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Ukiyo hasn't interacted with anyone but Quote this whole time except Sheik but she doesn't count
Maybe we should move them out of their room so they have a chance to be interrupted lmao
Unless we don't want their cuteness interrupted. I just love them sm now aaaaa
Maybe we should move them out of their room so they have a chance to be interrupted lmao
Unless we don't want their cuteness interrupted. I just love them sm now aaaaa
Perhaps we should lol
I love em so much too, honestly I didn't think things between them would end up going this well >w<
Lmao that's true!
Like Cassie was just walking down the trail and Quote was like "You, you're coming with me."
y.youre not wrong skjfhsjkdfhgds
He's spent a lot of time on his own, or being attacked, he needs friends that havent tried to kill him okay?? lmao
..I’m seeing similarities with Quote and Zed with Zed wanting to be loved and respectes because the Quarter Knights hate him and treat him like crap. I think he’ll understand how Quote feels.
y.youre not wrong skjfhsjkdfhgds
He's spent a lot of time on his own, or being attacked, he needs friends that havent tried to kill him okay?? lmao
That's fair lmao
..I’m seeing similarities with Quote and Zed with Zed wanting to be loved and respectes because the Quarter Knights hate him and treat him like crap. I think he’ll understand how Quote feels.
Solidarity because of sad circumstances πŸ‘Œ
That's fair lmao

Solidarity because of sad circumstances πŸ‘Œ
Yep lol I did mention Zed having a bad panic attack over being outed he doesn’t want to be lumped in with his old group or he thinks Aura will hate him.
..I’m seeing similarities with Quote and Zed with Zed wanting to be loved and respectes because the Quarter Knights hate him and treat him like crap. I think he’ll understand how Quote feels.
i mean, quote has a few good friends. But they're either human and wouldn't understand the intricacies of being a bot, or have tried to kill him at some point (Even if it was a mistake).
Curly is the only person rn that he trusts to have his back in as fight, but she's not in this rp and she doesn't have the skills for repairs like Cassie does. Curly is also a combat bot, presumably made by the same person that made quote, and also has amnesia, just not as bad as Quote's.
i mean, quote has a few good friends. But they're either human and wouldn't understand the intricacies of being a bot, or have tried to kill him at some point (Even if it was a mistake).
Curly is the only person rn that he trusts to have his back in as fight, but she's not in this rp and she doesn't have the skills for repairs like Cassie does. Curly is also a combat bot, presumably made by the same person that made quote, and also has amnesia, just not as bad as Quote's.
Zed only has Aura that’s in the original Wild Arms 1. He joins the party in Alter Code F, which is the PlayStation 2 remake. I presume he befriends Rudy and co then.

Hmm since Zed is a metal demon I don’t know if he needs maintenance like quote. Rudy on the other hand.. πŸ‘€ is a homunculus. Holmcross is a translation error. He’ll need it. But a specific type of material..
Yeah there’s only one who can help Rudy it’s a plot point in the game.. that Rudy gets badly injured. You have to cross over into a whole new world since that engineer can only be found there.

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