• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Academy of the Supernaturally Gifted (CLOSED)

(ok dude, Iz me- Gem. Had to make an alt cuz what I thought was my password wasnt- so I can't log-on on my main. Hi. Gonna try and use this to send u photos cuz pixilarts being stupid))
(oof- ok- so, i was on [ixialrt mobile, and i wanted to post a photo,, bt the app doesnt let u, so i thought id do it here instead- couldnt get on main, so made a new acc. the entire photo post here thing was scratched, cuz i went on pixilart thru chrome on my phone, and i could post the photo there so yee, srry bro)

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