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Futuristic A Space Pirate Roleplay


Bored Ancient
The Xevious System - April 19, 31XX
-A Random Pub on a Random Planet-

Normally, you’d expect a bustling vivacious crowd to fulfill the capacity of a pub. However, when an individual that presents an attention commanding authority, people tend to shut up for a while and listen. Today was such a day, and all attention was fastened upon a blazing head of red hair, of which belonged the renowned Space Pirate Captain Ezro Strider. He sat lazily upon one of the many barstools, a stiff drink in his hand and a sly smile on his face. As per the norm, he was attempting to recruit more members into his crew of gruff and tuff Space Pirates.

“Alright lads! Captain Strider has a question for you all. Aren’t you tired of living the same day over and over again? I don’t care how exciting your line of work is or what kind of background you come from, but you know as well as I that it is the exact same routine every time you wake up in the morning. You awaken, ever wishing you could just sleep a little longer, you dress to attend your job, you kiss your significant other, or if you’re as ugly as I am you just leave.” Laughter coursed through the small crowd, “You go to work, you come home, you sleep, only to repeat the same thing over and over again until finally. You die! That’s no way to live is it? The only thing that honestly changes is what you eat, the color of your toothbrush, and the ever growing feeling of despair as you come to realize that you hate your life!”

The captain stood and approached closer.

“But my friends! I have a simple solution for you! Leave it all behind, and join me in a life of eternal excitement. Become a Pirate, and know what it’s like to wake up every morning never knowing what the day will bring! My ship can accommodate you with any facility you require, and provide the most exquisite of meals to enjoy on the daily. What’s better is your life expectancy is lowered, so you don’t have to worry about getting old and decrepit.”

“Some of you might worry about the ITF, and becoming a criminal. But to hell with the rules, to hell with the law! Those bastards are living it up on the daily, breaking their own laws and paving the way for a life of being fat and happy for the rest of their days. While blue collared workers like yourselves only live to a minimal amount of joy and fulfillment. That’s not entirely fair now is it? So my dear friends, take ahold of your fate! Leave behind your predetermined notions of what is right is wrong. You only live for so long, so what’ll it be? Do you think you have what it takes!?”

((Hello There!! Thank you for taking the time to look at my little thread here! So the premise is extremely simple, you’ll be joining a band of Pirates traveling among the stars and enjoying a great many misadventures! As our protagonists go about, they will encounter perilous situations, have run ins with the ever infamous ITF, battle with machines of mass destruction, and get themselves wrapped up in an intergalactic war. Just a regular day in the life of a Space Pirate! So, I’m looking for five roles specifically to make up the cast, but seven people joining total would be ideal! So you can either double up on a role, say two cooks, or you can create your own unique one! Just run it by me and I’ll let you know if it works!

Roles -
First Mate: animegirl20 animegirl20
Cook(s): AnonyMouse AnonyMouse
Mechanic/Engineer(s): Gitmuny Gitmuny GolemGuy GolemGuy
Medical Proffesional(s): Ripley Ripley
Navigator/Helmsman(s): Jagson Jagson
Quartermaster: Bard Bard Bard Bard

So just go ahead and comment below with any questions you have, or to lay a claim on of the roles! I’m looking forward to starting this up!)
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Links: It’ll be a good idea to read up on this!
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Sounds like fun! I'd be interested in taking the role of a medical professional if that's alright.
This looks interesting. I have two questions:

(1) Are there alien races and, if so, can we play as them? There's a "race" spot on the CS, so I assume there are aliens, but I figured I should ask before going too far down this road.

(2) Is "intelligence officer" an acceptable role? Basically, someone whose job is to know things, find things out, gather information, etc, etc. Having a spy and/or information broker on the payroll seems fitting for a pirate crew.
AnonyMouse AnonyMouse
1. What’s a Space roleplay without aliens species? Of course!

2. Ezro would mostly be responsible for gather intel through the grapevine, however a hacker would be useful for accessing restricted information that is pertinent for missions and such other things.
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2. Ezro would mostly be responsible for gather intel through the grapevine, however a hacker would be useful for accessing restricted information that is pertinent for missions and such other things.
I'll take cook then. (It'll make sense why once I finish the CS.)
Hello! Would it be possible that I could be a second engineer? I've always wanted to do something with pirates, and I got a few ideas already scrambling in my head.
Hello! I'd be quite interested in joining your Space Pirate roleplay, if you are still recruiting. I'd most likely wish to play as The Titan's Quartermaster, with my character handling the logistics of keeping the ship running and the distribution of supplies. Would that be okay with you?
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Hello! I'd be quite interested in joining your Space Pirate roleplay, if you are still recruiting. I'd most likely wish to play as The Titan's Quartermaster, with my character handling the logistics of keeping the ship running and the distribution of supplies. Would that be okay with you?
Not a problem! Quartermaster could prove useful!
Siren77 Siren77 Hey mate!

I can see that I'm a little late to the party but as they say, the more the merrier, right?

I'm new to the site, so all these different forum pages are a tad bit confusing for me right now, but I do love myself a good space priate RP. If you have room for one more scurvy dog aboard yer poopdeck, this sailor would love to embark on this adventure!
Siren77 Siren77 Hey mate!

I can see that I'm a little late to the party but as they say, the more the merrier, right?

I'm new to the site, so all these different forum pages are a tad bit confusing for me right now, but I do love myself a good space priate RP. If you have room for one more scurvy dog aboard yer poopdeck, this sailor would love to embark on this adventure!
Oi! We are looking for a Medic role, however we’re in a shortage of female characters. Any chance you might be able to fill in for that?

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