept on walking.
"It's something I would have never wanted, did nevertheless. It's something you and your siblings, probably most of our family wouldn't understand."

"Thank you, daddy.", Misha replied, smiling happily, his bright blue eyes sparkling. He cuddled against his father's chest, grabbing his hand and playing around with his dad's fingers.
"Well... if I wanted to, I... I don't know how I can explain this to you without it sounding weird."

Cole blushed to a deep red, the guitar swung onto his back, giggling happily.
"I'm not that good.", he replied, chuckling as he wiped another tear off her face. "Babe, your mascara or eyeliner is kinda eh... all over your face. If you're going the crazy Goth way - you know, those who usually paint their faces white and then use black color to draw some stripes and dots onto their skin - well then you look pretty good.", he winked, turning his head to the crowd as he heard Sam's voice inside his thoughts.
>>Thanks, dad.<<

Dylan didn't wait for the song to end and to tell his brother how proud he was, but jumped up and rushed outside as Sam mentioned Lola leaving.
"Lola! Lola wait!", he called after her, almost slipping on the muddy floor. It was raining. There went his pretty expensive suit.
"Lola let me-", he took some deep breathes to get back to his normal breathing. He hadn't run that fast in quite a while. "Let me explain what I meant. I- I didn't mean to hurt you, and I somehow don't know why it occupies me so much thinking you're hurt as we don't know each other but just... let me try to explain what I meant, okay?"
Raven sighed and internally rolled her eyes, but managed to contain herself...halfway.
She span around to face her father, growling silently.
"No Dad, stop it. I know everything you ever went through, all your feelings and the pain but you knew about your mental state for so long. You knew it for years, and you knew you needed help, but you refrained to get it. Don't put it on Edward or anyone or anything else now. It was your own fault, because you didn't even try to get help."

"Im always there for you buddy."
Mac chuckled softly, cuddling against his little son.
"Hmmmm maybe you feel a bit better if I tell you something weird about me too?", he suggested smirking. "I once was the captain of a submarine. And you know what i called it? Baby Girl." Winking, he created a sphere of water around himself and Noah. "We're in the secret sphere now. Things that are told inside this sphere only get out of if you want them to. Okay buddy?"

Bailey giggled happily, wiping her mascara and eyeliner away. There still were a few small black stains on her face, but she didn't really care.
"No, baby that was amazing!", she said with sparkling eyes, kissing him deeply as she wrapped her arms around him tighter.
"I love you. And I dont care if i look like a crazy goth right now. That was worth it."

Lola turned around to Dylan with a surprised look on her face, her black hair plastered to her head, face and back from the rian, the dress turning slightly seethrough.
"Um, Dylan...", she said with a slight smile "I just want to go home to change. My dress gets pretty seethrough when it gets wet, and it's kinda hard to breathe in it. I just wanted to change and then come back. I'm fine, really. Quite used to criticism as a model."
Smiling softly, she held out her hand to him. "Wanna come with me though? Dry your hair and get the mud off your shoes and pants?"
"This is something different, Raven.", Jim replied, lifting his head and straightening his back. "Yes, you saw my past. You know every single detail which I've tried to forget for years. You know what pain I endured and what I felt. But you don't know what's going on inside of my head."
He looked to the side for a moment before back at Raven.
"For years I could just live with my issues and that's it. Once a few months a short moment where I felt bad, but after that, it was all ok again. I probably wouldn't have had a breakdown as your mother went into a coma if he hadn't been there. But he is. I had fought him and had destroyed him, but he's back. And that's the problem right now. I don't want another breakdown nor do I want him to take control again like he did when I was at a weak point and wasn't able to keep my walls up."
Jim's eyes were filled with pain as he gently shoved Raven aside and moved on.
"Seeing and feeling the things someone experienced isn't the same as experiencing it, keep that in mind. You know what I went through, but you don't understand.
If you would, you wouldn't use your timeplaying abilities in front of me."
He sighed brokenly.
"Let's just get your siblings and go home. Y'all want to see your mom and she wants to see you."

Misha nodded, looking around the sphere.
"Well I...", he whispered, gulping. "I can.... I can use you as a puppet.", he held his hand in front of his mouth after he said that. "Scary, isn't it?"

Cole grinned happily, kissing her back. "I love you, Bailey.", he mumbled, gently picking her up and carrying her off stage, the band already starting on their rehearsed covers of pop songs.
Cole walked back to the table where his and her family were sitting at, letting Bailey out of his arms once they arrived.
"I hope your steaks aren't cold now."

Dylan looked back at the building for a moment, before nodding at Lola and following her. His family probably wouldn't even notice him being gone.
He took off his jacket and carefully put it on Lola's shoulders.
"Don't want you to get sick.", he mumbled, running his hand through his wet hair. "Is your house far away from here? Else we could also take my dad's car."

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