dice system: custom

  1. Knightrider

    Twilight Kingdom

    I'm close to finished with a boardgame mod that I'm getting ready to play test. Essentially a medieval version of Twilight Imperium. I am a huge fan of that game and thought I would give it a shot on here, mix in some RP elements too. I been brainstorming on the whiteboard before I make the map...
  2. Leon The Needled Riolu

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon- Chaotic Enemies (D&D)

    Welcome to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon! The story this game is Chaotic Enemies. The name is subject to change. As said, this adventure follows the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon universe, and will mostly stick to pokemon characters. This Thread will hold 2 Players at max. If you are gone for a week or...
  3. Grey

    Nine Billion Names

    In the furthest reaches of Hell, where the greatest prayer-wheels spin and howl, where towering shrines belch sweet smoke or flow with sunlike nectar, where the the great spires of the Ur-City are shrouded from sight, there is a monastery of little repute. Here, where the blasted plains meet...

    [tabletop simulator] Fate/Drifters themed Hybrid RP/Wargame

    Just want to get a pulse check as to whether or not this is interesting to anyone. I’m looking at putting together a Miniature Wargame campaign loosely inspired by The Fate series and the Anime Drifters. The basic gist is that each player is in control of an army led by a mythical or...
  5. Grey


    Six days ago, someone murdered one of The Beloved. A priest of Death, not merely murdered, but her spirit denied to her Goddess. And yet the killer evades all the powers of the city. One day ago, a murdered Priest of Whale was found near her home at the edge of the bay, her throat torn out, but...
  6. Grey


    TRIBUNAL A Crucible: Dark Age game for 4-5 players A murderer stalks the streets of the Coral City, striking at your revered sisters and causing terror among the populace. The wardens of the Soil Caste cannot catch him, the seers of Night's Temple cannot see him - this one requires extreme...
  7. Apple Thief

    Mega (A Choose Your Own Adventure experience)

    *I highly recommend viewing this with night settings on {slide=center|What is Mega?}Mega is a roleplay about adventurers trying to break out of a dungeon instead of inside of one. Here they must match wits and forge bonds in order to survive the infinite danger and complexity of a...
  8. Winona

    Welcome Contestants, to the Game Hub

    One moment, everything is normal. And then in just a second, your entire world changes... --- You awaken in a world that is pure white. It feels like a ghost world, a dream world. It is unreal, the place that you are in. You assume that this is nothing more than a dream, although some deeper...
  9. Vaderr__

    The Old Republic - d6 Star Wars

    The year is 3956 BBY, during the Old Republic era... The Sith and the Jedi are in constant war with one another, threatening the very order and their existence. On the other side of the galaxy, Revan has just figured out his true role in the galaxy as the Sith Lord he once was. Now, it's time...
  10. Vaderr__

    Old Republic - A West End Games d6 Star Wars Game

    The year is 3956 BBY, during the Old Republic era... The Sith and the Jedi are in constant war with one another, threatening the very order and their existence. On the other side of the galaxy, Revan has just figured out his true role in the galaxy as the Sith Lord he once was. Now, it's time...
  11. Vaderr__

    The Old Republic - A Star Wars d6 Game

    The year is 3956 BBY, during the Old Republic era... The Sith and the Jedi are in constant war with one another, threatening the very order and their existence. On the other side of the galaxy, Revan has just figured out his true role in the galaxy as the Sith Lord he once was. Now, it's time...
  12. Dibbydoo

    Roleplay Plot Chooser

  13. Bkhanh29

    Power Ranger Starshocker

    Story: Five individuals from Planet Xeron have been residing in a ranch where a kind husband and wife took them in for shelter for about a year now after they crash landed with their spaceship on earth. When the empire sets their sights on earth, these five are given technology created by the...
  14. Sara Sidereal

    maze rats!

    I have already made a thread for this game here: [maze rats] Gloomsorrow Darkville : Undercrypts of the Shadowwraith It contains all the info you need to start playing. This will be a swords and sorcery style adventure, exploring abandoned grottos and forgotten tombs, darkest dungeon style...
  15. Sara Sidereal

    [maze rats] Gloomsorrow Darkville : Undercrypts of the Shadow Wraith

    This system is very rules light, and focuses on dungeon crawling and resource management. You don't even need to know the system to play, and everything will be explained as it becomes relevant. This game will be run a little differently than the usual group roleplay. Rather than creating a...
  16. Blemmigan

    Looking for... help

    Hope this is the right place to ask this. A special request from a very special person (just kidding, it's only me): I've wanted to have a go at dice/tabletop games for a while now (well, particularly since I read about Skyfarer), but absolutely NOBODY I know IRL is interested, and I have been...
  17. Zer0

    Vault Hunters (Finished~)
    Index: First

    - Vault Hunters - Hey Vault Hunter, Apologies for all the dangerous risks and inconveniences you had to go through to get this letter. One can't be too careful these days, with all the witch burnings, mage slayers in disguise asking questions and raiding forts with all the authority of the...
  18. Zer0

    Vault Hunters (OPEN) - Interest Thread

    - Vault Hunters - Hey Vault Hunter, Apologies for all the dangerous risks and inconveniences you had to go through to get this letter. One can't be too careful these days, with all the witch burnings, mage slayers in disguise asking questions and raiding forts with all the authority of the...
  19. Sara Sidereal

    anyone want a supers game?

    We'd be using prowlers and paragons, a very rules light system that's quick and easy to learn. there's basically zero math involved, it's just counting successes. We can do any setting and plot, from magical girls to giant mecha and monster fights, or capes and tights, or anything in between...
  20. fairygodsnot

    Warrior Cats Discord D&D style I'm the DM.

    Name: Gender: Allignment: Class:(Warrior,Leader,Medicine,Apprentices,Queens,Kits,Elders,Other) Clan:(Thunder,River,Wind,Shadow,Loner,Barn Cat,Kittypet,Star,Dark Forest.) Lineage:(If you have any outside blood not of your clan) Stats will include: Dextarity(Effects your fighting, the ability to...